First Race [1st Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-10

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,,, u; » ,5 ,4 1 H 14 F- ■. :,] "",, g s 2; | 3 i, % g n " :,: i g 8 % pj 1 . r i • 1 s I 2 ■ ! I t - ~ , , , 1 - j , ! - , : p - i , n v n — y WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR. CLEAR. TRACK TRACK FAST. FAST. FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 03642—1:12 I -115. Index Coarse Dtet TtaaeTefcOdda Wt St M M ;; Btr Iin Jockeys Btarted Order of Finish UNCLE HART. ch. g, 5 105 By Stalwart— Lady Balfrowan Ross and Looney. 17243 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 13-5 101 2 114- 4" V W W Tlor 7 Bolala, Charm. -i.-. Wilhite 16987 lexgton 3-4 l :i::!-.!"a. t 11 5 109 9 7 I 7 6,: , W W T*lor 8 Furlong, Gipsy Love, Adelaide T. 15318 Latonia 3 I l:l:"-,:ast S3 10 111 2 E 3 2 1«* W W T*lor S Furlonx, Othello, Cy 15247 Latonia 3 I l :l2-M;ist 47-20 106 4 I 3 4 2] C Dtsbmon 8 Kurlong. FlyuurVankee. OHagau I5t06 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 41-10 112 3 I 3 3" l*| W W Tlor 8 JudgeWrlgbt, Huntress. Ycnghee 074 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 11 166 3 3 I 2". 1 .. W V TiorlO The Norman. Lace. Oiliello 14867 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 17 109 6 3 3 21 2- W Obert :» Huntress. Miss Declare, Bae 147s3 Uator.ia 3-4 l:13%fast 7-5 103 4 11 llll W W Tlor S RovalTea. Boy.Dalnty. Campeon 14728 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast 12-6 166 2 1 1 Is 1*10 Ptohaaoall Rifle Brigade, FirstDegree, Co !«• 14327 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 4 IOC 3 1 1 21 2* J Kederis 0 Lace, L PaBChlta, J.B.Bob!nsoa FDDIE DELLING. ch. e 3 94 By Peter Quince— Tchoupctoulas J. 0. Tslbott. 2219S Saratoga 8-4 1:11 hvjr 11-6 106 I 1 1 1* 1» F Judy 32 San Vega, B. James, Herrmanns 22016 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 slow E 99 2 111. 1« F S Sarsenet, D. of Dunbar, Minstrel 21459 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good27-W 160 E 3 3 3* 7*1 *" Judy 12 W. Wonder. Malhear, MrgaretD. 21297 Latonia 3-4 1:11 mud II N 4 I I 3l l» F Judy 8 Carrie Orme. Mar.Casea, C.King 21228 Latonia 3-4 l:12-,fast 44-3 100 1 1 1 in 64 F .litdv 8 CoUe. CairieOrme. Dr. Dougherty 2111. Latonia 3-4 Llhfefast 2 2 107 4 1 1 1» S«| J Kederis 12 Nobleman. Casaba. FloaCmckett 26076 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 5 102J 4 3 4 61 4= J Kederis 10 Lsceit, Chartier, OMaaiag Tower BLACKTHORN, b. . 3 99 Bv Broom3tick— Margerictue M. A. Coltonl. 22120 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 slow 12 102 2 3 6 f,r 6-- W Lilley 7 Dinah Do, Forecast, Brian Boru 21963 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :13%fast 10 1 4 1 10 10 8 77, W Lilley IS Ads Azviade. Mr. Specs 21325 Aqueduct 1 1:41 fast 20 107 2 2 2 4 I 6*«IC Turner 3 DlstantShore. AllSmiles. Alhena 21217 Jamaica 3-4 l:13*fcfast 7 102 I 4 5 42 4JW Lilley C Taleearrier, True as Steel. Amies 20980 Latonia 3-4 1:14 slow 28-5 93 1 11 l1! 1* M Gnnier 7 C.Orme. UP*ehita. C.onBlivery 20371 Latonia 3-4 1 :l6%hvy 81-10 95 3 4 5 3J 2h M Garner ! Talebearer. Oakland. Wild Bear 20925 Ittonia 3-1 1:13 fast IS 93 5 5 5 6 6« H Stearns i Mars Cassidy. Mex. Amazon 20873 T-atonia 3-4 l:12%fast 34 1031 5 1 1 3h 4-if D Stirling ! ToryMaid. D.Lirrick, Korflia-e 20703 Douglas 3-4 1:14 good 44-5 102 5 5 5 4. 3» M lamer 11 Amazon, Maznik. Busy Edith 20405 Douglas lm70y l:4S%mad 10 S7J 3 2 6 5 5« 4s U Urquhrt 7 Bonanza. J.Reardon, Thtreader RR00MSEDGE. b. g, 4 109 By Broomstick — Sister Mary L. Desforpes. 22125 Windsor 3-4 l:13Kfaat 57-10 1117 1 1 2 11 1" c VanIonl2 Cmauretta, Imperator, M.Casca 22G47 Windsor 5?. f l:oS%fast 17-10 104 1 4 3 3 2*1 C VanDun 8 York Led. Colle. Uonnaagfal 22078 FortErie 3-4 1:14 slow 29-10 106 1 3 2 2- 3 5 VanDun 8 Marl. A.. Pontefract. L. L..mlon 2121.5 Ham ton 54 f l:07%fast 2 101 4 3 2 2J 2U 0 VanDun !i Single, Yengbee, Pay Streak 21206 Ham ton 6* f 1 :0«%fast 18-5 111 8 7 5 62 5si V VanDnnll Viiev. Miss Gayle. Pay Btreak £0863 BlucBon. 3-4 l:14«%fast 51-10 106 4 5 4 11 1 C Vanlunl3 The* Spirit, King Worth. Viil.-r 30643 Dorval 5l f 1 :0S%fast 6-5 111 7 5 5 42 li 11 VauDunl 1 Im •].• Dick, Ford Mai. B.ofBneka 20133 Lexgton 3-4 l:12fast 23-5 107 6 6 6 5l 5"i C Van Dnll Car.Onue, Thtreader, Nobleman MERRICK, ch. g, 12 105 Bv Golden Garter — Bianca J. C. Milam. 17964 Churchl 3-4 1 :14%mnd 31-5 112 2 4 6 ,- 6* J Loft us 9 Balgee, Bichwood, Big Dinner 17208 Lexgton 3-4l:l3%fast 24 107 1 3 6 E» 6*1 W W Tlorll Tbesleres, Llt.Bean, C.McFerraa 17028 Lexgton 3-4 1:19 hvy 14 102 1 12 3?. 31 W W Tlor 9 Tportatioa, T. Norman. Cenown 17009 LixKton 2-4 1 :17-;,li y 10 ln.l Z 2 7 4.. 2U W W Tlor P 1. Kendall. Cperton, Tl.ortation 150S0 latonia 3-4 1:15 mud 57-10 10S 3 1 2 2l 2i F Keogh 8 Roval Tea. Bio Brazos. Geo. Btoll 14901 Latonia 3-4 l:13sfast 17 113 3 5 5 5? 5" J Henry lo Kastaee. Charmeuae, Tbeodorita 14728 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 32 115 5 6 8 7i 73 F Keogh 11 DndeHart, B.Brlgade. F. Decree 14621 Douglas 3-4 l:14%slow 3-4 103 2 2 2 2f 31 C Dishmon 6 Fly. Yankee, Font, TbcBnsybodj 141H4 Douglas 3-4 1:13 slow 39-10 109 1 2 3 PI 2" F Keogh 11 Patience, Sureget. Maria C. shabrcH. ch. c. 4 108 By Atkins— Omah Wood CC E. Roger3, Sr.. 22277 111. Grass 6-8 IM fast 3-1 Hi 1 C Jones 10 Luc. Morois. B.tbeMooa 21297 Latonia 3-4 1:16 mud 20-3 110 2 11 2 S" C Jones B Carrie Urine, K.B.llinr. M.Casca 21298 3-4 1:12%faat 16 HO 2 11 2 4f»f C Jones 12 KoyalTea. L; nnshonie. Grosr«wr 19429 Havana 3-4 1:25 hvy 5 106 1 1 1"» 3*1 C Jones R Wander. Encore, A. N. Akin •9270 Havana 5-8 l:ll%hvy 2-6 113 1 3 2 2 C Jones 7 Clle. Susan B.. Banjo Jim 13092 Havana 6-3 1:15%hvy 8-6 1"5 3 1 2" 2"k l Jones 7 B. Caaarder, Vol. Lyes. Laafada FITZGERALD, br. g. 5 105 By Htirst Park — Helen Connelly Booker and Applc- gateL 21127 l.atc.nia 2 1 l:15%mud 10 105 a 6 6 0" 6*1 A Ifott 7 Amazon. Transit. Sosius 21208 Latonia 3-1 1 :12 fefasi 2s 109 5 10 S 7. PJV .1 DBr12 BoyalTea. Langhorne, Grosvenor 19997 Bowie 1 1:41V-, fast 5 Ml 3 3 11 l«l 2 P Lowder 8 Bichwood, Pied Piper, Energetic 19987 Bowie 5 f 1 :os last 1S-5 10S 3 3 4 3* 1" C Turner B! Blue .lav. Inlan. llcarlhslone 19936 Bowie 3 1 1:16 fast 6 h7 7 7 7 7 i* W Lillev s V.,rk Lad. Tbcsieree. Bine Jay 19930 Bowie 7-3 1:29 fast 5 107 4 112 2| 3* P Lowder 8 R. Brass. Ihara..ii. M. B. Harbor 19406 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%good I ill G 7 9 I 5:1:; C. VanDun!.-. Birka, Lady London, Dicks l.-t PALM LEAF. ch. f. 4 10* Bv Masetto — Palms C. A. Matlock. 20162 Lexgton 3-4 l:16%hvy 72 MS 4 E I 0- 6" .1 McCabe 7 Birka. Almee Leslie, Beoniram 20113 Lexgton 3-4 1 :i::,,-.iast fid 110 ; 6 I 6 6»1 W W "Tlorll Lacfcrose, Boy.Tea. C.onlMivy 2,000 Bowie • 51 f l:08%fast 4o 106 5 I 6 I* 4 F. Ambrose 7 Brandywine, ".M.Casca. ElMahdl 199X7 Bowie 5. f 1 :os fast 12 ]o6.M3 lo u 61 l*| B Ambrose 13 Fltagerald, Blue Jay. Inlan 19664 Bowie :: 1 I :i5-fast 9 5 107 2 11 1] SJ .1 Bfetcalf s Bol. it.. Battery, Mol. Richards 19894 Bowie 5. f 1:11-, slow lo lev 13 13 7 8« 8 W Corey ]:: Colors. Toddling, Blue .lav 19858 Bowie 3-4 1 :! ii.iasi jo I0912 11 11 li 11" G Corey 13 New Haven. Chuckles. J. Knight 18747 Charlen 61 f 1:66 good 4 112 8 7 6 «-: IH.C Peak B Luria. Vlley, Hildas Brother MACK B. EUBANKS. ch. g. 6 105 Bv Resolute II.— Evergreen f-T. Umensctteri. 21612 Aqueduct 3 I l:14%fast 8 112 4 3 9 11 1 1 : .. I: Troxler II Outlmik, Plntagenet, Men. Park 21598 Aqueduct 1 1:40 fast 10 loo 5 1 4 1 s".lo- |, Allen 13 Anmlli. OSullivan. Stonelicnge 21492 Aqueduct 5-8 l:01Hgood 7 K»7 1 2 2 3". 4-, L Allen 12 C, Merrick, WaterLlly, Mea.Park 21306 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 %fast 10 112 8 3 3 34 31 II M*tbewsl1 Gilt Edge, WaterLlly. PairiekX. 21192 Jamaica 3-4 l:14%fast 13-6 101 5 4 3 3S 3n L Allen 7 KHa Bryson. LilyOnne, B. Dipper 21105 Jamaica 5Sfl:07%fast 10 112 1 3 3 3- 3"i J Pitx 8 Elkridge, Gilt Edge, S. of Valley SEPTEMBER MORN, ch. f, 3 103 Bv Peep oDay— Attelle J. C. Cahn. 22435 Windsor 3-4 l:13tfcfast 40 97 9 11 11 HP .s* .1 Callahan 12 Bnisedge. Cmauretta. Iperator 22343 Windsor 51 f l:09%hvy Fid 105 11 12 12 12 ll-"..l Callaaanl2 Vi.let. Cardigan. Langhorne 22188 FortErie 51 f l:07t»fast Fid 105 I 9 9 10- 6*| J CallahanIS LadyMexlcan, GoldCap. Nlgadoo 21710 Windsor 5. f 1:0E fast 159 101 1o 10 ]u in 10= A Matt 10 Vend in, Peggy L., Me.Ihka 21683 Windsor 51 f 1:12 hvy 41 94 8 7 7 6J SHM Garner 10 Voaetla, Meelicka. Katharine G. TEXAS TOMMIE. ch. g. 4 105 By Peep oDay — Driftwood II. J. SpencerL 20114 Lexgton 3 I 1 : 1 3=*, ta st 177 112 8 8 8 71 7".,W Meehan 9 DroU, Gabrio. Oakland 17012 Lexgton lm70vl:.. i*Mivy 20 93 7 3 4 7 7 7-;; J Sloan 7 Bold Color. Boly Hill. Weyanoke 16174 Lexgton 1 1:41 fast 14-6 9s 2"; J Sloan 3 Santander, star of Danube 16064 Lexgton 11:403 fast 5-4 102 : J Sloan .1 Santander. Polls 15991 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:461 fast 6 103 21 J Sloan 4 Char. McFerran. Tolls. Bank Bill 15319 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :5L*i,fast 33-5 I1X1 6 2 2 7 8 S-- K Martin 8 Carpatbia. Dilatory. C. McFerran 15187 Latonia 1 3-16 l:59/sfast 13 97 111 1 5" l**|A Neylou S Be, Verona. Transportatioa ODA MAY. ch. m, 5 105 Bv Nasturtium — Cassandra L. Marion. 21399 Latonia 1 1:45 livy 23 110 3 1 3 6 71 71 ■ Pool B Orange, Kris Kringle, Mattie C. 21210 lAtonia 1 1-16 l:47%fast 68 107 111 5 7 V W .1 OBn s i.a Mode. Wild Bear. Bank Bill 21160 Latonia lm7oy 1 : !5%fast fid 111 2 111 11 11-2 W J 0Bnl2 Svrian. Prospect Beachcomber 21033 Latonia 3-4 l:1544mud Fid 109 3 2 3 10 Hi-3 It Goose 10 Waterproof, Star McGee Dade 20252 Churchill 3-4 1 :13%fast fid 113 5 4 8 10 10== E Pool 15 SkilesKnob W.Crown, Manners 20166 20166 Lexgton Lexgton 3-4 3-4 l:lC*f,hvy l:lC*f,hvy 22 22 105 105 2 2 2 2 2 2 61 61 S"1E S"1E Pool Pool 11 11 Bettertoa, Betterton. Plsureville. Plsureville. P. P. laines laines

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Local Identifier: drf1915091001_5_6
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