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■ J ! : t I , ; , ; i • : i 1 i : ! 1 " t j, ! 0 n I 0 II o 0 c . ; ° • - 1 8 in 11 • ; • - • to 0 - f 11 ,- • 2J 20176 20176 Lexgton Lexgton 5-8 5-8 l:03%hvy l:03%hvy 39 39 112 112 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6:* 6; R R Carter Carter « « Disturber. Disturher. Infidei Infidel II. II.. . Granado Granado SECOND RACE — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. 20814— 1:00%— 2— 108. BROOM CORN, b. f. 2 112 By Ben Brush— Tenawha J. Arthur. 22709 BlueBon. 51 f 1:89 Blow 49-10 M2 5 3 3 2i 21! ; Lomas 12 Shrapnel, Letfetti, Filly Del i h la 32873 BlueBon. 3-4 1:15 fast :S5 112 s 11 11 :,"• 9" G Loaaaa 12 DamietU, Greenwood ; Blair 22547 Conght 51 f 1:11 good 3 Ml 1 2 2 21 2» G Lomas IS J.D.Sogg, McLeUand. F Delnhia 22481 Conght 6| t 1:11 hvy 15 111 8 s s 7 7" i; Lomas 0 Galeswlnthe, Reserve p Stall t 20880 Jamaica 5-8 l:01*£fast 10 112 1 5 5 41* 410 W War ton 7 Variety. Manhaaset Q ofpdlse 20791 Belmont E 8 at 1:« 0 fast 8 98 1 4 4 5 3 W Lilley C Tralee, Edna Kenna Fish Walk 20 w7 Belmont 41 f st 53 fast 1 112 3 3 3 31 47 W Lilley 0 Sprint, Feminist. Variety LETFETTI, ch. f, 2 112 By Voorhees— Chiffie S. Louis. 22769 BlueBon. r.lfl: i9 slow 17 KM 1 2 2 V 3*1 E Ambrosel2 Shrapnel, BroomCorn F Delnhia 2-«90 Dorval 1-2 4S%fast 4 104 7 3 K 6«f A Sehng*r 0 Milestone, Ipple S Marele 20812 Dorval 1-2 49%fast 21 109 8 2 8h 7*1 E Ambrose IS EddieT., F.Delphia. J Z WIkTiis 20549 Wdbine 41 f 65%fast 38 5 107 3 1 1 11 3= T Kio s Candle. Alfadir Milestone 8MM Wdbine 4i f 55 fast 35 109 4 5 5 5= 5"! F Colemanll lottte. Peep Bight, Casco FILLY DELPHIA. b. f. 2 112 By McGee— Inlet W. L. Oliver. 22769 BlueBon. 51 f 148 slow 31 loo 9 4 G 41 VI A Merger 12 Shrapnel, Broom Corn Letfetti 22547 Conght 51 f 1:11 goods 38 4 3 I 3i 4 A Nerger 1-. .1.1. Sugg, BomCorn McLeUand 20687 Dorval 1-2 49%fast 9-5 102 6 6 Fell. 11 Han, tier .IK. Straw, R.Gardea P oftirwiv 20612 Dorval 1-2 49%fast 15 109 7 4 2» 2s H Hanmer12 RddieT.. .T.Z.Miggins Tar Bra Hh 8M64 Wdbine 41 f 55 fast fid 109 6 6 4 4 6"i H Hanimerli lollte, Keep Sight. Caseo CLARA MORGAN, b. f, 2 105 By Contestor — Fata Morgana S. Newman 2220 KingBd. Ab5-8 69 -Vast 4 no 5 6 E I. Meripole 8 Jo Bernstein, Itlizzi I idv Dal 21906 Hamton 5-8 l:02ftslow 20 M E 8 9 6- 7"1 L Mc.Vtec 11 I.mkv IJ.. Will Cash Verm-ik 21588 FortErie 5-S 1:09 hvv 14 105 4 3 I 51 67i J Acton 7 WterWar, It, .serve I / " Wi-his 21524 FortErie 6-8 l:o:;4f,slow 13-5 9., :. i I 21 2-1 M Garner G llaria. Vosgea Medea °° 21053 Conght 5-8 l:00mud 4 111 9 9 9 9 9" G Rums 8 Larkin. llaria Tar Rriish 209S6 Conght 5-8 1:05 slow 40 K7 5 5 4 4s 47 A Claver 7 Early Sight, OceanPrince, llaria ALEX GETZ, br. c. 2 108 By Dick Welles — Eurona B. Levy. 22481 Conght 5: f 1:11 hvy 4 in 3 l 2 41 6M w Wartoa 0 Galeswlnthe, Reserve, p. Sight EDITH 0LGA, b. f. 2 112 By Glorifier— Puritan Girl J. H. Shreve 21769 BlueBon. 5] f 1:09 slow 26 11 : 4 8 7 81 8*1 J Williams 12 Shrapnel Broom Corn Letfetti 21889 Aqueduct 6-8 59 fast 10 107 7 7 7 1* 71- i Corey s RteUarina. K Kenna it i:o iti,.i,i 21913 Aqueduct 5-8 l:01%fast 11-10 109 2 I 6 41 31 C Fbther 7 After Night. Tatiana Ball Rami 21789 Belmont 5-S st 59%fast 41. K 9 7 4 3 3- 4!ll c, Corey 8 Recluse. St Isidore Flat Dav 21762 Belmont 6-8 st l:0o%slow 15 106 7 I 4 41 4»| G Corey 10 Broomvale. B.Redfleld Lit lLi 21731 Belmont S 8 st 1:00 fast 21 112 3 4 4 41 T »fC Fbther 10 Hidden Star. Rovalist Dorados 21651 Behnont 51 f at l:07%fast 10 109 6 4 2 8" 2 G Corey 10 J. Counsel. TheCannet. Marebena PRIDE OF GREENWAY, br. c, 2 115 By Greenways Best — Eminence II. E. J. Crawford BlueBon. J-4 1:16 fast 90 IIS 12 12 12 12 18" A Claver 12 Damietta. Greenwood G Blair 22587 Conght 3-4 1:16 fast :» 108 7 6 7 7 ,:"F Cooper 7 Prohibition, lollte -indie .-21sl Conght 5* f 1:11 hvy 15 114 I I 5 52 4*1 .1 Smyth 8 Galeswlnthe Reserve P Si"ht 22191 FortErie 6i t l:09«fast 60 105 8 8 8 9 S3 E Haynes 8 Illuminator. Tush Tuan RddieT 22123 FortErie 5-S l:04S£hvy IS 113 8 S S 8 7S1 F Keogh s Margery, Mavme W Uncle Will 22060 FortErie 5-S 1 :04%hvy 27 112 8 8 S 71 WW Obert 8 Inhibition, g.OfPsure Damietta 21945 Hamton 5-8 1 :03%slow 8 103 3 6 7 8 7»1 F Cooper S Lit, Digger. T. Tush Prohibition 21901 Hamton 3-4 l:18%hvy 50 K1S 7 fi 4 31 31? W Obert 7 Candle. IVtlar, llaria HAPPINESS, ch. f, 2 105 Bv Hapsburg;— Ethel Wheat CJ. H. McCarren 21712 KingEd. Ab5-8 59%fast 10 100 R 5 G 6 C Kallingr 7 Blue Cap, Lit .ink LewisOnner 21634 KingEd. Abo s 1:08 fast 7 KM I G I 6*1 8 Wolstm 8 Lyndora. Barka Sentinel 21376 Delmier Ab". s in.t-tast 40 104 9 10 8 Id- F Martin 12 Kino Cap. Penance Fttizzi 20719 Dorval 1-2 49%fast 28 HM; 9 8 9 S1 A Sclmgr 8 Boa. Iirst. Tar Brush K Rlrht 20596 Delmier Abo-S l:04%fast 12 104 5 7 7 710 C Mergler S S. Maggie. Mar. 0~ Grey Lady MARIGOLD, ch. f. 2 112 By Meelick — Glassweed G. A. Dumouchel 22547 Conght 5 f 1:11 good 8 WH 4 4 71 M A Claver V.l J.D.Sugg. BomCorn McLeUand 22434 Windsor .VSl:00%fast fid 109 2 5 6 71 7 = ».J Metcalf 12 S.ofKb as,,,,., J.ODowd B Fellow 19170 Juarez 3-8 36%slop 4 112 6 V- 72» J Murphy X Lola, Divan, Lady Blanchs 19072 Juarez 3-8 35%fast 3 112 1 2s 21 L Gentry 11 Ciruella. Test, Whispering Hope TROUT FLY, b. f, 2 105 By Charles Edward— Shoo Fly G M Hendrie 20461 Douglas 4i f 84%faat 171 IM 2 11 81 5"iE Pool It Impressive. Bessie N.. Miss.Vtkin First start for the following: TYPHOON, b. c, 2 112 By Jack Atkin— Miss Marion ThornclirTe Stable. MEMORY, ch. f. 2 112 By Meelick— March Past G. L. Blackford. Also eligible to start should any of the above bo scratched: GREENWOOD, br. c, 2 115 By Marathon— Presentation G. H Marlmanl 22745 BlueBon. 5J f l:07%fast 24 mi 9 lfl 11 ini T I: Schorn 12 Welga, Investment Conner Kine 22873 BlueBon. 3-4 1:15 fast fid 112 3 4 3 2 2- K Haynes 12 Damietta. Gyp. Blair MaymeW 22820 conght 3-4 l:20%hvy 28 . •.• 3 1 I 21 ::! A Claver 5 lollte, Rose Watei Anita 22683 Conght 6| f l:12%mnd 25 1o7 5 6 8 4 6» .1 Callahanll Welga, Sem Stalwart 1 iti r 22547 Conght 51 f 1:11 good 15 null 7 7 61 « R Haynes 13 .!.! . sngg. BomCorn. McLelhtnd 22481 Conght H f 1:11 hvy 15 114 I 6 I s 8 « F Cooper 9 Galeswlnthe. Reserve P Slebt 219,iK 219,iK Hamton Hamton .. 5-8 S 1 1 :02-«r.slow :024.-,slow 30 30 104 104 8 S 7 7 6 6 7 7 B»*JK S.Mv I.apaillel I.apaillell 1 I.mkv Lucky R.. K.. Will Mill Cash Cash. Verm-,l7 Vorm.-ik