Current Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. .1 ubcs MacManus has turned BeOoc out and no attempt to race him will be made until next year. W. I. Lurch will ship his string to Beta* Bl Park for ■ brief campaign before ,uing on to Havre de ,1 ice. Mike Dalys Garter and «],. rter Cram will go with the junipers in the Clyde stable to race on the Canadian tracks, 11. W. Sage of Albany bSS bought the two-year-old ,I.m ibns 11 m George .1. Long and will train the in rse lor Jumping. W. -i. roung shrpys 1 his stable to Kentucky Thursdaj morning. Included in the string were Dulse, the Grader and Worlds Wonder. Sixtj yearlings that are to be sold by tin- Powers Hunter Company next Tuesday lent srrived at Sheepsbead Lay from Kentucky in good condition. Tlie Jefferson Livingston sT;n r. j;i charge if thil T. China, will Ik kepi at Saratoga for tin days and then shipped to Havre tic Grace for the Maryland meetmgs .1. W. May. who had been contemplating shipping his horses to Belmont Lark with the Intention of starting Cosmic in the Futurity, will shit, his suing dirt from Saratoga to I.ouisyille. Trainer George Price and .1. M. Booker have hied -in- against the Pennsylvania railway at Clncra uaii , _ sustained in the bad accident of July 7 at Robinsons Junction near that city, when manv race borsw and several con were killed. Price hid a leg broken aid sues tor 0,000. Booker was orach bruised and bad to be sea: to a hospital His s,ni is or ,000. Ellgiblea for the Futurity, to Ik run at Belmont Lark September 4. include Trend. Lord !!■ ck Vale. Libyan Sands. St. Lock. Paddy Whack. Spur. Henry Jr.. Lena Mlsba, Achievement, Mare Henry, Femln st, Celandrta. -lock ODowd, Irendrie, Sir Vivian, Smoothbore, While Hackle, Qui Vive. Primero, I lute. Safin, Queen. Bromo, Thunderer and Orate: dale, it is estimated that the race wiil have a gi -. value ot over 3,000. Jocfcej A. Walsh was indritall ly suspended at Malsonneuve this week for striking one of the track employes after he had been Instructed to sreept no more mounts there. J. Deavenport, c. Knight and W. Bosen wen also Informed that they would not !.- 1 rtnitted to do any further riding ami G. Coreys ; wiie ordered rorrflned to the Varrou Brae Stable Im a. o, which name the half-mile track division of 11. G. BedweBs stable ,- racing. The Buecess of the present Saratoga meeting has led io the announcement thai the stakes for ■ which close in November, will be substantially increased in v. Ire. The Hopeful for two-year-olds, will have a gi irsnteed ralue of 0,000. There 1 will h, a Hop 1 il Product Stake- 111 r918. similar to 1 the Futurity, 1 which ,500 will be added. The 1 rami 1 Dion and United States Hotel stakes both will bi Increased to a guaranteed value of ,S . on September : tic- stewards of tie Jockey club w ill eonsidi 1 a proposed amendment to the rules • I racing siirmiitted Inset ssjiilii bj Cant. E. B. Cassatt. Captain Cassatts proposal sfrikes irT»ie ■■ltl.v racing f two-j nr-oMa and reads as follows. "No hon foaled in IMS or thereafter shall run before Aprl 1 tif hi~ two-year-old year under penally of therebj Uiwiualif.wng himself for all races under theso 1 I f I 1 I 1 1 . s 1 ] 1 1 ] 1 , • intil after Decethbei "i of his two-year-oM year." 0 ol The r.t Imoiit Park managi men I has s.d.i every box r its autumn meeting, something miqui in the Ids torj ut the Westchester Baring Assoctation during ill period. I his presages a successful meeting. Among the boxholders an it. T. Wilson, apt. L. J B Cassatt, II. W Carey, .limes Butler. S. L. par- -oils ;. A. Oochran Price McKlnnej two boxes, r Hamilton Disston, August Belmont, John Sanford, Payne Whitney, W. K. Vanderbllt, ii. C Hallen- l btik . Iv. G. Lilling-. Allan Ptakerton and John B. Wordea. Qaiti a number of good horses that went amiaa in the east since the opening of the New fork raring Min are now getting regular work- for the fall ; campaign. Among this n imb t Is Pebbles, which has not hown good form since his race in the j Kentucky Derby. Tartar, winner of two Important band leaps In the spring— the Brooklyn and the L ng , Leach i- aiso taking regular won: ami will be readj , for a fall campaign at Belmont Lark arid Maryland. Ten Point, which h. s not shown much so | fs his year, is now p. king far better than ic did through the spring and summer and is taking useful .1 w rk e • ry morning.

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_2_5
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