Connaught Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART. OTTAWA. 0NT.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1815.— Fifth day. Coaaaaght Park Jockey l lab. Autumn 1 Meeting of 7 days. 2.". l k- on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge, Fnacis Netooa. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, Sheridan Clark. Racing Rtarts at 2:30 p m. Chicago tlnae 1:30 p. ■_. W Indicates whip. 8 spare, B Mlakers. Fig, ■res in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate Index number, track record, age of hone ::in! weight carried Indicates apprentice alloeraace. ■ O tl P. d l * FIRST BACK 1 Miie. 10847—1:41—5—110. Pane 8500. All Ages. Canadian-_j2_ _000 foaled. Handicap. Net value to w inner 8350; second. 00; third, 830. " ladex Horses AWtPPSt U „ :: Sir lin Jocheya Owners _____________ L 7.2500 IS I I i TTKB wa 3 111 4 3 - i : - - iJ -l CallahaaJ S Hendrie 3 4 4 I oat ! 88880 HAMPTON DAME w 3 113 I I :- 1J l» I* S* A Claver E J Davies 3 5 41 «-« out 12412-SI" V LORD w 4 114 S I " -1 So:; th .1 E Seagram 1 i-o I-:j 1-3 out , £2500 I R PHII_*THRPEws « 118 - - 1* 4 ll 4 P GoldstnWheatCit -S|ble t4 7 7 7-5 oat : 28549 PRINCE RHIPERD w 0 112 3 S 3 S 5 a •"• T C_mmgsWheatCity_ ble .4 j , , .. ,.ui ■ . npled In betting; no separate place or show betting Time. 24-s. 60%, 117. l:42*r.. Track fast. Winner— Ch. ■„. by Martima* Splash trained by i:. Whytet. gn t,, , m :,i _ :.-, At post 2 minotes. Start pawl and -low. Won easily: *ecoml ami third drirlng SPLUTTER was naved nndet restraint for three-quarters, then moved np rest on the stretch turn and panian EL.MPTON DAME at the eighfli port drew away in th- flna ■bteenth. HAMPTON DAME was speedy and set ■ good pace, bn tlreo and was dnvm- hard to outstay SKA LORD. the BtKtch turn, hut tired m the tinal sixteenth. The hitler 1«-L.n slowly and cane on the outstide oa . , 4-v v n_ d T SECOND RACE— 8_ Mile. 15014 1:13%— 4— 113. Parse 00. 2-year-olds. _2_SOD i Alh-raacea. Net nlae to winner 00; seeoad, -S7 : thud. s.:o, I j "l_dcx Bonn AWtlTSt n _ %8t*Ffci Jockeys Owners 0 II C P 8 - 225C1 i-BitiliBITKi.N wu 112 6 3 I - -I I1 P QaldsCnMrs J Arthur 8-5 31 « 4-5 1-2 22_6G i«.I.]IT wa MO I : l I . 1 V J Smyth R B Stelle J 1 8-5 7-W1J 88801 CANDLE w 109 I I !* Is 3* 3 _ A Schu*g*rS Roes , - :■,!:"- aaS4l-«iENTl.EWoMAN w LOU 3 C 5 •"•"■ I I1 B AmbroseOttawa Stanie t a •_. 22620-iAKl.Y sK.HT w11_ 7 1 31 3 "■- Claver Tliornc niton, i.i,- : 5 . 3 - ■ i - $ Acton G Ebnpringham 20 0 30 g ! oo501 yyil 1 VSH we. 112 6 7 «» 8* -l 7 1 F Cooper BJ CTawford :• 38 N i 22481 PR. or UREENWA w 108 5 7 tt 7 „ Time. 24. 48%, 1:16. Track fast. Wiaaer— Ch c, by Voter— Goody Good trained l»j J. Arthur •. ..... , , ,, • , K _t to post at 3:00 t post 3 minutes. Start eood and slow. Won drirlng; second and third the -.-I, i.e. PROHIBITION, sfter raclms on the outside tor the Brst quarter, moved np with s rush ,.„ the far turn and. linlshiu« fast, passed the tirins lOLlTF. and won going .away, the latter showed -: eariv spee«l but swerved lo the inside on tli streteb turn. CANDLE was * forward cou- ,"n, . ■;■ all the way. I.n; tired n-.-ar tii.- end, C KN I I.I WOM AN ,i;.is|i,.,l well. I. Bl. S K ■___1_Ur__ - 7T-__rrr_;*~45 THIRD RACE— About 8 Miles. 16712— 3:48%— 5- 140.1 Steepleehase. Pune00 ____000 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Set ralue to winner 8350; -end. 00; third, • 0, Index Horses AWtPPSI :: ; 8 12 Fia Jockey* Owners 0 11 C P 8 F Will L W Garth 4-5 1 i. ■ ■■ ?2S2l-v-n Co a t i::s :. I p ;- la ms j 22521 NFW HAVEN ws 0 130 : 1 : H CrawCdW Smith 1 » ■■ |fM,;iiV:VL1M ix3i i / Wtrl »»«*« aScA0pBERSAlCE w 13 135 , , £+£?* S Winn, i Br - bj Eillgram Mj Eleauor trained by 1.. W. c.atih... Start ■•.! and slow. W«w handily: sec nd end ,.,•,,• mud drir- w,.n, ,,. ,,..•. ,, ::_•., i post i in •. •_. with ■ . ish when *ulns l« the last fenc urn 1 -.,.. STUCCO nfter i icini: i :• se up than nsnal. e.4 up , di »wed of TROPAEOL1 M in tb. tinal sist« nth. NEW 1IAVKN showed n - -..d turn o speed jumpe i; .,, •.,.,„ ftnisbetl ,: TROPABOLIM «kowcd Ih. mostspe«l n the Bat, bnl was sharply Interfered " K-itl i.v NEW HAVEN sfter lakins the lent* Jump and tired Overweigl v : ____.!____: — _V___bp"_ __ l ! UThT:"Ti: 3.4 Mile. TirntH 1:13% in::.. Pnrae 8400. 3-yiar-oIds and up __20l ward. Relmg. Net vaii.e •■.. winner *:;m: seend. n7 : ihir.l. s::: . InJt,x iioTsTs- AWtPPSt U ii ;:. BtrPta Joekeyi owners 0 II C P 8 "2410 l W.KiIDK . v. u 7 12 I 1 1" -! 1 : 1- ~ F Cooper H G Bedwell :_*_*■ " __iir poxtfKR « T w « 103 7 «* «= 6s ■ W Kelaay A C Niehaus 8 8 3 «-o 3-S 5 - - iv ■ r ? 104 I 7 :■ 7 71 A SchugrW B Tameen 38 ZG 28 I I _88_0 82409 CONNAUGHT O.N.N AU.iu wa 5 103 1 I 8 8 8* W SchomT Bsgen M W N M S I im. 24. «8%. 1:18%. Track fast. Raiment Itrainedby H. 6- Bedwell. Winner--Ch m. by Prli ■: Melbourne— ■Pent r« wwt -I 3:58 post ■■ minutes. Start mod and slow. Won easily: second and ,..-,,• third drlr-.„_ ,,.,.;,,:.,,■ .,., . 1,-, ,,,,, s:ie.l ci-.ioai i hi I be turns amf Tetsilj h-. iii.iaU»n!! lead In n 1, ■ • ■ .■ V VIVi: I ll Y a ,. , forward contender and lini he.l with a m b TO« HTnym. ■ ,; i. .ll im thn.n_honl bpt ne*r the cad. VI LEY rae wide IhnaiKbout and qaH. The alaner wa* en i- a ,,1 s7oo: no bid. , . , , . , -. .:, i-ie-d 21SK1 d y. io:,. 22IM .aiei. 105; 22483 laqnieU, KM. Overweight*— Cbaage, 1 poaad. f "7 _ 2J o? gj 25 « * 2 21 25 di j * a a 1* _ — £ , j 2: 2! 21 21 21 2i ■■ I n T = ■ _ : , i, „ ■ -r OOP-T/l lllT11 itACE— 3-4 MUe. 18014—1:13% -4—113. Pane 8400. 3-year-oMs and ep- O I V ward. SeUag. Net value to winner *::M : HCiad, S7»: third. 0. fallen Horses AWtPPSt % M % Str Pin Jockeys Owners 0 HOPS 22485 KNIGHTS DIFFER w i 1cm; s i a l*i t 1- A Ctarer ThorncllffeStable 8-S t : t-" 1-2 22380-WOl VN w :; Sf.l 4 4 !■ o11 .- _:; .1 CallahanP Slieriilnii 4 .1 fi g-i 1-10 8848S]*MEEL1CKA wk :; 01 7 I B" I •■ 8 A Nerger W P Fine - I 1 7-101-:; 22486 BEAlMl BELLE WB 4 86 5 8 « l« 8 I _ J Acton R B Stelle s H 88 i 1 22436 McCLINTOCK wsu 0 w 3 S 7 ". V V T C_B_ngsWheatCity8table :- 35 B d I 22524 J i:W KB, or ASIA w 7. 88 I J - J 4. 6" S Brown A A tires?; 8 lo M 1 8-2 22032 MABVin.ols WB 8 108 L 7 8 8* 7J 7_ Mill, r Mrs A F Dayton P IS IS I : 20455 CAPTAIN iABB w 3 104 2 :• 8 0 0 8h A SchugrB larr W 38 88 8 22367 UARSAND w 7 102 3 1 V s1 9 F Cooper Adams _ Durkinio j., _., s 4 Time. 24M., 492K. 1:152. Track fast. Wiaaer— B. h. br Knight of the Thistle -Indifference trained by II. McDaaiel. Went to post at 4:.:.. At post I minute. Start -cod and slow. Woo easily; second and third drirlng. KNIOHT8 DIFFER, alter raaaiag well up lor the Bnl half mile, raced WOMAN into suh-fection and. savin- -round OB the stretch turn, drew out in the final eighth. WOMAN was | forward contender tbroghout and Bnlahed fast. MEELICKA was shnffled back at the start and closed _ap witli a rush. BEAPMONT BBLLK was mialag it t*" end. JEWEL OP .SIA -et the earl pace and |Ilit. The winner was entered lor .SC 00; no hid. Scratched 2.4:::. Nlgadoo, : :,: _-J4sj Kali-Iala, tin. OviTweiu-hts Meelicka. 2 ihhiiiiIs; Caplaiu larr. -: Mar~and. I . OOK71 sixth RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 18017—1:88 4 OT. Puree |808l .: year-olds ami up-_a_50 4 JL ward. BeDlng. Net value to winner 80; second. 00; third. 860. Index Horses AWtPPSt i % % Str lin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 22486 si Ait OF LOVE w :; .in I l :. ! l« 1 1- J Marys L. W Sarth •"- 7 7 Z| n-G 22525 ABBOTSFORD m B 110 I S 4 :.4 5. 4 -" I Smyth W* L Oliver I M 18 :; 8 E 22506ITBST stab W 808 4 7 7 7 7 5 oh Iral T Eggen I 10 8 1 8 S 22486-sBAI.rBON W 4: 108 S :: 0 P " - V P Cooper H G Bedwell 7-j 1 ■ I ■ out 22203 SHEPHERDESS wa 4 108 3 8 V 8* 8" 5 _ J Acton A J Karr la 38 88 I 22483 I.ICII LANGDON W 5 113 2 4 1* 1" 2* -h 8* P Gohlsfn R Jackson 8 8 7 I o-2 22652 PNCLE BEN wb 7 110 7 5 •" • ■■•■ 4l 7 7 A SchugrMrs T Francis- 4 8 8 2 I • Time. 88%, 50, 1:10%, 1:4425. l:51«i. Track fast Winner — Br. _. by star Shoot— Lad; Vincent 1 trained by I.. W. Garth. Went to post at 4:30. At Mist 1 laiaate. start good and *k*w. Won easily: second ind third driv-In? STAB OF LOVE slipped through next to the rail on the first turn and drew out Into a lonii lead on the far nun and won eased up ABBOTSFORD made up ground and bung on gamely under punishment. FIRST STAR, probably best, was messed about, but closed a _ap and finished fast. BALFRON raced 1 wardly, but was never dangerous. RICHARD LANGDON «att after setting the pace to the last turn. Tile winner was entered for 8300; no hid. Scratched 22483 Supreme. 1QS: __r.ii::jAstroloaer. l"s: 22i::ii-Wil l Horse. ICo. t_ 61 P. T O SKVENT1I BACK— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 18883—1:44—4—101. Pane 9980. 3 yeat-_5 ___ _8 # __2 olds and upward Belllag. Net value to winner 80; second. X : third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSI V* M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S S8488*REDLAND m ■• 10t 1 1 :;■ B» V 1- l» R McDotttW Walker 2 3i S 4-f. l-j 22506*LOCHIEL am 7 108 7 5 -- 9* 3 _ U -■■* P Caoper H G Bedwell t S E 8-a I ■ 22483-coi;sic n w3 ! . ■: 2 •;" 8 7:i "■" 3» A Claver it A White 4 I I I . - 1 217841 -INBOi K WS 80 I I 1J V 1" - 4- .1 Acton K B Stelle C 10 10 :; 3-2 22436 Bl BWOOK wn :. H 2 8 8 1 7 i- tl1 5J .1 Smyth A Tunny :: .. :;?. 8-5 1 j 22433 Id /./ VBOINT WB 4 88 S 6 4b I- I1 4_ 8* J Marys Mrs J Arthur .. 10 10 4 2 22484 IDA CLAIRE WB 8 l"-t :: 1 " ".ll H . 7 ; A ScliugrS Ross 10 in 88 7 I 224131 MBis v WB 4 lo.j s 7 7 ; I 8 8 S E AmbroseJ C Fletcher 10 i 3S 8 4 Time. 24"5, 50. 1:18%, 1:43. 1:45. Track fast. Winner B g, hv Plaudit— Ruby Right trained hy W. Walker. Went to post St 5:1.1 At post l minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and thud driv i:i REDLAND was saved noder restraint for three-quarters, then slipped through next to the rail and drew away deelslrely In the final eighth. LOCHIEL raced well up throughout, hut came wide on the stretch turn and finished drirlng haul to outstay coUSic.VN. The latter met repeated Interference on the irt turn, then closed ■ gap and finished fast. FENBOCK set the pace In the stretch and ipiit. The wii«- icr was entered for 1,200; no bid. 1 rerwelgbt* Ida Claire, r, itouuds.

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_3_3
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