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I DUFFERIN PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Rachlg -iaris at 2:::o p. m. Cbicago time, 1:30. Kuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. Tirst Race — About 5-8 Mile. 3 ai olds 1 ,.l apward. Selling. Ind. Horse. wt. Bee. .VWt.llan. 22117 le .-,. Bing Ill 1:01% 4 113. .700 22111 Jack NuimaUj ....113 :58% II 10s , ,, 22-159 Bay B. Miller ... lot :38% :: llO. .W5 224*58 Cesarhi 112 1:4*3% 5 113 la 5 22438 Santa Maria it»s :58% .; 107.. coo 22111* Janus U3 1:00% --. IPS ■ con 22o::::- Barn Dance Ill 1:03% 7 113X690 .•2::sj l.ittle-t Kel.el lih. 1:00 4 113. .683 22383 IMki 110 1:02% I 116X683 22137 M.-i-n Bajrbould .101 1:02% 3 IO7..6S0 Second Race — About 5-8 Mile. 3-year-ohla and upward. Selling. 22113- Moi-ant 109 1:00 6 113X725 22C.33 Carissima 109 :59 7 113. .720 221395* Mahbn Bradley . 94 l:02%s :t 1412x715 224140 Abdul lit I :0»% 6 113X715 :2".,, Bel Biver 108 :59% 11 los . 711.3 22.30.3 Skinny B 105 1:03%S 3 I1OX690 2273-- 11 1. up -t r ill:- P.i.i Miss Krug 115 1:0:;- 4 113 iam 2171s Mire Courl lot 1:03% 6 IBtxtHS 223ss Buck Thomas 109 :58% o 113X690 Third Race — 1 1-16 Miles. :: .ar olds and upward. Selling. 22SOS. Clako 14*2 1:58 7 113-723 22:133 Base Oneil 107 1:17 7 109X720 22Si4 : Kavcnal His 1:47% •". DW. .726 22587 Ma-t -r Joe ..los 1:30 | 109X710 2244 P Love Day 113 1:48% U 112X710 21:1113 Dorothy Webb ...112 1:30% 9 loo 7 3 22804 Col, leu Lassie ....10311:34% :: lOOXOtsi 22:tJ»4* Mike Cohen 112 1:51% 4 104 000 22089* Col. llolloway ... 95 1:45% 6 107X690 Fourth Race— C 1-2 Furlongs. 1 y ar-uids and upw aid. Selling. 22611 Constituent 120 1 :2". 3 112-723 224«7 Droml 115 1:22. ., 113 720 22610 Sarolta KM 1:24% 3 112-71: 22 :.: Massenet lit 1:23% 1 112 713 22553* Stellata 102 1:23% 1107X710 Ind. Morse. Wt. Bee. A.Wl.Man. 22570 Marsaad ill 1:23% 7 112 716 2258SI don, 1 McDoagall.105 1:23% I 112X710 _. .- ■: Ortyx 11 t 1 :24 :, 4 112X705 Fifth Ract — About 5-8 Mile. 3-year-okls and upward. SelUng. 22122 * Kal. K 102 1:01% 6 107X723 22103- t Iiitra 103 :30% :: 107x720 22113 Wavering 113 :50 5 112. 72 i 22IC.7 Ia— On H*J :58% 5 112x715 22806 l"i-"ii dllr 112 :3.i .1 113 .• 21798 May Buena 117 :30% 1 115 71.3 22386 .lie Forty UI9 :"0-, 3 II "7c 22313 Sati Hit ::,i-, IS 1 I _ 22300 I neb- Hick 1H :38% .". I 2 7" 22564 l.-ui- . - Cogaets.411 :■"-:. 7 112- , . Sixth Race — G 1-2 Furlongs. . 3-year-olds and upward. SeUing. 224501 Johnny Harris ...113 1:28% 3 108X725 22.N04 llu- Straw 115 l:27%sj 7 118X720 22SIM It] ing Posey ..Kts 1:24% 3 107X715 22soi* Duke "I Shelby ..188 1:26% 1 1418X715 22419 Dr. Cinn 1i 7 1:23.. 3 107X710 i22l3s, Crenrille 3 107X710 22442 Sykesil 112 1:25 4 108X718 22sot-i Mother 103 1:30% 6 103x705 ::27-.s Mr. s. P. Tale ...lis 1:21 . 5 1- ,11, 22607 Leamence 113 1:24- 8 111x788 Seventh Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. 3 M-irohis aid 111. war. I. SelUng. 22301 : Brlaj Deep 182 1:25% 3 107X725 22029 l.oit Lanier 116 1:27% 8 I13 120 22212 Clara James DNS 1:25% 3 107. .715 22012- Aiaeuc 117 123 5 113X715 221.31 Ania/enient Ill 1:24% I 113X715 22030 The I r.l.iii 113 1:2! I 113X710 220".:: Dkokma 106 1:24% 7 113X7«5 22758 Capi. Elliotl 115 1:23% 3 113-703 22033 Malik 117 1:23* I 111] ."I 22101* Bcacae 105 1:25% -i lo2. 898 Eighth Race — G 1-2 Furlonifs. :: ear ••lit-- and onward. Selling. 22611 = * JKSSIIP BURN ...1 7 1"223 9 I68X72S 2220P Martre 112 1:24% ti lay ,1., 122005 Eye White 114 1:23% K 113x715 22011 Duuuesue 113 1:24% K 116®715 22495 Cloak 113 1:23 6 113.. 715 22807 Pat Gannon 112 1:23% 5 109X710 22K;oi Palma !!•• 1:23 s 113x710 22444 Kxealibur 115 1:22% 6 113x710 21M8K Mot 112 1:2-, 7 li! ■ 7»5 22350 Lady Benaol 105 1:25 3 Mi2..7ik»