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SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2ycarolds Allowances 745 TEA CADDY ch c 2 105 By Rock Sand Teas Over A Belmont 3779 Belmont 5S st 59fast 35 115 1 Ill1 ll E Dugan C Plaintiff Murphy Old Koenig 20535 Bclnibnt 4J f st 53 fast 85 111 G G 4J 431 E Dugan Lora C Hands Off Murphy 20531 Belmont 4J f st 34fast 95 112 2 22036S 3 211 25 E Dugan J3 Onnesdale Plaintiff Smoothbore 2036S Belmont 4i f st 53V fast G5 106 4 4PRINCE 5 41 4Z3 C Turner S Grasp White Hackle Broomvale BroomvaleBy PRINCE OF COMO b c 2 110 By Disguise Claudia G A Cochran 21015 Jamaica 51 f 107 good 3 105 3 1 2 2 2 W Lilley C Paddy Whack LSands FRock 20952 Jamaica 5S l00fast 910 112 2 220S47 1 1 I4 I3 AV War ton j Damrosch Kilmer Socony 20S47 Belmont 5S st 59 fast SG 115 1 1111 1 W War ton Libyan Sands Plaintiff Murphy 20799 PipUk Ab4J f 56 fast S5 115 3 1 I1 3J W War ton 7 TaLing L Hillingtoii Socony 20725 Del nont 5S st 5Sfast Si 110 1 1 1 21 21 W Warton Friar Rock Murphy 20534 Bel nont 4J f st 54fast 10 112 5 5LILY 2 G 5i = JV Warton 3 Ormesdale Tea Caddj LILY HEAVENS ch f 2 107 By Great Heavens Lillian E M J Leonard 21014 Jai aica 5S l01fast 95 109 4 1 1 I3 I4 U Fbther 7 Tnilee Plumose Ataka 20972 Jai aica 58 101 fast 185 109 5 5 4 43 4JJ C Fbther Tralcc Higlillorsc QofPradlso 20932 Jai aica 5S l01fast G 109 3 1 1 1 = 1 = O Fbtber i Tralee Ataka Devonshire Dolly 20752 Del nont 4i f st 52fast 2 112 3 3 3 3s 3U 3 Fbtiicr 4 Peaceful Star M Puzzle GGate 20362 Belmont GS st l01good 4J 101 Left at the post 1 Steward S Triboln Horse Stelhirinn S 51 23 C FbMhcr 8 High Horse Bosslien Jerry Jr JrBy KILMER ch c 2 100 By Plaudit Expressing W A Prime 20932 Jamaica 5S l00fast 123 107 3 320S50 5 4 4 35 J Dreyer PrinceofComo Damrosch Sorony 20S50 Uclmont 5 f st 1OG fast 7 110 7 G G 32 3 J Dreyer 7 Ormesdale P Whack HamlsOi 2000 Belmont GS st l01good 3J 110 2 3 2 2 22 J Dreier 7 Friar Rock Hands Off Variety 2010S Belmont 5S st 59 mud 7 10S 10 10TINGALING 3 3 = 3t2 G Byrne 10 Lena Misha Ormesdale II Oft OftBy TINGALING ch c 2 115 By Star Shoot Lady Vincent Quincy Stable 20972 Jamaica 5S 101 fast 2 112 4 420S50 4 5 G3 5TJ C Bgame i Tralee High Horse QofPradlsc 20S50 Belmont 5l f st 106 fast 12 119 5 5i0799 5 4 52 K 4iJ Bsame 7 Ormesdnlc Pad Whack Kilmer i0799 PipUk AblS f HG fast 5 111 1 2 4 li C Bgame 7 L Hillington PofComo Socony 20593 Belmont 4i f st 53 fast 7 121 4 4 G3 55i C Bgame 0 Lora C Hands Off Murphy 20307 Pimlico 4J f G5fast 195 112 2 2201S5 2 1 I1 li E Ambrose 5 KNeptune Osllead KTuscan 201S5 Pimlico 4J f 57mud 7 105 3 3FAVOUR 4 Si 33 E Ambrose 4 T Elward Alfadir Lady Atkin AtkinBy FAVOUR b f 2 97 AlbrightS By Duke of Ormondo Compensate E J Albright JOS29 Belmont I1 f st 53 fast 20 103 G S G 72 G J D Steward 9 Lit Dipper M Puzzle Feminist