Maisonneuve Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. August 25. 1915. -Fearth day. Maisonneure Park Drirlag Clubs Second Meeting »■ d 7 d:iv-. Weather clear. 1 in siding Indite. Ed. Dole. Starter, William «• c Murray. Racing Secretary, M. Nathanaoa. -£2559 Pint Ran — Abort 5-8 Mile. Pane *:!O0. •"-year-«Ua and upward. Selling. Nel ralao to 2 •rlnner .«-_2ri: second, 0; third, 5. lad. Bum. Wi. Pin. Jockey. Op. CI. 8t404*O "lis Trus H*8 P J Howard I I 22405 Bolgar KS - V Doj * 4 •"• : 22484 SkeeU U8 :- J Bauer 8-6 8-2 22484 i. Caprlciousl04 1"W Hinphy 21 ■■. 22540 Mu.-knn Ion 103 ■• W Young 15 If Time. 1*4%. Track heavy. /Ainn-i-— i. Bewea b. g, 5, by On* — Jennie II. t •drained by I". Flory. Start good Won eaail ; eeeoad and tliird driving. 22560 Second Race ■ 1-2 Farieaga. Puree 08. $■ year-old* and upward. Selling. Net ralae to -winner 25; second. 0; iliird. S2S. in i. Hone. wt. Pre. Jockey. Oi». CI. 32530* Rye Straw 117 I W Qargan 3 - v 5 22.V12-C McFerran 109 - J Dodd l - ■ 22548 Col. Fred r38 3 W Doyk 4 I 22499 Hapsburg II. 1"4 4 - C Mergler 13 24 5 22480 K. of PythlaslM W Hlnpby 1 22493 Prokendale in 6 T McCullough 1 S Time, 1:32,. Track heavy. Winner — I. Striker*! eh. h, 7. by Griffon — Aid-straw trained by I. Striker. start Rood, won easily; si-i ..lid and third drivlBK. 22561 Third Race -Aboat 5-8 Mile Pane $:; " . 8-year-olds and apward. Selling. Net ralae to winner 1225; second. 0: third. 5. lad. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Op. CI. 22518 Arcane 121 l* E Alley l»«8» Laurel Park 113 . T Met _llougli 7 22827* June LIS f A Plekeaa ! - 22588 Manh Light lit 4- .1 Garwood 8 12 22488 xVacita 113 "■ W Hlnphy I ; 22304 -Turkey Trot 124 6 i. Meripole B I 22804 Miss CordeliaMe 7- .1 Dodd IS 38 •;;:;«4 Irish Mary 113 8 W Qargan 8 3 22." 13 J.__Oempeey 115 L. rider. W Doyle 4 0 Time, 1:04%. Track heavy. : Winner — B. I». Carter"* eh. a, •"•. by Blaes -Ruby Ray i trained by R. D. Carter. start good w "ii easily; Becoad and third driving. 22562 Fa— lb Race— Ahoal T-8 Mile. Pane 08. year olds and upward. Selling. Net ralae to winner 8225; second. 0: third. 5. lad. Hone. Wt Fin. Jockey. Op. ".. 22401 Energetic 107 iJ W Doyle 82548 Merlin V. l"l 2* Labell 4 I 22404 :Mlse Fraacei KM ■•■■ W Hinphj 20200 Roid Pardee 184 I W Young 22890 Cordova 99 6ls C Whymark 3 - 22407 M. Sherwd US -1 Hod, l Time. 1:34%. Track heevy. Winner— M. J. Daly* h. f. 3, bj Sir Willi.-., ■ Listless trained by M. J. Daly. Start good. Won easily; second and tliird driving. 22563 Fifth Raa — About r.-s Mile. Pane 8300. ::■ year-old* and upward. Seiliag. Sel ralae to 1 winner 8225; second. 0; third. Alio, ind. Hone. Wt. Im. Jockey. Op. CL 2240S1Ynca 109 |a W Hinphy 6 a 22580 J. Mallady 117 2 I. Meripole 22514* Virginia B. 112 r MeCullough % -1 22 5 14* Amazement 114 4 J Pendergast 2 2 22545 : J MacOinnis 114 W Doyle I 8-5 22498 Moss Rose 112 C A Pickens :: 4 Time. 1:04%. Track heavy. Winner— O. Fnleya h. at, 7. by Filigrane — Leoaatas mare N,.. 1 trained by J. W. Moore i. Start good Won baadily; Becoad and third drirlag. - 22564 Sixth Race Aboat 5-8 Mile. Pane 8800. "-rear - oUa and upward. Selling. Nel ralae io • winner *S2~ . second. *."0: third. 825. Ind. Horse. Wt. Tin. Jockey. Op. CI. "..r.M The Lark 105 i; A Pickens 22518 Bore I H- 2«* W Young S I 22515Jo. Knight IM - W Doyle •;•." White 113 4° J Pendergast .". •r:."»44 Joan Mam 113 "■- E La Masters M 13 2t»45L.desCog*ta 113 I W Qargan 3 i Time. 1:05. Track heavy. Winner — Yarrow Brae Stables br. r, .".. by IMck Welle. — Winter trained by W. Shorn. start good. Won baadily; Becoad and third drtr- 22565 Seventh Race -Aboat 5-8 Mile. Pane 8800. ". year-aid* and upward. Selling. Nel ralae to i. winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Ind. Home. Wt. lin. Jockey. i. CI. 22420s Massenet 114 1« W Doyle •;;." :;!* Abdul r*7 -" Whymark 3 3 22510*8plrella MG 31 W Young dBJp;;i!»-H Royal Blue 108 I A Pickeas :J-»." 45 Johnny Wise 114 :■• F Martin 3 4 20103 LXeoskaltu lo! 6 J Dodd i1 12 Time. 1:04%. Track heavy. Winner II. Herdel* b. . 4. by Lnde — Matter-bora trained bv II. Herdel. start rood. Won easily; ■ecoad and third drirlag. :.

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_3_1
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