Connaught Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday, August 30, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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Connaught Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday, August 30. • WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK EAST. .The Igiures under the heading: "Rec." in the I mtriaa below iho-n tho best time of each horse | a- tiio distance, tinea January 1, 1911. M matter whore it finished. Iu cases -where re.:ord SI made Oil other than a last or good track, abbre- I i viations »hcv track conditions. Baring starts at 2:80 p. n. Gkteaca time. 1:30. Runs well in mud. ©Superior uiud runner. II maiden*. "Apprentice aUowaBce1. First Race — 5 1-2 Fnrtenri :. i ai olds. Canadian-foaled. AUowani s. ■ ; ra * record: 10S45- 1 :08 !., --:: -1 15. lad. Hone. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.ilo.;. 217021 Sweet Colleen 1 !•» . . T_-"» 1".-. 1:09% ins ■ 720 K:ttbi en I! 103 1 : .: i- 10S 7. 0 22." 1» Old Pop 108 1:1! 111X71.1 225 lot William V.. M.. 03 1:13% IO1..710 22217 li Rogers M .. 104.. 710 ?W. Walker entry. Second Rate — 5 1-2 Fuilongn. 2-year-olds. Selling. ,;: ick ret •• : 3 1 1." . i 22567 Gentlewoman 105 1:10 111X725 .j-.isi.i Galeswiatlie m4 l:lo%h lOti :720 21045* Welga 101. .715 i22i:»:»i* Margery 103X715 122455* Semper Stalwart ..100 l:14%h 104X715 22453 Bddle T Hx 1:00% 100X715 22501* Little Bigger 102 l:10%s 100X715 225201* i.v.iM 100 1:09% 103X705 Tea 100X705 22547* J. /■■ Wiggins IM.101 1:!2ni 09x600 h Tush 101 1 :09% 101 • 2*0 19S42* Far Away 101. .690 22547 Dr. Sullivan tM. . 97 l:12%h 107.. COO Also eligible to start In order named should any .! ;..-.- lie scratched: 22501 Lvndora 110 l:12%s 114x705 22S47 Greenwood Mj .110 1:11% 107X080 Third Race — Abcur 2 K.les. Steeplechase. ir-olds and upward. Sellii :; Handicap. Track record: 10712- -3:48% -5—149. .:•.:.■•-, Stucc i 4 1:70X725 22502 Karlj l.iyht 5 138X720 :•:•»• i , . - ue IS 138 72 i n Bon Mi J 132x703 Lillian Kripv Ml. 4 130. .«W0 224S2 KaU-InU | U 5 130 .C80 Four.-. Raco — 1 Mile. 3-vear-olds and npward. Allowances. iTrack record: 10S4J -1:41 — 9 — 110. 22522 :- ELATE GLASS . . .117 1 :3S% 9 104 X 733 In... Horae. Wt. Bee. ! Wt.Han 22100 Pardi er i"v ■■ . ,; ■ •J-."7-J: Co ic n 101 1:43% 3 97X720 22433 Hi bat I 08 I :■■.. I II 22uJ2 Ph Widow Hi in .103 l :4o ;. in., :720 2ZlfN»t King Hamburg .. 110 1:42% . tThorncliffe Slal le entt j Fifth Kacc Id KB*, .. rear-olds :.;,. npward. Selling, Track record: 15014- 1 :13% -113. 1 22550 Brand] wine 113 i : 13 . " H L2432* Fair Helen 88 1:13% 3 95 i :0 22504 Minstrel 104 1:13% 3 102X720 22504 Rubicon II 115 1:12% fi 106! 72" 2:52-1* Mater 105 1:12% I 101 , 22523= Katharine ■ B5 1:12" 3 100x715 . 2238.3- King Box IK 111 5 I - " , 224S5 Inqnifta 110 1:13% 5 1000710 22443 I- rd V . ells 112 l-i 1 -. 7 113 710 . 22524* Haveraack •» 1:14% 3 95x705 i 22409 Joy ! w 1:13% 3 103. .600 22504* Jesall 107 1:14% I 103 ■ . Also eligible ;. start la order named should any ■ . •• be act ntched : 22570* Marsand 103 1:12% 7 tOfi: 703 21879 Mordceai 1011:12% 1108X700 1 224KS Iarlor Boj 110 1:12% 113©710 ; 22804 Lavana 1"4 1:13 4 111. .000 Sixth Race — 1 Kile. All Ages. Fillies and Mares. Selling. Track red id: 10847 1:41- -•" -110. • 22523 Lady London 110 l:43*t - 107X723 22572* Aprisa 107 1:403 1 102X720 22551= Stake and Cap ...100 1:41% 1100X720 2250;!* Ladv Spiritnelle .. 99 l:4o% :; 98X713 1225251* l»nise Travers ...102 l:40a : 102X715 22525** Miss Waters 1051:41% 4 UI2X710 I 22551 Euterpe 103 1:41% 5 107X705 22523s* Kyle 107 1:42% 8 102x700 , 22523 Regular 3 103.. 090 22571 Shepherdess 110 1:43% 4 109X090 ; 22552 Stellata 102 1:42% Ill-Seventh , Baca — 1 1-4 Miles, 3 "■".,. . ids :iu.i upward. :-.-l!ir,4:. Track -■ cord: 1083 1- 2:06 3 |5. . 22506 Marshon 108 2:07% 5 103 ©725 . 22552 Runwa 98 2:00% ! 106 C720 1 22552=* Beau Pere -! 104X715 1 •s. ■ ■- Asi rologer c 1 . 22525s :■:. diac ...- 1 1"! i J571- Abl 0 d I " 2:09%a 5 104 22525 Rl Oro 1 1 2:«5i.-. 9 108X7«i : 225fi6* Cordie I- 97 2:06 i 99X705 22525* Dick Deadwood ...1022:10%s 5 104 i 22551* Sherlock Holmes .. 8 100X090 1

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