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THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 93*42 1:12 •; 115. USEEIT. b. m, 8 105 By Bonnie Joe— Erne M. A. W. Hoots. Windsoi 611 l:09*fcmud 41-3 ill 2 l 2 :;i i ; .1 Callalian 7 York Lad, Yorkvillo. Vldel 110 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast -9-5 99 :. i I || :;■. !• Loirdet 9 Wat.Lily, A.N. Akin. Poatefract 22248 Windsor 51 f l:06%fast 9-4 101 3 12 8* 1*1 I Lowdcc 10 Mat j. A.. Imperator. Poatefract 21783 Ham ton 51 f l:05%faat 4 in? 4 6 5 ~- I" L Geatrv 12 SlipperDay, Kewcssa, Commensia _ ■•-•I Windsor Oi i I:o025iast 9-20 111 2 11 n Vh J Kederis 12 llama Jobnsoa, Colle, MissGavle I -" Latonia 3-4 1 :llHiiast 19-5 1061 1 l l 1* 2» W J OBn g Tory Maid, MissDeclate. Traaalt 211M Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 61 10S 1 2 2 1*1 J* K I,apaille S I Moil. Imperator. Korfbage 20776 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast C 102 2 1 4 4b 5* II Garner 11 B.andSaddle, M.CassMy, D.CnM 20710 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 8-5 102 1 1 1 21 2s M Garner fl Chartier. Sosius. Miss Thorpe LACKROSE. b. g. 7 109 Bv Lackford— Sararose R. P. Dickinson. . 14 : Latoaia 1 l:40--.good 10J urn ."11 2 41 4" Jones ii Grosvenor, Dundrearv, BIrka : i i Latonia 1 1-16 l :5o%hvy 12J 112 1 1 1 l lj l1 C Jones it W.sWonder, WildBear, Alkanet 21297 Latonia 2 4 1:11 mud 15 107 1 4 6 7 7SJ F Keogh g Carrie Orme, B.Delling, ll.Caaca 21165 Latonia 3-4 l:i::ifast 41-10 ins 4 7 5 5 S*l W W TlorlO Gharmeuse, LaDgborBe, Sureget 20897 Latonia 3 4 l:U%mud llj no 8 8 8 71 61U3V J OBn s Deagro, C.oaDeUvery, L.Peblta 20771 Douglas S-4 l:12*4fast Sl-10 108 8 7 7 72 7"L Gentry ;i Maznik. IMkIi irivaie. Colle 29711 Douglas 3-1 l:l2iiiast 14-5 110 2 4 5 7J 61 W .1 OBn 10 Droll. Gabrio. Longfellow YORK LAD, br. h. 6 112 By Yorkshire Lad— Addie P. M. Civill. Windsor 51 f l:09%mud 41 112 o 5 J 21, l1?. F Kaoga 7 YorkvUle, Videt, Useeit 347 Windsor 5 ■. i" l ■ «*slow 51 los 2 :: l l2 l»| F Keogh and Broomsedge, Colle, Coaaaaght 22248 Windsor 61 f l:06%fast fid 114 8 so o3 6" F Keogh 10 Marjorie A.. Imperator, Daeeit mh» FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast fid ios 7 4 4 61 6* F Keogh iiw.uorl.ily. T. Maid, Pontefract 21567 FortErie 3 4 l:222..hvy 8 116 8 8 8 8 7IT W Brown 6 Patience, Aatrologer. Jim Baser 21489 I oitKrie S-4 l:20%hvy 16-5 111 2 3 4 51 6°», Ilartwell g Laara, Gordoa, Iatierjee 21292 Hamtoa Si t 1 :o7/5fast 30 IOC 8 8 6 51 5"L Hartwell 8 Slipper Day, Deposit. Vilev 2120C Hamton 61 f l:06ftfaat 10 US 9 10 9 91* 9*i J Metealf II Vilev, Miss Gavle. Pay Streak 21090 Con gat SI t 1:48 fast 3 109 I 8 8 8= 7" L Hartwell l Yilev. Gordon, inquieta 21008 Coaght 3-4 1:17 slow 41 116 5 11 l2 2" .1 Metealf s Cold Cap. BJcBwood, Kgrnont Mtaa uiueBon. 3-4 l:lC%alo« 14-j 111 3 3 3 22 ll L Hartwelll.". Cold Cap. Ada Aaae, Riehwood EDITH W., ch. f, 4 105 Bv Uncle— Dicker F. D. Weir. Douglas 3-4 l:12f4fast 8 vn 3 2 2 21. J1 D Stirling; 13 Casey Jones, Colle, acta • ;• noughts 11-16 1:47 fast 41-20 leo 14 3 2 1- !■ F Robinrn 1 Raincoat. Cordiel-".. If.Darweber 0366 Churchill lm70yl :48Hmud 6 lot!?. 4 "■ 4 — r.".",11 J Hanover n Anv Port, A is. Tbonghtreader 20314 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 22 Ml 2 3 4 4 .- ZJ " l.illey 10 J.Loalae, Bktborn, M.Dolweber 20284 Churchill 3 4 1:13 fast fid 109 10 10 M M 7*1 J Hanoverl2 Depoalt, Ai i-. ash on Delivery 20237 Churchill 3-4 1 :i32ifast 29 109 6 7 6 7 7;v 1 Hanover 8 LadyMoonet, C.onDelivery, Acts 20199 Lex gt on 3-4 l:13»ifast E 106 4 5 5 32 3D1 D Stirling 13 Blackthorn. Royal Tea. Bob R. 17112 Churchl 3 1 l:14%faat 23 102 12 12 10 til S»J B Marco |2 Kate K.. Toy Boy, Rio Brazos 1 7535 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 14 101 10 11 9 S1 63 V Murphy 12 Droll, Coy. Louise Paul SUREGET, ch. r. 8 105 Bv Woclsthorpe— Luzelle J. F. Gaffney. 22* Hillcrest Ab5-8 1 :01%slow 6-6 in 4 r, 4 5r- jci. .1 Dniinik C Tactless, General, Carrie Oraae 22423 Hillcrest 61 f 1:24 last io.7 lin i ill4 1- .1 Doaaick 7 Carious, Sail, Carrie Orme Hillcrest Ab5-8 1M fast ". 116 l I :: 2l. 2* c Peak S Geaeral, Jessnp Barn, Tactless . 258 Hillcrest Ab5-8 ll*4slow 2 114 1 1 2" 2! .1 Doaaick 7 Mater. Geaeral, Uncle D:.-k lllv DufTerin Aba E l M last : l pt 5 I 2 2. 2 .1 Montour 7 Geaeral. King Woth, JessupBam 21969 DulTerin Ab5-S i:oH.-Jast S-6 113 2 1114 ll J Domick S The Lark, Marsaad, Noble Grand 21958 DufTerin Ab5-8 l:0a%good 7 no l 1 Ill* A Hanover 9 Baaice, General, Jesaap Bam i. i Uiionia :: i nir.--.hw 22 lus 5 4 7 7. :p",c .loues u Pitxgerald, Grosveaor, Freeaua I - Latonia 3-4 l:13itfast 36 .". lo8 3 2 S r. 7:i W .1 OBn 8 Colle, CarrieOrme, Dr.Doogberty 21165 i.atonia 3-4 l:13Vfcfaat 29-5 Ml 1 11 11 3J W .1 PBalO Caanaease, Langhorae, Day Day i.atonia 3 I l:14%hvy 91 ios :: l 2 1 •." 17 Mailin 8 Grosvenor, A atasoa, Carrie Urme 2u9M Latoaia 1 1 l:13Vtfast 24 1M 2 2 2 l 4* A Peas.- n Royal Tea, Oakland, Longfellow COLLE, ch. f. 4 105 Bv Marta Santa— Veracious W. Gerstl. m Windsor r, f 1 :07 fast f, 111 8 5 ■". R* 8*| i Keogb 1! Zin Del, Rabicon II., Dignity . .1. Windsor •■ f l:081fcslow 11 l«e :: 2 2 25 ■.- V Roblnsn 8 Y. Lad. Broonmeiige, Connauglit . 248 Windsor ■"• f l:06%fast .x. 106 1 3 ■ V 6"1 iUbinsnM Mar irie A.. Imperator. Cseeit 21621 Windsor :. l l:06%fast 10 ill 11 I 4 4. I»l !• RoMasal2 Uaeeit, MamaJobason, MIssGayie latonia 3-4 I:l31 sfa;-:t IS 5 188 4 4 2 31 !■» I Robins n 8 C. Orme, D.Doagberty. CDelling iij7 1-iioiiKi :: 4 1:13 East 4.7 102 ; 4 4 s ;M F Roblaan H Droll. Imperator, lv,.,it 20945 Uitotiia 3 4 l:14%hvy 43 r, ins l :: 2 S» S*»1F RobinsnlO ladyPanebita, R.Tea, lellowman Ot I Latonia 2 4 1:14 fast 14 5 10.1 I 5 4 4x 4s F Roblnanl2 Bell Boy. Rio Braaoa, MslMar »771 Dougbxa 3-4 1:12%taat 17 101 5 4 4 2" 35 9 Robinsn 9 Ma/uik. Ilili Private. Gabrio WHITE CROWN, b. g. 3 94 By Peep oDay— Dividend J. Livingston. ■ ndsor 5] 1 1.-07 fast 28 X 6 0 7 7 «", .1 Morys il /.in Del, Rabteoa II.. Dignity 21s i Hamton :; 4 1 :l27-.rast ; K17 4 I I "- l*|M Troop 8 Schemer, Bcrntiaer, North.Llgbt 174*1 Windsor SI f 1M fast M-M M " E 6 62 V II Garner 1C Veaetia, Peggy I... Meelieka 21536 FortErie 5j f l:09%slow 43-0 94 3 11 !■ I1 M Garner 8 I.anPorne. Cold Cap. Inipiit ta 21264 Hamton 2 4 1:14 fast 10 112 3 4 5 71 8141A Nevlon 12 Commeasia, Wodan, Schemer noughts 3 4 i:i.7%mud 2.3-10 102 1 2 E li ll10i.l McTagrtll Royal Meteor, QrevDJe, Manners Churchill 3-4 l:i3%fast 47-2 l 107 1 2 2 2- 2« A Xeylnn 15 SkilesKaob, Manners, Yir.Field BANK BILL, b. g, 4 100 Bv Varta Santa — Kadisha CT. M. Irvin. 21265 Iatonia 1 I 14 1:47 fast 14 let 8 4 6 8s 7lr:..I Campbell s Hermoda, White Wool, Altamaba 21210 Latonia 1 1-16 l:l74;,iast 24 . 107 :: 4 4 2 2» 1*1 It Coose s I.a Hade, WildBear, foundation 21164 Latonia 1 1 14 l:46%fast 19 112 7 I I I 9 9-. I I Inick !i A. -is. lid lien. Alledo 21ota Latonia 1 1 16 l:46%fast 63 104 111 1 1» V F Murphy :; Bxpectatioa, V.s Last. Aeis 20971 i.atonia 3-4 1:hS%hvy 1.7 168 s s 7 71 B*l W W rk* » Talebearer, Blackthorn, Oakland 20870 Latonia 1 l-io 1 :t«%fast 20 109 8 9 9 8 8 8" D Stirling •■ P*ce Eageae. S.Actress, W.Wool 206CO Douglas 1 1-16 l:46fast 36 " 11U 5 7 7 7 51 51 A Peas,. B Hard Rail. I. Gentlemaa, G.Post 24 - Dougtaa 11 W 12%hvy 23-10 Mt 2 11 1 l1 2 A IVase S B .Dipper, "main etla. JJCtUga MALABAR, b. g. 3 103 Ey Peter Quince — Berry Maid J. G. Greener. 22553 Saratoga 61 f 1:08 fast 50 106112 8 4 5 1 4*1 C Tarnei 1 I Huntress, Baa Vega, Bev. James 22471 Saratoga 3-4 1 :1 :» 702 13 10 10 ll1 12" J Pita 13 Kvelvn C, lease Jr., DeviUlah 2L31.7 Saratoga El t l:lo%good 15 1101. 3 3 .7 ll1 S"» C liorel 12 Sarsenet, Kvelvn C-. Saato 21744 Belmont Eg 1 st 1 :0G%fast 8 143 5 2 1 71 7»1M Buxton 9 Beethoven, Azyiade. Menlo Park .1 is i.atonia 3 4 1:12%fast 14 104J 8 5 5 6« 7» W Meehan12 RoyalT a. Langborne. Grosvenor .1 :•" latonia 3-4 l:16%mud 11 107 4 2 2 31 25 R Goose R Zali. Chitra, Langliorne 20980 Latonia 3-4 1:14 slow 29 102 6 6 5 5s o» W Meehan 7 Blacktliorn. C. Orme. L.Panchita 20819 Latoaia 1 1-8 .l:52%fast 82 104 3 1 1 5 6 610TW Meehan 0 Expectation. Bnlimab 20374 Churchill 3-4 l:13V4good f Id 102 10 11 11 11 10sjw Meehanll The Norman. Isaetbey, Billv Joe £0332 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46%fast 157 101 6 7 7 7 7 t**|W Meehan 7 T. Grader. B. Caixlle, Blkthorn HARD BALL, br. o. 4 107 Bv Golf Bell — Nanine Noland J. N. Mounce. 21427 Latoaia 3-4 1 : I5%tnud 33 101 7 7 7 7 6"?,K I.apaillo 7 Amaaon, Transit. Rosins 21323 I.atonia 1 3 14 --o.-.-.hw 61 M4 4 2 2 4 I «,,,1K Lapaille •. Lady Panchita, Beao, Anv Port :I232 I.atonia lmTOy l:44%rast 24-5 112 7 9 9 10 10 10 *1W W TlorlO CMIla. Reno. Alston 21123 Latonia lm70y l:44%tast 63-10 109 8 6 5 5 64 3J K LapaUle S MissTborpe. GdePost. S.Actress 2M43 Latonia lm7ov 1:46 hvy 63-10 108 7 7 7 6 55 34 A Matt 7 Father Riley. Sosius. M.Thorpe 20984 Latonia lmTOy I:4t%g00d23-M MS 6 3 3 3 2i ll K Lapaille R H. Private, Fellowman. B. Dipper 20743 Douglas 1 3-10 l:58%fast 10 103 2 2 2 2 2» !■» K LapaillelO White Wool. P. Eugene. Goldv 20950 Douglas 1 1-14 l:44%fast 17 108 8 4 3 2 25 l1 K Lapaille s I. Gentlemaa, Guide Post. Binsro 24661 Douglas 1 1-16 DSOastnud 43-5 10i 6 5 4 E 41 4*1 F Robinson B Brynlimah. Loveland. M.Dweber CLYNTA, ch. f, 3 99 By The Scribe — Marv Greenwood Gallaher Bros. 22077 FortErie 1 l:4214slow 31-24 97 1 2 2 2 4- 7-i .1 CaUaaan 8 Wad.a Last Dorcris, Lavaaa 21571 FortErii 5] f L:lS%hvy 8-6 97 7 E 4 4" V M Garner 7 Inquieta, Bnla Welsh. Kopje 21293 Hamtoa 3 4 l-.ufast 20 110 11 8 9 10= 1012 W Andress J 1 Cardigan, Crystal, Celebrity 21244 Hamtoa 3-4 1:14 fast 15 110 10 In 9 P 71S W Andreatl2 CommeasU, Wodan. Schemer 16250 FortErie 51 f 1:11 hvy 6 110 8 6 0 6|; 7"jW Andress S Aunt Josio. Denjrro. Kazan 16057 FortErie ;7-S l:01%fast 7 10819 7 5 52 2i W Andress 11 Cold. Bov. Car. Orme. P. Crocket 15827 Hamton 5-S 1:02 fast 20 105 3 10 7= 7«1 W Obert 12 Iollv Flinders. Resign. Palermo 15698 Windsor 6-S DOlfast 7 110 2 5 6 71 S!* W Andress 11 Jack Care v. Scrutuieer, Resign IE 9M Windsor r, S l:03%slow 5 18 4 1 1 2h i W Andress 8 AimeeLoslie. MeAdoo, JackCarey ROSE OF IRELAND, b. f. 3 94 By Jack Point— Georgia Carter W. H. Portwood. Bl crass 1 l:39%fast — 100 F Williams 7 B. First, Oreea. Allan Cold HI. Grass 3-4 1:14 fast — 103 F Williams B Jnaqnin, D. Perkins. Casaoarars 2 II III. Grass 3 I l:M good H n»l 1 F Williams 1; Lucille Morois, Sennet, Wisher 21181 I.atonia i 1 l:13%fas1 147 Id 7 7 8 9 9 rF RobinsnlO Oakland. Cailla, Bllfca 2"-:i" Latonia 3-4 1:16 mud fid :h; 11 : 11 ll 11"1B Marco 13 Talebearer. Grumpy, Freeman 20V73 Lexgtoa 3-4 l:14%fast 42 MZ 9 9 12 II* U*|W MrrhanlT Iiwrthrj. Pleasvilie. B. SpUler