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LATONIA RACES J J SCHREINER SCHREINERAMERICAS AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER CLOCKERDont Dont Fool Your TIiuo and Money Away on Qimirl Dope Clioap Tips nnl liyAflur VoiiVin SlulT funk on to mo TnrfiteH iHforo it IK ton Into lou no louder If you wnut real insMc Rtalilo nOvioe there is no nllornntive for you Join 1110 it owe iiiiil reap lie benefit of the food ones In me you havo a uuin who knows his linsi uoss anil always nives sooil results My many followers at Louisville will rniicii for this You cin employ me for for any livo tlays or 10 for remainiuj ilays of this meelinK Mosinp ilay July n Try me Have 1 cloeler of your own ownTelosrnph Telosrnph reniitlauce or remit by express or l r in letter I wire OHO or two horses dally at 11 a in inNo No 4 North Burton COVINGTON KY