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BIG SMOKE A REAL STAR HAS NO DIFFICULTY IN WINNING DOUGLAS PARKS CHIEF KACE OF YESTERDAY. I i Fine Weather and a Fast Ttack Conduce to a Big i Attendance — Huntress and Edith W. Fail Their , Admirers — Two Races for Schorr. Louisville. Ky.. September 2-.. — Big Smoke, re- i garded as iii the front flight of this years yoiing-liters and. m several occasions, giving determined battle i. the best of l » i — ■ age. but unluckv «ii ni i li to have remained in the maiden class, brake Into the winning lisi tlii- afternoon when be accounted for i tin- handicap thai featured the Banal a ■ Park card • •I seven races and in which tie inm coiiiniandingly in. in i food band of juveniles. He bad been allotted top import for the race and comported himself in the race in impressive fashion. Always. thanka te a forward position at the managed to heat Franklin for second place. Franklin wonk] have been a ilanaeron* contender hut fax i" ihl; unprepared at the start, which gave him con-xiderahly the worst of the send-on?. for the Hport cooM hardly have been improved apes and resulted in an* of the best crowds of the present meeting betas; an hand. The raciasj was wholesome ami imiiiensely enjoyed. s .inn- of the race-, with high-price selling condt-t .ns. h.i.i fur starters several of --take class mas- • ptcrndiug ;|s platers. The weU-halanced card was rcs|..iisii,ic for Improved speculation and Rood prices were paid mi the various winners. lucre were several disappointments, one of which was Huntress. Edith W. was another failure, widen c i-1 the talent dear. Judy seemed unequal to the task of making litis heavy headeil lilly extend herself quickly. Alter the linish she galloped oft" a mile and a hail w it ti him before he roost! regain • in ni of her. i h.- John w Schorr stable continued its sne-cess and scored ■ double by the victories of Mars aasldy and Uoldcrest Boy. Both were ridden in clever fashion by the diminutive lady. Secretary A. B. London of the Hamilton Jockey lull today com hided arrange meats for thirty inu-tiici machines of the Uacbmeister type to be In--lalleii at the Hamilton course next winter for use at next springs meeting. Mr. London ha- ahreadj Issued in-tin. i Vn- for the remodeling of the plant i«i . iintiii in t.i the mutiiel style of betting- The alteration- will be an extension of the betting ring. which will, when completed, make it 303 loet tOOg. » The expenditure f r the improvements will he in of 140.000. Mr. Loudon also stated that the work of improving the Windsor track has begun ami that an extension of loo feel to the present betting euilii-r,n is one of the features. The Woodbine coarse at Toronto will also undergo rvnsaaive alterations next winter and the installation of Modern motnel machines is contemplated. Howard OOtS today was advised that the six-wi i ks restriction rule had been modified to such an extent tliat the foarteen yearlings he recently pur rhaar I in England will be shipped tomorrow from ileal Britain and the colts should reach America • i week. They will ;»■ immediately transferred to Loxingtin. where they will be given their early racing education. It. I.. Baker lias secured second call oa Jockey A. Mutt.- services for the Reminder of the Kea- inckv racing season. Hinds an. I Saddle has been sold l.y Mrs. J. shilling to T. M. Mnrphj and will be retired to the stud. Former ydCkej C. II. Shilling will shin his horse-at the close ol the Latonia meeting to Juarez, where they will he raced daring the winter. J. S. Ward will ship the Weber .V Ward hoi -i - to Laurel a; tin- dose f tie Bsagjas Park meeting. It. K. Watkin- contemplates racing his horses ai Latonia ami at tb. dose of the meeting there will ship to New Orleans. P. S. Newmans horses will be sent to Latonia a: the cio-e of the Woodbine meeting, according to advices received from that owner today. Iat 1 inline, former well known owner, was among the visit. as this afternoon. lie looks much improved in health. Jockey Ivecjra will depart for Laurel next Saturday tu rld« the .1. S Waul hor-es. Housrbis Park work — at • u a la-t track were: Any Port— Half mile in p.i. Husy Jot — lie-ei.;h|.i in 1 :i ,. liulie McGee Half mile in ."id.-,. Channelise — Five and a half furlongs in 1:14%. Cheeks — Three-quarters in 1 :li;. ippi rtown Mile in 1:45%. Furlong — Three-eighths in :v Helen Thompson Half mile in oil--. ll.dg- Mil.- and an eighth in 1:57. Ingot — Three-eighths in ."7. John Guild— Mile in 1:43. L. H. Adair- Three-eighths in 39. I.iniienih.l Mil and in eighth In 1:55. M. -Adams Half mile In ■"•"--.. Peter Stulv ai I Mile in 1:11. Boadmaatet — Mile in 1:48%. Kii-i ie Goose— Three-eighths in •■7. silvr Bill -five-eighths in 1:03. Solar Star — Mile in 1:42%. Supple— Three-quarters in 1:10. Burcgei — Three-quarters in 1:17. The Cermet — Three -eighths in 86.