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STILL MORE RAIN AT CONNAUGKT PARK Closo Finishes Mark tlio Racing Despite Muddy Going Old Fop Again a Winner Ottawa Out June It A change in the going at Coimaught Park this afternoon gave the mud runners an opportunity Heavy rains that fell during the morning made tho rack muddy and horses that could not run over a heavy track had no chance Despite the mud stirring contests re ¬ sulted and in several of the finishes the winners were first home by small margins The program was by far the best offered during the meeting Included in the features were the Livingston Cup a dash of four and a half furlongs for Canudhin bred twoyearolds the Sifton Plate 1000 added a selling handicap at threequarters and a steeple ¬ chase over the short course courseIn In the Sifton Plate the first three horse finished in a compact bunch with necks and heads separat ¬ ing them Old Pop came from behind in the Livingston Cup and boat Good Shot a nose in the linn I stride The second race which was also for twoyearolds found another stirring finish in which the extreme outsider larkin just managed to get up in time to lieat the favorite Ilaria a nose It was a close thing between the first four In this race Garter proved easily Ihe best of the small field that went to the post in the steeplechase and won in a canter canterSam Sam Louis scored a double with Videt and Beau Pore PoreTho Tho stewards today restored jockey Hartwell to full privileges The investigation of the Cultyhiink race showed that the lx y was not responsible for the performanceThe hordes jxxir performance The stewards ordered Jockey A Clavor not to accept any more mounts during the meeting He was notified that he was suspended for the rest of the s ssion at Connaught Park for cutting across in front of the others with Liberty Hall in the sixtli race yesterday and causing a jam The oillcials are determined to stamp out rough riding and notice has been given that the second offense will result in the offenders license iRing revoked revokedSamuel Samuel N Ilolman manager of the Dorval and King ICdward Park tracks was a visitor this after ¬ noon Mr Holman reports that thirty teams are at work at Dorval and that lr 00 yards of clay are being spread on the track The tirst top dress ¬ ing has already been placed It is the aim of the association to mike Dorval one of the fastest tracks on the continent and Manager Ilolmau says he will keep working until this is accomplished Applications accomplishedApplications for stabling for t02 horses have been received up to date for tho King Edward Park intuiting The management has found it necessary to build 150 new stalls and i crew of carpenters will be started to work on their construction on Monday Several stables participating in the rac ¬ ing here have arranged to ship direct to King ICdward Park at the conclusion of the Cominiignt Park meeting meetingHart Hart Dernham came over from Raltimore and will finish out the season on the Canadian tracks tracksAfter After the twoyearold Tar Irusli was beaten in the second race he was claimed by T J lird for forsoo soo track were wereAnxiety Anxiety Threequarters in 110 irisa Threequarters in 125 Uottcrtnn Fiveeighths in PIack Pine Seveneighths in 134 JSrandywine Threequarters in 121 Carbide Threequarters in 120 Cello Threequarters in 1 2 ClilT Haven Mile in 132 Dark Itosaleen Threequarters in 122 Eagle Half mile in Emerald Gem Seveneighths in 133 Froisxart Mile in 153 Garthy Threequarters in 121 Havrock Fiveeighths in 1 K Kayderoseros Mile in 15 Kim Seveneighths in 1 i5 King Neptune Fiveeighths in 104 Kingly Mile in 155 Last Spark Threequarters in 122 Lingar Mile in 148 Love Day Seveneighths in 134 Marcovil Threequarters in 122 Mausolus Mile in 140 OakwiNNl Mile in 150 1alience Half mile in 52 Privet Petal Half mile in Protection Half mile in 51 Itedland Half mile in 52 Key Mile in 150 Itnstling Threequarters in 122 Sand Par Threequarters in 121 Slipper Day Threequarters In 122 Southern Maid Threequarters in 119 Splutter Threequarters in 122 If The Governor Half mile in 55 The Snirit Threequarters in 120 Watorbass Threequarters in 122