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SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Sellinj 091 142 KING BOX b g 5 111 1111S097 By Box Eria Belle P J Miles 1S097 Laurel 1 116 l4Bfast 5310 mt 1 1 2 2 i L J Keders 7 WorkLad Orotund LltEngland 17937 Laurel 1 11C l4r fast 7 105 8 C 5 4 2 21 J Kederis 30 Piishv Hcld Ilolton Gerrard 17SIG Laurel 1 11G l45fast 32 304 1 3 4 4 ° 4 = 1 J Kederis n R oLlglit AVorkLad CarltonO 17657 Laurel 1 1S lSrast 39 105 5 G 4 4 3 3 J Kederis 7 Flltaway Oakhnrst CIlolloway 37530 HdeGce Ini70yl4i ferast 4 303 2 1 2 2 I1 1 J Kederis 0 Sepnlvcda Battery L Travers 37414 HdeGce 3m70yl4rfist 710 MS 3 S 1 i 2 2k J MiCahey 7 Battery Naplor Roht Oliver 17363 HdeGce Iin70yl45 fast 15 103 G 4 3 2 41 J Kederis 11 Walters Orpertu Royal Meteor FEATHER DUSTER b IT 7 100 1002W3 Bv Broomstick Ascot Belle J B Respess 2W3 Latonia 31 lllhvy 19 10S 7 7 S 79 Li Gentry S Grosvcmu Amazon Carrie Urine 21000 Lutoiila 1 110 ll fast 27 lu 771 10 101SJ1 Ott 10 AVIiito Wool Mockery AV Horse 205GI Douglas 1 1lfi l50mud 3 110 3 3 3 515 5iL Uonlry lirynliiiinli Ixvclanl JIDwilicr 20w5 Churchill 31 l15mud 9 110 S 9 71 7liL Gentry 11 Aniiizon ConDolIvcry CarOnnv 203 M Churchill 1 11G l4Gfast JO 10S 5 3 3 9 118JL Gentry 11 Jessie Ixwise Iniiircssion Acls 10170 Windsor 1 147 hvy 185 108 322 3221G359 4 4 K MclSwcn 4 WaUr Lady Just Red Irlvletal 1G359 Windsor 1 l42Vfslow 20 102 li 3 2 23rtU1i l i 1 W llliinhy S Just Uid Ask Ma ClifC Kdge 3rtU1i FortErlB 1m70yl5Ihvy 115 110 3 2 1 Zk fiS 13 McKwcn S Just Ked Conlldo Zodlnc ZodlncBy GEORGE STOLL ch s 5 10G 10GLWJS By Nasturtium Lucy locket F Goring Jr LWJS Latonia 34 l13rast fid 110 0 10 9 8s W W Tlurll Koyal Tea Oakland Longfellow 20951 Latonla 1 1IG 1 4 imud 41 IW1 5 G 7 7 734 W Winkler S Ilijili Private Acis Mockery 10700 Douglas 1 1lfi l4Gfast 10J 107 535 G5 Gc W WinUler 7 Mallard JOocbcl JKavaimtifrli 3S371 Latonia 1 11C l4Gfast 51 107 S S 10 10 10 = ° C VanDunlO Indolence Florin Uoliert Kay 1S31C Latonia 1 1lfi 14C fast 25 102 2 3 3 jnt 2U K Pool Cnldelost Koiumza LouisePaul 3S2SG Latonia 1 11G 1IG fast 12 107 1 2 3 4 3 C VanUunll Sun Queen Herniuda LColonist 38215 Latonia 1 11G l4Gfast 7i 107 4 4 4 5 5 = i W W Tlor La Mode KlyiiiR Feet Ask Ma MaBy OREEN ch m C 109 109209SO By Ornus Jenny Monroe C W Reidingerl 209SO Uitonia 34 114 slow 124 101 5 5 G G14 I Ott 7 IJlacktliorn C Orme LPanehlta 20Sx Latonia 1 11G lIG ffast fid 101 745 10 10 1O Jones 11 Olga Star Acis Irish icntlenian 01 Lcxgton 31 l13fast 120 10SJ 8 U 30 10l7iL Gentry 11 Maznik Qiinrtennaster Galirio 10113 Lcxgton 31 l13Jifast fid 110 11 11 10 ° 10 = 2 L Gentry 11 Lackrose KoyTea OoiiDelivy 18175 Latonia 1 1IG 147 fast 11G 107 5 G 7 S1 817J1 Ott 10 Jot Stein Weyanoko lnnKols 3S020 Church 1 1S l57hvy 13 102 423 Ci G18 M Martin 7 Vcrcna Mary Ann K Milton R 17013 Church 1 1 11C l43hvy Si lOfl S 5 4 51 432 J McCabe JDockery PhMoIir Impression L H ADAIR blk e 5 111 By Bannockburn Hand Bell Mrs W A Kirwnn 100a Liitonla 1 11G l4Gfast 31 10S 03 3 4 4 ° 1E Martin 10 Wliito Wool Mockery W Horse 20H71 Latonia 31 llGhvy 51 10IJ 9 9 C1 G ° J H Stearns 1 Talebearer lllicktliorn Oakland LUTO Churchill lm Oyl4Giuud 24 103 534 32 3J E Pool 7 Marslinn Tavolara Itnlgarlan 203 Ifi Churchill 1 11C l4fifast 42 108 478 7 r 14H Martin 11 Jessie Louise Impression Acis 10210 Churchill 1 11G l47fast 43 112 OSS C3 59i E Martin ia PrKugcne M Uulweber S Pin 3213 Churchill 1 11C 147 fast SO 110 5 7 7 5 S7 K Martin Old Hen Guide Post Uricklcv 19r7G Juarez 34 llCsluv C 105 5 7 73 G = 3 E Martin S Auntie Curl Wild ISear Cleopat 39515 Juarez 5S l00good 3 112 5 7 4J 3SJ E Martin 11 Nifty Little Pirdie Stel Graino 30370 Juarez 1 l40 fast 2i 105 3 2 2 2FOUNDATION 2 13 Martin 0 Kick Thomas Ilaro Key KeyBy FOUNDATION ch h 5 111 1112C771 By Nasturtium Meddlesome Sho J Doyle 2C771 Douglas 34 l12fast 0 110 0 S S S = It Small Miiznlk llih ITlvatc Collo LOfilS Douglas 34 l12 fust fid 10G 5 4 71 53 A Molt li LitlleKatlicf OHacan Laekrose 32707 Juarez 7S l 4fast 1 112 4 2 1 1J2 1 1 = J Loftus 4 VesKights Jim Gill JcwofAsia J2 o3 Juarez 7S 124 fast 21 105 C 4 3 3319r0 41 G C Gross 7 VUights DorotbyDeau JustRcd 319r0 Churchill Im70yl43 fast 20 102 G C 7 G1 GllJJ Kcderis 7 SainUMever Klclmnic Slecth 11S55 Douglas 1 1IG l43fast 75 10S G 5 5 G C iJ Kederis U Semprite T WidMoon Doncrail 11620 Douglas 1 1lfi l45fast 11 107 G 3 3 3KS5 7l 10ts J Kcderis 11 riornlPark Klcbiirnc Gowcll KS5 Uitnnhi 1 12 233fast 2210 122 1 3 3 3 340 15 Taplin Gowell Great Uritain UritainBy ALLEN CAIN b g 3 92 By AllanaDalc Biscayno Peyton Russell 2102 Uitonia Iin70y l4Gnuid 100 102 333 3i 3IC 5 Jonos L Piuicliitn AllcnCaiii KtickPin 20905 Lutonia 34 llGhvy 210 107 7 9 S1 7C Jones 30 Fidget Flossie Crockett Dude 20310 Churchill 1 116147 fast fid 107 979 S1 12 = = A Pease 3o Manioi First Venture Tyix I2S Churchill 1 1IG l4GJ fast fid 102 10 9 11 12 12 = = JF Rohsoni Ktal Helen Christie M Morn UOU7S I ifgton lm70yl4G fast 44 101 5 G 7 S S VW Meehan S Tviie First Fiddle Kneelct 171fil Lexgton 51 f l07fast fid 112 12 12 32 3214 V Teahan 1L Kill Dudley Leo Uay Christie 1 9SG Lexeton 5S l00fast 153 105 9 9 9 9 K Denny 9 Chalmers Chesterton PCarmcn PCarmcnBy ARDELON ch g 5 10G 10Gl16SNOrrns By Ccsarion Nigella WR Mizoll l16SNOrrns Im20y l42fast 7 103 133 51 OJ J Maher 15 June W Insurance Man Uogart 13130 NOrliis 31 llffrast 20 101 13 S Si 30 J Maher 34 Wryneck Jezaii York Lad 31232 Pimlico ItnGOy l4rfast 8110 101 2 n C G 6 XJ McTagrt 0 Towton Field Afterglow Pa ton 31205 Pimlico 1 1IG 150 fast S 110 G 3 3 4 5 J Ktitwcll S Lowoen Iluelleard LAiglon 3107S IldeOce Im70yl455fast 95 107 1 4 4 4s I1 J McTaRrtl2 Ixiwccn Orperth Manson 33987 IIdcGcc 34 l13fast 30 105 9 C Z 3 = i F Murphy 12 Marjono A Trillcr Spring Maid 12SG1 Charlen 1 l42good 10 103 2 G 5 5JACK 511 520 L Deronde C F Duster Kinmundy Servlccnce ServlccnceBy JACK KAVANAUGH br s 5 111 By Marathon Queen a Dav Mrs R McMillan 21003 Latonia 1 1IG l4ifast SO 10S 3 S S 7J G J L Gentry J ISniiklilli Kxpectation WsLast 201151 Latonla 1 1IG l4H mud 91 111 4 3 4 5s 516 L Gentry S High Private Acls Mockery 207 Douglas 1 11C l4Gfast 315 112 1 4 4 3 38 L Gentry 7 Mallard J Goebel Wander 205S3 Douglas 1 1IG l52hvy 5310 108 5 S S fil 42 L Gentry 5 P Dipper IUU11 Commauretta 20531 Douglas 1 1IG l5Hftmud 2 110 4 G G 41 4i E Pool 9 Alledo Kank IJI11 Lady J Grey 20137 Douglas 1 1S l53hvy IS 103i 435 24 2 K Pool 7 Marshon Fnlonda Rank Plll 20379 Churchill 1 1S 155 good 13 103 5 5 5 41 59i E Pool 10 Consoler Goldy Commauretta CommaurettaBy KRIS KRINGLE ch s 3 87 By Dorante Rubus J Livingston 20078 Latonia 34 l14slow 4310 107 G 4 41 4SJ K Gooe Crnniiiv Mallieiir Orange 20740 Douglas 1 1IG l47fast 3S 97 311 I1 2J K Lapaille S Disillusion Dundreary M Pearl 20050 Douglas 1 1IG l4Bfast 78 300 G S S 1 Gls J McTagrt S Hard Pall I Gentleman GPost 203GO Churvhlll 1 l42mud G7 307 9 10 10 10 10 1C LapaillelO Flcctnbcllc R Interest Greville 3S310 Latonia 5 f 1 07 fefast rid 109 C 7 S1 S ° J A Neylon 10 Dundreary Foxy Griff Resign 1700S Churchl 51 f l09 hvy 238 97 9 9 9 St8U Smyth i Grecian Pan Maid Dortch DortchBy 3T A WEIGLE b e 3 92 By The Scribe Divide D IT Prewitt 20070 Latonia 34 l17hvy 33G 107 7 9 51 C3J A Neylon 10 Knoelet Waterproof Alkanet 20SGS Latonia 34 l12fast 205 102 5 5 44 4TJ 1 Ott 7 M Declare Galirio Slheart Sue 20G3S Douglas 34 l13fast 22 102 8 S 6 G ° II Ott CarrieOrme Cannnnade Malheur MalheurS1 3S212 Latonia 5 f lOSfast 34 103 10 9 S1 S3 G Gross 12 Long Reach Jester Pco Albert 1S159 Latonia GJ f lOSfast G 103 G 4 8 = S WW Tlorl2 Koyal II IIoos Hoo Syrian 1700 Churchl 34 lllMgood fid 102 11 10 9 9J E Pool 34 Gold Girl IIs brother BlllyJoe BlllyJoeBy ALLEN BRIDGEWATER b h 7 100 By Bridgcwater Miss Mary J B Riley 10151 Ixitonia 1 116 l49 nud 224 10 7 7 S 8 S33 W Meehan S High Private Acis Mockery 3758 Douglas 1 133 fast fid 112 11 10 11 1120G52 9 = S19 C DIshmonl2 Jrcville 15 Comlicr Freeman 20G52 Douglas 31 l12fast fid 105 9 10 10 10 = iC Dislinmn K Casey Jones Kdlth W Colle ColleS 31553 Loxgton 31 11G mud 291 108 7 S S S SG1W = G1W Andress 8 John D Waklield Laliold Spolm 31453 Lcxgton 31 l15good G3 103 4 4 4 4J Hanover 1 Ktlielda Pilly liarnes Labold 11214 Lexgton Im70yl49 hvy S3 103 667 S S = U Small 10 Rakp Gold Color J Doekery 3137 Latonia 34 l15J slow 143 100 9 S 9 9iW AV Tlor 9 Galley Slave Jacobite iSalali