Seventh Race [7th Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-10

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2 24 IM 7" Ixitonia latonia S-4 S-4 l:17%hvy l:17%hvy 39-5 39-5 107 107 7 7 9 9 8 8 5" 5" 6° tJ A A Neylou Neylou 10 N Kneelet. Kneelet. Waterprwf Waterproof. Alkanet Alkanet SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 98345—1:426 3—48. ALTAMAHA, b. g. 7 101 By Plaudit— Passan H. C. Coffev 22422 Hillcrest 61 f 1:23 fast 3-2 lie 4 2 4 El 6*J J Domick 7 King Worth. Imprudent KateK 22314 Hillcrest 7 s 1 :30%fast 3 110 :: 4 4 31 S*f A Nevlon 7 Al Court, Zali. Imprudent 22014 DulTerin 7-8 1:35 slop 11-7 ill I 2 I 27 44 N Fodea 8 Al Court, Gordon Mns Franc s 21969 Duffet in 7-8 1:32 good 2 117 2 2 1 1| V X Foden 8 Deviltry, Imprudent Mercuriuni 2 1246 I-atonia 11-16 1:47 last 24 .7 los .7 3 2 3 31 31 P Keogh 8 Hermuda, White Wool Consoler 20465 Douglas 3-4 1:14 mud 49 109 7 2 7 8 8**W J 0B*a 9 H. Barbee, B.Hensley ivorfiiitre 20314 Churchill 1 1-tt 1:47 fast 17-10 112 4 4 3 3 61 651W J OBnlO J. Louise, Edith W.. Btack thorn 20289 Churchill lm70yl :44%fast 5 110 6 6 .7 3 2 4-3 F Murphy 0 Itaoul. Robinetta. Transit r«243 Churchill 1 1-14 1:47 fast 10 112 7 9 9 9 7 5i F Murphy f Old Ben. Guide Post Bricklev 20148 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast 12 108 8 6 5 21 11 W J OBnlO Ollagan. Izzetbey. San Vega FLITAWAY, b. f. 4 109 By Fair Play— Elittermouse H. L. Crainel. 22413 Windsor ll:412£fast 13 5 104 5 E S 4 t] ::•:! Cooper 8 Aprisa, Miss Water- Dicks Pet Windsor 1 1-M l:48%fast 21 104 4 7 7 7 7 7 L Gentry 7 Mockery, King Box Martian 22139 FortErie 1 1-18 l:52%hvy 13-10 146 311 1 ll 1* A Mott 7 II. Lauder. AJBeaa M Mvomerr 22104 FortErie 3-4l:l7%hvy 9 107 9 10 9 9- 6*! A Mott 19 BeauPere. LadyLondon Par Bov 22083 FortErie lm70yl:45 good .7 104 4 3 4 3 22 23 A Mott 0 Dicks pet. Birka Cuttvhunl- 21906 Hamton 1 1-16 l:5f%slow 15 106 2 2 3 3 3« 3= W W Tior fl Martian. Dicks Pet EarlvLlrht 21813 Hamton 1 1-16 l:48%fast 31 106 1 1 3 2 Ink 3* W W Tlo-IL Fly Home. Bricklev Moscowa" 2M2S Windsor 1 1-16 1:48 fast 94 107 2 1 2 I 21 2 W W Tior 7 Smpnssimr Baa, sister. Harold MOSCOWA, b. g, 3 94 By Out of Reach — Rosinante J. 0. Keenel 22457 Windsor 1 1-16 l:53Hmud 5 M IM 7 2 2* 2» A Claver 10 LaMode, Strati. earn Cmnnretta 22349 Windsor 1 1-4 2:i2*fcsIow 29-10 04 2 .7 7 4 4= 3i J Morys 8 First Star Fellowman p.i-i. 1 1, i- 22146 FortErie 1 1-16 l:49y5good 21 91 8 S S 8 S B* J Morys 8 Cliff Stream, 1.1i-a S of Love 220.74 FortErie 1181:56%hvy 21-5 100 7 7 7 4 1»u 1" I Morys 7 S. and Can. Abbotsford lleeinn 21874 Hamton 1 1-16 l:51%slop 8 102 10 9 7 7 4" V J Morys Id S. and Cap, Strathearn M Co, ,-t 21813 Hamton 1 1-14 l:48%faat 25 9U12 9 10 9 7- 4*1 3 Morys 12 Fly Home. Bricklev FHtawnv 21727 Windsor ll:40%fast 49 90 3 6 6 6 6" 6*1 T Hayes 7 B. Helen. Cannonade. RIcbwoud OBOLUS, b. g, 3 99 By Oddfellow — Kenmore Queen J. W. Callahan 21463 Latonia I 1-8 1 :.2%fast fid In:! 17 5 5 V V A Matt 11 Traaalt, L. Panchita FelloWman 21401 I.atonia 1 1 26 1 :.70%hv.v 11-10 148 E 3 5 4 6* 6*i ■ Martin C Lackrose. W Wonder WiMl.-V, 21302 Latonia 11-16 1:50 slop 82-5 102 2 111 v- V E Martin 7 Cmauretta. Kneelet s„,i, :„ . 21222 Latonia lm70y l:44%tast 15 9914MM 8 8 8"1F Fnerst 10 Chllla Reno Nton 21125 Latonia 11-16 1:47 fast 33 100 6 5 5 4 4* 3 K Martin 10 I. Gentleman, Mockery LaMode 21038 latonia 1 3-16 2:03 mud 17 98 2 3 4 4 4" S**aV Murphy S AnyPort, Commanrelta, Consoler DISILLUSIOK, b. f. 3 102 By Chilton— Night Gown W. Woodard I.atonia 1 1-8 1 :52%fast 37-20 95 8 .7 0 2 A M Garner 11 Transit. L. Panchita " Fellowman 21343 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :47%good b i 86 S 3 4 2 21 8* K Lapaille 7 Jessie Louise Transit ltVm«iii-. 21212 Latonia 1ni70v 1 :44%fast 13 M 2 3 4 4 21 11 K Lapaille 8 Ooauaretta Ddreaiv M*rtinos 20968 Latoaia lm70y 1:49 hvy 35 91 3 3 4 3 3H 3* K Lapaille X Father Rilev MalUrd B Dinner 20740 Douglas 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 4 Kilt t I1 ll M Garner 8 KrisKringle. Dundreary. M.Peart BOLY HILL. ch. c. 4 106 By Handsel— Eva Rice CJ. Greene li 7 Churchl lm76y 1:51 hvy 3 97 3 3 2 1 2* 21 F Murphy 6 The Gander. J Nolan Boh It 17854 Churchl lm70yl:48 mud 13 97 S 6 S 4 61 4*1 F Murphy 11 BigDipper, GoldColo- TheGander 17.7.70 Douglas 1 l:42y5last 141 110 6 9 7 9 9 HIK Martin 11 W Known. LenaVaal P I Latimer 17508 noughts lm79y 1:48 fast 24 112 4 7 7 4 41 B»» A Nevlon 8 Mockery, Expectation Gil v 17248 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 K12I 7 5 7 7 7J 9-l K Denny 11 Geo.Stoll. RasLBrass Bula Welsh 17097 lexgton 11-16 l:47*fast 28 KM 4 4 4 E 3- B A Neylon ! Transit. Wander Uaven.l 17028 Lexgtoa 3 4 1:19 hvy 31 143 4 3 3 S* 5« C Dishmon U Tsportation. T. Norman Merrick 17012 Lexgton lm70yl ::.0%hvy 19-5 106 5 7 3 2 2* 2" J McCabe 7 Go A Color. WeyanokT Geo Stoll FELLOWMAN, b. g, 5 112 By Oddfellow— Ferrol G. Henze. 22457 Windsor 1 1-16 1 :53%mud l.-o 107 2 8 9 9 7*1 8»* F Keogh Kl La Mode. Moscowa Btiatheajs 22349 Windsor 1 1-4 2:12%slow 2 10S 4 111 Ink -ji V K,.0gh S First Star. Moscowa Bricklev 22082 FortErie Im70yl:40%goodl9-10 108 7 3 1 1 V in. F Keogh «i MissWaters Wevaaoke B iSUter 22037 FortErie lm70yl :52%hvy 101 105 9 7 5 4 3- S» H Stearns i I Stanlev S.. FirstStar BihvS s er _!7 0 Windsor 1 1-16 l:4S/5good 23 110 8 9 6 6 61 63t D ConnellvU Bricklev Lnckv Gears* /ni is-/ 21679 Windsor 1 1-16 1 :59%hvy 17-5 105 2 4 6 5 41 3=1 F Robinsn 7 Fncle Ben I iliertv Hall Vmt 21646 Windsor 1 1-16 l:53%slop 19-5 112 8 5 4 3 35 321 F Robinsn : Kne. let Ipriai Pliaiit 21463 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :;72%fast 30 107 4 2 2 3 31 3* F Robinsnll Transit. L. Panchita Disillusion 21339 Latoaia 1 1-8 1=68 slow 3-2 108 1 1 2 1 11 lh R Goose 7 J.Kanaugh. CordieF . lil "dlir WATERPROOF, ch. g, 3 102 Bv Cunard— Tinker C. E. Hamilton! 21457 Latoaia 1 l:40%good 14 102 2 2 5 E d S"1F Bobinsnll Grosvenor. Dundrearv Birka 21429 Latonia lm70v l:49V5mud 14-.7 10S 1 3 3 3 3- 3* R Goose 7 Syrian Uledo Mc doo 21317 Latoaia 3-4 l:16%hvy 29-5 102 6 S3 ll II ■ Martin 9 Birka. F.Crockel Oaartermaaier 21208 Latoaia 3-4 P12%fast 40 106 10 9 7 5- B«| E Gritlin 12 RoyalTea, Langborne Grosvenor 21098 Latonia 2 4 1:13 good 44 100 2 6 7 4l 4" F Murphy 7 Maznik Royal Tea Talehea rer 21033 Latonia 3 4 1 :ir.%mud 11 10 103 2 3 2 lh 1= D Stirling Id Star Mi-Gee" Dude Sir vi He ... 20479 Latoaia 3-4 l:17%hvy 32-5 107 1 111 M R Goose Kl Kneelet. Alkanet. Ah Lawrence FINALEE, b. f, 3 96 By McGee— The Governess J. D. Stevens . So Windsor S-4 l:14%fasl 50 w 8 r, | as ,.-|. Lowder lb Aristocrat The Bsher Cant Dm 22142 FortErie 2.-4 1 :14good 41 99 9 14 11 MJ asi H Doaaln 11 Dignity. Langborne i 1,1. ns,, 22106 FortErie 8-4 l:17%hvy 111 M 4 3 8 7" S* J Morys 10 BeauPere, LadvLondon Par Bnv 22049 FortErie 51 f l:ll*hvy H M 1 2 4 4»1 V P Lowder 5 Mtss GaySe Jim I ltimitv 20142 Lexgtoa 3 4 1:16%hvy 117 86 S 7 7 5 4*1 B Marco 7 Birka. Ala Leslie Beoairam 20086 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 115 102 7 6 8 8» 8" E Martin 12 Sareget. Yallaha Miss Knter 18846 Jaarea 51 1:08 fast 10 Mi 1 2 2 4"t 4 J CampbIUO Char. Ward. Lit. Abe, Skinny P. STANLEY S., blk. g, 7 109 By Jack Point— My Gem L. Desforges. Windsor 1 1 I61:48*4fasl 1*6 148 7 6 S E B 5"1C VanDuu 7 Mockery, King Box Martian I ■■ FortErie 1 I 18 1 17 1"7 3 7 4 4 8k v • VaaDun S Cliff Stream. AprbBa S ofLove 22031 FortErie lm70yl :52%hvy rid 106 111 1 1» V C VanDunll Fststar. Fellowman BabvSister 21044 Windsor 5 f l:0»%alop 79 103 10 10 10 9 8"1R McDott 10 r.Jimmio Rflection Kbarlne*; 212S7 Hamton 1 1-M l:48%fast 20 107 4 13 4 4» E*| C VanDuu 8 Mov. Picture. Martian Schemer DENGRO. ch. g, 3 99 By Meelick— Gay and Festive M. A. Colton 22231 Saratoga 1 l:44Hhvy 30 105 10 S 7 7 7* *» R HargtiilO W. Wonder. Sqneeler THnk Bell .198 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 hvy 15 no 2 10 8 8* »** R Troxler 12 K. Delllng SsnVeaa Ber Jamt« 21882 Aqueduct 8-1 l:13%fast 30 189 6 2 2 E] 7 «1R Troxler 3 Presumption M Specs PManauTn 21786 Belmont 3-4 I:l4%fast 15 HIS 6 6 8*4* R Troxler 9 Dinah Do Mlns re Grumi v 21708 Belmont 3-4 st 1:U fast 100 112 S 7 7 7 7»» R Troxler 7 Etruscsn Hanovla nV will 21598 Aaueduct 11:40 fast M 148 7 2 12 10 11* 12" R Troxler 13 A ma lfi OSulIivm" s ,.t .-i .„~. 21E74 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 good 10 no Left at the post. R Troxler 7 Uncle Jlmmle Voon-dd 1 Ti!-.r I I Aqueduct 3-4 1:1:7 fast 12 M6 14 Lost rider. C Turner 14 Palanquin Hikw ■ s-, v.., 21215 Jamaica 8-4 l:13%fast 21 90 6 4 S 6 6"1W Lilley G Sir w Johnson Mi! stre " Hiker n Latonia 8-4 l:14*mnd 21-20 97 1 11 ir V M Garner 8 C.onDellverv 1 pvi it. w 1 £ ,1 16292 Windsor E s l:02/5good 1 111 8 4 2 D 1* V Cohn.anll Fthelma. j.Roberts Between Tus PRETTY DALE, b. m. 5 106 By Hinsdale— Like Me J. F. Heatherine-tnnl -■r7 1 itonia 1 l:40«4goodridMSM 9 11 11 11 il™ I. Geatry ll Grosvenor M *],?■?,?,■ 1 , 21059 Latonia 1 1-14 l:S0Hhvy 142 106 6 5 5 E 8 6*» C Joaes n Big Dipper 1 F ■ v- ,". WrLea 20365 Churchill S-4 l:15%mud rid 144 2 s 10 10 ■ M » E Pool 14 Amason C oaDeliVerv 203« Churchill 1 1-14 l:47a4faat 197 197 2 .7 s 8 71 7»1A Neylon 10 I.Gentlemn" Consoll? fWuhfm ,,r., M289 Charclim 1 1-M l:47%taat rid MS 1 19 M 7 P 6"1M Garner 13 Pr. Eugene M Dul web S Pi™

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Local Identifier: drf1915091001_6_5
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