Churchill Downs Many Attractions, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29


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J x j I | J • ; , , | 1 1 , CHURCHILL DOWNS MANY ATTRACTIONS. I Louisville, K.. August 18.- Oat Wednesday. Sen tember -• . the! all meeting at Chnr»hill f Downs begins There are to b eight days ol racing I st lliis beautiful course, winding np on Thursday, o, t ber 7. The trig feature race ol the meeting is the St. 1 Leger Handicap, which was lirs run over thli course as th si. Legei foi three-yeai olds at th I Inaugural meeting back in 1879. For a number of years the raring at the Downs 1 whs marked bj 11. Derh] la the spring and St. Lege* in the fall. Then ror ■ rime the St. Leget not inn One reason was that In some autumns 1 there w.- no neetlng at tiiis course and In hue . s years the four-mile Kentuckj Endurance Stakes for three yen-, mid over look th, [dace of the vt 1 Leger. Prom now on, however, the lattc- rate wiil ] always be a feature of the Downs autumn meetings. 1 Man.:-,, t M. .1 Winn, has in addition to the St. Leger Handicap, staged three other stake races tor 1 the coming eight days of racing, these being the ] Falls iiy Handicap with ,000 added at lhre 1 quarters, the Cherokee Stahes, one mile and one- , sixteenth, with ,000 added, and the Golden Kod • Stakes at threc-quartera with 11,000 added. Thi latter race i- tot two-year-olds and the other two. like the St. Leger Handicap, for three-yeur-oids ami cv r. Secretary li. C. Applegate baa had compiled the full lisi ot entries for the st. Leger Handicap. They embrace thirtj two horses from the leading stables of Kentucky, the eastern states and Canada. Imong the nominations is the four-year-old Boots, which has Just been brought hack from Bnglan 1 hy the New York turfman, Oscar 1 wisohn. As ither entry of prominence is the three-year-old Iuts and Calls, owned by Mrs. Lily Livingston, who twice won the Keuturicy Endurance Stakes with icai 1 01 rtr own breeding. A full list of the es ; i- s will he found tx Ion ; The si. Leger Handicap, for three-year-olds and over, with ,000 a. hied: two miles and one-quarter: 1:. B. Bradleys Black Toaey, Nk. c, 4. hy Peter Tan — Belgra ra. J. N. Camdens One step. eh. f, :. hy OddfeUow — Bewitcber. P. M. civiiis Mockery, eh. g, 4. hy Plaudit— Stheiio. J. G. Greeners Bayberry Candle, eh. f. l, by Cu-nard Tow er 1 ■! i andh s. M. B. Grubera Little String, h. e, "■. by McGee -- Interview. A. B. Hancocks Embroidery, ch. 1. ::. by Cell -Network. .T. 8. Hawkins Hank oDav. br. g. ::. by Peep oHav -Eric Belle. ;. M. iieiiiiiies ltaucher, b. c. ::. by Galveston— Swt el Lavender. Oucar I.cwisohns Boots, b. e. 4. by Hessian — Little Flower. W. I.. Lewis1 Expectation, b. g, 1. by Kilkerran— Tapiola. Mrs. L. A. Livingstons Puts and falls. 1. c, 3, by Locohatchet -Putgada. J. T. Looseys Worlds Wonder, ch. b, 5, by ller-mis— Rose Miller. E. L. Met argos Any Port, h. e, 7. by star Sho I — Amy Davenport. r. C. McDowells star Jasmine, br. m. ".. by Ogden Star Car. Miller and Morelands .Inst Bed, ch. | 6, by una:.! —Doris. 11. l. Pratts Star Gase, b. b, 5, hv star Shoot— LyndalL J. B. Bespess Christie, b. g. 3, hy Sliar Shoot— Chulita; Resign, t h. c, o. by Traaatvaal -Resigna-ti-ai. T. Schallers Greville, b. e, •".. by Waterboy— Irish Song. .1. W. Schorrs Lindentbal, b. g, •". by Star Shoot — Lyndall; Goidcresl Boy, l r. g, ;j. by Plaudit-Polly Trim. J II. Stevens Wadsworths Last. Mk. g. o. hy Wadsworth Aprils Lady. C. Straus Balacoat, Mk. g, ::. hv Link Coal — . Black Sleeves. J. 1 nieiis.-tt rs Lady Panchita. hr. in. S. by Ogden— Bremen. it. E. Wstklns Bamegat, h. g. B, by Broomstick — Jersey Lightning. J. T. Wesvers GoweU, Ch. 111. : . hy Ort Wells — Responsive. W. J. Webers Hodge, eh. g, L hy Ivan the Ter Ibie — Nannie Hodge: Commanretta, blk. 1. ■•■ li The C moner — Annie Lauretta. F. D. Weirs iiiiigling. b. m. .".. by Fatherless — Kinase. .less,. Wllllmsson.II.s Absconder, hr. g. 7. hy Disguise — s.w ii ; fc. t W. ;. Vankes Wilhite, hr. z. . hy Radford — i et rmlnation. W. J. Vonnga Water Witch, h. f. -. by Water . est Miss Crittenden. Dig improvements are being made at the Fourth Avenue entrance to the course. the former unsightly barn lias been removed ami. along the line tif the street at that part of the ground, is l«eing finished an Immense training pavilion, which, when completed, will be unique in its line of racetrack structures. This pavilion will he used during race meetings at the Downs as a receiving burn ter horses rat lug There, that are stabling at Dong-las Park n oih.r quarters. ii contains twenty-eight si.ilis and lew around these st.ois an eighteen-foot covered track, twenty-five feet on the turns and seven laps 10 the mile. Two horses can canter around this curse abreast. With this improvement, Churchill Downs will have the best winter course for housing racers during cold weather in the country and it will result in many stables wintering here ill tic- future. 1 lie new Cleveland, 0., racing firm of Cor-rigan A McKInney have rented at the Downs barn B, which contains seventy-two stalls, and tie great string of horses owned by this Brm it are all lr 111 the former stud of tile late J. U. Keene will winter here and be prepared for the "..iir. rating campaign. The removal of barn A and erection of the new structure, located as it is. has made il possible to make this portion of the grounds as Rightly as the great Moral park aronnd tin- grandstand and paddock. The new entranee to the Fonrth Avenue sitle of the grounds, wiil. « ben completed, bi j- slghtlv and uniting as the main entrance to tie- park at the grandstand.

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Local Identifier: drf1915082901_2_4
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