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.. _ u " " " ■ " ,. : •v , . ta , hag ... . .;, BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART. MONTREAL. 0.UE., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1915. Blue Bonnets. Seventh and last dav Montreal Jockey club. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. Francis Nelson. Starter, A. B. Dade Rae- ing Secretary. W. Northey. Baling starts at 2:15 p. m. t Chicago time 1:15 p. m.i. *Indicatos apprentice allowance. 997Q1 FIRST RACK -3-4 Mile. 22700—1 : 12—5—105. 00 Added. All "AgT Canadian"- £____ *_7 _T foaled. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. IfloO: third. %:* I. Index Horses AWtBPSt . Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~Ki|tiiv. ___ Sir t 22770-»CORN BROOM w 4 10« 1 2 B" :!. 1 l1 A Collins J K l7uo 7"._PKI 22480*MNA G. W $ 88 6 5 r- 1 Ji J* s Drown W Walk, r 685-100 22696 CARTLKY Wl 8 1J8 :: I | | 1- ::•::» A Schug-rC. Cornell 1300-100 22546 MEISSEN w 4 111 n I 7- S*k 6| -I. T Rice CJ Kean WKMiH 88888 OUR UABBLLE w 4 103 2 3 S 7* fM :, P Cooper W Martin 5700-100 22696 PURITAN LASS w5 88 4 4 4"k «» 7* $ 1 R McDottP Gorman 100-100 22696 my joe wa 8 w 7 7 :»t :i 4»t 7 J CaUahanJ Bernard "tikvioo 22480 MARY MASTERS wS 09 I x ask a | q Lomaa S Neabitt 14200-100 Time. 24. 50. 1:16. Track slow. mutuels naid. Corn Broom, .50 straight. .50 place. 7m show: Man* G 20 place SI tl show: Bartlev. .!M show. Kipiivalent iHKiking odds— Corn Broom. 75 to 108 straight. 25 b, Km place. 25 to ion ahaar M,.tn G 110 to 10 » dace. 0i to loo show: Cartley. 45 to loo show. Winner -Ch. g. b» Coation -Birch Broom trained by W. F lresgravei . Went to post at 2:88. At post 2 minutes. Stan good and -low. Won easily: second and third driving. CORN BROOM dropped back in ttie early ruining, then moved up rapidly on the outside on the far nun and drew away at the eighth imsf. MONA G. showed the most early speed but tired in the last eighth. GARTLBY came again at the end and would have been second in a few more -Hides The winner w as entered for 0i : no bid. Scratched 22247 Alecto. S.S: 2205:1 Maiisolns. 10.!. , 997Q SKCONB RACK -3-4 Mile. 1 2270O-1 : 12-5-105. I .N. Added. 2 vear olds: __l __i # _f__ Allowance-. Net value to winner y4Q0: second. 0O; third. 0. Index Horses AWtBPStj . :v, Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt 22722 ANITA W 113 7 4 21 2"k frk iu p Cooper H Q Bed well "80-100 22697-CANDLF w 107 4 1 .Ii ::.. :;-• Ln _J Havnes A C Barr.tto 4!t0-100 22722 RESERVE wn 188 2 s | 7- 6i :;- E AmbroaeKeyatone stablo "7kj-ioo 22722IOLITK wn 107 S 2 P 5- 1U #i A SchugrK iJ. Stelle 215-100 22620-ROSK WATER w 104 1 i 8J V 5 r,« F Moore W P Reed -"no too 22654 SK MI KR STALWARTwi: 107 fi :• 4* 4". 7" IJ* H HanmerW L Oliver 6300-100 ■22411 -WATKK WAR n M7 I 5 l| ink 4U V J CallahanW T Martin :ts-,-io 22593 H R. SULLIVAN wn 18811 7 75 I I 8 W Kelamy B J Crawford OOOO-ioo Time. 24. 492,, 1:1814. Track slow. " mutuels paid. Anita. .00 straight. .78 place, .v:! show; Candle. .70 place, 40 s|„,w Ke-.,. m rve. ..".0 show. .Continued ou second page. 1 1 1 1 1 ! i , ! 1 ■ i 1 ■ j i ■ 1 1 . 1 , i i , BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART. Con t bawd from tiist pauci , Kquivaleni booking iskls Anita, 2so to loo srai-bt. 13.3 to loo place. 93 to 100 show: Candle, 185 to Ill place. 1 jo to I0O -low: Beserve, 273 t,, Uni -how. Wluner B. t, by Voorheen Mand-ome l-lony trained by H. G. Bcdwelli. Went to i--r at 2:32. At post 4 lniiiuu-. start good ami -low. Won driving; second and third the ■ inc. A MTV forced the pace in the enii running and ea-ilv look the lead, but had to be Hard ridden to outstay CANDLE. 3 he tatter was forced wide bj the winner, which kept bearing out in the last eighth. KKsi.i: vi. wa- s.,ie when going to tin- post, but closed a gap after savlag ground when entering the homestretch. KH.ITI-: raced wide and covered more irround than any other horse. Scratched 22722-Mil.-- e. 107: 22722 Sand- of Pleasure, 104. "v. rwoilu- Mr. SuUlyan 2; 1 omul-: U,— rve. 2. 2,hr7|V/ THIRD BACK- 1 Mile. 98141- 1:37% -3 — 107. Eighth ICunnin Champlain Stahts. _J I *JJ si. mi Add-d. 3-year-olds and apward. ScBing. Net valah to winner ,008, Ond, yitlQ; third. Si. index Horses AWtliSt ; .. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enniv. Odds Strt 22410- A. . AK1X w 3 55 1 2 l.. HI ij ink 1?. W Schorn E Trotter 370 100 22724-*Ki;iI.ANl w 3 M I E 4" » _ J! : S lor.liil W Walker 390-100 ™657*T. TICS WB 6 188 - s 7- 7 7l ■" .3". 11 Mel ott K 3 "olenirin 330-100 22674*1! A BBABIt w 1: 4 :i7 G I I- S* 1 I 41 A Nerger P sleri.lan 2280-100 _ S95**PABDNEB « ■ lo4 1 1 s- s. g* 7; 3" A Collins H G Bedv.dl tlir.-luo 22700*iu: rKi:. ITS wsb :: :t7 l 4 "- h* ,- V and r, Lemas H Movie 4*»»-i»»i» _HMSPBIVET PETAL w t Km; j « :,■ 31 v. 7 J CallahanJ S H.-mlrie L09i 100 £8andS7SEUTEBPE w 5 104 :: :i ! !» 9 J K| A SchagrR Hanlev 3200 1 X 22433*BR. CUNARDEB wjt i KM 7 7 C— fiut. 8— 8* » K Cooper H G Bedwell t tCoupied in betting. Time. 24, 48%, 1:14%, 1:41. Track slow. mutueta paid, A. N. Akin, straight, [dace, .50 -how: BedUad, .70 place, .10 how; Tactics. S3. 50 show. Equivalent booking odds -A. N. Akin. .370 to 100 straight, 225 to 100 peace, "•" to 100 show: Be81a_i, 135 to Bio place. 55 to 100 show: tactics. 73 to loo show. Winner- B. ;;. by Algol Tivmar trained by B. Trotter. WeM to post at 3:20. At post 1 miante. Siait good and slow. Won 11-ily: second and third ilririag. A. N. ALIN set a faBt pace ami drew away in the tirst eighth to win all the way. RKIM.ANM Was a fcr-■ciil contender all the way. but tired in the anal drive. TACTICS" closed a bi- gap from ■ slow begia-ninj.. PABDNBK began -lowly and was gaining steadily. The winner was entered tor S2.Sil: no bid. Scratched - 2270OI Kewessa, 113; 22725*Aprisa, 95. A. .V Akin. 1 pound: BiHei-po. 2. h i rj i rt FODBTH RACE About 2 Miles. 77021 -3:5 P., 3 143., Steeplechase. 1915.sh00 Added. _J __ I j J 4-yeai-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .30; second. *I2. Ultra, *21l . index Horses AWtPPSt 5 S 11 14 fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odd Strt 22621 I . SKiNK ws 4 138 1 1 V V 2 2 1» N Brooka L W C.arth • MO 22723 IMI : AKBICAB W 6 144 G J 1* 1* l4 l3 V M iTonnrK Muridn 180-100 22772-1 nl. i: MICHAEL w 7 154 4 S ■■ :■■.:" J" 1- Willio- W . Maupin I - 100 22i23;|i.Kri:ill w s nt 3 ;, l1 V l" 4" I-" I-- llu. stop W Oberneseer 1263 100 S!27*3 LIU.IAN KRIPP w 4 130 2r6 S G G G J Smith K J Crawford 3300-100 Time. 4:10. Track slow. unituels paid, F. A. Stone. S14.00 Straight, t.20 place, .50 Show; The African. .80 place. . 0 show: Idle Michael. .30 show. -% Eqnlvalenl hooking odds— F. A. Stone. 830 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 25 to 100 show T • African, K to 100 place. 15 to l»si show: Idle Mlcbacl, 1.3 to UK show. Wiunei Ch. r. by Peep ..Day— Ambrosia trained by L. W. Garth. Went to post at 3:57. AI post 1 miante. Start good and alow. Won driving: second and third the -nine. F. a. STONE was Bared until in the last qaarter, then re-pond-.1 well when called oa and »or ap i" win in the final strides. THE AFBICAN was seat to the trout ami showed tuu-li speed, but tired near the end and repeatedly bumped 1. A. STONE la ibe last sixteenth. IDLB MICHAEL fenced poorly and wa- quitting at the finish. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 22I-..3; N.w Haven. 137. »X«j"r7Catt FIFTH BACE— 3-4 MUe. 22700—1:12—5—105. Jf.-.iHt Add, d. All Age-. Selling _____!_ *7 0 Handicap. Net value to wjnner £115; second. SKIP: third. S50. Index Morses A V.l PISI 1 ri Str Kin Jockeys Owners Lipiiv. ltd l-Strl r27f?0 sr.Misn.i.A wn 6 110 i 3 31 r. 1- 1«1 T Rice Q Caywood 29.VIO0 22720 IliKl w 3 117 1 1 iii 1 *. _.:- _- B AmbroseJ Russell 97"-1 h 22409 BRIAR PATH w 5 108 3 I « andl 3* 3" !• Cooper II G Bedwell ■ 100 _788 tROSSBCN wt: 4 1H» 8 . 7- 7-- i 1" .1 « a K B Stelle 50WMOO i.2724 ST. I.AZCKIAN W ■• -f-t 7 7 S 8 6»| 5* A Collins W F Presgrave I*** 100 23696-BRANDYW1NE wn 5 188 1 6* 33 41 ft a Schu*g*rJ Wilkinson 200-100 2£735KLNM BOX w 5 114 2 G l1 V 7. 7« B Hayn a P J Mil. ■ 6441 100 „720/.IN V EL w 3 102. :. 2 ] J ", t B MiDoMW M Ir.v tilu lw lime. 24, 48".. 1:13%. Track slow. uiutuels paid. Scnip.-illa. _0 Rtraight, -20 place, .78 -bow: Videt, place, —0 -how: Briar Path, .1 0 show . Kq.ilralent booking odds— SemaaBla, 295 to loo straight, no t«. 100 place, 85 to loo show: Videt. 290 to 100 phice. 210 to loo -how; Briar Path. 2.30 t-, IO0 -h..v. Winner Hi. u. i. Si-ni preiiius imisilla trained bj i. Caywood. Went to pe-t at 1:31. At post .3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SEMPSILLA, off forwardly, wenl Into an easy lead on the far turn and held the others sale the remainder of the why. VIDET Onlshed fast. BBIAB PATH was hard ridden through the la-t eighth and outstayed CRttSSBlX. The latter closed a gap. The wUiner was entered for 00; ao bid. iyijkfjk SIXTH BACE 1 Mile. 86141 1:37.. 3 1o7. i 00 Added! 3-year ..Ids and upwai, I. __ __ I tj j Selling. .No! alue to winner SI20: sccn.i. SOW; third. .S.50. iii.b-y ll-i-e- AWillSt S , -, Str l-in Jockeys Owners Bmiiv. Odd- Sir" I 22678 si ri:i:Vir w 4 109 7 3 Ij l» |aa l] l p Cooper V E Tarasen ■■■ 100 2i£59 A.-I1;i1.h;kk wn 3 11« 5 1 3J 3«3 : 3 ., T Rice T .1 Blward lis-, 100 i:2e22*iU KS PET wn 4 1t! 1 8 7l 8 7- « 31 A Collins o E Pons 1083 100 JJ13U5 .mi-: OKI BOLD WB G 118 l J: i" _• ! I"- K WeathyG .1 Day 1900 urn 22744 oil I I-: Itll I wn G 118 3 . ,-• |» :." :,l" i V IV.irlmiM B Howser 155-100 227£6*APBLSA wn 1 107 _ * U ." ;; 7 t, R McITottJ C Fletcher 78O-1O0 22G2. iP.BICKLKV w 4 111 C " 3* " b" b 7 E AmbrostS Lords 6SO-1O0 2167S FONT WB 9 I0U -7s 71 S s s _ llayn. a I Harty ]"hh Ml liii- M%, 49- 1:15;. 1:42-=,. Track slow. S2 noituel- paid. Supreme, .90 straight, place, .4J0 show; Astrologer. 0.80 place. .70 show; Dicks Pc t. .30 -bow. i.oii.a! -nl booking odda Supreme, 395 to 100 straight, 245 to 100 place, 130 to loo show: Astrologer, 44o to ion place, is.3 p. phi -n iw; Dicks Pet. 185 to 1 m show. Winner Ch. g, l- star Shoot High Degree trained by E. Lucas, Weni to post at 5:10. Ai 0"-l 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. KPPBEME outran the "tiers from the rise -.f the barrier, raced with JOE ItKMtol.H at a ta-i pan 1 drew away ha the la-t eighth. ASTBOLtNIER was a forward contender all the way. DICKS PE1 closed a big gap and hiii-h-.l fast. Job DEIBOLD tired. OBPEBTH CuLshed well. The winner was entered tot 00; wi bid. Scratched 227ol-l,la Claire, 102; 22590 Lord Wells, 109; 22571 Uncle Ben. 182; 2207s Locbiel, 100; 12TQ1 Bich.iiM II 1: 22702 Sir Blai-■-. 111*. *_ » Q?*T SEVENTH BACE 1 L8 Miles. 14657—1:52 -3 -109.1 00 Added. 3 year-old* and __ _J O and upward. Selling. Net value P. winner !il: QQ: third. ■«■. t. Imhx Horses A WtlISl j . "-, si.-jj-i Jockeys Owners lapuv. odd- Strt 22877 VALAS w 3 103 7 G -:; . D* 1» U J CallahanR B Stvllc Ml-i 2272U i-oi I.Y II. w I 107 i . a ■ i; 3- »«4 2— E AmbroseW Cahill 123 MX 22724MABsmon w 3 114 1 j i;- l 5* I ■■ F ooper A C Psrretto 350 too 22726 i;i i.. r w 3 102 2 1 l- D :• J" l- A Collins W Walker 1300-to| 22750*! I l rviM.NK wn 7 101 3 ! 3" l 6* " G 1. bj L W Garth 190-100 22025 •i.iM.i; wn 3 lol i 7 I- f s 8" ■ R McDottD Raymond 14 mioo 2274S PALCADA wb Bt o7 5 3 7 7 7 7 7 E Graves P I Miles 7300 100 Time, 25-.-,. 50%. 1:18%, 1:43. 1:55»:,. Track slow. mutuels paid, Valas, 0.90 straight, .40 place, S3. 7" -bow; Pollj II.. .40 place. .90 .-how: Marsh, n. .80 bow. Equivalent U tking .hl- Valas, 945 to 1on straight, 270 to loo place, B3 to 100 -how: lv.lh II . 70 to loo dace. 1.3 to loo .how: Marabou, In to 100 -h.-w. Winner B, g, b. Puryear D. DIathe trained by C. J. Caaey. Wint to post al 3:11. At post 3 minute*. Start g I and slow. Won driving; second and third the seme. VALAS forced the pace for the first half, tin u drew away into a long lead but w a tiring at the • ■■nl lol.l.Y ii. | *t ground on the first turn and was forced wide by PALCADA, but nnisbed fast. MAI; s!in elosed a big - ip after saving ground when entering the liomestrcteh. The winner wa» entered f"i 0: no hid Scratched 227; f. Knlerpe. lot.