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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 3ycarolds Selling 10317 141 3 110 110By RAINCOAT blk c 3 105 By Pinfe Coat Black Sleeves fH Dots 21011 Coiight 1 11G 132 slow S 100 8 S G 2 2 J 1 = C VanDun S LuekyGeorge TlieHiimp Kilday 20941 151uel5on 1 11 209slow G710 100 2 G 5 4 4 3 = J C VanUifn J Ciittyhunk Jabot Voladay Jr 20S91 UlucHon 1 1S l5Cslow 2710 9 S S S 7 3i 34J C VanDun Hiirwood TlielCuiup UabySister 20C1G Dorval Im70y l4Gfast 5 10S 7 S S 4 4J 4 1 C VanDun 0 Fly Home S of Love Celebrity 204G2 Douglas 1 116 147 fast 9 90 G G 5 4 2l 25 U Urqnbrt 0 Kditb W CordieF MDuhvuber 20M1 Churchill 1 11G 149 mud 255 102 S S G C 2A 2 C VanDun S Tetan St Cliarlcote Manioc 20310 Churchill 1 11G 147 fast 11 105 G 11 10 S 5J 433 G VanDiinlt Manioc First Venture Type 2031S Churchill 1 11 2OGfast 21 90 3 5 5 5 43 351 R Urffuhrt 0 UinkKceiion Marsbon Consoler ConsolerBy REDLAND b g 3 106 By Plaudit Ruby Right S Louis 20990 Conght 1 11G 133 slow 5 103 4 1 1 1 I1 1J C VanDuiiH L Sprltuelle Unqiicsnc Durln 20Sir HluoHon 7S l2Sfast 21 101 5 2 1 1 lh ju VanDun 15 Iniiuieta ISurwood Veil Strome 952TO73 20642 Dorval 31 l14fast 7 104 9 95 51 5 = J G VaiiDuiill Itctleetlon Sclinapps JosXarate 2TO73 Churchill 3 f 1OS good 23 88 4 3 G G1 7 ° li1 Robinsn 7 Uatina Carrie Orine OaUland 20353 Churchill 34 l14slow 170 103 5 9 9 9 9IiC VanDunlO HusyEditli TIieNorman Deposit 17909 Church 1 31 l14Mgood 25 105 S 33 2a 7 o VaiiDnnl4 Gold Girl IJs Brother Billy Joe 17856 Church 1 5i 107 mud 11 104 G 23 3 zn G VanDun 8 DCarmcn GcoUoesch Malabar MalabarBy A N AKIN b g 3 105 By Algol Trcmar F J Poas 4320SC2 209S7 Conght Gl f l10slow 2i 102 5 43 3 = 2J J Connors 10 Veintin Deposit Mania Johnsoil 20SC2 TSluelion 34 lllfast G5 107 11 97 S1 7Ti M McDottll The Busyliody Vilcy Conilroom 34 l14faKt 2i 112 2 21 15 M McDott S Kin Del Itcllcctloii Celebrity 19911 Havana 34120 slow 35 102 5 2 2s 42 F Robson 8 Nigadoo LSliark ChMcFerran 19S21 Havana 5 112 slow 1 103 3 3 ink i y Koblnsn S Sherwood YolKycs Shrewsbury 1969 Havana 5i f 121 hvy 910101 1 2 2IMG 2 1J F Robinsn 7 Tiger Jim Wander Beau Belle IMG Havana 5i f 115 hvy 1310 100 2 3 33 lli F Robinsn Joe Finn Kiivy Buzz Around 13G17 Havana 5i f lOG fast 7 102 4 4 4U 4JJ T Nolan S Wanda Pitzer Briar Path KM KMBy STAR OF LOVE br g 3 04 By Star Shoot Lady Vincent L W Garth 2090 Conght 1 116 153 slow 5 98 6 G 10 9 10 S13JK Fovehdl4 Kedland LSpirituolle Diiqnesnc 20S93 HluelJon 1 l43slow 3 102 11 11 10 10 1020S23 ll i 75W McCPrylU Lotise Travero Bosart B Belli 20S23 lUueBon 1 l41fast 15 97 2 10 9 G G20G1G 5 = 43J L McAteell Penalty J II Houghton Elwah 20G1G Dorval Im70y l46 4fast 10 101 5222 522220G50 IJ 2k E Forchd 0 Fly Home Celebrity Raincoat 20G50 Wdbine Im20y l45fast 95 06 6473 3l in E Forehn S Sarolta Celebrity Abbotsford 2001S HdeGce 12 105 G 5 G Gi = JJ Dreyer 10 Corsican Fair Helen Videt 19957 Bowie 1 l41fast 4J 95 1 17S 3 4 2z 2J E Forehd 5 Pennyroek Flyllomc PicdPiper 19916 Bowie 7S l2Sigood 100 92 G G G 6 G ° 2 E Forehd JocDeibold Loehiel llarrySliaw SUNSET br f 3 102 By Peep oDay Peace G F Richings 20SGG HlueHon 1 l40fast S 9G 2 5i Richings5i 4J L McAtee S Ida Claire Flv Home Anxiety 20525 Wdbine 34 113 fast 10 104 S 10 10si A Schif sr Id Encore The Spirit Glint 1S510 HdeGce T i f l07fast 4 2 2 = A Schugr S Egiiwint Capt Parr HiRii Tide 38444 HdeGce Oi f l07spod H5 101 S G G in Shilling S Dr Iarrick Alhena Rellection 38347 I atonia 34 113 fast 2G5 101 7 I2 1J n Ott ij Christie For Fair Carrie Orme 1S2G4 Latonla 51 f l07fast 2 109 3 3GJ 2h Orme2h 01 W W Tlorll Cardlsan Billy Joe Car Orme 3S100 Latonia GJ f l07fast G 112 2 2J 2S C VanDun S AHssFieldcr ToryMaid PanMaid 179GS Church 1 5 f lOSmud 295 110 2 3 35i Vf V TlorlS Martha Lee Amazon Gold Girl GirlBy ASA HERNDON ch p 3 94 By Blues Miss Van Winkle C Timberlake 21011 Consht 1 11G 152 slow 20 100 1 1 1 4 4207S9 4 7ai A Claver S Raincoat LiickyGeorge TRump 207S9 Dorval Im70y 11S fast S 106 10 9 S G 45J M McDottlO Valas Fly Homo Eiicrsctic 20751 Dorval 1 11G l43fast 13 101 4223 3 J 3B C VaiiPu n S Jabot Valas Ben Uneas 20301 Churchill 1 11G 143 fast 62 03 7 4 G G GCOL7G 5 = 42i M Garner 10 Ilhka Marslion OSullivan COL7G Churchill 1 18 lCl slow 194 89 4 3 4 7 5 S11 R Urcphart Sketh JReardon Mary Ann K 20097 I exgton 1 116 l4Gfast Gl 101 5 10 10 10 10 10 JA Mott lt ILIIowdv Wryneck Flenron II 19710 Juarez 1 l39fast 20 91 1 fi 5 5 519CCO T IIT 7 L Mink 10 A Rick CMcDougall Wavering 19CCO Juarez 1 151 hvy 45 92 2 1 1 1 1ISOHGABIBBLE 4 G i M Garner fi II Oncil Voladay II AODay AODayBy ISOHGABIBBLE b c 3 105 By Gigantcum Kerchief Mrs J L Bryan 21029 ConKht 34 116 good S 1C1 3 22 22IM9S7 2U lii A Claver 11 Rondel SonnyBoy AndrewODay IM9S7 Coiight 5 f l10slov 40 100 1 77 C y A Claver lo Venetia A N Akin Deposit 20718 Dorval 5i f 108 fast 12 102 4 4of 9 7s C VaiiDnnlO Colors Inlan Mrs Me 20641 Dorval of f 1OS fast 10 101 3 10 Tl O VnnDunll IjIxiidon MChaucer Rbieonll 18292 Latonia 1 l41fast fid ICG 3 4 G G C Gross IS Cannonade GoldGIrl WCrown 18214 Latonia 34 l13fast fid 112 4 Gi S JO VanDunlL Cannonade Nobliman WCrown 1S21G Latonia 31 113 fast 33 112 S 7 = 715JA Ncylon S Converse Hank ODay One Step StepBy PAUL GAINES br c 3 106 By McGce Suite D Hill 20890 HluoUon 7S 130 slow tld 1QS 7 7 S S S1 I W Obert 12 Wodan Ruffo Ai risa 20745 Dorval 31 l15fast 7 105 13 9 7 G 3 = i W Obcrt 15 Sluniberer Wodan Briny Deep 20612 Dorval 31 l14fast 20 107 3 34 7 S10JII Snyder 14 Rellection Schnapps Josarate 20166 Lexgton 31 l16hvy 121 10G 1 54 3i 3 D Stirling 11 Bcttertrm Plsurcvllle MattieC 20073 Ixjxgttm 31 lll fast 232 107 11 12 10 10lWl7iD MattieC10lWl7iD Stirling 12 Izzetliey Plcasvillc B Spiller 17531 DoiiRlas 61 f lOCfast fid 103 S 11 11 11 ll iC VanDunll Martinos Cannonade Chesterton 17247 Lexston 5i f l07fast S3 112 3 9 92CIM S 7H lltlK AIcKwenll HankODay Talebearer Christie ChristieBy 2CIM b K 3 98 By Cyclades Allcharm W Martin 20913 KlucKon 51 f lOSslow 37 9G G G G2dS90 5 4SJ It MeDott 7 Sir Blaise The Spirit Deposit 2dS90 iniieUon 7S 130 slow 2J 105 3 5 4 42051S 21 7Ji J allaban12 Paul Gaines Wodan RufTo 2051S Wdbine 31 l13fast 3 107 7 4 4KAZAN o 7 = i T Rice 1U Maxim Belle Sir LJoe Schemer SchemerBy KAZAN b c 3 102 By Filicrane Sauteuse C J Odcll 21032 Cought 1 1S l5GVKood 10 101 5 5 G G1 712 C Miller S Fenrock Jabot Mnd Sll 20924 rluellon 1 l40fast fid 101 9 9 9 920SW 91 IQie L Hartwellll Ciittyhunk Bushy Head Jalwt 20SW Uluelion 1 l40fast 44 10IJ a G G G2001G 73 711 L Hartwell S Ida Claire Fly Home Anxictv 2001G Dorval Im70y IMfiMjfast 15 107 G 7 G 6 7I 2M Mthcws t Fly Home S of Ixive Celebrity 20303 Iimlico 1 l42fast 20 106 G G G o 5s C Miller i OMaid Tamerlane LSlrtuelle 20191 Pimlico 34 llGVfhvy 7 99 7 7 3 Zl C Miller 7 Hiker Ainans Burwood 20128 HdcGce 31 liluslow 9 110 G 7 7 76 C Miller 7 Hiker Saturuus J B Ilarrell