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of f a a i,. as i- a a i,. •s ie of ,f for „■ in t I HARRY SHAW THE STAR AT BELMONT PARK. 1 ] Takes the Nassau Selling Stakes from Yankee Notions Without Difficulty. t New York. September : . That remarkably con--islent horse Harry SI, aw won the feature event ; of tlie Belmont iark program this afternoon, the J Nassau Selling Stakes at a mile, by defeating ■ , Yankee Notions, Lahore, Lady Botha and others. He waa well backed by part of the crowd of 3,500 ami his J performance ! was as apod as he has shown this year. " Yankee Notions, the choice, cut out the pace to the turn into the homestretch, where Ilarrv Shaw challenged him and came on without difficulty to , win it 1 :.!.•. while Yankee Notions lasted long * eic ugh to defeal Lahore for place money. The last- named borne closed up fasi through the homestretch. : Lady Botha* performance was lpelow par. She I was away well enough, but failed to raise a re spec-table gallop. The second best race of the day. a sprint at three-qnartera of a mile for three year-olds and , over, called the Great Neck Handicap, proved easy , lor Mrs. Payne Whitneys Etruscan. Hanson was ; lav rite and Short Crass, top weight under 140 I pounds, was not neglected. Etruscan took the lead 1 a- tin- barrier was sprung and made every post a winning one. Hanson strove gamely to get ui ; the turn, but failed and the effort cost him second [ | money, short Grass came fast from behind in the j last eighth and. catching the Parsons racer tiring, ea-ih disposed of him. Prince of Como had all ho could do to Iteat St. 1 Lid ne in the lirst. a five and a half furlongs ; - -print down the straightaway. St. Isidore was , favorite, with Fernrack and Prince of OomO in good t demand. Prince ot Como began sideways, but outpaced . SI. Isidore in the grot hundred yards and , held his av.tntage to the end. although St. Isidore , had him tiring. There was a bit of bumping between . these two a sixteenth of a mile up the -t retch, but no protest wa- lodged. Kernrock waa t an Indifferent third. Ru-ila. a stater of Dr. Ieggo, won the race fur J maidens and non-winners of more than one race. . ■ Duke "I Dunbar and Menlo Iark were preferred over her. Duke of Dunbar was prominent to the 1 turn for home where Kusila took command and i .i-ili defi at d Santo. William Hall was an arrival from Montreal and | » departed for Baltimore tonight. Jockey T. Davlea ha- signed to ride for the i stable of II. C. liallenlieck in the future. A division of the Stable of .1. E. Widener will be ,. h -cut to his farm at the conclusion of the Belmont t Iark meeting. I The weather today was perhaps the warmest of r t any racing day this year, it being exceedingly sultry _ H throughout the afternoon. v J. Simon Ilealy. trainer for apt. F.. I.. a- n at! will probably not race any horses before the ,. opening of the Laurel meeting. i .1. M. H nr. Br., who ran Groareaor in the Naa t . sail Selling Stakes, claimed Lady Botha for ,700 ;- from Andrew Miller. in n My King, which ran impressively in the Jumping race yesterday, came oat of the race in good eon- 1 . dition and Silas Veitck thinks well of his chances . in the Harbor Hill Cup. At a monthly meeting of the Jockey Club, a „ " motion tor consideration of the prohibition of two-year-old racing before April 1. to become effective - April 1. 1!»17. was introduced by Cant. K. B. Cassatl and the following action taken: Resolved: That the members of the lackey Club approve in ,, theory the proposed amendment to the rules and ,i that the chairman of the Jockey Club is appointed i a committee of one to act. with full power, and ,1 arrange for a meeting wiih repre-entatives of the ,. Kentucky State Racing Commission and the Canadian I Baeiag Associations, and that an effort be made to o ome to a mutual agreement regarding the racing $ of two year-olds. Itelinont Park work-outs over the training track k with fast going were: Camellia — Three-eighths in :;s ;. c. inelv — Three iiuarters in 1:17. Lady Tires. i -Half mile in 50. Leorharea — Three-quarters in 1:15. Madame Herrmann — Half mile in 58. Uaarta- Three-quarters in 1:1C R...alist — Five-eighths in 1 : ." . Silica— Beven-elgiths in 1:31%. Touchdown — Three-qnartera in 1:17. Variety -Three-eighths in 38. Whining Witch— Three-quarter* in 1:18. Work-out- over the main track were: Blue Rock — Three-eighths in :»7. Broil Seven-eigfctka in 1:38%. Fenmouse Half mile in 50. Cillie- -Three-quarters in 1 :14. Hester Irynue — Three -quarters in 1:18. Hurakaa— Three-quarters in 1:18. Libyan Sand- Three-eighths In 35. Lord Rock Vale — Three-quarters in 1:18%. Maifou -Five-eighths in 1 : »:.. Ormesdah — Three-eighths in ::7. Orotund — Three-eighths in ::s. Plsntagenet— Three-quarters in 1:18, Begins- Half mile in " 2/r.. Booster Mile and an eighth in 1 :58, Scaramouch Three-quarters in 1:17%. Slumber II. -Half mile in TH. St. Rock— Three eighths in :;.-,. StromboH Mile in 1:42,