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22173 22173 KingEd. KingEd 6 if f f 1 l:24-f,1ast "I1 -fast 8 S 111 HI 1 1 8 8 8 8 9"1W 9"1W Voung loang 8 V Unbi l.Miih s Tail. lait. .Malik, .Maui,, Sarolta saroua SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 20707—1:47 5—112. KINMUNDY, b, h, 5 107 By Hennis — Countess Pepper G. B. Cochran. 22774 BlueBon. I l:42%mud 3 M6 12 4 3 21 J- A Collins U GaMop, Sigma Alpha, Tlie 1 Iter 22622 Conght lm20y 1:51 hvy -0 102 12 11 21 3« -I lau. y S Marsbon, Astrologer, B. Around 22525 Conght 1 1-16 1:51 good 6 112 5 2 ! B •= 6*1 J Clancy 0 L. Travers. Miss Waters, Zodiac 22503 Conght lmiOy l:464fesIow 6 1W 4 3 3 3 V I* A Schugr 8 L. Spiritnelle. Astrologer. Cogs 22168 Saratoga 11-47 uiud 12 107 12 2 3 4:; 5;" K Lapaille 5 Shyness. Tinkle Bell, Brian Bora 19841 Bowie lm20y l:!5%fast 30 108 3 8 9 7 P I«S1S Wotetm 12 Satagerneld. Cock spur, Uermuda ASTROLOGER, blk. h. 6 112 Bv Star Shoot— Cremorno CT. J. ElwardL 22799 BlueBon. I l:42%slow 12 110 1 3 3 3 3 V T Dice S Supreme. Dick sPet, JoeDeihold 22659 BlueBon. 1 1-8 1:53 fast 7J 111 2 7 7 5 6«11«" G Burns !.• Stake ami Cap, Runway. Subject 22622 Conght 1irev l:5i hvy 12 1M 112 3 S» 2 W Warton 8 Marsbon, Klnmnndy. B. At id 22503 Conght Bn20v l:4644slow 21 113 2 2 2 2 « 1 V W Warton 8 L. SptrttueUe, Kinmundy. Cogs 22485 Conght 51*f l:10Vfehvy 8 loS 5 5 7 71 3 F Cooper » Josenna Z»r»te, M-.iu-r. Colors 22435 Windsor 3"-4 l:13/5fast fid 105 11 12 12 12 12IJ1 I Sterrett 12 Bmsedge, Cmauretta, Imperator 21593 FortErie 11:15 slow Si 110 4 3 2 3 31 V L Hat uvell i D s Per. S.ofLove. L.Spii •iluell.. SIGMA ALPHA, b. h. 5 109 By Bannockburn— Lyle A. C. Pratt. 22774 BlueBon. I l . L-.mud 51 lot 2 6 7 7 l« 3 E Graves U Gallop. Kinmundy. The Csher 22525 Conght 11-10 1:51 Rood 30 102 9 S 9 9 8 »• E Uraves 0 L. Travers. Miss Waters. Zodiac 22436 Windsor Im70yl:44fcfast SO 95 8 6 7 7 8 51»1E Craves S CUfl Edge, Lochii-1. Hnnvood 22305 Windsor 3-4 l:154fchvy 102 let 5 5 G G 5 "IE Graves ".Droll. Commensia. Locbiel 1S"37 Laurel 3 4 1 :l:;"-,fas-t 149 115 10 10 10 UP 91T.U Kederls 11 D.s Pet. L. Lightning, B. Belle 18068 Laurel 1 l:41%faat 24-5 V 6 S 12 11 9 M| 10» W Oral 13 Early Light, Mardecai, B.Qalnce LUKE VAN ZANDT. b. g. 5 114 Bv Luke Ward — Lula Perkins A. Castin. 22610 Mneuve .;. . r I:23%fast 12 UC» 7 S 7 c". I. Uangel 10 M.Frances, M.Sherwood. MndSIll 22223 KingEd 1 1-16 1:50 fast 3 113 13 1 1J W Mndera i Mudsill. Dcl.Mack. C.l.Craiimer 22178 KingEd. 1 1-16 l:51%fast ♦■ ill 5 2 2 IlW Mnders 8 Dixie. Durin, Bavenaj 1939 Mneuve 1 1-16 1:50 fast 1 112 6 4 3 i* W Hlnpfay G Minda. .Mr. Mack. Master Ji e 21919 Mneuve 1 1 16 l:48%fast 3 108 2 2 W Uinphy i Andrew ODay. Dixie, MasterJoe 21795 Mneuve 1 1-16 l30%fast ."■ 108 2 3 2 2ll W Mnders , MasterJIm, Ravenal, Aud.oDay SHERLOCK HOLMES, br. h. 6 112 By Inflexible — Orsina W. Walker. 22748 ItlueBon. I 1 l 2:08%fast 72 P17 17 7 6 6* t71, S Brown 7 IL Lauder, Abbotsford, 22702 BlueBon. 1 1-* 1*4 fast fid M6 7 9 10 9 7l s;" S Drown 10 Runway, BeauPere. Abbotsford 1 onght 11-12:15 mud 30 M0 4 1 4 7 7s 7:|S linen s Marsbon, D.Deadwod. BeauPere "2551 Conght 11-16 1:51 good 20 MS t 3 3 5 V i;Ml.ll McDott 7 Euterpe, Stake and Cap. Minda 22503 Conght lm20y l:484talow 15 105 5 7 N S S s-rs Drown 8 L.Sitnelle. Astrologr. Kmundy 22382 Windsor 3-4 l:15%fast 72 103 12 12 12 12 12" S Drown k 12 Laughorne. .MClintock. M. .. a DURIN, ch. g, 4 104 Bv Solitaire II. — Handsome Florvy E. Freeman. 22659 BlueBon. 1 1-S 1:55 fast fid hi:; 13 11 12 11 1C 9»» W Schorn 15 Stake and Cap, Bunway. Subject 22625 Conght lm20y 1:50 hvy 10 102 0 7 7 8 B» 541 !■: Raynes v Bgmont, Boxer, L. oKIrkcakly "•■Conght liniv 1:46 slow 9 no 9 10 S 8 7r 8* E Haynes 10 The Usher, Bunway, Weyanoke "217S KingEd 1 1-16 l:Cl%fast 3 111 2 6 4 3= T McCulIh S Dixie. Luke Van Zand:. Bavenal 21676 KingEd. 1 1-16 1:51 fast fi 98 4 4 3 3s J Dodd 10 Tony Koch. Minda. Lord Wells 21619 KingEd. 11-16 1:35 fast 2 111 4 4 5 5«JC Knight 7 Bogart, Kastoso. Tony Keen 21512 Delmier 61 f l:23%fast 2 112 1 3 2 2 T McCulIh 5 Ana vri, Mrs. Mc. Water Lad DR HOLZBERG. ch. g. 9 109 Bv Bannockburn — Grand Shot P. J. Mullhall. 22675 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:15 fast 72 10 147 4 3 1 3 215 2»" R Scully Ca Den. Ciiion Jack. Kail-Inln 22621 Conght Ab 2 3:55%hvy 40 138 4 4 3 2 21 2"- R Scully 7 The African. F. A. Stone, Frog 2 182 conght Ab 2 3:54 hvy 40 154 8 fi G fi Cln fi" D Gaddy 8 Cynosure, Stucco. Idle Michael 22037 FortErie lmTOvl :52%hvy fid Ml 7 10 10 10 11 ll-W Dhert 11 Stanleys., FirstStar. Ielownwa 21914 Hamton 3 4 l:15%8low 108 MB 9 9 9 9 91TW Irai !» Voikville. Bin Del, Laura 20524 Wdblne Ab 2 4:33i,fast 41 140 3 4 4 4 4 4" J Smith 4 Klttgcash, Y.MpheuS, T.African 20457 Wdbine Ab 2 4:06%fast 71 148 2 3 6 7 C G;l D Oioldy 7 C. Kruni. Bryndown. Mch Court REGULAR, br. f, 3 82 By Bryn Mawr — Consistent B. Dorsey. 22597 Conght 1 l:47%mud 10 103 0 7 7 8 s1 8*« M Mount n S L. Travers, EUterpe, S. and Cap 22523 Con glu 3-4 1:16 good 15 88 7 7 C 51 -D. M Monntn 0 LadyLondon. KatbarineG., Kyle ♦2367 KingEd. AbS-8 58%fast 4 104 3 2 2 2s W Voting 7 Indifferent, Odd Cross. Kenneth 22326 KingEd. 3-4 1:l.".%fast 2J 103 1 5 4 3". W Toting 7 Orimar Lad, B.Lumax. E.Adams 22237 KingEd. 61 f 1:23 fast 8" Mfi 5 ■ 4 3:!J W Young 6 Aaavri, MlssBmsb. Hearthstone 22171 KingEd. 3-4 l:lfi%fast 3 105 G 4 4 3]1, G Corey 8 Stubhorn, Asa Herndon. Proctor