San Francisco Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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d 1 c 2 : t 5 : 1 - - • i. :. SAN FRANCISCO FORM CHART. f SAK FEANCISCO. CAL.. August 23, 19l5.-Se.ond "7 day. Exposition Track. Golden Gate Thoroughbred _ Breeders Association Meeting of 25 day-. Weather 2J clear. o? Presiding .Indue. W. B. Jeaalags, starter. C. D. gj Stevens. 25 22579 lii-t Race •*■ s MDe. Pane 50. .".year « • dds ami upward. Selling. Net ralae to wla- * ner 8200; -eeond. 5; third. 5. 2 Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. .Toekey. 21 21801 IiKle Jim. Gray bM 1» O Gentry 25 il40-i Ida i1- 2* R Qay 28870 Veata *$ :;l F Fuller 22872 Laura Janes 98 «» W Braxel •i!4»2 Sir Barry W8 •"• A Palms di 22140Delane l"1- «• Kirsehhauni j •J 14 17 ir. 0 W2 7 ; W Carroll * ■.J 1387 Smoky Dan 101 S .T Drohf, a a Time. 24%. 49%. 1:01%. Track fast. 1* Winner- J. Randolphs br. h. !». by Bonnie Joo —Mary Mill Iraned by J. Randolph. _ Start poor. Won in a eanter: second and third — driving. £ Overweights— Ida, 1 pound: Smoky Dan, .v. , Vireo. 1. j 22580 Becoad Rao — 5-8 Mile. Pane .".o. 3-year elds and upward. Selling. Net ralae to win- 2: ner 00; second, 5: third. *ir.. 2! ind. Hone. Wt. Fin. .lock.y. 21 XVIW The Feller llu TJ R Tmes 22S74Fnnces G. i"7 V R Carter 21 2 3404 -Diadi 1"** ;!_- W Ormes 21 21137 Category Ml - • Ballmaa 2i 2 1085 Ida Cummings 102 P* R Gay 22S70sTordillo 1"- 8* G w Carroll 22842 Marie OBrien 91 V W Brasel 21581 Fred T. ,,s "•". F Fuller ■■ •illttS otlo KahO 1"; ■* E Smith 22828 Whistling Jennie M l O Gentry I Time, 24. 49%. 1:02. Track fast. n Winner-P. Rlaeharts l . ■-. 6. by The Major— T Rnbiana trained ! y F. Rlaehart. Start good. Won handily: ntcaad and third driv- = Orcrweights— -TerdlUo. 4 pounds: The Feller. 2: ■ l.ia Cumnuags. 1 : Frances G., 1. _ 22581 Third Race -7-8 Mile. Pane 8800. 3-year- : ■ ■ids and upward. Selling. Net value t • win- , ner S22-*.: second, 850; third, .".. Ind. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. i, r.- 36 Lady M. M. 118 1*1 Roberts 22407 *Gano 112 -• C dross 214S0sOra McQee n« IiTTBana „ 22587 »Ceos 11s 4 R Imos ■ 22884 Cantem 11-- 5 C Riddle Time. 24V. . 49%. 1:15%. 1:29. Track fast. Wiener J. Duncans eh. m. 7. by Bey Kl Santa Anita — Belledama trained by A. G lint. Start good. Won easily; seroad and third drirlag. -r 22582 Foartb Race I Mile. Pane 8880. .year ..ids and upward. SeUiag. Net ralae to wia-ner 25: necoad, 0; third. 825. ind Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 22584DC Hodges 108 lJT T Burns 22588 Fi Pato ,s - O Gentry 225SOsBrando 107 "s R Small 225S0aRey 1!" J C OMahoney 22588 Rej shannon II. M7 r, R Carter Time 25%. 50%. 1:15*4, 1:40%. Track fast. c Winner— J. it. Easts b. g ». fey Woolathorpi — I.iiiv M trained by J. R. Baal 1. Start poor. Won easily; second and third drirlng. Overweight — Brando, 4 pounds; Bey Shannon II.. 1: Bey. 2. 225S3 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Pane 8850. 8-year- , olds and iinward. Sell Inst. Ne; value to will ;, ner 00: second, 5; third. 815. Ind. Hone. Wt. Fia. Jockey. 22488*Sweetbail MS 1 F F Murphy I 22878Henry Walbanh 113 :: H Tullett 22405 *Cho :.iw 118 3*1 G Moleaworth r!408 McAlan 118 4 AV Leeds 21584 Transparent 113 I R Feeaey 22840 Custom House 121 $| J Donovan •J-.341 Southern Gold 113 7- C Riddle J 22182 Orba Smile 118 8 C dross 22340 Old Coin Ms ReTd co.Mah.y J Time. 25, 50. 1:14%. Track fast. Winner— I* !.. Wood- b. g. 4. by Fisher Boy Cupboard Lore trained by T.. I . Hall. starr bad. Won drirlng; Becoad and third samo. 22584 Sixth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Puree 00. 3 rear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0; iliird. .".. Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. I 22588 Thistle Belle 108 l1 A Palms 21482 Faustina W9 - c Riddle I 21552 Baby Lynch K 31 O Gentry 22842 Charity Ward MM 4*| T Nolan , •."237JI Camla 102 ~ » R Guy 22205 *Flnnigin 108 8*1 G Moleaworth 22877 Commendation 113 7* D Louder 22334 Delmai K« II E Smith Time. 24%. 49%. 1:08. Track fast. Winner— W. J. Dunns br. m. 9, by Knight of the Thistle--Bl unlet trained by C. C. Lewis. Start [io..!-. Won drirlag; second and third same , Overweights -Commendation, •" pounds; Faustina. ; .;: Oamla, 1; Thistle Belle. 2: Charity Ward. ::.

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_3_2
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