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DORVAL PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities: W "athei det r; track slow. RariiiK starts at 2:90 t . n». Chicago time, 1:30. Minus well ;n mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. * Apprentice allowance. I;r£t Race — 3-i Mile. 2-Tear-olfls. Si llhag. Track record: 20644—1:13% — 1—104.1 In;L Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 22054 Galeswlntbe 105 1:14*4 108X725 1 22722* r.ittie Bigger 104 1:13% 103X720 1 22773* Greetings 80 l:15%*y 104X720 1 22745* Tush Tush 103X710 2254 7 T.a rta Ml 105 X 705 i 22715 l. vnn 98 1:17% 103 ■■ S 1 21723 Algardi iMi 105.. 680 Nat mu.-h choice between first three in t_a race. All apparently like soft going. Second Race — 5-8 Mile. 2m ar elds. Maidens. Allowances. Track record: 2m;: i i ■ » .. - 198. 227i,.i- Broom Corn 112 1:03% 112. .72.. , 227«9 I.eiCttti 112. 72K 1 22760 l-ill, Mclphia 112X715 22224 Clara Morgan 05 l."04%s 105X705 , 224S1 Alex Geta 108 .880 1 227681 Kditli l»Iga 107 1*1 112. .690 22 ;7:: Pride ,i Green way. 1 12 l:04%sy lUixOHfl 1 21712 Happiness 105. .080 1 22547 Marigold 109 1 :02 ;:. 112..0WI 1 20461 TtooI riv 105. .675 , Typhoon, b. c. by Jack - 1 1. in Miss Marion 112 Memory, eh. f, by Meelick - - March Past I« Also eligible to start should aaj of tke above be aeratched: 2271.". Greenwood lo7i:l-y 115X720 I Broom Coras la- r race promising, Letfetti ap-pears to he coming to form, l-illy Delnhia ap-pareatly sat of form. Third Race; — 3-4 Mile. 8-year-oMs and upward. Canadian-owned Selling. Track record: 20041 1:13% -4 104. 22794* Puritan Las* Inl 1:14% •" 103X700 1 22721 Lady Spendthrift ..10Rl:15%s :i :u - i;:ir. . 22i;."i.."- Reddest 103 1:15% 3 90. .605 i 22033 i:iner 1 »7 1:1«% 5 111 605 i 2277" Marion Gaiety ....100 1:15% 1 111 .■ , 22653* Mau-olu- 1«8 1:13% 5 103X6S3 i 22794* « tin- Mabelle 103 1:17s 4 HWXOsO 1 22794 My Joe M 90 l:17%s 3 06. .«S0 1 Sir .lame- Ml ...1414 l:10%h 1 103. .ON" 1 22610* Duke of Chester .. 88 l : i . ; 4 mi 6H6 An Inconsistent lot this and form of race i- anything bat elear. Fourth Race — 1 1-1G Miles. :. i-. i ulds aud upward Selling. Track record: 20767 1 :17 5—112.1 2271s- M.i.-.t-r. rd 112 1:17-!-. 5 109X723 22750 Bean Per* 1 »2 1:48 4 114X720 , 22571* Pmle Ben 108 1:48*6 7 100X715 2277.V Voladay Jr 107 1:46% 0 160X713 ; 22711- lii.piieta 5 1O!i_710 1 22503* Cogs 1 1 IT 1:40% •" Hi7 TIP 1 22711" Dixie 91 1:40% 3 97X74« , 2272.". Sepulreda 108 1:45 8 112X705 i Abhotsfords last tn i races were good enough to , aria here it repeated Beaa Per* is aa Inconsistent t sort Uncle Ben should race letter ol late. Fifth Bace— 5 1-2 FnrWngu. 3-yeai lis and apward. Selling. Track record: 20C45 -1:07% 3 -112.1 22714 Coy Ill 1:»7--. :. 108X723 • 22676s ob"s 104 1:06% 4 110X720 , 22676* Mama Johnson ...103 1:06% 5 105© 72" , 2260K3 indifferent l 7 IKW% -■ 102x715 i 22177 Meaty 1-V.x 108 1:06% 7 113X710 22610 Maanrka 103 1:07% 5 115X703 22623 Jim 1 11" 1:00% 7 110X703 ! 22744* Lambs Tall 97 1:06% 4 106 090 22U37 Little Neoskaleeta iMi 1". 1 :33%b 4 lb- 680 Coys la-i i.-e, gare promise of her return In form. Colors is also la pood form and fairly Consistent. Mama Johnsons last ; w racea wen not Up to the n. ark. Sixth Rare — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-vear-olds and upward Selling. Track record: 20645—1:07% 5— 112.1 22024* K4HME 103 I "7 , :: 7 713 1 22596 lord WeBs ill 1:4W% 7 110X703 22551 li.-La Johnson ...104 l:OK% 4 110X703 :2i.:;.". Bore] 109 1:09 :; 107X700 22..n:: Kin- Chilton 102 1:«G% 4 11 7 •• i".i;:7* Misa l-i-— v 96 1 10% :; 97X*B*0 1 22506* l./ail . 1o7 l:4»H% I 105XH00 1 22504 Wolfs Bath- ins 1:11% 6 llOX«5»0 22725 Fnmtier 103 l:os% 1 110X690 KopJ4 - UIRl rare a- good • n uili to u in here. Contender do not call for much consideration. Seventh Race— 1 1-16 atilea. :. r ir-oldx and opw a rd Selling. Track record: 2 7i7 1 : 17 : 112.1 22771- Klnuiuudy . . .10*1 1:46% ■ 107X725 Astrologer 107 1:4H% 6 112x720 » 227741 Sigma Alpha ....UK! 1:IS% 3 109. .720 1 22, l.i I. uke Van /and! ..103 I h o 111 Tin » 1.271s Sherlock Uotmes.. .101 1:47% .112 7i.. 22,.". • lP.ii: Ill I :51 : . 1 l-l 703 22675s Dr. Elolslierg 108 1:48% 9 100©7O5 . 22507* Begular 3 98. .690 1 Klnmnady i- not much like himself, bn the 1 k not inn. h for him to beal hen-.