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j j ; 1 I , , , , NOTES OF THE TITHE FK0M 0TKBX LANDS. Sum -a. ere about October 20 i- the da ■■ that Andrew Joyner has fixed for his departure to America. The well-known steeplechase jockey W. Hayboe has sailed for Australia, taking with him horses, via., Bushford, Halberd and ClydesMe. The five-year-old race:- The Gelt, by Im Gnll -I.ilr. was recently fonnd dead la lis box al Bpsotn, having lieen cist, and In his struggles broken ais ... : k. Jockey G. Manser, who has ridd icceas m mere than one country, and has guided winners tor the kaiser in Germany, baa joined the Army Medical 1 *ps. Aeeording to La Fran racing la b in, continued in Italy, be Itallau .! •. Club having an borlsed the Legb rn Baring Societj 1 1 kohl several meetings. Sol Joels handsome twe-yeaT-old, Pommeranla, si-ter to Ioiiiuo rn. was stopped ia ber v.iii. a few wicks back and compelled to decline a c iple of engagements owing to ■ mild form of shin serene". Almost daily now we h.irn of nor - be i disposed of to tin foreigners, and ship ed other clin.i San l, alio. :;. by Orhy- -Zenith. econd to Bastlngton In the Hay doe* Lark Handicap in May, has been boW and shortly leaves for Bio de Janeiro. — Loadou spin tsman. The Anstrallan Jockey Cluh committi ins d elded that bookmakers licenses will in I iture oulj be granted on th condition that thi person to whom one is granted dots not bel at an unregistered race meeting add OH the BBB9C day as a registered meeting w itiiin the metropolitan an a. A syndicate has been formed In span: for the acquirement of a large number of English two-yearr ids for racing in that country. The king ol Spain has interested himself In the sport. The following is a I la I C .•• 1 t horses that hive been soil from the paddocks al Ashstcad and already been shipped to Spain: Carolina. Thirsty, Swirl. Sibria colt, Sweet Thrash filly, Coo, Be Peep and Wonderland,