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DUFFERIN PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO ONT.. Thursday. September 9. 1915.— ,,,,1.1 in Park. First day. Metropolitan Jockey 1 1 luiVs Second Meeting of 7 days. Weather showery irst race clear thereafter. ilJ hooks on. presiding Judge, Ed Cole. Starter. K. McCinily. Itacinc Secretary. W. R. .x.rveii | Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. il hleage tune. 130 1 | aanai rural Race— Aboat 5-8 Mile. Parae ?:,.| 0--°Va, olds and upward. Maiden-. filing. Net raiue to winner 10; second. 800; third. 830. ind Horse. WLFln-Jockey. Op. CL PL Sh. . 2458 ; W. Kinker 107 1 JDomk 2j 21 1 1-- ; »441»Strange tlirl 1001 V JDodd 20 20 3 4 : 2458 Caraqoel lot V SB ger a » - 1 ; 2«632=»J. L. .n-mpscylOl I KI.a.Ms 10 0 4 2 ; 224581inisher lot 6«1 K-I.kms M 12 I 2883S I s.ii.i 071 .-, NF-den 6 « 1 ; 22632 luna " ■: J./ . V, l , ", 8 I 22458 S-iii.onia 108 8» WDyle 12 - 2084 John. Austin KN1 9J JCruis. 30 30 12_ 7 22632 l.aui el Fark 107 10 WHhy 3 3 « ■■ •■ r. Time. 1:03. Track slow. Winner— J. Lallya hr. «. 3, by Shaghstoa— MUn Keen trained by K. Smith. U,,,t to Doal al 2:3S. At post 2 minutes. Starl ,, „ -h.u. Won easily: second and third drlv- , KISKER won all the aray. STRANGE .Tim finished Kamely. CARAOUET -I k J. L., off !■■ Ihe I.1-1 eiKhtb. The latter ran "Bt The winner aa« entered for 8200: BO hid. Overweight* Strange Girl, 2 pounds: j. L. Deaap- ■sj . .: ITscita. 4*. . 5-8 Mile. Parse 00. 5 9R02 seioii.l Kac About •fi-,rl!ld Allowances. Ne raloe to winner vio ,.i in. I 804; third, 830. ■nl lor. Wl.rin.lo.l.ev. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 2224 I,,, » » « * i.e. J«» IJaWDyl. 2259o l.xndora -" 2 *£-*™ .. - „ - : 2 .. ?2l!i7 lleelas lame 1"!" M tts .. .. «■ » ■■ ,- i 22416 ill. Reach H»K 4 J RBstep 16 2 W713 ute, Nighl 1«. •;, JDoml j - 21741 /..!zo "" Nl: 8« ■ » M ," 5 ,21951 Miliar May 100 7 | Nr,i;n 7 8 3 8-2 22416 Mrs. Jack 1". B APinley 4 t. - 1 Time. 1:03 ;. Track slow. v/,,,,,.1- II. Iiei.l.i- hr. f, bj Bala -Ashe* trained by H. Herdel. Win, to poal at 3:01. Ai p --I 2 mlnntes. Starl Mod and alow. Won easily; se I and third urn To- PFNANCE drew away easily in the last ■ightb. "LYNDORA outstayed HECLAS FLAME. The latter displayed much speed, hut tired. BELLE IWjACII cloned up ground. s.o, bed Jojam. Khi. Ovepweightu Belle Reach, :; ponnds. 22803 ~~ Third Race — .«bou1 5-8 Mile. Purse 8300. • veuiliN :iud upward. Selling. Net value to Winner 8210: second. 880; third. 830. i,.,i Hcree. Wt.Fin.Jockey. op. CI. ll. sh. 2?462,;,al HV la C Peak 3 2 84 3-3 1 I H2610 Cariooa ■ 9 JDorn k i» • Vi2608 Orimar Lad 117 - REatep 3 3 I 5 3 89088* Reflection "*2 .4 "**»■ , 5, V , r 2?608l:i.-ih-- " • MOrinr 2] 21 J ; 22596 Mal.r 8 AP/kna 4 4 Time. 1:01V. Track slow. ■U inner— J. Kirkpatrickis b. R, ."., hy »rt Wells 1 | | . ; ; ; ; - -Anna Loretta Daly trained by I. Kirkpatriek. W.nt to post at .:24. At poal 2 minutes. Start 1 l.umI and slow. Won driving; second and third the 8 same. GENERAL flniabed gamely and got np in 11 the final stride. CURIOUS tired at the finish. • ORIMAR LAD was cut off twice and finished last. TACTLESS quit. The winner was entered lor 00; ; • no hid. 22804 Fourth Race- 8 12 Farloaga. Iurse S.ioo. 3- - • year -olds aad apward. Selling. Net value to 0 winner ?210; second. 800; third, 830. lad. Hone. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. ll. Sh. 22461 Little Ep 113 1- NF*den 3 3 8-5 I ". 21954 Miher 1051 : Kl.aMs 3 1 8-6 3-6 88088Ravenal 113 3» LMunro 5 C 8-2 22421 Bloom. Posey 107 r JDomk C 8 t 3 ! 22441 Ihe Monk 112 •. DBoId 3 3 8-G 3 ". 22607 Gold. Lassie 107 «3 JHowd 8 I 3 8-2 22605 Rye Straw 118 7* HWtis g s :: 22638 Anna Keed 113 VAdms 12 12 4 " 88S04*D. of Shelby 10S I JCmtae IS 20 7 3 Time. 1:26 /S. Track slow. Winner- K. McDonalds b. a, 8, hv Plaaodea - -Elisabeth 1!. trained by B. McDonald. Weill to |,i.-: at :::4 ;. At post 1 minute. Start f Rood and slow. Won easflj : second and third driving-. LITTLE EP ran nasi MOTHER in the stretch 11 ,- and won easing up. The latter held 1I14- others • sale. RAVBNAL ran well. RYE STRAW ran well 2J 1 r five-eighths. The winner was entered for 8200: , I: I I. id. Scratched— 22442 Svkesie. 108. Overweight* The Monk. 4 pounds: Mother. 21. 22805 null Race — About 5-8 Mile. Parse O0. i. ."-year , his and upward. Selling. Not value to to winner 10; second. 800; third. 830. In. I. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 22463 Dais* si vena 107 l1 JHowd S :. 1 1 22463 Rebecca MoseslOT - REatep "■ 1 1 ! 2 22605 -K...kv oRrien107 3 JDomk S 2 1 22439 Mo niieal 107 «* WHhy 12 10 4 2 22461 S. of Kooks 107 5lOCaldl E 3 1 1 22459 iGpi the lma Ki2 C NBger E •; I 1 22636 I aun 112 7 HWtts 10 12 1 22461 Gold. Ruby 112 8« APkna 21 a 1 1-2 i 22419 Hay liuhi 1o7 9 NF*den M 12 4 2 Time. 1:03. Track slow. Winner P. Dehiaeys br. t. ::. by stalwart — Ariadne , trained hy P. Delaaey. Weill to post at l:i,7. At bob 2 minutes. Starl ,.. . good and idow. Won handily: second and third driving. DAISY STEVENS was tiring at the finish I REBECO MOSES always |,ohl second place safe. , ROCKY OBRIEN wan hard ridden to outstay MONTREAL. r; FAWN and GOLDEN RUBY wore in ■ a Jam ..n the tirst tarn aad forced to pull up. The winner uns entered for 8200; no bid. Scratched — 1 avia. 112. 22806 Sixth" Race — Aim, it ."is MUe. Pane 8300. :[ 3-year-oMa and upward. Selling. Net value to to winner 3410: second. 880: third. 0 Ind. Horse. Wl.lin ..looker. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 22465*Ther. Bethel 102 V Miner Ul 3 5 1 3 3 22392 Belle Torre 113 YI 1.- M * I ; I 2 22608 I. Capricious 107 S" NP*den 4" r, 2 1 22393 Miss Jean 113 4- REatep E I I 1 22466 Field Flower 188 •"•• CWhlte I 18 4 2 21935-KellMsi lot 61 WHhv 12 IS « 3 22357 Maude I.edi 101 7J HWatts Vj M 7 3 5 Q ■ ijj fii, in | b _ 2! 2 ~ « „ A 2 ■ I 0 _ 22611V|ois.n dor 112. 3 ncns I H 8-S 8-C Tlaae, 1:02. Track slow. Wbiner B. 1" Chapmans ch. f. ". by Peter Quince— Prairie Belle trained bj B I Chapman. Weal to posl at 1:32. t post 3 minutes, start good ""1 io" Won easiU " -« » » « I third drii [ng. THERESA BETHEL raced wid the turns, mm all the way. Kll.l.K TERRK closed a gap the last half. I.AD CAPRICIOI S onlgamcd MISS JEAN. The winner was entered lor 00 : no hid. __S, raj • hod 2262,.. Ynca. 10!: 22ii.:7. l:i- On . 113. 22807 Seventh Race— 0 1-2 Furlongs. FuraogSOO. 4- vear olds aad upward. Selling. Net value to winner 8210; second, 800; third, 830. Ind. Bone. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Op. CI. ll. Sh. 22465 Pal Gannon loo la* NFMen 21 2 I 12 22633-l.eiale, a 108 -■ JDodd :. 4 -5 3-6 20980 San Jon 111 V OCaWl M lo 4 2 223C9-S,u. .1. inns 113 4- OBold 3-3 2 1 1-2 22419 Scrimmage 108 ■■ JHowd 1 :: I 5 1 2 22461 Gallant Boy 108 ii: JDomk 13 15 ,; ?. 22640 M. Tilghman 11". 7 JDawn 2o 2.7 s 4 lino . 1:27. Track slow. Wianer— G. Foleya eh. g. •" . hy Abe Krank — Borate Bontoa trained by •. Foley. Went to post at 4:."i0. At iK,st 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and iliird ihe same. PAT GANNON finished driving hard to oiilsiay l.KIAI.OIIA. The latter finished fast. SAN JON closed I gap from a slow beginning. SCRIM-Mi:i: quit in the last oaarter. The winner was , nil red foi I o ,,,, i,i,i. Scratched— 21888 Eddie Mott, 108; 22011 Mia. 100. Overweight s.m Job. 2 Boands. 22808 Klghth Race 6 1-2 Far Mags. Pane 8300. 8- yearolds and apward. Soiling. Net value to wi r 8210; aeeoad. Sou: third. hBio. lud. Ho,-. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 22461 Van Bn 1i«", 11 HWtts S E 2 1 22353iuee.l 112 2 WHhy 1 3-2 2-3 1-3 , 22636. cisko l 13 WDyle 742 22607 cii. McFerran Ms 4 REatep 10 K 4 2 22420 Irish Kid 113 B* AFknst 4 2 1 224G5 Marty i..u 11". S" JDomk 3 4 J 6-5 22444 i. of Frooae 113 7 Wriaht 12 7 21 :: 2 , 22441 iTvio 1 13 S AFlnley 4 .". 2 1 Thae, 1:07%. Track slow. Wianer— N. R. Sntberlanda ch. h. 7. by Chae-tanunda Molly Brant drained by W. Bateman. Went to poat .it 5:25. At post 2 mlaates. Start goad ami slow. Won handily; necond ami third driving. VAN r.C raced on the ontaMe of QUEER throughout and held him safe to the end. The latter had DO mishaps. CISKO closed a gap in the last nuarter. IRISH KID and MARTY LOU ipiif. The winner was entiled for 8200: BO bid. Scratched- 22K;l Rescue. 102: 22C.:::; Malik, 1 Ki.