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IIPTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling-. 15014 — 1:13% — i — 113. BRAXDTWm, ok. b. 5 m By Stalwart— Miss Canalo J. Wilkinson. Sgood 4 W5 1 6 6 I1 4- ] Cooper j Commensia, W.Lily, Priv.Petal ortErie :. 4 1 :ls4-hvy 16-5 108 1 6 3 8*2" C Hirst 7 Yorkville, Commensia, Redland 21904 Hamton 3-4 l:16%hvy 31 10." 1 E 1 V i; Sbillmg 7 Valas, Yorkville Gordon 21725 Windsor 1 l:40%fast 1" 98 6 Z 6 6 4* 4»J A CoUlna 7S nelen. Cannonade, Richwood 20«41 Windsor 3 I l:15?»8lop 23-20 104 C 0 4 4 l1]!! GaraeX 7 Commensia, Rchwood, Car. Or ma «rtEri« 5J f l:09%slow 33-10 i«7 I 6 i 7; V V Ural 6 Deposit, Sir Blaise, Laura 21466 FortE , - , hy 8-a 109 6 3 2 i* I* .1 Acton 0 Kate K., Joe Finn, Venetla Hamton 3-4 l:l3%fas 3 110 11 10 f, V- I* J Acton 12 Miss Gayle, Kate K.. Black Pine onghl 3-4 1:16 good 6-5 ill 4 6 6 i« I .T Acton S Deposit. Betterton, Redland BlutrBon. 3-4 l:l5%mud 7-4 109 4 s 6 2- V F Cooper 10 Dicks Pet, : Court Sleotb Wdbine 3-4 1:14 East 2 112 8 3 I * 3| L McAtea 13 T.Busybcdy, DleVsPet. Videt ne 3-1 l:13Vfcfaat 27-10112 :i. n u i-.t v r ShlUlng 13 Eem nt. Ida Claire, Sfarttaa Pimllco 3-4 l:14ttgood27-10 110 1 7 b 5s 2s R SbilUag 7 Marjorie A.. Cannock, Gold Cap FAR HELEN, eh. f. 3 95 By Broomstick— Belle of Troy Mis, J. Phillips, or . ; :■•,-;.. u-t 7-5 io4 7 •• ; 4:i r •• lx wder 7 Dig I imccsia, Meelicka 1ce 3-4 1:1":-, ;!ow 45 91 3 3 3 3» I* 1" Loader 0 Scallywag, Vda Anne ChahKe [l.deGce 3-4 i:i.3?;.tasi 9-5 -f, 2 3 3 ** 2» P Louder 7 Joe Finn, Mamie K., EIlaBryson 1 1 ■ " H ;•.- ■• 3 , : - .-; 105 1 2 1 l»« ! R Shilling U Minstrel, 1 Jv Home, HUter 20041 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 2J pg 2 1 1 J« 1* P Louder G Klwah, Jesse Jr., Uhena 2001S H.deGce 5] t l:0SVfcfast S| 94 1 2 2 2= V I Loader 10 Consican, Vi.lct. Amans 19941 Bowie 3-4 1:15 fast 3J HS 7 5 4 ■■•■■ 2] W LJlley 8 Sr.Lazerian. Pnyrock, inorstic 19347 N.Orlns 61 f 1 :0.jv,fast 6 1081 3 2 1 1J 21 V Keoaii 7 Ltads Pavne, Bll.Jce Estimable N.Orlns 3-4 l:13Hfast 9-5 108 1 t 8 J«l 2» R Goose 12 Nobleman, Blackthorn S.MrGee i 19206 N.Orlns 5* t 1 : lYsgoo6 12 10s 2 2 I f " |« A Pickens 7 Rose. Goose, Lin. Payne, BillrJoe 19068 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 last S N3 3 2 2 21 l«| W Lllley 8 M.Mtgnmcry, FlyHome. Mallarii I 1 MINSTREL, cb. g, 3 102 By Yanr.rc— Love Note W. B MitelWl. I onght 1:17! low 3 !■ 7 4 4 ?; 3-;. A Schugrl2 Gold Cap. Ladv London, Eginont ■ ■ •" ■ atoga 3-4 1:14 slo« 18-5 103 3 3 2 3 4" J UcTag l - B.Dblling, Sarsenet, D.ofDunbar 21931 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 16-0 105 8 2 2 2 2- 3*1 J McTaprt y Stonebonue, Orotund, BrianBorn 21819 Aqueduct 6 f l:19%fast 4 103 G 4 4 4» 4- M Mthews 9 Volant, Noureddin Outlook 21786 Belmont 3-4 l:14%fast 5 1..9 6 4 3 2« 21 M Mthews 9 Dinah Do. Grumpy Mr. 8peca 2 ,1 Aqueduct 11:41 fast U-S 103 8 2 2 2 2ll 2 A! MthewslO Volant, Dr. Duenner L.Ma 21315 Aqueduct 11:45 hvy 8 103 2 3 2 1 H 21 M Mthews 8 Saratoga, Joe Dolbold Nepbtbvs 21215 Jamaica 8-4 l:13%fast 11-6 104 3 3 1 2» t»k M Mthews 6 SirW.Jobnson, lifter, Graposbot 21171 Jamaica 1. 1:07 fast 16-6 102 4 3 3 3= 35 M Mthews1. 1 Fenmousc, Plantagt S.ofVaUev 2i»2 Jamaica 3-4 1:16 slow 13-5 102 7 6 4 3l 8*1 P Lovder 8 Alhena, Superhuman, Coy Eelmont 3-4 i:15 slow 3* 107 2 2 2 2i 2b T Nolan 7 E.Bryson, Chesterton. Boomlcaf Pimllco 8-4 l:13%fast 20 104 6 2 3 32 Il T Nolan 7 Perthshire. Zin Del. Amans I H.deGce 61 f 1 :03%good 10 108 4 4 6 4l P T Nolan 8 Hiker. Egmoot, Diie H.deOee 8-4 1 :13%Caat 5 102 4 I 3 8» 1» E Ambmsell Fall Relea. Flj liome, Hiker EliLiCON II.. b. k, 6 106 By Rubicon— Genna P. Sheridar.V 1:17% low 8 U* 2 12 ::! ., .1 Morys 12 Gold Cap, LadvLondon, Minstrel I ■ fast 25 104 :: 8 li -. -2 ■. A Nerger 11 Zin 1». :. Dignity, Connaui Windsor C?fl:09%slop 16 111 3 5 5 -:.! 2U A Nevlon 8 The Spirit. LlbertvHall M.Penvl ortErie .: -I 1:2. •-•.■hvy 28 111 s 8 8 8 7»1J Metcalf 8 T. Busy body, Dicks Pet, Mlicka •n 3 1 l:14*fefasi 15 115 2 5 3 5l s»J Metcalf .: Bend I Lsdvlmdon MissWaters onghl 5 f 1:12 mad IS HI I S S s B** G Barns 8 GoldCsp. DicksPet, M Chancer Rlu Bon. 3-11:16 mud 48 113 6 10 Id 16 10»» J Metcalf 10 GoIdenPIume. Gordon BlaeWina laVfcfast 4 112 4 2 1 SSk 4*1 J Metcalf 13 Kaydercseros, Blue Win* F Mai Dorval 51 f 1:08 faft 3 115 5 1 3 2 3- . I Metcalf 12 L. London M.Chaucer V Strorae 19982 Jua -■ 61 1 1 :••■" -/a t 6 110 4 3 3 2H 2» K Hayes 9 if aba, Connaugbt, Butter i*.;i!l 199C1 Ju 5-8 W%fast 5 110 7 2 2 23 4= P Jackson 8 Marts Mac, Nlftv, JndgeGheent Juares 7-8 l:24«ifasl I r.l 1 1 3 3 S3 1*1 R Carter 7 Hard Rail, Bontefract, Ruvocc MATES, b. f. 4 106 By Fatherless— Nieia C. E. Delines. ."-.i-.ioJ 3 108 - 5 5 3 4lJ W !:;:! 8 .-:. Raymond .1 Zarate : i I -.- .: y i IM 4 t i 4- " R McDott 9 Jose. Zarate, Istrol er Colors • ■ 1 fast 4 M7 3 8 3 F .1 mi: i S ■_;, Cartons Zali ■ 1 .3 112 •; 6 U I- F. Cullen 7 Sureget, General Tncle Dick I Dufferin i5 f • 112 2 2 2 2* 5*1 F Jenkins £ De lltry, .11 Conrl Stick Plu 112 5 2 * :•- V : Cullen 1 I en ral, .Tes. Bnrn I • ; on dOr ■ i I " 107 :. 3 21 is 1: Cullen 7 Black Chief. Americns Slnele Alw-8 1 :«=f.jrood 4 107 5 3 2 2- V- JO Cnllen 10 Delightful, Gertlielmi Darllzht 1ton 3-4 ] »« t 1 3 51 6 " 1 ■ irner 7 D and .• • . ■• Vol I st 8 104 10 9 9 •- 8«1 ;i Stearns 12 Water Lily. J.Zarate. M u 1,.:.- 1 ast 21 106 S 7 7 KM M iM Garner 13 I.seelt. Msma Johnson Colle envei 5-8 1:01 -,:niid 10 7 6 3 5 7 7- n I 1 v 7. .it 1 . Renecs Rex Beach Denvei i 11 I3*ifast 23-20 109 1 1 1 4 «*| U Cttrrli li Say, Gfildrinn. Loan Shark 21 K Denver 3 i 1:13 fast 22 M8 1 1 1 2» 4i, 1! Clark SO I rilf rwwiei - R4 f 1:08 f:.*t 3 M 5 I 2 6«f 1 Lou r 7 Ossple, .h ~ t-y/.:.i-.;tf ].• v f I "••:.;.-! M "". • 6 6 7» !■• v t.oud. r Mm es w 1 101 1 2 2 ?.= A Vlotl Q Ma tTelie Fortj Cm-1 I SH l:12%fast 20 95 I ". 2 6« 5 J1J I mder fi K. Worth. F. Roberts Mtraorios. 1S702 Juarez li t Idl alop 11-0 1M 2 1 1 1« 1* J Callahan 7 Juute Sale. Sir Dyke, liird MaD I i I 1 I KATHARINE G.. ch. f. 3 100 By Dick Finnell— Carrio Jone3 T. Egg-ers. 22523 Conght 2 1 1 .10 good 3 M8 6 2 2 2* 7? W Schhrn 9 Lsdy Ix ndon, Kyle, Regular 22432 Windsor 61 f l:u6H;£ast 36 10S 5 7 5 5" 54J F Coleman 7 Dignity, Commensia, Meelicka 22162 FortErie 3-4 l:14%good 34-6 90 7 7 5 5s 6*1 W McKzlell Dignity, Langhorne, M. Johnson 22A3S FortErie 3-4 l:l8*fchvy 20 83 S 7 C 03 5» P Ix w ler 7 TrkviUe, Bndywtoe, Commensia 21726 Windsor 1 l:4»j%fast 33 S4 5 3 11 5 571 L MeAtee 7 S. Helen, Cannonade. Richwood 216S3 Windsor 5* f 1:12 hvy l i 92 2 2 2 2J 3»J A Collins in Venetla, Meelicka, Moscowi 21644 Windsor 61 f l:08%slop Gl-10 9S l 4 4 3* 3« M Garner io UncleJlmmie, Reflection, Galaxy 19346 Juares 5-8 l:01%mud 21 110 3 2 2 3"* 3,;i .1 McCabe !» Dismiss, Casaba, Joy 19437 Juarez 3-4 l:15%SlOW 4 85 5 4 4 43 49 T Henry 5 Maznik. TUstleBeRe, IMyStreik KING BOX, b. g. 5 108 By Box— Eric Bello P. J. Miles. 22383 Windsor 1 1-16 l:48%f ast 47-5 99 2 2 2 1 21 21 J Callahan 7 Moekerv, Martian, Trivet Petal 22306 Windsor 1 1-16 l:61%hvy 24-5 102 7 G 7 7 8 S-- II Stenrns 8 Redland, Balfron, Apriss 21405 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49=f,slow 19-10 108 2 4 5 2 21 2* F Robinsn s White Wool, Kneelet, AUedo 21099 I.atonia lm70y l:44%good41-20 111 111 1 2* 2= F Murphy 13 F.A.WeiRle. J.Kavgb, Fndaiion li097 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46%fast 53 10 104 112 2 2 21 J Keders 7 Work. Lad. Orotund, Lit.England 17937 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45%f ast 27 105 8 6 5 4 3 2l JKefleris 10 Busbv Head, Holton, Gerrard 17846 Laurel 1 1-M l:45%fast 12 104 1 I : 4 4" 4S5 .1 Kederis B R. oLight. Work. Lad. CarltonO. i 7«:.7 laurel 1 1-8 l:53*£fast 39 105 5 5 4 4 3 1 J Kederis 7 Flitaway. Oakhnr.-t, C.HollOWay 17530 H-deOce lm70yl:45%fast 4 103 2 1 2 2 l1 X 1 Kederis n Sepnlveda, Battery. L. Travels INGUIETA. b. m, 5 109 By Fatherlosp— Ellorslio J. Polk. 22485 Conght 51 f l:Ki/3hvy 10 110 7 8 S 6* S; W Warton 9 JeftnaZarate, .M.-.ter, Astrologer 22443 Hillcrest 61 f 1:24 fast 5 M7 fi 5 5 Sj 21 W Povle g Lord WeUs, Bulger, Wave-in-; l i-4 _ I Hillcrest 61 f l:22%fast S-5 107 t 1 I 1" 2- E Cullen 8 Coreopsis, Tbos. Hare, N.Grand 22355 Hillcrest 61 f l:23%fast 3 108 3 6 5 4" 4-J t Lowe C Gltat. Sempsilla, Pierre Dumaa 22256 Hillcrest Ab5-8 1:02 slow 6 I07 5 4 4 4" 21 .1 Montour 8 Frigid. Bnnice, Uncle Jimmie lufferin 61 f l:26%fast 5 108 6 4 3 I* 3»1 ,T Montour 7 Bulgar, Barette, Blooming Posey -.■ il Dufferin A1-- - :.":,--iow 5 112 5 5 « 5* 4*1 A Walsh 7 Reflection, Bpnice, Tactless 22011 Dufferui 61 f l :27-f,slop l 112 3 4 3 .;■ T MeCullh 7 riearthstBe, Scrimmage. M.Jean 56 Duffsrin Ab5-8 l:01%good 4 ill 2 4 1 » 2» T McCuUh S Curious, Miss Jean, Star O Ryan 21878 Hamton 51fl:08%slop 10 107 5 5 7 6* 5«1 W W T lor 8 Miss Gayle. M Johnson. Egmont FortErie 61 f l:15%hry 14-5 111 4 1 1 1- 1» .T Kederis 7 Buls Welsh, Kopje, Clynta 2152* FortErie 51 f l:09%slow 10 109 2 3 3 4- 4*1 J Metcalf 8 WteCrown. Langhorne, OoldCas .rtErie :.4l:22 hvy 13-10 HI 3 2 4 3=«* 5»1 J Kederis 9 Jim L., Toddling, Celebrity 21435 FortErie 51 f l:12%hvy 13-5 105 4 5 4 3 ?* R McDott 8 Reflection, Colors, . 21159 Conght lm20y ! :4i~isood 21 103 3 11 1 2 6*1, K Cooper B Oration. King Radford, PordMal onght 5 f 1:09 fast 12 104 8 7 0 4 1*1 F Cooper 3 Viley. Gordon, TJhcIe Dick LORD WELLS, ch. g. 7 113 Ey Ort Wells— Ladv Manners P. E. Pitzserald. 22 4:; Hillcrest 61 f 1:24 fast 10 104 4 I r, 6»1 13 r Jenkins s Inqaieta, . I fefast 6 112 :; :: :; 21 5* J Dcav*prt 8 C. Ornie. Imprudent. S. ORyan f rln II f 1:28 slop 4 103 4 t 1 V I* S Wobd m 7 Blue Jsy, Palms, Otolona •ufferln 61 C 1:26 good C 115 ■■■ t I f -v:- A HanoverR Mrs. Vo. Tanker, Pat Gannon Pneuve 1 1-10 i.:-i!;;ia.-t 4 112 1 1 2 3*1 J Howard 5 Euterpe. Pony Koch. Malik 1 Mneuve fi1. 1:22-fust 1 11 I 6 7 R Bstep S MlssFrances. E.Adams. Leialohs 21793 Mneuve a t 1:23 fast 6-5 i"7 1 1 1 1 ". s Wnlstm 8 Tanker, :■■ ]: Mott, Leisl 21715 KlngEd. 61 f 1:24 fast 3 H5 5 5 8 771 D Roland 10 V. Strome, Fsstoso, Len.s Pride 21676 KingEd. 11-16 1:51 fast 3-2 109 11 4 «. Pickens 10 Tony Koch. Mud::. ; KingEd. 61 f 1:24 fast 7 120 6 5 4 3« C Knight 9 Pal Gsnnon, Anavrl, Berths V. ler 61 f 1:24 fn st 6-5 112 3 1 1 1* E MeEwen 8 Freda Johnson, Duqnesne. Durin 2130: Delmier 61 f 1:25 fast "■ H7 3D 9 7*| C Knight 9 Msrtre. Little Jake. Jessnp Burn BlueRon. 3-4 l:16%slow S7 110 8 9 12 12* 8* H HanmerlS Vork Lad, Gold Cap. Ada Anne llueBon. 1 l:43%slow fid 187 5 4 7 7 91 6]UA Nercer 12 Low Ise Tra vers, Rogart, B. Belle Delmier 6 f 1:24% fast 8-1 115 l1 C Knight o P.Cnor. K.ofPythias, HburglL TTAVPRSACK. blk. f. 3 95 By Martinet— Memories 8. Boss. onghl 51 f l:10i4good 15 97 8 7 7 7! 6* E Forehml and Sir Raymond, J. Zarate J.ofAsia onght 51 f l:10Vyivy 4" 95 :: 3 2 2± 6 K Forehnd 9 JefinaZarate, Mater, AstrolOKer 21334 HamtOn 3-4 1:15 slop 30 95 7 II 8 M3 E Forohd 8 Kate K., Reflection, M. Jolmson 21058 Conght 6 f l:12%mud 20 93 4 S 6 64 5*5 E Forehd 9 Bird Man. Toddling, Jefferson Dorval 3-4 l:l4%fast 5 97 7 5 10 13 12lT E Forehndl4 Reflection, Schnapps. Jos. Zarate dbine 3-4 1:1., -inst ri.l 9110 12 12 12» 11*1 B Forehd 14 Torkville L.London STork Lad "imlico 3-4 l:14%fast 49n 99 7 6 7 T»» T"» B Forehd 8 Mar.Casca, Montr Fox, Patience 18112 H.deOee 6-S I : " 2-imul 15 90 9 8 1 S3 8" E Forehd Si R. Viewer. J.B.Harrell. Refctn ► Laurel 5 S 1 :■ 1 slop 3 loo i 6 S P 713 V. ForebM 10 BrisnBoro, F.Helen, J.B.B 17174 H.deGce 5ifi:o8 fast 7 98 I 3 3 32 33 H Pointer 8 E broidery, M.Mgmery, Proctor 17410 H.deGce 5-8 l.-OOftfast 12 H 0 5 5 5 41 A-- II Sumter 8 Cbantease. Corsicau. Encore JOY, ch. f. 3 103 Bv Von Tromp— Candlewick A. C. Kishausl. 22409 Windsor 51 f 1:07 fast rid 106 . 6 8 10* 10*f W Kelsay 11 Zin Del, RaUcoa II. Dignity ortErie 3-4 1:16 hvy 37 107 fi 4 8 8 B **W Kelsay * Water LUy, Miss Gayle ioldCnp Windsor 51 f l:09%slop 33 9S 4 3 3 41 7I5JW Kelsay 10 P.JInjmie. Rflection. Khs 21479 Denver 61 f l:06%faat 6 1*! 4 2 2 l* i» W Kelsay 7 Bag, Bens Brother, M. Frankla 21370 Denver 51 f l:07%fast 7 107 7 fie ss» 2? W Kelsay 8 BabrLyuch, M.Franklhi. J.Spobn 21253 Denver 7-8 1:28 fa«t 16 103 0 2 1 1 1- PJW Kelsay 9 ArtRick. SamConnor, StolenAnte 21175 Denver 51 f l6%fasl 12 101 S 5 7 s 77 w Kelsay 8 Tralane, Concha Bens Brother 21019 Denver 51 f 1 :08%fa3t 17 90 r, s 32 1« W Kelsay 14 Concha, Caterorv Mer 19980 Juares 3-t l:13*4fast 3 N S II z-i o3 J Itorys 11 M.Tempo, M.Twinkle, Ft.JnsoB JEZAIL, b. g, 4 103 By Ildrirr.— Jumbly Girl Mrs. G. B. Cochran. .. 1 Conghl :; ll:17%slow 60 107 1 10 9 9 8*f J Clancy 12 Gold Cap. LadvLondon M 20220 Pimllco 3-4 l:14%fast 138 89 7 I 10 10* WiW Ural II C.Ashmeade, V.Strome. rkvllle 20184 Pimllco 3-4 l:16*tmud IIS 112 5 4 9 10| 11* A Mtcfclausl2 Kdemseros, Humiltion Ortyi N.Orlns 3 I l:13%good 10 103 10 9 9 9* 8*1 I. Haynes 11 Serena ta. Snnn e l» 19829 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%tas 10 107 fi 8 s C- 5" V Moore 12 York Lad, Serena t a 0 Tls Trua 19294 N.Orlns 3-4 l:12%fast 15 107 2 4 4 41 5*1 F Moore 11 Altamhn, T.Busybdj L.Londn 19197 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:62%hvy 3-2 107 3 1 J 1 t 5 *4W WartonlO Frog. Stol. Richards Old Jordan 19130 N.Orlns 3 1 l:15V4fasi 4 103 1 1 1 11 .r Smyth it Wryneck, YorkLad, PNhtmaie ;.Orlna 5 f l:OS%slop 10 109 I 2 2 2* 2» E Smith 8 Oakland. Bertertono, Bus. "cnt. Orlns 61 f 1 :07ttgood 20 1 7 2 12 ;:. faj j Pmyth 8 Snnno, Beuuiratn, Pr 3-4 1:13 fast 4" 113 8 4 1 -s1 f :: Wstts 11 rhilla. R.s Brother 61 17602 Bowls 6 f l:22*4fast 20 109 1 2 2 31 t8 E Ambrose 9 Batws, Frontier. Henrietta W. Also eligible to start ia order named sbould eny m* shoes l." scratched: VARSANTj. b. m. 7 106 By lUrta Baata Frsod Adam3 and Daitda. ■ igh ■■ : ■ ■ 3 7 - 9" P Cooper !» KnijihtslMffcr. Wodan Meelicka ■ .:. Al 5-i rv-ifav l.i 114 2 4 :. • J Bauer Indifferent. Rcsnlar. Odd Cross %fast • n 2 •. 5 6 IT M i iillb ■ Sr;ohn, Tis True Minds 2 -" KintrEd . I l:24%fa t 8 107 1 1 1 1« J nowanl 7 Frontier. S»t»nlvedj M Primlty .. A-. - i ••.•-.■ ,..v 20 109 1 14 " ■ i Howard " Reflection as 21969 Dufferin A1j5-8 l:01%fast 8 11 1 J 2 ;- :: : .1 Howard 8 Snreget. The Lark, Nolde Grand Mneuve ; •;•_": !«« 2 • MeCullh." Belle Terre. InitT, Leialobs Mn uve Ab5-v :.y fast 10 til 4 4 I ■ " ;: Bstep • Bnnice, Odd ■ 1 • Pa - On 21*65 Mneuve 6* f l:22*fcfast * lit 2 3 4 T McCnllh 7 The Governor, PassOn. L.sPrUa 2179 Mn uve VbS-S 59 ifas1 B 1 : 2 4 MeCthi i Brlgar. i" i- t dOr. Dustpan 21770 Mn uve 8-5 108 1 2 .. : : I M CuHh 5.1,- Bum, Barett.-, Cunt.Elllott KinREd. : r 6 109 2 1 Me il. . Mrs. Mc. Ortyj Kenneth KingEd, 3 11:17 rast 13 M S 5 4 5s .7 Mod.. 11 OTtsTrue, Barette, M - ■!: in.Ity 21506 Delmier AbO-S l:03-itast 20 110 10 2 Si- T McCullijlO L.desCoincts. Nila Tohwn dOr MORDECAI. ch. .g. 4 108 By Glorifier— Met* Russell W. P. Fin*. 21M3 Kamton J I 8 l:57%slop 30 ■■, ■_» ; io 1. 12 ii I. M . At- - 12 S.ofLove, fjabySister, Abbotsford tl 21*14 Hamton i_ 1 1HN tut M ill i l I s v 1*1 I Baynes 12 Crystal, Bos. Latimer. Capt. Ben ii 21744 Windsor l l:40%faandt «•" M7 ".4 7 7 V m« j Baryta ii Blrka, Itiaa Waters, Cliff Stream 11 216K Windsor 3-4 l:16%mud 49 109 2 0 5 f « B1* K Hnvues 8 C.onDllTery, Ya-hee, Kdereroa s 21570 FortErie 5i f 1:15 hvy 7j 110 2 7 7 til 4 - R Haynes 7 Peggv r-. Sonnr Bov. Toddling 21488 FortBrte 8-4 1:23 hvy X Wt 7 i !t • 714 K Waynes 9 JlmTL, Toddliiig. Viobrltr 18028 N.Orlns lmSOy l:47H nud 3 107 2 111 V 2- J Smyth 9 JoeStein. Serriceace. E. Light t mft. N.OiTns I 4 L:14%faSt 4 Ml 7 6 7 B1 44 J Smyth » Hildas Brother. Criseo, Bogart t PARLOR BOY, oh. g 7 113 By Deutschland— Renie de Los Angeles H. G. Bed-well " . 2248:. Con Bht 51 f l:10%hvy :. KH S 1 I v 7:i .1 Callahau » JefinaZarate, Mater, Astrologer , "ortKrie :. I l:17%hvy 10 MB 3 2 1 9* :" 8 Woistu. l » Beau Pere, Lady London. Kim 220K5 DufferJn 6J f l:2G%slow 3 114 2 11 P* 1" W Hlnphy 7 Scriuimase. B. Oneil. K.Radford i 220t s Dufferin 61 f 1:37 slop C-fi M 4 2 3 3s |»j 8 Wolstm 8 Martre. Ormead, Gerthelma 219Bi Dufferin 6 t 1:25 good 4 ] 10 :; 1 l 2- 2* S Wotstm 8 A.C.Haley, R.R.afiller, StlckPin 1 2182S Mneuve Ab5-8 l-OOVfcfast 6 ins ■; s ■;■. S Wohtttn 7 Monty l"". Man, Barette 217t« KingEd. 61 f l:25*ftfast 2 107 3 3 2 21 S Wolslm 8 NoMe Grand, K. Radford, Lit. En • I -•■: King-Kd. :: 1 1 I7r.f;ist 3 112 6 2 5 V*tS Wolstm 10 Deriltry. R.V.Winkk». Anna Reed I 19S83 Bowl. 51 t i:«is.-,tast 60 ill i Pulled up. 8 Wolstm 8 VUey. Bi-andywine, Thesleres VSOK Bowie 51 £ 1 :"v-.rnst :k no 1 j s !• !i;i T McTagt 9 JoeKniglit, ElMabdi, P.Gannon II 1991and Bowie 3-4 1 :lS%good 40 113 ;i 3 9 10 Hi -is Wolstm 10 Star Gift, Braadywine, In.Mmi n ii..i Havana 6-8 1:11 hvy 3-2 115 5 1 1= II K Taplin 7 AJax, Mortgyle, Golden Lassie 39ft. Havana 3-4 l:14%tast 12 VH 6 7 7 t" B Taplin 8 B.Harwd, Metpolitan I. Queen 11 M IS Havana 6- f 1:M fast S 112 7 « C 7*1 B Taplin 9 A.Lawrence, Msewhere, IT.iI-ii.l I 19431 Havana 3 1 L:24%b.Ty S ill s 8 I 6»« B Taplin 10 i.. i-Miil. C. McPerran, Sackcloth li 19387 Havana 6-8 l:0a%slow 2 110 4 r. 4 4"i B Taplin 8 Coaster, Klaewhere. Miss .le.iu 19360 Havana 3 1 1:23 slow fi 114 2 1 l1 24 B Tnjdin It Bea Uneaa, Baa J. n. Napier 18391 Havana 3-4 1:17 ..-.hvy 8-5 114 2 2 1- i V. Taplin 10 Marg.Meise, Ban Jon, Corcopshi 19258 Havana 51 f 1 : l.-.hvy 2 114 1 1 1" 1" K Taplin 7 Cooster. Custom House. Moisant 1911 Havana 6| t l:3%hvy 5 112 4 1 1* "3 ■ Taplin t s. A Stripes, V. Lad. Supreme c LA VAN A. b. f, 4 111 By Dick Welles— Mary Lavana E. Glassco. 22501 ronghl 3-4 l:17 islow M 108 3 3 7 7; l"" . Sniyili 12 Gold Cap, LadyLondon. Minstrel ! 22430 Windsor 1 l:42%taat 2? 105 2 11 1 I1 l:l L Gentry 11 WOdHorse, Cadenza, CottonTop p 22162 FortErie 3-4 l:14%good rid 98 2 8 10 11 ll11 .1 Miller 11 Dignity, Langhorne, M. Johnson II 23077 FortErie 1 l:43%slow S2 102 8 11 1 2 V% R MeDott 8 Wad.s Last, Dorerls, CottonTop 21937 Hamton S-4 l:M%hvy 20 11118 8 8 s+ 7"|W WartoalO Africa Beaa, Argent, K.Jenningn H 21834 Hamton 3-t l:l2%fast B0 104 5 1 G 7s 7 ?.T Palmy 8 Schemer, ScraOner, North.Light t 21699 Windsor 3-4 i:14%slow fid 104 11 9 9 9* 731 J Acton 12 Sir I.. Joe. Bcrotineer, Schemer 2M21 Windsor : . f 1 : » rid 106 5 S S 81! 7»J J Acton 12 Useeit, Mama Johnson, folle 21316 Hamton ll:40%fast 40 102 6 9 11 12 12 12 «iJ Ac-ton 12 Aprlsa, Schemer. Subject 20576 Wdbine 8-4 1:14 fast fid 103 13 12 12 12 1TS1H Hanmeri:t T.Busybody, DlcksPet, Bwir.e 1 aMKWdbine t-4 l:14%siow 120 105 10 7 10 101 io26 F cooper il Anxiety, Aprisa, Buffo