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| i , EIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 5158 1 :05 -.-.— 1 —1 •»." . i Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Flnisti FENM0USE, b. f. 3 105 Bv Rock Sand — Flittermouse A. Belmont, 2270S Belmont J-4 1:11 fast 3* 188 l 6 6 h*iaj McTagrt 0 Royal Martyr, Kaahaahla, Capra 22868 Belmont hB4 at l:10*tfast 10 18S fi 4 :: V m J McTagrt 8 Luke, High Noon, Hauberk 22573 Saratoga 8-4 l:12%faet 11-20 ion l 1 2 23 2- J McTagrt 0 Islrore. Evelyn .. Sarsenet 2ZS87 Saratoga 3-4 l:lo%slow - 111 1 11 1* 1* J McTajrrt 1 Bac, Charter, Mars Cassidy 22467 Saratoga .1-4 1:13 fast 1S-5 M8 4 I 3 2» 2- J McTagrt !» Wanda Pltaer, H.Barhee, Harla L21 10 Saratoga 3-4 1 :15%slow 4J 119 5 2 2 2s 25 C Turner 1 Con. Tower. Hanovia, Hawthorn LEO SKOLNY. ch. e. 4 113 By Star Shoot— Lady Alberta R. J. Mackenzie. IM is.-. Hah t.ce lm70yl:42%fast 7 KK 7 7 7 6 g ii,JV Lilley 8 Holy. Co the Walk. S. Crass 22526 Saratoga 3-4 l:i4%good 2 188 :: I 6 :.- :.•■ J Loftua 6 Con. Tower, Grumpy, Aldebaran 22426 Saratoga 1 I l:13%fa.3t 7 127 I 6 I 4»l V C BoreJ 10 Hanson. Luke. Superintendent 22i62 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 slow 5 16 s s t; :.- 4:i c Gana li Bupendent, UBarhary, Grumpy 22143 Saratoga 1 l:43%slow 6 104 7 6 7 7 7 7:r W I.illey 7 StarJasmine. alontreanr, Hanson 22087 Saratoga 1 l:44%hvy t 188 2 111 i- i- W Uttey 4 H. Shaw, Bay. Candle, Holiday NAUSH0N, tr. h, 7 105 By Yankee— Royal Gun fR. T. Wilson. 23167 H.deGce 3-4 l:131fcgood 6 187 I I t 1 . :" r Cooper Hi Isirose. tiino. True as steel S H.deGce 3-4 l:14%fa*t 2 88 r. ill- l - J McCaheylS Luther, Tghtreader. Hmiliatlon 88SS8 Pimllco 3-4 l:14%hvy 4 110 2 3 3 ::"::- A Bchuger 4 Novelty, Lahore. Royal Meteor 88407 Wdhine 11 18 1:48 good23-28 110 2 4 4 3 2". I1 .1 McCahey I Bob R.. Cliff Edge. Buay 88121 BIueBon. 1 18%faat l H8 2 1 1 1 I* 2* J McCahey 5 Guy Fisher. Buay, Cliff Edge TRUE AS STEEL, b. g. 4 110 By Broomstick— Loyal P. S. P. Randolph. 23167 H.deGci 3-4 l:l3%good 11-5 UM 1 3 :. 4J 4" J McTagrtlfl Isirose. Nauahon, Glno 22881 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%faat 7-8 120 2 2 1 H .- T McTagt 12 Sand Marsh, BriarPath. Sarsenet 22751 Belmont 7-8 l:25%fast 3 . 102 111 1 1" 2" M Garner 8 Blue Thistle, Pnllux. W. Pltaer .21:26 Belmont 3-4 l:12%faat 3 114 2 11 1- 1; T MeTag l 8 He Will. Sarsenet. Doublet 21930 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 6 111 3 3 3 3 4-J J Butwell J Iullux. Othello. Cruinpy WANDA PITZER. b. m. 8 102 By Peep oDay— My Gem CJ. S. Ownbey. 22751 Belmont 7-8 l:25%fast UK -. 5 4 3 41 4J M M thews 9 Blue Thistle, T. as Steel, Pnllux 22.-,:,:. Saratoga 1 1 :41-.-,!a. =t 8-5 181 12 1 2 P 2-11. A-ten c, Lahore. Napier. DoB.Macdonald 22467 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 2 188 Z 2 1 1- 1- II Buxton II Fenmouse, Helen Barbae, llaria 219,K Aqueduct 1 l:88%faat 3 lnS 1 3 3 2 3 4" M K*tnewa 7 Lazuli. Lahore. l.adv Ianchita 21687 Belmont 3-4 1:13%fast 7 117 1 6 4 41 5; M Mtliews 8 Etruscan, Cy Merrick, Fenmouse 21236 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14 fast 4J 110 3 4 4 2- lh M Mtliews 7 Iftl natan. He Will. Helen Barbee SARSENET, br. g. 3 97 By Ogden— Courtplaster R T. Wilson. 23083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 103 11 16 S 4- II P Cooper 14 Striker. Scallywag. Bcv. James 22961 H.deGce 3-4l:l3%fast 5 1"7 3 E 6 n. A- McTagrtl2 Sand Marsh, T. as Steel, B. Path 22Sr 0 Belmont 3-1 st 1 :14V-fast 3-2 106 3 3 2 las 1» I. McAtee r, Water Welles. Orotund. Campion 22626 Belmont 3-4 1 :12»fcfast 15 102 f 7 4 44 8*| t. Mink 8 T. an Steel. He WUL Houble: 2273 Saratoga 3-4 l:12lifast 1", 186 I 4 4" 4s A Collins 0 Isirose. Fenmouse, Evelyn C. J. J. LILLIS, br. g. 4 113 By Bannockburn — Tootsy Mack Marronc Stable, 21962 Aqueduct 3 1 l:13%fast 10 122 6 1 1 C 8«1 K Trosler 13 Ads. Aayiade, Mr Specs 20973 Jamaica 11-16 1:49 fast 8 107 1 2 1 1 H li «: Corey 5 Lady Teresa. Hedge, Patrick s. 38834 Jamaica •"• f l:uS fast 14-5 11" 1 4 4 2- 2- Q Corey C Prairie, Superhuman, Y. Emblem 20S27 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 4 110 2 4 4 SJ :: , J McCahey 7 Forecast. Lily Orme, Water Lily SILICA, ch. f, 3 101 By Rockton— Auriesville J. Sanford. 22703 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 8-5 168 6 2 .". 6 6 *M Garner 8 Fenmouse, K.Martvr. Ka-kaskia 22450 Saratoga 3-4 l:13%fast 13-J 107 1 1 I 1 • I* T MeTng*! 8 Phrinny, Grumpy, Hauberk 2230", Saratoga 5 f 1 :07]/ 9-o 103 I 11 I4 t* C Turner 11 Evelyn .. Chance. Barry 16479 Saratoga 5*fl:10%mud 3 109 2 3 3 4* 8*1 H Sumter 10 Harry Junior. Quartz, Hanson 15885 Saratoga Bj f 1:07 fast 8 104 7 4 6 710 7I:JE Martin 8 T. by Jury. Lady Barbary. Solly BRIAR PATH, b. m, 5 101 By Marta Santa— Sweet Alice H. G. Bedwell. 22981 H.deGce 3-4 1:13%fas 15 1n7 1 I 2 I] 3-", I Cooper 12 Sand Marsh, T.aaSteel, Sarsenet 22798 BIueBon. 3-4 l:l3*£slow 19 pn; 1 :; .• :;ii :!n. 1 Cooper 8 Sempsilla, Vldet. Crossbmi 22409 Windsor 51 t 1:87 fast 28-5 188 11 16 11 11 ll.S Wolstinll Zin Del. Rullicon II Dignity 2143S FortErie a1, f 1 :12%hvy 14 111 2 4 3 4n : 4SJ E Taplin 8 Bin Del, The Spirit. King Worth 21292 Hamton 5J f l:07 ifast 4 106 3 7 7 71 7HE Taplin 8 Slipper Bay. Deposit. Viley ISID0RA, ch. m. 6 108 Bv Isidor— Auriesville P. M. Walker. 20309 Pimlico lm70yl:46%fast 13 MS " 2 3 .", 7 s1 K Ambrose 8 LocfaieL Lorsican, Cliff Field 20283 1imlico 3 -4 1 :1 5%SlOW 33-20 106 6 5 3 Z- PJW Iral 6 Alhena. l.randvw inc. Nellie C. 28236 Pimlico lm78yl:45%faat 14 104 3 1 2 2 3J 43 C Turner 7 Amain. Spearhead Carlton G 20211 Pimlico 7-S 1 :26%fast 4 99 ." 7 7 7 6 l?- J McCahev 8 Kleburne. Keweaaa, B Cuimrder 20190 Pimlico 8-4 l:1144hvy 9 102 5 a 4 41 4"3 E Ambrose S Pom. Bleu. Br. 111. aider, Horron ELEUSINIA, b. f, 3 04 By Isidor— One I Love J. Sanford. 21881 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 fast « M 1 1 1 1 1» C Turner 10 Hiker. Grapeahot Devil Hah n:66.", Saratoga DJ f 1 :11 mud 6 98 :: 11 2" 2* B Marco 3 Sea Shell. Encore 16407 Saratoga Ij f l-ttTaffttd If % V 5 lis* 8**|M I.uxton !l Mallard. Sand Bank. Carlaverock SILVER MOON, b. m, 5 96 By Ellisdale— Fairy Bird fS. Pinkerton. 22981 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%faa1 68 MM 9 7 10 ii-ip- 11 steward 12 Sand Marsh. T.aaSteel B Path 22761 Timium Ab5-S G7 fast 3 168 I Mtliews i Energetic, Envy Onar 20814 Mboro 6 f l:09Vbfast 8-5 110 ::..! Peugast 0 Hoffman. D. Mack. K McDowell 30655 htboro r.?. f 1:10 fast 4-5 97 1- A hfthewa ti NarnocJ.T.Jr. Bemble Baretto 28612 hTboro 5?. f 1:10 good 2 107 I1 A Mtliews 7 1 Tire Rose. Mi.ssB.IIarbor. Booth SCARAMOUCH, b. g. 3 108 By Hamburg— Lady Frivoles L. S. Thompson. 23037 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 la-t 12 168 2 111 I* T McTagt U l.t-iiut M.McGgle Kenworthr 22249 Windsor 3-4 l:13%fast 13 98 7 7 7 7 7 .J Marys 7 Veoetla. Kewessa Othello 22163 Fort Erie 3-4 l:14ftgood 51 81 I I 4 2* 6»i J Morya 7 Kewessa, Sir Edgar Pan Zareta 22681 FortErie ~. f 1 :06%eood 22 97 I 2 1 8* 5»| J Morya 7 Veiietia. Southern Maid, Vogue J. B. HARRELL. ch. g. 3 100 Bv Bonnie Joe — Lady Lee L. A. Seregni. 25083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 last 48 10! 2 1 1 In- 8*1 T Pargton TTSarsenet. Striker Scallywag 20810 Mboro 51 f 1:46 good s G no 54i A Mtliews o Miss Sherwood Thrill Monereif 2U420 Electric r. s :.ii- ,-lovv 4 188 1] A Iicken- s Crap.shot. Paithfnl, Silver Moon 20128 H.deGce 3-4 l:tt%alow M 9N 3 11 1 | l | P Looda 7 Hiker, Satnrnus I. Spirituelle 20104 H.deGce 5| f l:0S%good 1S-5 97 3 1 2 1 ?. 7;l, P Louder 8 Minstrel, Hiker. Kginont NAPIER, b. g, 6 99 By Sempronius— Lillian Fonso J. W. Hedrick. Jr.. 22204 H.deGce 1 1-M l:47%fast 88 107 6 2 2 2 2". :, W Oberl I Amain, Sttwehenge GuvFisher 23138 H.deGce lm70yl:47%mud 60 ti6 :: 4 I I I i.-"■ .1 Gartner i; Borco Ambrose Nenhthvfi 23059 H.d Gce Im70yl:45 fast 60 ill 7 7 7 7 7 6" J Gartner 7 Rones, Amain Col Aslimeade 23037 H.deGce lm70yl:45%fast 66 168 9 9 S 8 91 B»« J Gartner 10 Borgo. Daingerrield lli- Nib- 22955 Belmont 1 l:41%faat K H7 2 :. E .". 4" 47 J Gartner 5 G. Fisher, S.ofValley Beethoven 22815 Belmoat 1 1-16 1 :47%Caat 88 92 3 2 2 4 4 4J J Gartner 4 Reybourn, Vodeles, Borgo