Saratoga Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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c , ;, I J J I I , , ; 1 ■ " L ! , : . , I j - - • 1 , " 5 In n ,; i. i- SARATOGA FORM CHART. SARATOGA. N. Y.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 28. 1915. Twenty fourth and last day. Santoga ABeotlatiea. Saauaer Meetiag "f 24 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. Frank J. Bryan. PresMiBg Jadge, C. II. IettiiiL-ill. Starter. .Mars tussiily. Racing Secretary. Andrew Miller. 1 — — — — Racing staits at 2:::o p, m. Chicago Hate 1:88 p. m.i. W Indicates whip, s spurs, r, blinkers, pig. area in parentheses following the distance of each race indie. ic- lades naashcr, track record, age of been pad weight can Pit. *Iadlc_tes appreatlee allowance. p rT Q IIBst i:. 1: 3-4 Mile. 10010—1:11—3—113. 8400 Added. 3-year-dda and apward. 2f __ O 4 O Selling. Net value to winner 10: second. .0: third. S.:t . Index Horses AWtPPSt % _ % Str Bin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 8S0M*ISIROSE w 0 107 4 » 1- I* I _ V w i.iiley J Saafard 11-621 - 2-5 oat 88807 FENMOlSE w :: 108 . 1 -1 - -■ -; J McTagrtA Belmont 1-2 3-511-20out— 888H» EVELYN c. w :: list 1 t 3 _ 8* ::- ■.: K LapailleJ W Hedrick Jr 15 28 28 " 7--7 8881S*SARSENET WB 3 HlO :: :, .. I" P i; Collins R T Wilson 1" I". 16 21 1-6 22471 GOODWOOD we 3 lol -1 : 4n S* "; •"." M Qaraer R P Carman 38 B8 E8 13 t 2253DKBIS KRINGLE wn 3 101 S 8 8 I 8 I I" Judy I Livingston 30 38 88 I X Time. 12. 23%. 35%. 47%. 59%. 1:18%. Track fast. Winner— Br. m. by IsMor— Rock Rose trained by 11. Hughes. Vent to post :it _::17. At post ■". minutes. Stmt •, 1 and slow. Won easily: second and third drirlng. ISI ROSE, showing high -peed, need Into a good had -n the far turn and drew away when ehal-lenged. FENMOlSE was hard ridden i keep np and closed up menacingly after entering the homestretch, bat tired in the last eighth. EVELYN C. met slight interference mi the t urn oat of the baekstretcb .ind ran 1 good ace. SARSENET finished gamely. The winner was entered for 8700; no bid. Scratched _247»Aunl Josle, Pit: 224s7 Barsac, 110; 22::ii7 Dryad, 108; 28353 Aacoa, 108; 22087 i: ■ ler Star. K7. OOPk7/l SECOND RACE 8-i-t f Wiles 70870—4:18 » 188. Sixteenth Buuning Beverwyck 50 I —fa Steeplechase. Value ,500. :; year olds and upwaid. Handicap. Net value t . winner ,150; second. s_imi. ladea Bonn AWtPPSI ."1 10 15 17 Fin Jockey* Owae 0 H c P s 88888 WELDSHIP w 0 188 4 1 1l3ls I8 Hi- _ Wollke E M Weld i 1 1 1-:: out. f 21976. KB BART w 7 147 1 ■". 2» 2" :. 2 J T Tackey .1 E Wldener 3 J - 8-6 1-2 out 22121 KNTCHP OP MKBClw c, B14 ! 4 :i :: Js Fell. II Tighe F A Clark 4 4 14 S oui 20471 ABCTITUS w Z 138 :: - Lost ri.i. r. P TurnbkeMrs J L Coyle H 88 W M I Time. 4:21. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g, by Seahorse II. -Moon-daisy trained by :. R. Tompkins. Went to post at 3:00. At pent 2 minutes. Start good and -low. Wen cantering. WELDSHIP feneed if lean fashion and led under stout restraint for the entire way. EL BART raced well for the lirst mile. but made screnl had landing- thereafter and was eased up in the final Quarter. KNIGHT OF MERCI ran well until be R»B at the six teen tb jump. ARCTLRCS, a g t looker, unseated his rider at the lifth .Pimp. O O P_ 7 P_ THIRD HACK — 3-4 Mile. 10010—1:11 3—113. Elerenth Raaaiag Hopeful Stakes. 4U _-l O 4 O Value ,500. 2-year-oUa, Allowances. Net ralae to winner ,150; Becoad, ,000; third, 80. Index Horses AWtPPSt1; 1. £ Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 22469-DOMINANT w 130 1. 2 I 1- 1- 1- -I Natter L S Thompson f 1-2 1-2 8-281-8 out 22469 BI ; smoke wl7 t 8 81 11 2.5* D ConneUyT C Bradley W 12 H 1 J 22510 FRIMERO w 107 12 I _«J S 31 ■■■ E Martin TC McDowell 3 S and i 4 .22512lOI.Ho.IA vv 110 ll 8 7l :.1 ."... I. H CavanhJ Livingston 17. SB 38 8 1 :22429C1IIC1.K w m - 5 S" 7- ; .".. T McTagt L S Thompson tt-2 1-2 9-301-8 out 22469 ST. BOCK WB 187 1 13 11- lo- B V .1 McTagrtA B-liuont 8 12 12 i I 25398 i BKl i o w 110 8 3 !. • I- 7- G Byrne .1 Livingston :l." 28 •» 8 I CHURCHILL * 107 7 7 1" !_• 11- 8 W l.illcy f P Keene |W lo 10 I 8-5 22510KI1.MKB wins Sis H.i 11- 10 :i R Hoffman W . Prima 38*25 86 I I 22476 PRINCE OF COMO wb 117 P 1 _» g] . . up .1 McCaheyG A Cochran H 18 40 r, | JKJILLIES W 107 i 12 1_» 13 13 1C M I.uxton W Pitch 8 88 88 8 3 22393 I.O R AC WB 107 8 11 9* :.: .U.U- M earner F P Ken* 119 I. M 1 8-3 22510 ACHIEVEMENT wb 125 ! 8 I ! 6" 7L 13 J Butwell it F Canaan 18 88 ••• IS 7 ICounicd in betting; uo separate place or show betting. ttAddeil starter. Time. 12. 23%. 35%, 48%. 1:00%. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner- Br. e. by Delhi -Dominoes trained by .lame- Rowe. Went to pest at 3:38. At post 8 minutes, siart good and slow. Woo easily; second and third hiring. DOMINANT took a quick lead and. showing much the nasi sped, held the others safe throughout. i.IC SMOKE worked his way up oa the inside from a slow iieglnning and finished gamely under pnutsli 1 it. PRIMERO was always a forward contender. POLROMA raced vide all the waj and finished fasl tn rough the final eighth. CHICLE raced under bard precsare from the start and _ai I slowly in the Inmiestretch. ST. ROCK closed a gap. FLE1 RO ran forwardly le the linal eighth. CHURCHILL closed .1 gap. overweight- -Kilmer. ! pound _» Q 4 p_ rj f* FOl Kill RACE— 1 3-4 Miles. 41158 2:58—5—113. Thirty-fifth Raaaiag Saratosa __. _-i I i u Cup. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward Welght-for-Age. Net vale- to wiaaer ,075 and 30 in Plate; second. 50: third. 50. lades Hone* AWtPPSt _• l l%. Str Fin Jockeys owners 0 _ c p s 28478ROAMER wa I 123 ! 1 I. 1_ 1- I l" .1 Batwell A Miller 1 I 1-0 i-s out— 22399-YIKl.K we 5 124 1 :: 1 J» S*» _• »•• T McTagt Greentree Stable 8 10 8 3-5 aat 88470 STAR GAZE wa 5 127 1 . :: ; 2" -■ :. :: .1 McCaheyH 1. Pratt IS 28 !"• 8-6 aat 22170 SIB .1. JOHNSON w H» 127 3 i :." I I I I G Byrne BeverwyckStable SO M 58 21 out Time. 24%. 49%, 1:15, 1:42%. 2:08%. 2:35%. 3:01%. Track fast. Winnei -B. g, by Knight Errant Rose Tree II. trained bj A. J. Ooklsboroughi. Went ■. posi 11 4:00. At post _ minutes. Start u»m1 and -low. Won centering: second diiving. ItOAMEK raced Silt JOHN JOHNSON" into mrly retirement and led under stout restraint for the remain-d !• e tb. way. VIRILE came fasi an.: gauwlv throngb the final half, but nerer menaced the winner. STAR CA/.K quit after _.-in_ a mlh and sn eighth. S1K JOHN JOHNSON was eased np after a futile eii irt t.. r.ic- wjf.i i;oami:i: t. r rh. Brst ihr quarters. O . 7 7 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 01501—1:37% 3 118. 00 Added. 3-year-old* aad apward _5 Jj * I I Selling Handicap. N.-i value t,. uinn., 30; second, siotc ihir.l. 0. 1 Horses AWtPPSt !. %■ % Str Fin Joekeyi Owners 0 II C P S 88_91:SHYNES WB 3 or. 2 :; :". l«l _ l» r M Qaraer .1 W Hedrick Jr 8-5 3 8-6 3-5 out 2248V c , 1 . w :: 07 1 I 1" "■- l :: :■ A Collins A G Weston 11-53 II 1 -J out 22555 1 . MACDONALD wn o 115 .". i r I- :;:; V :: • _ Buxton Mrs F E Brown I :; 18-81 1-3 22097 EASTER STAB wn 4 83 1 5 3 "■ .", .". 1 K LapailleJ E Madden 20 38 15 I 1-3 22509 ABl.ToN c. m; .102 2 t_ 2* l« f; 5 -i McCaheyJ s Ownbey 3 3 1 1-3 Time. 13. 25. 37%. 49%. 1:02. 1:15. 1:27. 1:40%. Track fast. Winner Ch. f. bj lii~ Majestj Mrs. K. trained bj J. W. Hedrick. Went to post a 1:30. At post :; rnhmte* H art good *nd «h»w. Won drirlng: neeuad and third the so n . SHYNESS rac-etl Into an eaw lead and wa* then taken back and Bar»d until EAGLE challenged, then 1 tared him In * game finish. KAOl i: was poorly ridden himI taken hack early under a stoul pull, then wa forceil to the ootsldc when entering the boniestretcli and made a resolute finish. DONALD MACDON i i. ran well and Buisbed gamely. CARLTON G. quit badly after running a good hall. The wiaaer, ea-_ ered roi .C00. wa* hid up to ,500 and sold to J. Quinn. ■ rat. In ; l?--:».". Cii.-liee. II., fj fa ff rj Q SIXTH RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. i H.10K 1 o.V-, 2 — 11-8.1 Pane 80. 2 year olds. 5 _3 O 8 O s.-Hhig. Nel ralne to winner 80; necoad 0; third 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 _ "i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 HOPS 22530 EDNA KENNA w 108 G 8 I : ; i T McTagl s Lewi* I i 8 S 3-5 884£4-* :oOD CO! N.-Kl. wn in7 I 8 I I F Judy .1 T Smith I •"• 3] 8-5 I i HORSE wn 112 - I -■ . 3 -i McTagrtA Belmont 3 2 17-187-101-3 22580*SAL VANITY w lit « 8 "■ ; " . V V Lllley .:rs I. H Baxter 2 3 3 1 M 225581NOT.I.! w 107 1 i 3 : Q .". T PargtonW C Dal IS BJ Ii •"• l" 22530 SERVIA wb 1o7 3 2 ii Ij Jj 8 A Collins H O Comstock 6 8 s 1 n-Z Tine . 11%. 23%. 35%. 49%. 1:01%. 1:03%. Track fast. Winn.-r— ch. f. by Stalwart— T_ Cnp trained by M. Hlrsch. Weal lo post st 1:50. At post 11 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily; necoad and third driv Inc. EDNA KKNNS. ilrew ewsy while rounding the last mho nml taking a long lead, won under restraint. ...i.|. .ii vnci graduall luiprwiil bh |mx1I1uo «ml mil taye.1 I11BH HORSE The latter wa bard rid dc i ifartaigbmit. bill tired in the Baal sixteenth. si mi finlsheil restdutel.i ll,.- sr inner, enterwl ! •! s-.iiu wns bid np to si. in:. Mint l.aigl i In. y.-r.ii.hed l-j:..". IM. Kedfleld. 100: 22472 Mi- Pbllbin, !«•_; 22472 WalleoB, 112: -_2li:. Ingot lit; 2-:.:.s in and Oat, 107; 22lss QelaiBfi llaad. lW.

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_3_4
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