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1 CLAY BS01HESS YLAKLINGS TO BE SOLD. Dwtng ti iii death of B. F. Clay, Jr.. senior member of tl*e unccessfnl raring tirm of Clsy Brothers Paris. Ly.. the yearlings belonging to thi establishment Mil] 1 fi* r l at pnbHe aue tlon in the Lv.viugtou sale on the evening of ; 0 ol J r l ; j , , | .1 : . ] Wedne day. S ptemher 15, ander the m The Kentucky Sales Company. It ,s doubtful it In re. e.ii years, a better 0T more select lor of youngsters wi ever offered at public ut ami it will afford an excellent •, portunlt; to racing people or breeder to secure Ktock representing the quintessence of fa ilonablo thoroughbred breeding. These yearlings re not only attractive individuall] bul comi rain tried and producing dam- Such noted performers as the might Boamer, Buckhorn, Ocean Bound. Sharpshooter, Lady ISrraal and many other lurt celebrities ware 1 ; by Clay Brothers and pro |i its as tood as they ever raised an in this consignment, a lisi which folic Chestnut colt half-brother to tfaga Lady, by BaOot- Marie, iv Frances, bj Si . on tmestnut 1 dl hall brother to Buckhorn lol fairly ■ in d I Si] Li B. Brown or black colt balf-brothei to Li Ij B rant. Ontlan, talan and Fidget, by Jack Atklav— Outeome. iv Sir Dixon. Brown or bay colt, by Jack Atkin Drean .-, sister to Oceaa Bound, bj Sun Shoot, Lay coll half r ther to Irish Gen l Jack Atkin ie Lady, by Kingston. Bay Billy half-sister to Sharpshooter, by Bryu Mawr- Singles hot. bj Star Shoot. Brown filly half-Bister to Yallaha, by Bryn Mawr Star Lady, by Star Shoot. Lav filly I half sister to Stellarlna, l-y M.::.; i — Rnllnrina, by Handspring. tccsii an tiiiy ball sister ■• the gnat rare horse It amen, bj Magneto Rose Tree i!.. by Bona Vista. Chestnut colt, by Magneto Crip, by Bridgewater.