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WOODBINE PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO. 0NT.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1818,— Woodbine Park. Fifth day. Ontario Jockey club. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. ____ Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. Francis Nelson. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. W. P. Kraset. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. m.l. * Indicate* apprentice allowance. O Q OfiA IHoST RACK -5 1-2 Furlongs. 85887—1 : *%— 3— 1 ia 1 StoekMdge Plate $ M » O JUVJVJ Added. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 08; second, 8188; third. 0. Index Hof-es AWtPPSt t 1.. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kuuiv Odds Strt 23090*t vsco a W8 i 2 :p 4 :;i li A Collins w F Preagrave :U5-1 K 23047 "I.AHY OF LYNN WB 88 ti ti m Bat ■_- 2- T Hay.s F J Kcllev 1715-100 23090»Kl;ooM CORN w OS 1 1 uj [■ |l |ak R M.-DottJ Arthur 280-10O 23090 -TIIOIT FLY w 188 r. E tih 7- e* L W Keinay Q M Hendrie I5u-1H 23090«MRS. JACK W 9»* I S 7 6* « B* A claver Q Swain ti2«0-10O 23090PARACHl IK W 188 I 4 2* 2* 7 ». A Nerger O B Fenwick 11790-ion 22434 DONNKR W 10:5 7 :: x 7nk a* 7* J CallahanR E Watkins Tits 166 25090*STYN wb !is 2 : ft f. ft J Morys H Steinhardt Sllfl-bHi 23090 McLELLAND wn lO-.ll 4 7 4 8* :. I T Rice A Turnev 2881 MM Time. 23%. 48%. l:01«s. 1:08s,. Track fast. nntnels paid. Casco, .30 strnight, .70 place, 88.88 show; Lady ol Lynat, 2.50 shift. .58 dieii ; P.riK.iu Corn. S2.00 show. Continued «n second paee. WOODBINE PARK FORM CHART. Continued from first page. FPiivaleiii booking odds Casco, 316 • 100 straight, is.-, to WO place, 30 to 100 show: Lady of Lyaa, 1025 to KHl ]da e. 17o to 160 show: Broom Corn. 15 to 108 show. Winner— Br. f. by Plaudit— Merit trained by W. F. Preafftra. We:it to ihisI at 2:20. At post 2 minutes. Stan ;:ood and slow. Won dririag; second and third the i.itne. ASCII, after being I toward Contender from the start, came to Hie inside and. lihishiii;. last, out gamed LADY OF LYNN in the 8aal drive. The latter was forced to work lur wa. up 011 the outside an-d. "Mud mote ground than the winner. BROOM CORN set a fast pace for a half and tiled. Tltui T FFV closed a gap. The winner was entered for 8660; B0 bid. Scratched 23080 Alex Gets, 114. Overweights Trout Fly. 2 pounds: McLeUand, F. , 4h*_ fck/|r7 SECOND RACK 3-4 Mile. 17481—1 :11%— 6— 1170 M.-.ltnn Plate, soiki Added. £J fj £aJ i .: .vein-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 15 :scco„d. y ID i: third. s:,ii. Im|e Horses AWtlFSt t ■•■ Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fi|iiiv. Odds Strt 83078*1BNGHKE wit ■" if: 7 10 V fi J 1. T Hayes J A Gibson l« 100 22725 KATHARINE G. WB :; 110 •", t 11 V 1* 2* W WarlonT Kgjnra tU8S K4 23141-KOFIF WSB •". 110 M I m 8«* 81 3- J Smyth T J Klward 893 loi 23008*MAMA JOHNSON w ." Ill 11 3 L". :J 4: 4 J Alt Clinton Stable 0886-188 23141 MKKLICKA w 1: .! 118 0 i 6 Jt gi :,i A Clavcr W P Fine W4i M8 23008*QITi:. SABE w :: 1 ." I !t 7- I" 7. 6] W MoUrv.f 1 Misick f 23076 JIM I.ASFV wB 7 118 » 1 3J. 41 ol 7»k F Ailiims E B Peck 790-100 22464-* OUFOPSIS w 0 lrr I 12 12" 111 8| 8* A Collins H 1? Corin 913 100 23014 AIMF.F LESLIE wa :: llo 2 13 13 l_- pi .*- T Rice G MeBweeney f 22904* PFKPKTFAL w 4 lit :: I I in 12 11*10* N Burger C Hagan SZ43 NO 23008 SPRINGMASS WS 7 1 in 13 S :.. 6*1 81 11". W Kelsav K T hTcKeever 8BS Ms 23011 SEBAGO w 7 118 4 11 MM !» 12" 12* R McDottW Cahlll t 22391 CRYSTAL w :; 113 12 7 !i- lo1 13 13 J ,,ill;ilianl Smith 763 199 v.Miiteel liehl. Tine. 22?5, 47. 1:13%. Track fast. mutuela paid. Yenghee, 84-08 straight, .00 place, ?:;.40 show; Katharine ;.. licld. ..;o Mace, SI. .10 show: Kopje. 84.60 show. 1: iiiivalent booking odds Iengbee, 145 lo 1"" straight, 106 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Kathariae .. held. 266 to DO place. 123 to wo show: Kopje, 136 to loo show. Winner -Ch. «•, by Yankee -Monarka trained by I. A. Bfhaom. Went to ]Mist at 2:."i4. At pest 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. YENGHEE began slowly and had to go around the others, hut closed a big gap and. tiiiishiiiL: fast. won drawing dear. KATHARINE ;. showed the most early speed, hut was thing at the end. KOPJE was a forward contender all 1 1 . - way. The winner was entered for 8400; no bid. Scratched 22668 Capt Parr. 105; 22070 Miss Gayle, 118; 22.;t:; Anxiety, 110; 23011Cy Merrick. 121; 22i,2:.-Kiiiphts Differ . 124. 4* 6/0 THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. H74si 1 :i pt — 0— 1 17. i Kljjln Handicap. *70 Added. £j O S/Q All Ages. Canadian -fin led. Net vajne to winner jf-iSTi: secoiiil. .s1lQ: third. $.»". Fick Horses AWtPPSt H ; Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fitiiiv. OiMs Strt 23094 SLIPPBB HAY w 1 131 1 Z 1* l4 l3 1* J Smyth J S Hendrle 89 I DO 23094 HEARTS Of OAK w S 114 4 1 4 I 1 2« 2" T Dice H Glddlnga 390 100 23042:-MA DION .AHTV I 100 :. Z I!1 4 4 3:! J CallahanE Classed Idle 100 2308DCOKN BROOM ws 4 108 2 1 8* Z*i I* 4 A Collins J K L Itoss 57i I • Time. £235, 47%. 1:14. Track fast. S62 miitiiels naJd, BUpaef Fay. .$:;.20 straight, place; Hearts of Oak. 83.68 place: no show mutuels sold. iaiuivalent hiMikin odds— Slipper Day. 00 to FKl Straight, 40 to. 100 place: Hearts of Oak. SO to 100 place. Winner — Dr. f. by Martinias lilue Groaae trained by B. Whyte. Went to |nist at :.:22. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and thirl driving. SLIPPER DAY took an easy had in the tirsi quarter and won all the way uoex tended. HEARTS OF O..K BhiaJaM gamely and outgamed MARION GAIETY. The latter ran well. CORN FFiiQM unit. »* • /,• LOI ITII BACB 1 1-16 Miles, 02000 1:10.-, -4 *!!». 1 Thirleenlli Ktmning Seagram 40a/Uo Cup. 81,666 Added. I jrrar nUa and upward. High weight Handicap. Net ralue to winner 8885 and Ctp: Becoad. 8806; third. |186. Index Horses AWtlFSt ",j ■"-, Str Fin Jin-keys Owners lv|iiiv. odds Strt 88086- UFDLAN I W3 117 I 1 !■* 2] i" l". 1" K Carter W Walher 800-WO 23145 II. Al F CLASS w •» 118 i 1 8* I] 1** 1"- 2 F Coldstn Thorneliffe Stable tlM B6 23i46-AFFIs. w 11 4 110 I 7 ".- I F :; ::.. B McDott.l C Fletcher 738-1 D 23096 MARTI AN w 1 124 I :; t- :,". :, 4** 41 A BchagrT J Bird U8VM6 23080 FOUNTAIN FAY WB 5 127 t! »; 7 ask 6* V .".". A Claver Thorneliffe Stable 23f94PIIT-:T PETAL w 4 12." 3 2 2 :: V 6 «• J Callahan.I S Hendrle 575 1 ♦ 23142 ASTROLOGER wi: 0 110 7 5 0" 7 7 7 7 W WartonT J F.lward 7F « tCoupled in betting. Time. 24%. 48*/5, 1:14%. 1:41. 1:48%. Track fast. mataeta paid. Medlaad, 614.66 straight, si.7o place, $:;.2o show; Ihorhcliffe Stable entry, •.» I lace, Sf,2Ai show : Aprlaa, .$.;.io show. Fipiivaletit booking odds — Redland, 000 to loo straight, 186 to 108 place. 88 to 100 show: Than liffe Stable entry, 4."i to 100 place, 30 to 100 show: Aprlaa, 66 to loo show. Winner— D. g, by Plaudit -Baby Uilit trained by W. Walkeri. Went to post at .",::i7. At Boat ;; minutes. Start Rood and slow. Won drlTiag; seeaad and third the same. RFDI.AND set and forced a fast pace in the early rmaalag and oatgaBMd PLATE CLASS in the final drive. PLATE CLASS raced 111 the inside all the way ami. after taking the lead, tired right at the end. APRISA saved KTOUBd when entering the hoint-streti h and tinished etOSe Up. MARTIAN raced OB the outside Of the leaders all the way. Scratched 2.:2 s- Hearts of Oak. 12s 6 h *_ 4h "I i . FIFTH RACE About 2 Miles. Old Course. 1 11687— 8:58%— 5— 136. Steeph-ehase. SstOdS il V 8806 Added. 4 yeai -olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Net value t.. w inn. r IgOPj second, -si 00; hird. -S-jO. liil-x. Horses AWtlFSt 1 g 12 !■"■ Fin Jockeys Owners l-apnv. Oihts strt 23176.I1M O. w 0 147 1 S 2- 2". 1 I-" 1-" J Smith W G Wilson -T 0 rOO 23093 KALI-1NLA w 8 143 4 2 4- 4- r:1"":; Q M OCnnr J O Durttschell 145 100 23093 INION JACK w 7 147 E I r* l* B* 2* :; J Russell C F Sherman 125 W8 23142 SHEK. HOLMES w 8 143 :: :: 5 G 1 Pull. up. R Scully W Walker BOB K6 23093-.MARCH COFRT w 4 140 2 I ::» :;" Fell. F. Wolke G B Tompkins IM loo Time, 4:19%. Track fast. .?2 mutuels paid. Jim O.. ,*7.40 straight, 83.40 place. ?2.70 show: Kali-Fila. 84.16 place. 82.36 show; I nion Jack, 83220 show Ktuivalint booking odds— Jim o.. 27o to loo straight, 70 to 108 place, :;:, to 100 show; Kali lata, 106 p. 100 place, 4."i to 1011 show; Talon Jack. 00 to loo show. Winner— Ch. g, by Campus Sympathetic trained by J. Nixoni. Went to p sl at 4:31. At just 1 minute. Stait --rood and slow. Woa easily: seeaad and third dririag. JIM O. was saved under restraint until in the last half, then went to the front with a rush and won in a canter. KALI INI. A outstayed FN ION JACK in a hard hive. I NION JACK showed early spied, but tired. MARCH COI RT fell at the ninth jump. 4 y O k y I ~| SIXTH RACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 83835—1 :43%— O— 63%. Dunhury Plate. 8600 a9 O dm A JL Added. 3-year-olda and upward. Belttag. Net value to winner :Ms."i: seeaad, 00: third. 880. Index Horses AWtlFSt , _, - Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fipiiv. Oil. Is Strt 2271-0 STAR CUT WB 6 116 - 1 8* .■. *» V 1*1 J CallahanPalace Stable K-MO 83082 *EGMONT w .". 108 E E 21 2- 1 l- t* N Bnrger W WaDxer 71" 100 33B68*KIGMA ALPHA wa 6 88 4 7 7 8* 6* B* V B Ornvis A C Pratt 11908-161 8S141*YADOPEEP wa •"« 107 7 I 1] Ik I* 38 4" J Morvs .1 .1 Shannon 23142*AI.STN WB 3 103 I 4 I" 8 4- 4 B* A Collins G H Marlman BttaVHN 88Ml*CBOS8BPN wa 4 108 1 2 il 4*| 6l 6" 6-1 R McDottR B Btelle 28048*PROGRESSIVE WB 5 114 I I •"" 7 " 7 7 7 W Ural T Francis I M Time. 24%. 48%, 1:14%. 1:40%. 1:45%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Siar Gift, .i..xi straight, 83.10 place, 83.00 show: Egmoat, 85.30 place, 84-46 show: Sigma Alpha. show. Fipiivalent booking odds— Star Gift, !»:, to HM straight, 66 to Kill place. 68 to KKi show: Egmoat, 168 1 106 place, ISO to 160 show: Bigasa Alpha. 1040 to kmi show. Winner -P,r. in. by Star Shoot — Carlotta C. trained by W. T. AnderSOB. Went to jiost al 5:02. At post 2 minutes. Start rood mid slew. Won easily: s •cotKl and third duv-Ing. slAR GIFT worked ber way an on the outside and. going to the leaders with a rush after entering the homestretch, won coing away. EGMONT was much used m racing iAOOPEEP to defeat and tired. SIGMA ALPHA Bared ground on the turns and tinished fast. The winner, entered for !?1. :K. was bid up to si.iio:, and boaghj in. y » • A O SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 62666—1 :46% — 4- 80 Epsom Plate. 9668 Ad! I ■ QLg :: year-ohls and upward. Beijing. Net vain.- lo winnir 8506; s.-coiid. H : third, j ■ . [ndi HoragS AWtPPSt 4 _■ "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fipiiv. Odds Strt 229G2*KINC FON w 5 10H 3 1 2* .l. 2| 2 1» R MeDottP J Miles 210 I0Q 23092oi:Fl.RlH wa o K : "1 6 F. 1- 1 l""- 2 J Smyth M B Howaer 88." IO0 83088* KATK K. wi: 8 K 2 1 «; :;■■ |k 4- P :;- A Collins F Staton 1248 loo 23082 1FY HOME w •"• 165 I 7 E* B* ■:- 4*1 I • A BdragrW Martin 360 100 88888 THE isiii.i: w4 163 7 I 7- 7 ."•. :. sa A Claver Thorneliffe Stable easa-ita 23146 * I TTVHI NK w 1. 7 86 I E E E E •« 8* T Hav.s 1. W Garth 680 !"• 23096 w :: 168 ! 2 J :ih 7- 7 .1 Callahan R B Btelle 463 100 23142»Moo.l.n;HT wb 8 is i 1 8* 8* E . t* .1 Morya C F Brant IKSO-KM 23076 STFI.l.ATA wn I 163 I 1 8* B* 7- 8 :i C Miller A F Dayton U 185 M8 Time. 24%. 48«5. 1:14«5. 1:41%. 1:48%. Track fast. mutuels paid. King F . • straight, |4.10 plaice, 83.30 show; Orperth, 7.s-i place 84.80 show: I ate K.. ."f.-L.-Hi show. F.i|iiivahii; book lag odds -King Box. 210 to 100 straight. 106 to KM place, 86 to 100 show; Orperth, 2:10 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show: Kate K.. 17:1 to 100 show. Winner— P.. g, by Box— Brie BeUe 1 train .-,i by P. J. Miles. Went to iHist at 6:38. At post 4 minutes. Star! good and slow. Woa dririag; second and third the mate. KING Ron followed the pacemaker closely for three-aaarters, then moved up gamely In th- homestretch and outstayed OBPEBTH. The utter set a fast pace, bat care way when challenged, then caaw aamia at ti mi. KATE K. sai "d ground when entering the homestretch and tinished fast The winner was entered for 8600; DO bid. Scrat.l e,| ggju , -Maislioii. 1 17.