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l i. ,i ,1 by ,y I. is Is in D on ■j is for ir g a a - n i ■s. b •d It It *s i- f- it as is ?. ■ — — IMPORTANT RACING COMMISSION ACTION. .. Lexington. Ky.. September It. -The Kentucky state Racing Commission at its meeting here today, all members present except C. I" Grainger of Louis _ vllle. txed Thursday. October 7. at the Seelbacb u Hotel in Louisville a- Hi., date and place for bear tag the appeal- of George lames and Tom Brown fm retaststessent. The otf.i of the four racing associations in this " -tate lo i tribute 85.008 lor the purchase of stal " lions to in- donated to the -late for the Improve meat " of the breed of horses was accepted and chairman ■ Johnson . Camden wa* empowered to make the " pur. ha-es. The amounts contributed by each as -ocintion to the fund arc: Kentucky Association. ,. 8587.50; Now LootaviUe Jockey Club. ,198.50; : Iioiigla- Iark Jockey Club. ,063; Latonia Jockey •v Club. .fL.JIO. Ih,. tollowing rule, which had drawn a protest , from the rating associations, was adopted: "Be- . solved, That each race track applying t this ta commission for licenses shall accompany such an , plication with a book of prouratn aagdvaaaht bj hag ... racing seeratari heretofore appointed by this com- mis-ion. showing at least si races for each day . a-ked for and nolle of said races Rhall lie doctarefl .;, off. if as manv as three starters teniain in said race, aii rub-s passed contrary to thi- rule are hereby repealed."