Connaught Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-20


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CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART OTTAWA ONT SATURDAY JUNE 19 1915 Fourth day Connaught Park Jockev Club Spring Meet ¬ ing of 7 days 24 liouks on Weather cloudy Francis Nelson Starter A 15 Dade Itac ing Secretary Sheridan Clark 21052 FIKST RACE 4 12 Furlongs 9114 55 2 105 Livingston Cup Purse 400 2yearohls Canndlaufoalrd Allowances Net value to winner 300 second 70 third JB30 AWtPPSt i A V Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 21005OL1 POP wr 115 2 3 4J 41 1 J Acton C A Crew S S S 2 45 20938GOOD 4520938GOOD SHOT w 112 5 1 1 1 1J 1 2J J Groth J S Heiulrie 95 13513545 13 20490 THORNCLIFFE wn 111 4 5 4 2 2 i 3l P GoldstnTliorncliffeStable 2J 3 11545 13 21005 HKCLAS FLAME wn 101 3 2 2nk 3 41 J Smyth A Bulcroft G C fi 2 4j 20933 COPPER KING w 115 6 fi 5 = 5 5 ° 5 G Bur s J K L Ross 34432 35 20840 W A WRIGHT w 105 14 fi fi fi fi A Sell IgrW Walker 20 30 30 S 4 mlJyWinner Time 24 i 51 5 1OOVJ Track i mlJy Winner Ch e by Martimas Cannlo Maid trained by H Itog rs rsWent Went to post at 237 At post 1 minute Start good ami sl w Won driving second and third tlee same OLD POP attempted to come through twice only to be cut oft but finished fast on the outside and Kot up in the final stride GOOD SHOT showed tho nost speed but tired badly in the last eighth THORNCLIFFE quit after making a game effort effortOverweights Overweights ThornellfTe 2 pounds W A Wright 1 S SECOND ItACE 58 Mile 15011 l0 21053 Selling ng Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AYVtPPSti V v Str Flu Jockeys Owners 11 c p s 2100GLAKKIN Wli 10 9 f 41 aJ 4 1 F Cooper W Walker 20 30 30 10 4 4w 209SG1IARIA w IOC 3 2 25 2 2s 2 t 1 McAfee W F Presgrave 1 3232121 20939 = TAR PKUSH 111 f 7 li J 4 3 t F ColrmaiiK A Dorn 2J I 4 733 733wi 20S41 WATER WAR wi 111 11 1 in P I1 I CallabanW M Martin S S fi 2 1 1wi 2098C jlEEN APPLE wi 111 fi n fij 5 = 5 = A SchuKrS Ross S 12 12 I 2 2v 20039 J WIGGINS v 111 S fi r = 7 fi fi1 1 fonnors F J Pons 15 20 20 S 3 20690 PAItKA HI 7 I S S 7 7 C VaiiOuiiJ H Adams 15 15 15 fi 3 20939 MEDEA llt 4 S 7J fij S15 S = J Grolh G I Blaekford 10 12 12 4 2 2will 20980 CLA HA MORGAN will I 2 9 9 9 9 9 G Hums S Newman 5 fi 4 2 t Time 24U 51 lOG1i Track muddy muddyElise Winner Ch c by Itov Elise trained by W linker linkerAt linkerWent Went to post at 302 At iost 3 miuulos Start good and slow for all but CLARA MO15GAN Wo Won diivlng second and bird the sumo LAIEKIN was outrun until In the Hunt eighth but finished giuuely and got up In the closing stride ILARIA was much used in forcing Ihe pace and was tiring at the end TAR ItHUSH finished fast WATER WAR xot a good pace but tired ami swerved to tho fence when his rider dn w lilt whip The winner was entered for 500 no bid bidSoralehol Soralehol 2iiS Kublfav 10 Q1ipfl TlllltD RACE 5 12 FurlonRs IOSI5 iMiCif 3 115 Purse 100 3yearolds ami t JLJ J 3C upward Selling Net value lo winner 3K second 70 third 30 CB AAVIPPSt it u y Str Flu Jockeys Owners H G P S 2100SG iU iUt fp wn 7 IOS 7 I fii 4J 2l P J Smyth l A Ainbaoh 4 S S 2 1 200G3 = DIOKS PET 4J 21 J Connors O K Pons Continued ou Mccoiid juigc CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART Continued from first page w 4 101 4 ° 4 ° l 3 it J Acton W F Martin 10 10 10 4 2 w 101 3 3w 2 i nk Gi U McDottJ Polk C 8 S Li 65 w 3 100 C 2 2w 5 3 7 5 G VanOunOtlawa Stable 3 3J 3i S5 4 5 w 10V 3 4 4w f fi fi 2 w 4 101 1 5 5wJ 1U F Cooler W B Scott S S 3 wJ 01 11 3 S SSSSG SG Hums P Sheridan C 1 15 f 3 rime 24 SO5 104 112 Track muddy Winner llowsereiit Ch g by Golden Garter La Irimeri trained by S R llowser eiit to post at 330 At iiost 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving OLD CAP was outpaced early but came through on the inside in the homestretch and lin iiLr MiSfiTiM vasIK I DICKS PI71 tired after getting tc the leaders in the last sixteenth MISS CHAUCER was a forward contender all the way EGMONT cahie wide when entering tie lioinestretcli MR MC ijult The winner was entered for 300 no bid Scratched 20S03llroomscdgc Ill 20913 Vilev 100 O 1 If FOURTH RACE34 Mile 15014 113 1 113 Third Running Sifton Plate JWJtJ 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 770 and Plate second 200 third 100 i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S TonaWii TonaWiiTTir W ll J3 4 3 S 3 33 lnt J McAtee S Louis 10 20 20 C 2 TTir S i P w 3 M 5 1IJ J1 12 J CallahanAV H Frey 4 4J 4i G5 2 C Cpno pno vWi w M 4 i 2 nk 3 G I5urns E McBride 45 1 1 13 out out722f 722f 722fY Y V 111 nn1 WB 5 r 10d 6 1 l 4 43 4i c VanDunJ A Gibson 4 C G S 5 3 20864ILACK BROOM w 4 101 1C 5 5 = 5 5J A SchugrA Newell 15 15 15 b 2 20391PROGRESSIVE wit 5 111 C C J Acton Mrs T Francis 4 Time 24 50 11714 Track muddy Winner B g by The Picket La Grccciue trained by W A Burttscholl ent to post at 357 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won d driving second and third the same VIDET saved ground on all turns and wearing the tiring ZIN DEL down got up to win in the closing strides Ij DLL showed the most speed in the going but tired badly SQUHELER raced on the outside all the way and tired right at the end PROGRESSIVE ran poorly The winner was entered for 1500 10 bid Y 1 fk fTh FIFTH RACK About 2 Miles Short Course 10712 348 5 140 Steeplechase 4 JLJtJJ 500 Added 4yearolds and upward Selling Xet value to winner 375 second S100 third 50 iniicx iiorses AWtP AWtPPSt 3 i 0 12 Fin Jockeys Owners 20989 420S65YXG ARTEK w 5 150 4 2 1J 2 I3 1s 1s M OConr M Daly 20S65YXG MORPHEUS US w S 135 2 1 2J 1J 23 2 ° 2l N Brooks W L Maupin 5 65 13 out 20362 VELSINI w 7 132 3 3 3 3 35 3 S0 S JUggins Vj Gleason 20989STALMORE w 0 132 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 J Smith J McBurney S S 8 ou muddyWinner Timo ouTimo 401 i Track muddy Winner Ch g by Golden Garter Fair Empress trained by M Daly ucnt to post at 423 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driving thirddriving GARTER fenced well and held the race safe all the way YOUNG MORPHEUS was eased up at the unlsli VELSINI finished gamely The winner was entered for S500 110 bid Scratched 20080 Humility 145 VlO T SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles 15017 148 1 07 Purse 400 4yearold J J JJ i ward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin n JockC3S Owners O H C P S 21032BEAU PERE WS 4 105 7 5 25 1 J I5 1 = li1 J L McAtee S Louis C 10 S 3 8 wr 3 110 ° 11 7 5 3 2nt 25 2 F Cooper AV Martin 30 12 12 3 3t w 4 110 2 1 V Vwn t A SchugrMrs E Freeman 2 2J 2 1 2 20990 VOLADAY JR wn 0 112 S 10 10i 52 4s E Haynes J Green 4 8 S 3 85 WB8110 4 3 1 4 auk S AVoholmJ M Stowe 4 4 3 S5 45 WB 4 103 S S 71 41 5l CJ C2 J Acton R L Stelle 5 S 8 3 75 4 105 5 11 11 10l S = 7 = 7 A Collins F Harlan 55521 10 SS T ParRtonL Desforges 15 15 12 G 3 S S J Groth A Lacarda 3 10 10 4 2 inn 103 J Smyth Mrs J L Br an 15 30 30 12 G 21007 SMILING iirvr MAG r wn 3 100 G 5 C 9 = 10 11 11 J CallahahN W Burkhart 20 30 SO 12 6 Ji 2514 51 11814 14714 155 Track muddy Winner B g bv Fatherless Belle Fleur trained bv W A Burttscliell uut1J ° fitilJ440 At I ost 2 inites Stirt good and slow Won easilv second and third driving BEAU PERE was favowl by tlu going and drawing away iiiro a long lend on the back strctch easily outstayed COGS The latter gained steadily but was doing his best at the end DURIN tired right at the finish The winner was entered for S400 no bid SEVENTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 10845 100 3 115 Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt U vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 21008 BIRD MAN WK 4 111 31 l t 2J lii iij M Mtbe Mtbev MthewsR V Haymaker 2J 3 3J 32 45 21010 TODDLING v G 108 S 3 C 45C ini 2 21 = 2J A Schu Schuw3 SchugrJ Smith 3 4 4 85 45 20689JEFFERSON w3 55 9 2 2J 452J 3 3 3l Ij McAtewit McAte S Louis 3 5 5 2 1 21007 CLARIBEL wit 4 100 2 G 3J 4i 411 4 41 4 4U J Acton Actonwn J Harriey 34475 710 20642MIAVERSACK wn 3 5K 74 S 710S G1 C1 51 E Foreh Forehwit ForehM S Ross 15 20 20 S 4 21G07LAMBS TAIL wit 4 100 4 7 53 7 G = G W W Me MeW MenR Ifanley 10 13 15 G 3 20937 UNCLE DICK W 5 108 5 5 4 4t t 5J 7 7 W Obert D Hill G 7 7 IV fr 5 20861 FALLEN ANGEL w 4 101 19 71 s15 8i S J CallahanC J Kean 20 20 10 l 19891 COMMACK w 5 10S 6 S 9 9 5 9 S WoholmH G Bedwell G 10 10 4 2 1iino 25 5154 105 112 Track muddy Winner HaymakerVent Ch c by Marta Santa Whisk Broom trained by L Haymaker Vent to post at 515 At post C miiuitcs Start ixior and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing LIKIJ MAN beat the gate but was headed then came again and won going away TODDLING liiau slowly and being much used in getting to the leaders tired JEFFERSON saved ground on all turns CLARIBhL bidScratched could never get up The winner was entered for S300 no bid Scratched 21008 Inlan 108 155101 J B Robinson 108

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Local Identifier: drf1915062001_1_9
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