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FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 95042—1:12—6—113. ED HOWARD, b. g 3 98 By Cesarion— Line of Life J. Livingston. 22451 Windsor 3 4 1:r,4;.mud 7-6 :«; 2 1 1 l"W 2» It MclVott 4 Sir Bdgar, Ormolu, Othello 22249 Windsor 3 I l:13%faat 12 1401 3 5 E B* "■; A Mott 7 Veaetia, Kewesaa, Othello 21926 Hamton G1. f 1:07 hvy 18-5 M 4 I 3 21 4si M earner 5 Carbide, TueW.Mooa, B.Hensley 21877 Hamton J-4 l:14*4slop 7 97 5 4 I 4s -1- M earner 5 Dr.Larriek. Carbide. The W. Mono 21721 Windsor :: 1 ii2--,:ast 5 9S 3 4 5 41 3*1 II Garner n Pan Zareta, Oommonada. Recoil 2K62 Windsor 3-4 l:17%mud 12 5 103 2 3 2 2« 3t M Garner S Filigree, Carbide. Dr. Larrick 21258 Hamton 61 f 1 itMPfast 25 M E 6 4 41 37 J Morvs !t PaaZareta, glrBdgar, Housemaid I39M Lexgtoa i-2 4S fast 21 112 6 7 62 11** C Turner 11 Luke. SamMcMeekin, Lindeuthal HUNTRESS, ch. f. 4 104 By Allan-a-Dale — Miss Gussie tT. C. McDowell. 22553 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 6-fi IM 2 11 I* n F. Martin 14 San Vega. BevJames, Gloaming - iratoga I 11:17 slow 15 119 2 :: 4 7- t l. i: Martin ll Supendent, 1 Barbery , Grumpy 21975 Saratoga 3 4 1:12 Cast IS lis 4 7 9 » 10"1E Martin 11 Con. Tower. Corsicaa, Palanquin 20835 I.atonia 3-4 1:l2%fast 25 107 2 112" 21 ■ Martin 7 II. ODay. Fleetahelle. T.Norman M714 Douglas 1 1 :39Vgfast 21-10 110 114 4 7 Sa E Martin 8 Dortch. Fleetahelle. W. Witch 20330 Churchill 5Sfl:06%fast 61 105 4 6 6 3" HE Martin 14 B.andStars. K. Goose. IPnymde 16283 Latonia 1-4 l:ll%faat 21-5 104 1 2 3 4" r.j H Martm 6 Roadmaster, Jadge Wright Bac 15104 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 19-20 102 1 1 1 21 22 K Martin 8 JodgeWright. Yeaghee, Fn.Hart 15062 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 3-2 102 1 1 1 ll 11 K Martin 10 MbwDeclarc, WhiteWool. Othello 14M7 I-atonia 3-4 l:12V5fast 60 96 3 11 14 I1 H Martin 9 Dade Hart, Miss Declare, Bac DROLL, ch. f, 4 104 By Dick Welles— Fleuron J. H. Woodford. Windsor 2-4 1:1.7%hvy 27-10 lis 2 2 2 1= U c VanDnii : Commeasia, Lochiel, Joe Finn 21817 Hamton ::-4 l:13%faat 21 112 7 7 9 c. 6*1 c VanDan !i VorkvUle, PrivetPeUl, B. Around 21184 Latonia 3 4 1:13 fast 27-20 106 S 6 E 21. 1 M Garner s Imperator. Daeeit, Korfbage 24711 Douglas 3-4 l:12%fast 5-4 106 6 5 2 1" T F Keogh 10 Gabrio. Longfellow. Birka 20153 l..gton 311:14 fast 7-20 110 2 2 2 ll ll C Van Dn C Aeis. Wild Bear, L. Mexican 24114 Lexgtoa 3-4 l:U%fast 83-20 110 9 6 E 3- 1= C Van Dn ! Gabrio. Oakland. Aeis 2it061 I r-xgton 3-4 1:15 slow 19-10 110 6 5 2 21 21 C Van Dnl2 Billy Joe. Salon, Bob R. OTHELLO, blk. o. 4 112 By Lithos— Flash of Night J. W. Goldblatt. I Windsor 3-4 1 :l."*f,mud 24-5 In, 4 2 2 3* 4" A Mott 4 Sir Edgar, Ed Howard. Ormulti i 249 Windsor 3 1 l:13%fast 131 n 7 5 3 I -1- 3*J F Cooper 7 Veaetia, Kewesaa, The W. Moon 219 1 Aqueduct 2 4 1 : l:i-r,fast 6 100 6 5 E fi«* -:l W Uiley R PaUax. Grampy. Tne as steel 2i7i.7 Belmont 3 4 st 1:11 fast 20 ioo 6 6 0 4- WW Lilley 0 Pomette Bleu, Haaovia. Gnat r Aipi.-duet I 11:13 last 15 109 7 4 S -7s B*i T McTagt 7 Thornhill. Bac, Cv Merrick 20873 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 01-10 115 1 3 4 5 |*| A Mott 9 Tory Ma id, D. Larrick. Korfhaga 2o81S latonia 3 4 l:12%faat 6 112 1 2 3 71 7" A Nevlon !i Hawthorn, Banquet. Dr. Larrick MOM Dougbxa 3-4 1:12 fast 17-5 112 4 2 2 C 8- J McCabe S B.*8tara, T.Norman, B.Hensley 20463 Douglas 3-4 l:i4%mud 87-10 ios 2 3 4 45 49 J MeCabo 8 P.Hermls, M.Cassidy. G.Hnebe* 10404 Hon i;las 3-1 1 :1.7 /f.mud 27 112 1 3 3 42 4" E Pool 7 R. Goose. IL Barbee. M. Cassidy FATHER RILEY, ch. e-. 4 104 By Stalwart— Usury R. L. Baker. 21433 lAtonia 1 1-M l-250»4mud 16 3 MS 4 3 1 1 2 ::• 1; Ott 4 Brynlimah. L.I.inchita. J. Louise 21211 Latonia 3 1 I:12%fas1 8 114 1 r, 5] :■ w W T*loc 8 Aataaoa, Beaiga. Broom Flower 21065 I.atonia lm70y 1 : hi hw T ■ M 12 1 1 1". I1 W W Tior 7 gosas. Hard Ball, Miss Thorpe 20968 Latonia lm70y 1:49 hvy in 107 2 2 1 2 n 1- W W Tior 8 Mallard. Disillusion, Rig Dipper 20SU8 U.tonia 3 4 l:12%fast 12 MS I 3 2 2" E»l W W T lor !i 1 la nthoi n. Baaqoet, Dr. Larrick 20609 noughts 3 4 1:12 fast 74 Ml .7 E 7 7 6" W W Tior S B-AStars, T.Nopnan. B.Hensley 20374 Churchill 3-4 l:13V*good 63 112 4 5 7 9 »»«1W W Tlorll The Monaaa, lajstaty, Billy Joe D1MITR1. ch. c. 4 104 By Peter Qtf.ncc— Vly J. T. Hughes. 1 J 11 11 I t start. start.