Third Race [3rd Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29

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: i 1 . THIRD RACE — About 2 Miles. Btesplechaae. G-year-oldj and inward. Sellir.- Handicap. 110712— 3:48% 5—149. STDCC0, br. g, 4 139 By Eiligrane— My Elaa.ior L. W. Garth!. 225IK Conght Ab 2 3:52 fast 1 128 I 4 4 2 21 !- P Willnu u :«. 22521 Conght Ab 2 ::52 good 4-5 145 5 :. 5 t 2* :.- i Williams 5 Tropaeolum, N. Hai 22482 Conght A ! 2 3:54 hvy l 138 I 5 2 3 i; 2» T Williams - Cynosure, Idl. 21781 Hamton Ah 2 l:08%fast 2 TI2 8 4 3 2 HI F Williams : The Afri il5S8 FortErl Ab 2 I 3low 11-10 140 12 1 3 «,; 4" X Brooks B Morpeth, Dor. Wehl 21554 FortErie Ab 2 4:20%hvy 27-M 141 2 1 S 3 2 ?,9 N Brooks 6 Garter, Dor. Web- I 21312 Hamton Ab 2 4.-08 fast i 139 1 S I 3 1 1 F Willtns 5 Garter. Joe Gaiety.Dor. Wei 21223 Hamton Ab 2 4:05%fast y-3 133 4 3 3 3 3-» ll P WiBIams 6 Dor. Webb, The African 20962 BIueBon. Ab 2 4:10 mud 17-20 127 12 1 S l1 2* N Brooks 5 D bl Stui 0 Come Un I ;u"Eon. Ab2 4:08%fast 11-20 130 4 4 3 3 3-3 2* N Brooks 5 V. Morpheus, G Planet M llite 20580 Wdbine Ab 2 4 :56%fast 37-6 130 12 2 3 2 S** N Brooks 5 Weldshin, Brvndown Garter Wdbine Ab 2 4:06%fast lJ -20 130 4 2 3 3 6*» 6*» J Dnpee 7 C. Krum, Bryndown Mcl 20214 Pimlico 2 4:04%slop 20 I3SJ 12 2 3 38 313 J Dupee 4 O.Salt, igcash EARLY LIGHT, b. g, 5 133 By Feep oDay— Wantage CH. G. Bedwell. 22502 Con ghl Ab 2 3:57%slow 7 1 _ 2 ■, I 2 ! 1 • U Gadd] ie, ulot Jacl 52%fast 48 99 ■ ii ll H nl ** T Hayes 11 Si 219 ". Hamton 11-16 l:56%alow 60 108 fi 6 4 4 i1 !|;S Wolstm 0 Martian, . . 51 ] ! :iior 6] f 1:25 good 12 107 81*iS WolhlmlO Euterpe, Electric ;;. -i ! ncas I9S98 Bowie lm70yl:52 slow 5J 102 S 9 0 8 1 53 S Wolstm 0 1 ••.-.-. Little England. I!i : ro 19858 Howie 3-4 l:14%fast 60 107 10 In 12 101 10*1 J McTag*tl3 New Ha en Chuckles, ,* Km. -lit 19349 N.Orlns lm20y l:41%fast 36 100 13 IS IS S s1 7? E Haynes 13 Hermuda, Cam 1930S N.Orlns lm20y l:41%faat St 103 10 M 11 12 U 9" F Moore 13 June W Klld . V. 19132 N.Orlns lm! st 15 111 4 12 12 12 13 13*1 !- Ambrose 14 1 orato. .. LJda Crl 1*041 N.Orlns 11-16 1:52 hw 5 iVi 2 12 1 B S* F Keogb 0 Bake. Ella Gra 19028 N.OrTns lm20y l:47%mnd 12 111 3 2 3 3 3- 4H F Mr.v,,hy » Joe Stein. Mordecai. Servia CYNOSERE, b. g, G 138 Bv Star Shoot — Mercurial G. P. Sherman. ■ 22548 Conght Ab 2 8:54 jrood 4 115 2 3 5 E 4» S« .1 Bussell B Idle Michael, Vi-s The ff;ean 22482 Conght Ab 2 3:54 hvy 8 j::4 7 4 4 4 2= 1" .1 Russell 8 Stucco, Idle Michael 22079 FortErie Ab 2 4:12%slow 20 135 4 2 2 1 1« 1 1 J Rnssell 5 IdleMichael, F.A.Stone, Morpeth 21588 FortErie Ab 2 4:08%slow 45 139 3 4 3 E W J Rnssell 6 Morpeth, Dor. Webb Joe tl 20334 Pimlico 2 2:55 good 90 133 3 6 6 fi Ir.ll.up.T Cotman 8 Senegamblan, Tom Horn B Fish 20292 Pimlico 2 3:57%fast 81 149 1 3 5 0 F« 11. T Cotman 0E1 Bart, Bryndor, Kings Lynn 20080 H. deGce Ab 2 4:"3 last 30 145 1 4 5 5 6*" 5»» D Gady 7 Prog. Sun Kinu-, Judge WaJLser 18495 H.deGee lm70yl:46%fast 100 109 5 3 3 3 and« 5" A Nlcklans 0 Fascinating, L.Rankhi L.Juniter 18339 Pimlico 2 1-4 4:2S%fast 313 134 7 6 6 Pulled up.H Tansey 7 Shan. Biver, FozcTaft Q Vale 77;9 Laurel Ab 2 4:21 fast 79 145 1 7 8 fi Itefd.H Tansey In ITkenburg, P.Asinum, Vbfeldy I744i WMMne Ab 2 4:05 good US 145 5 8 8 Fell. H Tansey 8 Chnpadero. J. Gaiety Laomedon 17017 Blue Hon. Ab 2 4:l0Vfetast 80 153 10 6 Lost rider. L Cebl 10 Chnpadero, Collector Meshach 16412 KingEd. 3-4 l:22%hvy 15 112 2 2 7J 7-"iW Ward S Oneed, Lelaloha, II. Hutchison 16196 FortErie 1 1-16 l:49%mud 30 106 4 4 5 7 x X" w Ward and J. Kavanaugb. Centanri R Coat tfillfi Fc.rtErie X-4 l:13%fast 100 110 4 5 6 67 67J W Va.rd 8 HhradOO. Laura. Ana.rl CX7 B0J7. ch. g, 7 132 By Cunard— Bonibel VV. Smith. 22302 Conght Ab 2 3:57%slow 11-6 142 2 2 2 1 Ran outHCrawfM 5 EarlyLight, F.A.Stone :",j-f]; 224S2 Conght Ab 2 3:54 hvj 50 132 5 3 3 1 S» P* H CrawTrd 8 Cynosure, Stui Idle Miciiaol • 01 K;- Ab 2 4:12%sIow 20 ::;:, S 1 4 4 E BM H Crawrrd 5 Cynosure, I.Michael F Stone 21924 Hamton Ab 2 4:10%hvy 23 1 vj 4 4 6 5 E 4* G Bowser C Joe Gaiety, Jim 0 P -21903 Hamton Ab 2 4:N-;,hvy 40 T,. 5 5 6 3 4 4-- G Bowser 8 I. Michael, G. Planet P A* Stone 217 I Hamton Ab 2 4:03%faet 40 138 fi 5 8 7 7 7J* G Bowser 9 Stucco, The African .loc 1 20917 Mboro 11-10 1:53 fast. 4 114 8*1 J Dennison 8 C. HoUoway, P.Piper, C.Randell . Mboro 7-8 !:23 fast 31 112 t*| J Dennison 7 Hedge Rose, In. Queen Moncrelf Mboro 61 f l:25%fast 10 108 f| II Hoffman 7 Hoffman, Inf. Queen Pes 20807 Mboro r-s 1 :■, --sood 12 112 4- J Dennison 0 Peacock, PIK Grane ! 20710 Prospect Ab.VS l:o-%iast 3 112 4» W 11 Wer 6 Barette, Sih r Moon Nellie C 30C75 Prospect Ab6-8 l:02%fast 3 113 1- W R Wer 4 Matey, Racing BeU, B. 0 Saga LILLIAN KRIEP, b. f, 4 130 By Beau Ormonde— Little Gun E. J. Crawford 2234S Conght Ab 2 S:54 good 15 130 I 1 2 fi C 6*» B Scully G Idle Michael Fi ■ Cyi sure 22502 Con gh1 Ab 2 3:57%sIow fi 140 1 1 1 Poll. : Bow er r, EarlyLight. F.A.Stone tamton 3-4 1:15 slop 39 111 5 4 5 0- ••■■ij, McAtee 8 KateK., Beflection, MamaJ 21207 Hamton 1 1:40 f;is. 20 US fi 4 5 6 5l 7X*1P Cooper 8 1 iu •:■ p.-ir.vo -A ■■ rval I l:43%fast 12 1"! 1113 S1 5* J Groth 10 IrishHcart, Bogart LnckvGeorga »724 Dorval lm7 t 25 1 04 4 3 1 1 4 E«S W Hinphy 12 Durin, Penalty, Lucky Geo J0517 Electric Ab5- i:o-%nlov,- 6 110 6* W Manders 7 Anavri. Phew, Deduction 20483 Electric Ab5-3 l:02%slop 5 in 7"! A Pickens 10 Moncrelf, Pass On U Campbell 20063 H.deOc» lm70yl:43 fast 20 109 1 1 3 3 31 7**11. Mink II DBtod, GoLCastle, L.Inn. KALI-INLA, blk. g, 6 130 Bv Lithoa— Eugenia S. J, W. Burttscbell. Conght Ab 2 3:54 hvy fio 134 4 8 9 71 7" J Garnet 8 Cynosure. Stucco Id! Michael • Windsor ! 1-4 2:12%slow 186 100 5 3 8 8 9 - •! Sierrett S Firs! Star, . . 22248 Windsor 5 t l:06%fast 206 r: S 1 10 10 10* ■ St rrett 10 Marjo le A.. 1 ator ITseeit 644 ■ 09%slop 80 103 S 9 9 10 1025 II SbiBIng 10 C.Jimmi. R lection KharineG 20940 BIueBon. 3-4 l:16%slow rid HO 13 13 13 IS 13"1J Groth 13 York Lad. Gold Cap ;U A. -no :-A845 BIueBon. 7- : 1 :-_asi fid 111 11 13 13 13 13« 13"5B McEwenlS Redland. Inquiets Burwood I9S28 Juarez 5 l:07%fast 3i 111. 2 2 4 S* 4=3 . 1 Mnrphy 8 Hazel C. John Spoha CaroNome 19778 Juarez •:. -, ■:■■■ -.:,t 3-2 1H 2 6 3 3«k 2= J Mnrphy ■■ P.Antoinette, Ooma, Sumnierhill 19750 Juarez 5J f l: X 115 5 8 s 9* 3 .1 Murphy 13 Cal Corn, Doll Boy p.c Ml, -a 19698 Juarez 3-4 1:13% Cast 4 ME 2 2 2 Sl 7*1 R Shilling 8 No Quarter, Tower, "Petit Bleu I9fi77 Juarez 6-8 l:01%slow 3 lJS 2 4 3 42 5-J B S;uall 7 Nifty, Lit. Birdie, Lady Young

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_4_4
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