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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. tCTlS— 1:2.7--. S ios. BOOKER BILL. ch. c, 3 107 By McGee — Rose Lady M. C. Moorel. . 509 Saratoga 1 1:43 slow Q 146 I I I I 3* : D Caanellj B Volant, Carlton :.. Aibeaa 6 Saratoga I l:42%good lj ",s * ■ I 4 4J ;• | D Goaneilyl2 BllaBryson. MarsCasKtdy, Borgo 19 Saratoga 1 I 14 thvj . 11 I I 3 3 V 2" B Troxler ; Ijibore, Shyness. Carlton G. i96 Saratoga 1 I M nvj " III •• I 1 3 3* ::" c Dwhmon 5 Coo. Tower, Corsican, All Smiles 1979 Saratoga I 1:41 last 1.7 ll 2 2 4 I 7. PJC Dishmon H Lindentbal, Amain, Grosveaor 21686 Belmont I l:39%fasl 8 hl 4 I :i I 3 Ml C Dishmon 6 LadyTeresa, OldBen, Stonebenge 1447 Belmont 11 16 l:44%fast 7 146 4 2 2 2 M 6*1 C Diahmon 0 Virile, Yodeles, Old Ben 21319 Latoaia 3-4 1:15 hvy 42-5 110 3 3 3 4" 4*1 C Gaaa • Converse, FleetabeDe, Amaaa DUNDREARY, b. c, 3 107 By Sempromus— Ameeras F. Johnson. --..Windsor 1 l:l.--fast 24-5 97 7 2 4 8 9 31T.F Murphy ! Birka. J.lUloughton. H. Lander 22306 Windsor 1 1-M l:51%hvy fid 96 S I I I 2- 4* -I Morys 8 Kedland. Balfron. Aprisa 22193 FortErie t 1-14 l:44Vfcfast 111 If " 2 2 3 8 71 7" F Murphy 10 Guide Post, Flv Home. Mocke-a; 22066 FortErie 1 1-16 l:50%hvv 17-10 108 12 4 4 4l 3 F Murphy ." Raincoat. Kneelet. Btar of Lov 21944 Hamton 1 lAv*- slow 9 100 6 6 5 5 41 451 F Murphy 8 Bushy Head. Martian. .-, Orme 21784 HamtOB 1 1-M 1:41 fast 12 107 3 6 7 5 4s 331 F Murphv 12 Fenroek. Dicks Pet. Baeare 2171.7 Windsor 1 1 8 l:.73%last 11 90 3 3 3 2 21 35 K Lapaille 8 Buruood, G. Post. J.H.HoDgaton 21700 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47«slow 21 103 7 3 2 3 31 4 J Kederis 11 Supreme, Burwood, Fly Ibune COMMAURETTA, blk. f. 3 102 By The Commoner— Annie Lauretta W. J. Weber. 224.77 Windsor 1 1-16 1 :.7:i.,niud 12 94 9 C 6 7 6?. 4,;:1C Hunt 1 La Mod.-. Moaeowa, Btratbearn 22435 Windsor 3-4 l:13%fast 12I 99 4 2 1 2s 2»n C Hunt 12 Braaaedge, Imperator, M. Casta 22349 Windsor 1 1-4 2:12%sloW 2.2 92 I 4 E 7 6= 68* C Hum s First Star, Fellowman. Moscowa 22272 Windsor ll:41%fast 29-10 93 6 3 4 4 5J 571 P Lowder 7 Kim, Redland. Stalwart Helen 21912 Aqueduct 1 l:39%fast 8 90 3 6 6 6 6 G"?.C Hunt « Alhena, Volant, Song of Valley 2is 12 Aqueduct 11:40 fast 6 94 5 4 3 4 3" k 3: C Hunt 6 Ella Brvson, Dartworth. B. Born 21756 Belmont 1 l:41%slow 8 %1465 3*33C Hunt 6 All Smiles. Brian Bora, Alhena 21710 Belmont ll:41%fast 5 98 13 15 15 14 92 9"SO Hunt 17 Dryad. Napier. Tinkle Bel] 21669 Belmont 1 l:40%faat 30 88 4 4 4 4 4 2 C Hunt • Blue Thistle, Bac. Northlight B. FIRST, b. f. 3 103 By Cunard — Minnie Adams E. Tincher. 22282 BI. Grass 1 l:39%fast 14-5 r 1 1 c Jones 7 Oreea, Allan Gold, Juaqnin 22280 Bl.Grass 3-4 l:13%fast 9-10 M2 1 F Williams 8 Cassowary, S Rose. R. the Moon J2276 BLGrass 3-4 1:13%fast — MO 2 F Williams 5 Bell Boy. Wild Bear, Ethelda 21321 Latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy fid 101H0 10 10 10 10 8 F Robinsn li Fitzgerald, Groareaor, Preeman 21208 I-atonia 3-4 1 :12%iast 25 92 3 7 9 81 S11 K Lapaille 12 Ro.valDa. Langborne, Grosvenor 20401 Latonia 11-16 1:50 mud 72 95 10 9 9 0 9- - il t Stearns Id Living Feet. La Mode. Hermuda 20633 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 20 loll 9 7 8 91 91,2D Stirling 1 Bell Bov. Rio Brazos. Malheur 20196 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast fid 101 5 5 5 44 41 .1 Smyth 11 Maznik. Quartermaster, iahrio McADOO, br. g-, 3 104 By Electioneer— Natasha R. L. Baker. 21459 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good 13 105 10 9 6 71 «!! A Mott 12 W. Wonder. Malheur, MrgaretD 21429 Latonia lm70y l:4«%mud 18-5 M2 3 4 4 4 44 4T A Mott 7 Syrian. Alledo. Waterproof 21 12 I.atonia lmTOy 1 14;-last 19-10 106 3 4 3 2 61 75 W W Tior s Dilliision. "mamvtt.i. Ddr-arv 21093 Latonia 3 4 1:14 good 61 10S 6 6 6 61 44J W W TlorlO It. Goose. W. Witch, Imperator 18344 I-atonia 3-4 l:12tast 24 105 7 7 6 6J 59* A Mott 7 Aunt Joaie. ormulti. Dortch 18333 Latonia 3-4 l.lSfast 10 110 13 12 12 11 1215SD ConnellvU Cardigan. Dortch. Reaiga 1S160 Latonia 1 l:40%fast 21-5 10S1 12 1 1 1» 21 D Connellyll L -o Rav. Sandstone. Tory Maid 18978 Latoaia 3-4 1:13 fast 16 11 ! 2 5 3 3h 2* I Connelly • Booker Bill. Dortch. I.ittleSlring TYPE. b. c, 3 105 By Singleton— Typical F. D. Weir. 20496 Douglas lm79y 1:49 mud 19 pis 7 7 6 3 3» 3*1D Stirling 7 St. Charlcote, Manioc, Bingo 20341 Churchill 11-16 1:49 mud 16 MS 3 . 4 3 52 5M|D Stirling 8 T tan. Baineoat, St. Charlcote 20340 Churchill 1 1-14 1:47 fast 10 110 4 E S S 4 I* D Stirling 13 Manioc, First Venture, Baineoat 20286 Churchill 1 1-14 l:46«andfast 41-M Ml 9 8 7 7 1- TJ D Stirling 13 Stal. Helen, Christie M. Mom 20O7S lexgton lm70yl:46 fast 17 5 10S 4 5 4 I ll ll L Stirling 8 First Fiddle, Kneel, r. Schemer 19S14 Juarez 7-8 l:24%faat 4 92 2 4 4 4 5 5* B Marco 6 C.Marchmoat, Kootenay Seneca 19744 Juarez 7 S 1 :26Vbfast 2 108 6 6 5 3 35 ll J Metealf 19 Car.Orine. 1. Davies. Vlrg Fiekl 1973.7 Juarez 51 f l:0.7%fast 2 105 2 4 3 3- 42 J Mdabe 7 Vallaha, Sinai. I.anghoine SYRIAN, b. c. 3 112 Bv Electioneer— Chicklets G. W. J. Bissell. 22199 Saratoga 11:4.7 hvy 8 M4 1111 1- 1* 1 Connelly 7 V. Wonder. Marshoo, Alhena 22094 Saratoga 1 1 : n.f.hvv 7 111 3 :: 2 2 V ::• it Connelly 5 Water Witch, Pan Maid Stir Pn 21700 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47%slow 17 108 10 4 E 7 61 711 D Connelly II Supreme. Burwood, Flv Home 2M24 Windsor 1 1:40% fast 16 112 s I I M 9- 91BJ.I Conneilyin Cannonade. Dondrearj 1 , t 21429 Latoaia lmTOy l: K ifcmud M M9 4 11 1 DPI Connelly 7 Alledo, Waterproof, MrAdoo 21212 Uitonia liu7ny l:44%fast 23 10914 2 2 3 21 B*| D Connellys Dillaaion, Cataaretta, Dtlreary 21160 Latonia lmTOy l:45%fast 39-6 M61 6 1 I 2 Ill* B Crillin IS Prospect . B. Comber, SlrWIIIIam BELL BOY. br. c. 3 102 By McGee— Lithia W. Grater. 222X5 Bl.Grass ll 16 146 fast 8 5 ].,i» i f Williams 4 Consoler, Wild Bear La Patrie 19 Bl.Grass 1 1 16 l:45%fast 8-5 97 17 .1 Moan t; MissTborpe, Ionsoler 22276 Bl.Grass :. I l 12, •.fast 2 111 1 F Paid 0 B. First, Wild Bear KtbeMs • 1:1. Grass 2 1 1:!2.-,slow — MB 2 F Paul 7 W. Bear, 1 . Perkins, S Hellman 21302 Latonia 11-16 1:50 slop 27 los 3 7 7 7 7 7* ■ W W Tier 7 Obolus, Commauretta Kneelel 21213 Latonia 3-4 1 :12ycfast 23 100 2 4 4 21 3*1 W W T*1oH2 Gabrio, Rio Brazos Chitra 21093 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good 108 111 9 8 7 7 6*1 B Ott 10 R. Goose, W. Witch Imoeiitor 2M35 Latonia 3-4 l:16**mnd 27 108 2 4 4 a2 S-IW W TTor 6 Zali. Malabar, Chitra tDlsquallfied for foul and plac d second. LADY MEXICAN, ch. f, 3 103 By Mexican— Lady Scarlet H. Oots. 224M Windsor lm70yl :44%fast 39-10 :». 2 .7 6 .7 O , - 1 Hayes 8 CUB Edge, Lochiel Burwood 22348 Windsor 1 l:43%slow 13 M 3 111 1* 1* T Hayes 7 Ken. lei. Lorbiel ciiir Stream 22188 ForKrie 61 t l:« 34 10.7 10 8 S 41. 1" C Vanlmnl.7 Gold Cap. Nigadoo Miriorie 21814 Hamtoa 61 f 1.-44 fast 30 1035 3 4 2- 6", c VaaDaal2 Crystal, Bes. Latimer Canl Ben 20833 Latoaia 3-4 1:14 fast rid Ml 8 10 11 11 H15C Jones 12 Bell Bay. Km Braaos Malhenr 20654 Dougku 1 1-16 l:46%fast 27 10114 5 E S 61 7,,J C Jones ,s Hani Ball. I. Gentleman G Post 20153 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 16 99 6 6 5 4- 4*1 J Smyth » Droll. Aeis. Wild Bear 20097 Lexgton 1 1-16 1 : 46% fast 11 103 7 6 4 4 B* S" W Meehan 1o ILIIowdv. Wryneck Fleuron II 123 M I.atonia 1 l:41%fast 64 103 6 8 8 7 7 9,!;».A Mott IS Cannonade. Gold. Girl. W.CrowO F. A. WEIGLE, b. g, 3 17 By The Scribe — Divide J. M Goode. ! 163 Latonia 1 1-8 l£2%fast 22 9S S 3 3 C O 7T1 F Murphy i1 Transit. I.. Panchita fellowman 21202 Latonia 1 1-16 1:50 slop 87-10 102 4 4 E S B" S»» A Mott 7 obolus. Commauretta Kneelet 21187 Latonia 11 14 l:46%fast 27.7 103 7 4 4 4 4- 471 1 Stirling 11 Star Actress, w Horse HelenM 210M Latonia lm70y l:441kgood rid 92 2 3 3 2 1*1" II Rtearas 12 K.Box, J.Kavangh Foundation 2 24 IM 7" Ixitonia latonia S-4 S-4 l:17%hvy l:17%hvy 39-5 39-5 107 107 7 7 9 9 8 8 5" 5" 6° tJ A A Neylou Neylou 10 N Kneelet. Kneelet. Waterprwf Waterproof. Alkanet Alkanet