Seventh Race [7th Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-29

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SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling, .lev...; j 08 3 B5. MARSHON, b. g, i 109 By Marathon— Edna Shannon R. A. White. Con hi »« 1 •"• 116 6 7 7 I 1 - 1 . . . 1 7 Lochiel. Beaa Pere. Cordie F. 1-16 1:52 110 10 9 9 7 A Claver 10 ■ Conghl I hvj - 21! li Bairrcn. Snrpassiug. Beau Pere • 2 ti. Saratoga 1 last 10 112 :: 5 5 3 3 :.- C Turner H Napier, Carlton ;.. r, m. Miller ■i" Saratoga ll:42%good20 113 12 12 12 12 12 12** C Turn, r 12 ElUBryson, MarsCassMr, Borgo o • 67 Saratoga 1 l-S IS7 slow 20 111 I 6 i "• c Turner G Lahore, Amslfl, Polly H. 22231 Saratoga 1 l:46tfchvy 7 112 t; ! 9 0 6* 6*« C Turner M W. Wonder, Squeeler, TmkleBell 1 ■■ i-i S.H.H..1- 1 1 PC. In s 5 112 ! 7 -1 I « " « Turn r 7 Svrlun. W Wonder Vlheua : ... ,, ,:... 1 1181 iliv ■ 1 1 1 M I 1 1 Poll ll . Si.i.iin. I .,■ In • 04. H.I--1 ! 1 K I 8-6 lir. 2 , ■ ■ 1 m. 1 . •!■ - m .; .n-il.l r-iapaim . 1. «. *ti u,.i lop 1:1 11 1 ! ■ m Button 6 Lastili, Amalfl, Penalty 11410 .|n ,1 1 i !• l8«4slow 7 10 110 5 3 3 2 :" 1" .1 Rntwell ■". Penalty, C.F.Giager. Sepnlveda ., 21016 Jamaica 1 1-« l:56i4sood 7-5 MM 4 u c 4 i- 2 J litz » HermlsJr., Battery, Daunrerfleld d tl ii 11 s t t " , i 1 • I I II n 11 I li c ! p II H t 1 .■ a • 1 I I . a II e e a I r c J v p • II . I " ,. . II RUNWAY, b. g, 4 10G By Yankee— By Ways H. G. Bedwell. Ionghl 1-16 l:51%good 3 U0 2 11 I p |i» .1 Callahan s The Ramp, Beaa Pere, LneleBen 22505 Conght iin-w 1:46 slon la l"7 3 11 1 2 l1.1 J CalwhanlO The Csber, Weyanoke. Bodlae 22138 FortErie 11-16 1:54 hvy 49 iu7 721 :: 31 •"," 8 Wolstm 7 Zodiac. Stratheara, Abbotsford 1926 Hamton 3-4 l:16%hvy -io 108 s 8 8 8 8*| 8 Wolstm 8 rasciaating, a Ann.-. CapLBen at : Hamton 1 1-16 l:47%f ast 40 10712 9 I s 7- 7".I Acton 12 C. Stream, Birka. J.H.Honghton 21784 Hamton 1 1-H 1:46 fast 20 107 8 3 4 s c IP" w Obert 1U Fenrock. Dicks Pet. Dundreary 21398 Hamton 1 l:44"=mud S 106 6 3 4 4 52 7PS Woholm 7 NewHaven. Astrologer, FordJIal 1A8S7 Havana 6-S 1:14 hvv 3j 114 4 5 6 ."."JF, Taplin t Masalo. Frill. Calethumpian 19S30 Havana 5 . l:10%gobd S 110 6 4 6 74 K Taplin 7 San Jon. Phil Connor. Moncreif 19S03 Havana 1 1:56 hvv 8 108 4 4 4 fi fi60 0 Jones 7 Sepslveda, Mockler. Racy 19769 Havana 3-4 1:42 hvy 4 111 4 4 5 f ,r- K TaDlin 7 Charley Brown. Sackcloth, A]»x 18466 Havana 3-4 l:28Khvy 8 113 1 3 8 8-4 ■ Taplin 8 Brandy-wine. Francis. PaLRegas BEAU PERE, b. g, 4 104 By Fatherless— Belle Fleur S. Louis. 1 mghl 1 1 K P.,i. 1 •: ins i 4 i 3 2. ::", A Nerger 8 Ranway, The Rump, Unt • I Conght 1 1 16 1:52 Blon 1 Ud 2 1 1 1 " 3*1 ll MeDott 7 Lochiel, Marshon, Cordie I 22486 Conght 11-16 1:52 hw s 10s | 5 t | 1- «• R McDottio Marsaoa, Balfron, Surpaskmg 22457 Windsor 11 16 l:53%mud S 106 1 4 :: i; ft* 9-- F OolemanlO La Mod.-, Moscowa, Strath 223S3 Windsor 11 16 l:48*£fast 4* 102 ii 5 6 ii i;p. t.- F Cooper 7 Mockery, King Box, Martian 22106 FortErie 3-4 1:17 -..In v ill 103 1 8 5 8*1 1" It. McDottlO I. adv Loudon. Parlor B-y. Kim 22054 FortErie 1 1-8 156%hvy 9 107 1 5 5 »; 6* V* B MeDott 7 Moscowa B.andCap, Abbotsford 22037 FortErie lm70yl:52%bvy 14 5 1"4 :: 1 4 s 6] «"*F Cooper 11 Stanley 8„ First Stsr, Fellow man 2U1S Conght lni2ov i:4lKood 7 106 4 E 5 5 6* 4*~V Cooper 8 Riehwond, Shepherdess. Ka/.ui 21057 Conght 1 l-M 1:66 mud I 105 5 2 1 1 1= l" r, MeAtee 11 Cogs, Durin. Voladay Jr. 21082 Conght 1 l-S l:5fi/5good 10 99 3 2 3 3 4»» 5fii L MeAtee 8 Fenrock. Jabot. Mud Sill ASTROLOGER, blk. h. 6 109 By Star Shoot — Cremorne T. J. Elward. 1 Conght lm20j ! KHslow 21 113 222 2 21. 21 W Wartoa 8 L. SpiritwBe, Kinmundy. Cog 22485 Conght 51 f l:10%hvy 8 108 5 5 7 71 H F Cooper • Josefiaa Zarate, Mater. Colors Windsor 31 PP-.iast t"ld 105 11 12 12 12 1 T.r sterrett 12 Bmsedge, Tmauretta, Imperator 21593 FortErie 1 1:45 slow 31 110 4 3 2 3 Sj 37 L HartweU D.s Pet, SofLove, L.Spirituelle 21567 FortErie 8-4 l:22%hvy 32-5 1U « I 1 ii 2" J Sterrett 8 Patience, JhnBasey. 8. of Love 21398 Hamton 1 l:44ftmud .-5 110 1 4 3 3 3i 2« G Burns 7 NewHaven. F rIMai. C.Holloway 21332 Hamton 3-4 l:i4V=iop 7 105 2 I 1 1 1 | J Metealf 10 Patience, Cliff Edge, Vsa Bu 21261 Hamton 3-4 l:134tfast 10 110 4 8 9 1011.15U Metealf 12 Miss Gayte, Brandywine, KateK. 2122". Hamton 3-4 l:14V5fast 30 105 1 7 9 10 9- J Starr, tt 12 The Spirit. Venetia. Sir Blais,-l, 19389 Havana 61 f l:i2%siow 40 113 10 13 12 1213 F Teahaa 12 Dr.B.L.Sncer. Snip, CHanroai 19019 Havana 51 f 1 :14*,hvy 8 112 2 I 8 8;» C Jones 8 Son.Bov , f. Hudson, Vel. Ryta 18800 Cbarien 3-1 l:17]/imud 11-6 117 5 4 3 2 34 J Hanover 7 ioc Knight. Aasaret, Toddling ZODIAC, ch. g, 4 101 Bv Star Shoot— Lady Vincent L. W. Garth. Conght I I 16 1:51 good 3-3 KM 3 C 5 ! V. .;■ 1- Cooper 9 1 . Travis. M.Waters, Abtsford Conght lm20y 1:46 Blow 3] Ma 1 2 . .". t f B Porehd 10 The Usher, Runway, Weyanoke - FortErie I 1-14 1:54 hvv 1S-5 1i2 1 5 3 i 1- 1". I Cooper 7 Strathearn. Atsford. Weyanoke 22078 FortErie 3 I i:H slow 69 Ml 7 s 7 71 7s; K Forehnd 8 Marj.A., Pontefract, Broomsedge 21528 FortErie lm70yl:4S slow 14 102 3 3 6 C 4- 4" E Forehd 7 JoeFlnn, HdyHowdy, Weyanoke 21490 FortErie lmTOyl :54%hvy 22 99 2 .". 4 I 41. 49 K Forehd 7 Aprisa, Col. HoUoway. Pliant 21397 Hamton 1 l:41%mud •", 101 3 7 7 4 4-1 4"J E Forehd 7 Bendel, UGeorge, J.H.Houghton 21296 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53%fast 4 104 8 5 3 2 21; -- B Forehd 12 L.George. J.H.Hhtoa, L.Travers 21227 Hamton 1 1-8 l:54%fast 12 101 5 4 2 2 23 21 F. Forehd 8 Howdy Howdv. Weyanoke, Cogs 21098 Conght lm70y 1 :■«;.,, fast 12 98 6 7 7 7 H 7!5 K Forehd 8 Supremo. I.. George, B. Welsh 21031 Conght lm20v l:4fi%good 21 106 9 S 10 9 10 IO7 E Forehd 11 Liberty Hall, Ford Mai. CalRxy 2077.1 Dorval 1 1-16 l:4«%fast 4 1"7 6 4 4 4 4* 5ln E Forehnd 8 Jabot Vslss. Asa Beradoa ABBOTSFORD, ch. g, 5 104 By Hippodrome — Sister Frank W. L. Oliver. 22371 Conghl 11-16 1 51 j . -i I 110 2 1 ", r. 4- . - J Smyth 7 Star of Love, lii-t Star, B 22535 Conght 1 ph. 1:51 good 15 M 6 ", i; 1 ;,i 4a . Nerger it UTravers, Miss Waters, Zodiac 22486 Conght I 1-16 l:52%hvy 15 107 6 6 6 s s- 7 H Hanuter 10 Marsbon, Ralfron. Surpassins S3 Windsor 3 87 106J 1 s s 8* 8»J II Haumer 1 » Aristocrat The Usher, Capt. Ben - FortErie 11-16 1:54 hvy 57 10 107 t; 2 4 S 5 3*3 J Suivth 7 Zodiac strathearn. Weyanoke 28064 FortErie 1 1-8 l£6%hvj 37-« 103 6 2 3 3 :;- 3* F Cooper 7 Moseswa, 8. and cap. Hesaaa 21960 Ham tsn l l:42%slow 3 92 7 5 5 5 6* 4*f J Marys 8 Subject, J.Kvanangh, Slumberer 21879 Hamton 1 1-8 l£7%slop 10 98 5 6 12 2= 8*j J Morys 12 8. of Love. BabySister, CordieF 21814 Hamton 51 f 1M fast 20 111 4 5 fi 5l S"J !i Hanmcrl2 Crystal. Bes. Latimer, Capt. Bea 20647 Dorval lmTOy l:47%fast 6 108 8 6 7 S 8 S". J Acton 12 TheRnmp, Autumn. Lou.Travera 20650 Wdbine lm20y l:4S%fast 71 MO 2 5 6 5 5»k 4J A Nerger 8 Star of Love. Sarolta, Celebrity EL 0R0. b. h, 9 108 By Ethelbert— Dorotheo N. K. Beal. 22525 Conghl 1 I 16 1:51 good 10 US 111 1 P .« m War.-....! UTravers, Miss Waters, Zodiac 22486 Conght 1 1 16 l:52*£hvy 15 ll" 7 S s 9 7* »*• 1 Smyth 10 Marshen, Ralfron, Surpassing 22290 KingEd. I I 16 l:49%fast 3 111 2 5 •! _ ; Corey 7 Cordova. Mud Sill, Doha Mack 22202 KingEd. 1 lie. 1:7.0 fast 5 107 4 ti 6 S* G Corey 7 Euterpe, Fastoso, Mud Sill 1961 Aqueduct I l:40*4fast 7 U5 3 fi 6 in si s,"i; Corey 11 Dr.Denner, B.ofValley, G.Fisher 20325 Pimlico lmlOv 1 :4S,mud 37-10 111 2 5 5 5 0 s*| A Hanover 5 AlP.loch. CoLHoUoway, Mycenae 20249 Pimlico lm40yl:44 fast lfi-o 107 8 8 7 5 5* li» C Fbther !l Balfron, Daingerfleld. L.Fngland ?u2ns Pimlico lm70y! :4725good 12 117 2 5 1 2 2P. 2 C Fbther » Cockspur, Rlchwood, Abbotsford - 1 20 H.deGce lm70-l:48 good 10 115 4 1 1 1 lakes q Fbther!:? L.oKirkedv. Mycenae, Clarihel 20102 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 110 1 3 4 4 3* 6*1 C Fbtherll Al Block, Cogs. Baton 2007.9 H.doGce lm70yl:46 fast 20 1 31 3 5 6 4 41 5*1 J Metealf 8 CliffField, Progressive, Lochiel 1999S Bowie 1 1-4 2:12%fast 3 112 5 4 3 3 51 531 J McTagt e Cockspar, Paton, Daingerfleld 19933 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52%fnst 8-5 115 2 1 1 1 vi l3 T McTagt 7 Abbotsford, Weyanoke, B.Uncas CORDIE F., ch. m, 5 99 By The Scribe — Elizabeth B. P. J. Miles. Conghl 11-16 1:52 slow 30 94 1 2 3 3 :: - i B Graves 7 Lochiel, Marshou. Reau Pere . 115 Windsor 1 1-8 l:53%fast fit; 97 3 6 8 8 t* •;" I: Graves 9 GidePost, CliffStream, Mockery » Windsor 1 1-4 2:12%slow 131 H» 18 6 6 7-".:iP Lowue» 8 First Star, Feilowman. Moscowa 22253 Windsor 1 l-S 1:55 fast 69 94 7 5 5 6 41 r,- B Craves 8 BushyHead. B. Hensley. P. Post 22032 Dufferin 7-S 1:35 hvy 20 Ml 7 fi 5 J- 1* E Cullen 7 Glint. Imprudent. Columbia I. at Iv 21928 ilamton 1 1-8 1 :5Pf.livy 20 911 I 4 fi S 7 ti"1,!! Stearns 7 CUff* Stream, In. Ren. H.Lauder 21879 Hamton 1 1-8 l:57*4slop 40 9fi 3 4 I 1 51 4Tl II Stearns 12 SofLove, BabySlater, Abbot 21837 Hamton 1 l-M l:47%f ast 40 100 10 10 11 11 IP ]0 PH Stearns 12 .stream, Birka. J.H.Houghton 21745 Windsor 1 1-8 l:53Vkfast 38 94 1 fi •; 1; 6 F L MeAtee 8 Barw 1. Paid.-Post. Dandrea , 21700 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47%slow 92 101 4 8 9 9 9 10"1K Lapaillel 1 Supreme. Burwood. Fly Homo 21C48 Windsor 1 1-16 153%Slop 27 166 3 7 9 I 9 9:: G Graver !• Kwelet. Aprisa. Fellow man DICK DEADWOOD. b. h. 5 104 By Dick Welles— Outwai A. G. Woodman. 22525 Conght 1 1 16 1:51 good B 112 7 7 8 8 J 8 *SJ Acton ". 1.. 1 at Sabs Waters, / i 22484 Conght 3-4 1:10 hvv 15 11012 I 7 5 5 »jW Wartoa 7 Laura. The Busybody. VWel Hillcrest 6 f 1:26 fast 8-2 117 I 1 1 1* 2* Peak 8 Palma, StarORyan, PanlGaim-s 22031 Dufferin Ab5-8 lSB%hvy 3-2 113 5 1 2 8*11 A Finley 7 D. Stevens, R.Straw, R.K.MHI1 18315 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast rid Ml 10 12 11 11 111 M* J A. -ton 13 Guide Post, Geo. Stoll, Bonanza 18245 Latonia 1 1-16 l:PP: ast H9 166 S 9 ■ 9 * 9"*J Campbell 9 Tj Mode, Flyins Feet ** Ma 17486 Wdbine lm70y 1:43 fast r hi 108 4 2 " 3 3P .",■ R Neander 8 Patience, J.H.Hghton, Toronto 17335 Dorval 1 1-16 l:19%f ast 20 109 5 i 1: fi fi p Loader f The Rnmp, Holton Blue Mouse 16984 BlueBon. 1 1-1 2:09%slow IJ 102 4 5 4 4 7." 5 R Acton «. Abbotsford. Uncle Ren, TbeRnmi. 16856 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:57%slop 8 105 7 2 1 1 1* PB Acton 8 B. tineas, T.Hsneoek Abbotsford 16714 Conght lm2fivi:47 Blow 15 H4 4 6 fi 5 6* -t" P Goldsfa 7 Harry Shaw, Font, The Usher B 708 Conghl 1 I 16 1 :■" l--hvy S 112 5 6 7 6 6 6 P. Watts S Zodiac, Holton, Font SHERLOCK HOLMES, br. h. S 100 By Inflexible— Oisina W. V/alkerJ. 22551 Conght 11-16 1:51 good 1 108 t 3 :: 7. 1,- 6"iR McDotl 7 Euterpe, Stake and Cap M la -. 1 it gli lm20y PF.v-.siow i- 105 5 7 8 8 8 8**18 Brown S L.Situelle, Astrologr Kmundy Windsor 7 4 i:ir »;fist 72 103 12 12 12 12 12" S Brown 12 Langhorne. MClintock M Case* 22138 FortErie 1 l-M 1:54 hvy 6? M6 4 7 E 6 ■ fi1" W Ural 7 Bodiac. Strathearn, Abbotsford 22082 FortErie lm70yl:45%good 113 103 4 5 7 8 S1 8** S Brown 0 Flowman, M.Waters Weyanoke 2203; FortErie lm70yl:52%fast fr 102 5 5 3 6 8* S-u Brown ll Stanleys.. FirstStar, Feilowman 21159 Conght lni.Oy l:44%good 8 104 12 2 5 63 5" L MeAtee 9 Ovation, King Radford Ford Mai 21092 Conght lmTOy l:P--*fast 15 108 18 5 5 53 51 A Schngr 8 Supreme. L. George B Welsh 8MH Conght Bat20] l:46%good 16 111 0 3 3 3 41 C3 A Schugerll Liberty HaU, Ford Mai, Galaxy

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