Saratoga Meeting Closes: Month of Capital Racing Has a Brilliant Termination and Great Success, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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SARATOGA .MEETING CLOSES * * MONTH OF CAPITAL RACING HAS A BRILLIANT t TERMINATION AND GREAT SUCCESS. n-Dominant an Easy Winner of the Rich Hopeful ii in Stakes — Reamers Saratoga Cup in a Canter f, — Weldship Defeats El Bart. be Saratoga. . .. Augu-t 28. — Dominant, heralded 1 :is the champion two-year-old of the year, die- r tingulsbed himself today by winning the Hopeful u Stakes over a- good a band of juvenile- as could U be mustered. Tne Whitney crack dashed into aa early lead, raced hi- opposition to defeat in the u early miming and was andet reatralat at 1 1« • - ead. 1 r. i. Bradleys Big Smoke, running a sensational s race wa.-. second and T. C. McDowells E*riaaero II aan third. The Hopeful was worth 99.150 to the ■ winner. Chicle was coapled with Dossiaaat aa the l L. 8, Thompson entry ami ran a good race, Il-niu r well as witli the lead teg division and finishing s ramrly. I l!«ii:r one of t li«- most raloaMe of slakes for two- 1 year-olds, the Hopeful lias always attracted the i beat of that age, as i rtaaee at the list of its s winners will reveal. lis history since its first 1 running in 1903 follows: 1 Vear. Winner. Wt. Jockey. Yal. Time. l 1903 Delhi IK! Gannon 122,275 1:13% UMM lama 127 Hildebraad. :.". . 7!Hi 1:13% i 19O0 Mohawk II 130 Bedfern ... li;.4!" 1:13% I 1908 Peter Pan 130 W. Knapp.. 17,640 1:12% I I0O7 .Mm Gaffney ...113 Nicol 17.900 1:15 8 1908 Helmet 115 Notter .... 10,990 1:12% 1 Vm : Ruckv OBrien. .122 V. Powers.. 17.100 1:13% 1 1910 Novelty 130 A. Thomas. 19.140 1:14 1913 Bringhurst 113 Loft us 4,100 1:12% 1!»14 Regret 127 J. Notter .. :i..v.«» 1:16% 1915 Dominant 130 J. Notter . 9,150 1:13% = So racing in lull and 1912. .**drea Millers great gelding Boamer only had to .niter to add another stake to his already loag li-i. u hen the won ii" Saratoga Cap at one mile am! three-quarters. He led ander restraint throughout and at the lini-h Virile, second, was eight lengthx awaj and Star Gaae, last years winner of the raie. ten lengths behind Virile. The Sara toga I ni carted a net value of ,975 and plate worth 850. This jwt- the thirty-Ofth running of the Saratoga OSp. it- hist, ry dating hack to 1M55. Among it- winners ale the names of some of the greatest stayers and weight carriers la the history of the turf. Since r.KH the wiaaera have been: Vear. Winner. A.Wt. Jockev. Val. lime. 1901i lllnes :: li:t Shaw ,350 2:32% .vd . Guard .-"• 127 McCue :;.33tt 3:01% "■ 1903 Africander ..••"• 113 Fuller 3.350 2:58 1904 Beldame - 100 F. ONeill... 8,100 :::o:-. -. 1903 Caughnawaga 5 127 Bedfern .... 5,800 :;: ;tM-, 1906 Go Between... 5 127 Shaw li.ico ::. :,- 1907 Runng Water.4 ii . Miller... 9.050 3:06% 1909 Olambala 3 113 J. Butwell.. 2,173 2:58 1919 c.uintlc— :! 113 V. Powers... 4.100 2:58% 1913 Sam Jackson.. S 124 J. Loftus .. 1.030 3:08% mi4 star Gaae ...4 126 .!. McCahey.. 2,173 3:10 1915 Boamer 4 123 J. Batwell.. 229 3:01% i 1 o-s idles. tChaaged to 1 o-4 miles. No racing ; : in FJ11 and 1912. Today marked the close of the meeting. In spite of had weather and track condition! it has leen an 1 i anally successful one. 1. days turnout was of immense proportions, the stand and lawn being : well crowded and the clubhouse tilled to its 1 capacity. Weldship demonstrated that he is one of the host jumpers In the country today when be took the Bev-ervvyck Steeplechase orer El Bart, the only other contender to finish. Weldship showed a high eider of speed and, fencing In lawless fashion, won by a 1 lug margin. Tbe event wan wcrth ,159 net. A popular event through the field has been the Beverwyck Steeplechase since 1897, when it was first run. It- history since 1901 is as follows: ■Star. Wiliii-r. A.Wt. Jockey. V..l. Time. 1901 The Bachelor.. S 163 G. Green ....150 6:34% 1902 G. W. .Jenkins. 4 152 Gallagher .. 1,150 5:28 1903 I.avator 7 167 Mara 1,950 5:06 1904 Amur H it.". Holmaa 1.950 5:14% 1905 Jimmy Lai.e. ..." 148 T. Owens .. 1.930 5:31% • 1996 Herculoid ...4 157 Flaaegan ... 1.950 5:21 1807 McKittredge .4 14" T. OBrien.. :;.J7." 5:2C 1998 Bayonet ."I.".! McKiuney K50 5:25% 1*09 Sir Wooster. . ..", |i;r, Davidson ... 86-1 •■-2 1SH« Hylda I n." S. Williams.. 1,150 5:30 UH3 Postlmy t it" W. Allen ... 1.150 4:24 F.ill Savannah t; i.v.t M. Tighe ... 1.150 4:37 1913 Weldship ....6 158 B. Wwtke . 1.150 4:21 No racing In 1911 ami 1912. Distance abcut t 2 1 _ miles prior to lJl. The Remainder »f the card, which was devoted to overnight races, furnished keen sport and patrons ■ left the track well satistied ihat the 1915 season would be ion.; remembered, so far as the high elasn horse* a i re one In retaliation r©r J. w. Hedricks claiming of 1 Re.-, i.oiim. c. .1. Quinn bid np Shyness, the winner of the tittli race and booghl her for ,809, J. W. Hedrick bid up Edna Kenna, winner of the linal race, 00 over her entered price of 90. So was retained h s. Lewis h tbe usual advaaee ol . A xhipinenl ot bone* left here last n itrli t for Timonium Park mar Baltimore, for tin- meeting I s.m.11 ;•• Iiegiu at thai half-mile track. They Included nix belonging, to William Shields, our of J. Y. Hedrick and four belonging !■• .lame- Johnston. Jockey i:. -e. ., Trosler eontemputteH u.iim there to II ride and ahm at the GentlemanH Driving Park. • Bath of these are beUI in conjunction with fairs. Jockey •• tflnk, who fell whUe astride Sinai yesterday, ■ was bruised sumciently to keep him out of f tin -.addle today. He will resume riding in a tew v da; - The horses Ii charge of "Bab" Maj left for r Lexington last sight. He have- for there today, but will return t.. Hai e de Grace for that me. -tine. KimlTtll Patterson, with the J. I.. Marrone horses and B. 0. Miller will remain here until September 8, I, when thc will ship to Havre !•■ Grace. Jockey Gnj Horn- will leave for Canada tomorrow and will nnish the Canadian circuil riding r ii- a free lance. Weldship, winner ol the Beverwyck Steeplechase. is .-, ttpeedy horse u !!■■ abowetl this morning by f working a quarter of a mile faster than .i. The Cavaaagh special which left tonight t r 5few .. Tork carried ■ large number of tnrfmea. .1. V. Hedrick, wh.. baa been active in running an tad rtalmiug bor at of —«-! li uir races, today r. elalmed Penmouse oul ••! the irst race foi ,400. 1 lie later resold her t«. the Belmont stable at ■ .! presumablj advan«-ed price. H - also, during the 0 aft. moon, oh] Cy Merrick, which he recently v claimed, to W. T. Anderxob. ho owned the horse la-l s|.rin-:. and also sold Mara back to ,, .1. W, Schorr, from whom he claimed him yesterday. •. A hieM-iuciit vi- I. .idly .on ..n ii..- left knei ,. during the runsing »l I lie Hopeful and Med pro , luswlv alter coming hack t" tin- sea-. Saratoga work-ouU, with the track fa I thtc morning aaere: AMebaran— Mile In 1:44. Ret -Throe-quarters in 1:21%. IHne Rot k Half mile in 52 .. Bl ■ 1 hi lie Mile in 1:40 .. i..,i i,v Mi, and a iii.n iii in " 1 15 Ku l.h..iii three quarters in I 20 i i|.ia three quart r- in 1 . |s . j;. i ij i .-■ iiuarterii ig i.i ; : 1 : 1 Devonshire Dolly — Half mile in 49%. Disturber — Pive-eJghths in 1:04. Fascinating-— Three-eighths in P . Pock -Mile in 1:43%. Gaat — Three-quarters in 1:17. Guy Plsher -Mile in 1:45%. Haeberk — Three quarters in 1:21-.. Hedge— MUe iti 1 :45%. Hester Prvnne — Half mile in 4! :rf.. High Noon-S.veu eighths in 1:29%. Housemaid — Half mile in 59%. Joe Jamei — Three-ebrhths in 40. Looeharcn Three quarters in 1:15%. Libyan Sawd» — Three quarters in 1:17 I...11 t.l.ii lie ... 1:46. Mis- McGiggil — Throeipiarters in 1 :2u. old Broom — Three-quarters in 1:18. Oiinsiidnb — Half mile in 52%. Plantagenet -Half mile in 4!i:-.. Raottl — Three-quarters in 1:23. Regret--Mile in 1:51. Rengrd— Half mile In •"■". Roly — Three-eighths In 38%. Boyal Martyr — Half mile in 49%. Sandman — Three-quarters in 3:1s. 1 in ::. Sebago — Three-eight - Schoolboy — Five-eighths in 1:04. Stromboll — Mile and an eighth in 1:57%. Ten Point — Three-ipiarters in l:lt.--.. Thornbill — Three-quarters in 1:16%. Tie Pin — Five-eighths In 1:07. Thunderer— Seven-eighths in 48%, 1:91%, 1:14, 1 :21». Tudor King — Thr quarters in 1:16%. Watertown — Three-eighths in ::•..

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_1_2
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