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i i i , , , , i j • i I , j , j . I I , , -, , , | , ] : ; i - J ■ i - - r - 1 i r - - r e OTTAWA RACING ATTRACTS BEST CROWD OF THE MEETING VIEWS SOME WELL-CONTESTED FINISHES. Garth Stable Carries Off Two of the RatliB ■fjaUll Wins for Sir John Hendric— Public Picks the Winners. Ottawa, out.. Amui-t 28. a weB-halaaced ran was sacred al tbe Connaaght Park coarse this aitcriioon and sftirited racing was the order through out. No special feature was carded fi* decision. Interest centered chiefly in a handicap for Canadian owned horses and a steeplechase f..r three-year- Ids and over on the short course. In the former. Splutter, carrying tbe silks of Sir John Hendrie ran back to his excellent performance earlier in the week and was returned aa easy winner over Hampton Dame and Sea Lord, while in the race through the hold Lewis Garths Stucco, the public choice, showed the way home in a spectacular race. ll.e half holiday brought a re. old breaking crowd to the picturesque little course and much enthusiasm was displayed. The public again had a good line on the merits ,f the different starters and the majority d the winners were heavily supported. Ideal weather conditions favored the management ami the best track of the meeting tended to add to interest in the sport. The Stable of Lewis Garth was prominent daciaa! the course oi Hi,, afternoon and accounted for two of the purses with Stucco and Star of Love. , s"" N. Holmaa, manager of tin- Dorval Park Jockey lub. was among todays risitors in the interest of the coming meeting to be held at that track. ,.iXV N",tl,,v- aecretary of the Montreal Jockey lub. was among the arrivals today and was busv during the c -e of the moraine allotting stall-tor th.- coming meeting at Blue Bonnets. There i- already a large i iber of horse- at the course -tilde- having shipped direct from Windsor! .Mr. Noi-th.-y brought tbe Information that several minor changes have been completed in the tuutuel plant which will iasnre greater eomfert and con yenien.-e for the patron-. No additional machines have been Installed. Charles o. Smith, of Chicago, a well-known bookmaker, departed for Toroato last night. Mr. Smith received a telegram that Mr-. Smith was at St Hicli -el- Hospital in that city, suffering from a severe attack of typhoid fever, contracted at Mu-k« ka laki la-t week. W. P. Fine, who shipped Revero trim Hamlltoa to i he Bedwell farm at Laurel. Md.. has decided to turn him out and tire him next fall. W. It. Sallee. who recently took over Hill psial III and Laria for J. t . Hansen, will rest the pair at Montreal in preparation for a winter campaUrn at New Orleans. II. G. Bedwell ha- suspended loekey s Wolsten holm for attempting to leave the stable without permission. .1. G. Gorman announced today that Calumny, which recently broke down in the course of a race here, will be -hipped to New York next spring for breeding. The Keystone Stable will fini-h sat the season m tin- Canadian circuit before shipping to Mam hind. Rose Water, tbe lilly that was hit ion in the throat by a spider recently, has fnBy recovered and has been set to galloping again. Hart Deraham leave- for Timonium. Md., Ibis evening to assume hi- duties at the meeting which commences there on Tu — lay.