Fifth Race [5th Dorval, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-10

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21126 21126 Jamaica Jamaica 3-1 3-1 1:14 1:11 fast fast 20 20 110 110 G C 6 6 G G 5= 5= 5" 5" II II Lafferty Lafferty 7 7 Andes. Andes. Sir Sir Denrab, Denrab, Perth Perth R.x-k R.x-k FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs, 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. 241085 1:07% — 5 — 112. COY b m, 5 108 By McGec — Fickle A. J. Reinhardt. •■"■711 Blue Hon 3 i L:14%fast 27 20 1U 8 2 1 l»i- l1 I Goldstul4 Connaught, Iniraieta, Capt. Ben 2issi Aqueduct 6-8 1:01 fast 6 no 9 9 9 S* S12 i Corey 10 Eleuslnia. Hiker, Grapesbot 21601 AquCMluct 3-4 l:13%fast 15 loC 6 3 5 7 7,c Q Corey 7 II. Barbae, Volant, Presumption 21471 Aqueduct .3-4 1:18 slop s lis c 3 3 S1 3" i Corey i Polarius, Chesterton, 21321 Aqueduct 3-4 1:15 fast 7 113 13 13 13 11 H" Q Corey 14 Ialainpiin. Hiker San Vega COLORS b. f, 4 HO By Yankee — Mamie Worth J. D. Kisick. 22676 BlueBon. 2 1 1 :l 19-5 107 8 4 2 I1! 2* K Weaby 10 Rosemary. KatbIneG., M.Gayle 22485 « on ght 51. 1 lria/r.hvy 3 183 2 1 :: ::i 41 .1 Acton 9 Joaeflna Earate. Mater, Colors 22137 FortErie .■•. f 1 :«i9Vf,hvy 22 163 3 4 4 31 4*13 Acton 7 Cotnmensla, Vorkville. 7An Del 21526 FortErle 5.. f 1 :o9--:-.siov 19 5 101 1 22 V 6»1 J Acton S WteCrown. Langhorae, GbldCap 214:6 FortErie 5. f l:12%hvy 31 106 3 11 1* 3J T Pargton S RetieeHon. Inquleta, Langhorae 21292 Hamton 5 f 20 92 C CSS 61 iT PargtOO 8 Slipper Hay. Deposit Vile/ 21030 Conght Oi f 1:09 good 3 »#2 3 4 3 3* lh I Pargion 8 I.. London, Rosemary. Reflection MAMA JOHNSON, cb. m. 5 105 By Cesarion— Over Clinton Stable. 2"676 Blue Hon. ; 1 1 :l l-.,fast la 101 5 3 3 21 5", .1 Alt 10 Rosemary. Colors. Katharine G. 22623 Conght 51 f l:12%hvy 10 100 1 2 2 G" 5 ; A Nerger 8 Brtekley. K. Differ. SirRaymond 22455 Windsor 51 f l:09%mud 12 102 4 3 4 54 C".i M R Raeore, RalgbtS Differ. Laura 22162 FortErie 3-4 l:l4%good is 102 5 3 4 8] S*| J Alt K Miss Gayle. Bgmont, TLe Spirit 22106 Fort Brie 3-4 1 :17:if,hvy 26-5 106 I 12 4s* •• C VanDun S Miss Gayle. Kopje. Martin Cases 22051 FortErle 64 f l:09%hvy 17 10 102 I 4 5 4 . 4"i T Hayes 12 TTaeeit. Colie, Miss Gayle 21878 Hamton 61 f l:0S%stop 3 99 4 2 2 2 2«| R McDott ! C.onDellvy, Kate K„ L. London 21661 Windsor 61 t l:19%mud 19-24 97 1 2 2 2* 1J M Garner 7 York Lad. yorkville. VIdet 21621 Windsor 51 f l:06%fast fid 103 3 3 2 21 25 F Cooper 11 Dignity. Langhornc. LdyLondon 33565 FortErie M 1:21 hvy 9 tv, fi 12 3* •»» C VanDunlO BeauPere, LadyLondon, Par.Boy INDIFFERENT, ch. f, 3 102 By Celt— Ianra Yarrow Brae Stable. 2260S Mneuvi Abo-S l:n %fast 21 io» 5 1 2 23 A Ilctens 8 Tactless, Sheets. Kdmond Adams 22493 Mneuve Ab5-8 59%fast 4-5 113 :: 1 11 G Corey 7 Stubborn, Proctor, Ormead 22367 KingEd. Al -5 s 5-."-,rast 2 105 11 1 1" A Pickens 7 Regular, odd Cross. Kenneth 2 1 KingEd. Ab5-8 59-iast 3 105 17 7 7" w Gargan 7 Americus. Birdman. Lelaloha 22177 KingEd. Ab5-8 Cs-fast 31 108 2 3 2 3 W Gargan 0 Or. Lad. Ft. Monroe, Bird Man 21S66 Mneuve Al 3-8 59 fast 4 ]eo 1 1 IPs Wotetm fi Satl. Rosemary, Nils 21775 Mneuve Ab5-8 SSistast S-3 9S 4 1 1 2] S Wotetm 7 Cloak, John Maris, Dom Moras MONTY FOX, b. h, 7 113 By Cesarion— Metrical W. C. Canps. 22177 KingEd. Ab5 8 58%fast 10 119 c 2 3 :, A Pickens B Or. l.a.l. Ft. Monroe, Indifferent "lati Mn. uv -;. f 1 :L-" 4 112 5 6 6 6" J Pengast .Cordon Russell. Kastoso, Anavii 21 S2S Mneuve Ab5-8 l:00%fast 1 116 4 3 1 ll J Pengast 7 Bird Man. Barette. Tiger Jim 21736 KingEd. AbS-8 l:02%slow 4 114 4 2 2 V 3 Pcneast 8 Toison dOr. Lelaloha. Bird Man 21654 KingEd. Ah5-8 58%fast 4 114 2 C 6 7° J Pengast S Rosemary. Curious, Odd Cross 21617 KingEd. Aii5-s 59%fast 7 112 3 5 5 6»J J Pengast S Lncle Dick, Bnnicc. Rosemary MAZURKA, ch. g, 5 115 By Ornament — Tweedledum J. White. ■.p. Arte uv. ... f 1 :-::":. fa st 3 111 3 2 f. r J Domick 10 M. Frances. M. Sherwood. MndSIll 2:1s Mneuve 61 f l:31%hvy 4 ir, 2 1 1 1- .1 1 rick r, lelaloha. Dixie. Ortyx 2-»322 KingEd Al 5-s :.:-.-.t"ast 5 ir. 5 2 2 1» .1 Domick 0 odd Cross, petit Bleu, Inlan ""•05 KingEd. 3-4 l:17%fast C 109 :: 3 .". 11 w Gargan 9 Stentor. Major Belt, Moss Lose 21916 Mneuve C. f 1 ?■ 112 3 6 8 8l,U Howard 8 Drotni. Billy Stuart. Major Belt 21S90 Mneuve Ab5-8 1M fast 21 113 4 1 1 4- T McCullh 0 L. Pender, Amazement, MossRose 21S31 Mneuve 8 t l:24%fast I 115 22 2 IlT McCulIh 7 L.s Tail, Amazement, B.Chiltcn JIM L., ch. g, 7 110 By Ben Strome — Blue Jacket A. Brent. "•;••; Con Kht C. f l:l-"-:.hvy 20 107 8 7 S S B» E Ambrose 8 Brlckley. K. Differ. SirRaymond "25»3 fonght 3-4 1:14 good 15 103 1 3 3 4 5»l K Weathy 0 London. KatharincG.. Kyle 22504 Conght 3-41:17%slow 30 106 11 7 C f 8»J R McDott 12 Gold Cap, Lady London, Egmon I 223S5 Windsor 3-4 l:14%fast 58 112 c 5 5 5 ,;s w WartonlO Aristocrat, The Usher. Capt.Ben 2"l«j FortErle :.. f 1 4G 108 S 5 R 91 101 P Lowder 15 Lady Mexican. GoIdCan. Nigadoo 22049 FortErle 61 f l:ll%hvy 63-10 104 4 4 3 2 3» F Coopor 5 Miss Gayle, Finalee. Dimitv 21661 Windsor 51 f l:10%mud 22 ME 8 4 4 4 5- R McDott S Maina.Tohnson, MtesGayle, Kopje LAMBS TAIL, ch. c, 4 108 By Pri*— Fairyland R. Hanley. •• ;it Kim ■C..11. 3 1 l:i! 66 iu 1 10 9 im :•■ w .Menll C mnangbt, Inquleta, Capt. Ben 22624 « on ght 51 f l:12%hvy K M7 1 G 6 51 ■;•, w v MenlO Sempsilla. Inquleta, Minstrel 22524 Conght 51 t l:lO%good 30 11" 4 8 11 6*1 W W Men 8 Sir Raymond, J.Zaratc. J.ofAsia KingEd. Ab64f l:23%fast « 112 4 8 C c: , WWMban C dr. Lad. Sen. James, M.Priraity 22324 KingEd. 3 1 l:l"-fast 10 110 fi C G ti WWMban i Spohn, » Tis Tni . Minda 22""4 KingEd. 3-4 l:16%fast : ill 2 7 6 5= WWMban 7 Minda. Oxer, Jewd ot Asia ""173 KingEd. C f l:21-,fast ■! 109 3 1 1 I* WWMcehn 0 Malik. Sarolta, Sir Giles 21937 Mneuve AbO-8 594»fast C 111 1 1 t ."7 V W Men 7 Barette. Haze! c. Bertha V. 21 ■■ ■ Mn uve 6 f 1:23 fast 4 112 8 8 8 6*1 W W Men S Ynkeelotus. B.Lumax, Massenet LITTLE NEOSKALEETA, br. f, 4 110 By Hcno — Giffords B. Mandelbutg. ., , m ,1 uv Abo S : :■ .-;, last ;•• lt 2 R Pulled up. .1 Dodd c l*ass On. Cordova. Lady Pender Mneuve AI.5 s 1 ;..M; -:..w .■ 106 i 8 8 s s .1 Deavp1 s Jo.- Gaitens. Miss Fissr. Tower 22565 Mneuve Ah5-S l:04*ihvy 12 104 6 6 fi » 3 Podd fi Massenet. Atidul. Spire 20103 20103 H.deGce H.doGce •"■ 51 f t lffHfast l:07Vifast 1~js U Mn M7 1 1 G o 9 9 lo 10 1"-" 10" M Ai MthewslO MthewslO Polarius, Polarius, Singsong. Singsong. M. M. McGiggle McGiggle

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Local Identifier: drf1915091001_4_2
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