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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE. KY.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1915. DoagSM Park. lourth day! BoBglas Park J"i-k.. Cln1. Ani niiin Meet in- of s days. Weather eleir. Stewards, j;. C. Hopper, Charles F. Priie and John T. Ir- land. Prspim_. j,„l ■•• VV H Shelley! Stiller. Harry Merrissev. Uaeiii S.-cietary. W. II. Pea fee Pacing st;Mt~ al 2: l.i p. tn. iCbieatfo t inn- 21.i p. 111.1. *lndieat.-s iippreiilie,- allow slice. ty Q iy "| Q FIRST RACE 3*4 Mile. 20775—1 :10% 3 Mm. p9Mt Added. :: nar-obN aT" I jf st5jO____JL___j waul. Maidens. Selling. Net value to w iiiu-r .S..KI: second. ::o: 1 1 Ci 1 . _________ index Horses AWtlFSt ;,, i_ ■-■_ Str Fill Jockeys Owners FpTtCodds Strt 23051 AUFN/A WB 8 108 7 P 8* E« ."11 1" C anIUinH Dots 195 IK 23022-l A ILK lit IF. D. Mr 3 100 I I |k ju |] : H Stearns N F Ilortch 448-188 22976 :stonkwooi wa •"• i|ls ! «: E» :; J 1 | | 1. Oentry B Woods at m 23156 ST. LEO m ■■ 160 11 • |k |i .•■ |i k LapnllleB P Quthrle 2C050 TINSMAN WB •" 168 II J* 71 ft r.i r ;,,,,s. M c Moore K68 EM 22970 I.I ell LP XIOROIS wi: 4 108 I 7 pan Mi v C | .1 Sloan 1: W.itl- ••■ 100 P.KW oK w I Ml M i k»* M 10] 7" F Pool G p Mattingly I MD 2i457Pi:nspi:i I w E 1 i ! R] T Henry I Vititoe 1 K MS 2297G STONINUTON wb ■■ 10." 18 J |i. 41. 7". 91 t FonnellvC R Hamilton 666 : , .■21S3H I.RIUcPAVAIFRwi: 7 1 06 8 11 II**!!1* 6 10* !• Willms T M Williams 2120S JOE WMMI XV 4 111 I Ji BiOj II* M Caller I P Agnca t 14490 Fill II JAR wu 3 100 5 12 u ij 12 12 R UrquhrtE L Sutterlln UTO-lwi W IMutucl Mi, Tiuie, 23%, 48 /4, 1:13%. Track fa5t. 62 muim-i- paid, tadenaa, 65.90 straight, .90 place, 63 1" kuow: Marjoric I ■ 64.58 place, *:... so -how: stol, a inn v ; ,,i ..|,,,„ I ;«i"";ii-iu hooking odd* tadenaa, IK hi 1*0 Ktraiglit, : •. l« inn place, 55 to 100 show; Marjoric l» . |J.~. | i itm place, !mi |g |ik show ; Stoat-wood, US ii 100 show. Winner — B. i. in Hastings Friendship trained by l . !•:. Stewart. Went to pout at 2:1T. A aoal 1 minute. Start bad aad slow. Won driving; second aad third lue Mine. CADENZA began slowly and waa tarred wide la Um but quarter, but tini-hed fast and gamely. IARJORIE 1 . raced well up, bat tired slightly at the end. STONEWOOD was a prominent contender throughout. ST. LEO tired after showing the most early speed. JOE and 8TOXINOTON tired i: the stretch. The winner waa entered toe MOO; ao bid. iivem eight- Tin-man. :; pound-. y , * O 1 A SECOND HACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 11761 1:42% i 1M.1 *. i Added. 4-year- j.0 jfi -L rx "Id- and upward. Selling. Net value u winner s 7i: second. Slls; third, 1915.sh2. "jfiL Horses AWllISl U ; :m Sti lin Jockeys owners Equlv. Odds Strt ~ ?i " STICK ; i:i:i:l u 4 Ms i 2 Ii li l ; r: r r Henry J Lmensetter 596-WO JB#5,» li ai;i BALL wnh 1 toi 6 5 * :" 2* 2] 2; K LapailleJ X Mounce 306 100 2jp04 ■ i:i»it"ii wa t 1"4 I l 8* I] "■ i h P Judy P i» Weir 123 100 23*06 RANK bill wa 4 m: :, i 2» ::".::- 3* I" F Iforptaj T M Irvta 1010-100 23075 WLDS idi:k u :. ill 2 3 I ■•■ i J" ." - M Garner .1 T Looney 725-100 22511 HA- PENNY a I m ; :; . :. I I I f j, Gray H Lang 5865 l««i Time 24*5. 49. 1:14, 1:39V 1:43«3. Track fast. 82 mum. N paid, J as t fee Goebel, 3.90 straight, 85.80 piaee, 10 show; Hard Ball, .80 place .70 s-!.,w: Edith V.. 62.50 show. Equivalent hooking odds Justice Goebel, 505 to 100 straight, 190 to 100 place, "••", to inn show- Haul •• II. 80 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Edith ■/., 25 i MO show. Winner — B. r, by McGee Mam. trained bj J. Lmensetter. Wcni to -i at 2:44. At post l minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driv- -. JUSTICE 1SOEBEL moved into the lead with ■ rush and. holding on ga Iv. outstayed HARD BALL. i in- latter lost ground by going wide oa the tirsi turn and ran a good race. KDITII V. ran well and lushed resolutely. BANK BILL tired right at the end. WORLDS WOXDEB ran poorly. The winner was eater, i| |e| X, M * : in. Iljll. Q i 1 K THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. iLoTT.". 1:10% 3 -100. Added. 3-reer-olda and u - A* A X *J ward. Selling. Xet value to winner *47 : second, slls: third. Jjiti2. Inlcx Horses AWtlISt tt L. 4 Str Tin Jockeys Owneis lapiiv. Odds Slrt 23104 "MAKS ASSIliN w :: «r, , J V. 4- 1 f. p .|u lv .1 W Schorr 30 i-1 23157 OTHELLl w 4 108 3 I . - | . J .1 ktetcalf .1 W Goldblatt 23104 Mi:X VI ■". 104 • - 1 1 ■■•■ :il li Garner .1 SliilthiK .7" • 23104 ROYAL INTEREST w .; lot j :. :. 3k r !■ p Herbert l: F Guthrie 4030-100 £3027 III XTKKSS w 4 M0 1 1 I" ■ ■ 5" "- E Martin T C McDowell 175-100 21343 BONANZA wb •. 103 4 ; f I I I .1 Acton M «.»uinn 5233-100 Tim.-. 2325, 47, 1:13. Track fast. s2 mutuels paid. Mar- Caasidy, .80 straight, .50 place. .70 show; OtheJlo, .00 place, Sl..m show : Me. .50 show. Eqniralent booking oddsMars Cassidy, 200 to 100 straight, Ja t-i 100 place. 33 to nx shew: Othello, Ml i.« 10.1 pla.e. 43 to HM» -hew: ales, T.i to Ittn show. Winner l;lk. g, |.y tgdea Ivory Itell Iraineil Py .1. V. BchMTi. Went to pesi at :;:ov ,t post :i minutes. Start good aatd alow. Won drirksg: second and third the saase. MARS tASSIDV gained steadily in the last three-elgbtha and wore OTHELLO down in the final • ive. OTHELLO ran well and finished gamely. MI!X set a fast pace and tired near the end. ROYAL INTEREST ran well. IIINTKKSS ran poorly and a hard urged in the stretch. The winner was entered for in liiil. OQ O I Ci. 1,,ll;l11 ItAt K 5 1-2 Furlongs. 11618—1 :06— 2— 1 17~ Parse 2-ycar-olda! £ tj £ J. O Handicap. Xet value !■■ w inii r 50; second, 00j third, • ■"■". index 1 1 • .1 : — AWtlISt 4 y 1 Str I-in Jockeys Owners. gqulr. dials strt 22575- H H. SMOKE u 114 1 1 3» 2 l» 1* C Ghutl T C Bradley 230 IO0 20981 I. W ALWAYS w llo 1; 5 1 I : 2»» A Mutt Middleton A Joaea 380 108 23108 I ItAXM.IX wit 112 7 7 til I "- P Keogh Weber A Ward . .::. 100 20930 KI.I.ISDX w 112 8 I ."" 7- 6 !■ .1 Kederis J P Schorr 1285 100 ■ 22S79 THIS 1 1.1: GREEN w its 3 S 7 - 5» * M Garner D N Prewitt 1755-Wfl | 23072 I J. MIRDOCK W KM! .". 4 4 ::. 4". r.|! W W TlorMilam A.- l.. 2205 loo i 23108 .[ II I N .li;. WB IM* is s s s ,- .| Acton 1 E Mulholland 6300-100 , 22810 cam: IMX w ins Z 2 21 El 7 8 R Goose W ShowaKer f tCoupled in betting. Time. 245. 4825. 1:01. Ief7%, Track fast. s2 mat wis paid. Big Smoke, .80 straight, s 4 . ;o place. si:.7 i -hew: Lady Always, stt..itt place, .30 rhow; I-ranklin, 00 show. Equivalent hooking odds— Big Snake. 230 to inn straight. 130 to 1 «» place. :;.-i to 1«K show; Lady Always, 14.", p. 100 pla.e. 83 in iihi -how: Franklin, 30 to hip show. Winner B ■-. by Duke « ! Ormonde — Gold I. ace 1 trained by W. M. Wallace. Went to |n.-i 11 3:34. At post 1 minutes. Start Pad and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BIO SMuKK. close up from the start, drew out in the Stretch and won with -peed in reserve. I.AUY ALWAYS was away forwardlj ami showed superior early -peed. Put was tiring at the end. FRANKLIN had the worst of the send-off and closed a »t nap. although forced to race wide. ELLISON came las-t in the stretch. THISTLE JRBEN had no mi-hap-. Overweights- t an. ltnn. 1 pound. 4" Q O 1 7 FIFTH i:.CK 1 1-16 Miles. iJn777 1:43%— 3— 05. SHKl Added. :: y.-ar ..Id- and up e X. i ward. Selling. Xet alm- 1- inner S4i:..: second. 15; third. 0. "index Horses AWtlISt , j -., Slrl-in J.u-ki i - Owneis Kipiiv. Odds _ Strt 23109, i.oi.ia i:i:sr BOY u :: ini :: ■: :H i1 ::i V ij k .ludy .1 w Schorr ieo-100 231C9 t: Ai .11. wi: 4 PC 2 1 2ll :-• -"1 2 :- E Pool Q .1 Long 106-100 23109-*ltKSH;X w ,-. :: .». 1 •". 4- ::i 4- 4- :;: K LapailleJ B Respesa IC 100 L3109 WH-Hlli: w n 8 108 1 3 I" Il l| J1 4 • P Murph;- Y G Yank. 3K-M0 23110 .11 ST RED w t; 108 ■"• I " r 3 ■"• 5 M Garner Miller d Moreland 3405 100 Tin, .-. 2425. 4835. 1:1S%, 1:88%, 1:45V Track fast. sj uiulnei- paid, i; ldcre-i Boy, s;",.-o straight, .80 plan-. .88 show; Raoal, 1.78 iilace. $:..40 show; Resign .40 show. Kquivaliiit hooking odds — Golderest Boy. 160 to 100 straight. 85 to 100 place. St to 190 show; Kaoiil. 485 in 100 place. 7 t.i 100 -how; Resign, 1M to 100 show. Winner— Br. -. by Plaudit— PoUy 1rim trained by .1. 1". Schorr. Went In post at :i:.V.t. At post 1 minute. Start had and slow. W iftrlng; second and third the sane. tSOLDCBEST l!OY was saved to the la-t three-eighths, then moved nn with a rash and ontgamed HAoi 1.. The latter wore WILHITE dow i the atretch turn, but tired slightly. RE8IGN. away poorly, tini-lied fast. WILHITE set a :„„ 1 pace and tind in the last quarter. The winner was entered for ,500; no bid. "4 Q 4 1 Q SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 8822—58% U 113. 08 Added. 2-year-olds. SelHng. j y £ X O I value to winner 00; second. ::r.: third. S74. "ln.pTi II •!■- - A Wt II"SI . ":i Sir Tin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. odds Strt nOalBI.AXCIUTA w lot 2 1 - l«* Ill i: Martin T C McDowell 645-100 • 23158*r.Y MASTER WU 88 :i I S* -- -- -; K LapadleA B Cordon 1615-100 23023 II.I.lMIX ATOlt w 108 W I 5 4i SS I" Murphy 1 Lowenstein 1355-100 2o052*lAI I.SOX w 83 ."i 11 1" 8 51 4» P Williu- .1 M Foley |5865-10i 23052*1 K l-:r A 1 1 wu .»•" 4 % 3 •.»• 61 ■■■ R CrquhrtB Lawaon 5235-100 22416 MARtiARET ». at 106 7 J 41 .; 3* 6* W W TlorMilani d Levy 6075 l 0 23158 IMPRESS1VK w .»"i 1 7 :•- tl 8 7* If Garner .i U Holland 138 1 THERESA McMAKlX w ins s .". ».. .",ti 7 8 F Keogh C T Worthington 11350-180 mid OLD CHARTER w I 107111 • I* N ■ V H Dennler J N Btmebler 23158 MIKE MILLEN w IM I Ml m1 in- M* ]•: Pool .1 .1 Markleln 3165-100 21711 RRIZZ r IN M 11 11 11 11 .1 Kederis J W SClMMT Jti."i-PK rhtatuel M Id Tina-. 24, 48%, 1:01%. Track fast. niiituel- paid, lsiandiita. -Mt.-Xi straight, .2fi piaee, *;,.;,,, show; Paynwster, 620 place, !«7.4i -!.i in ■ Illuminator, .81 shou Bunivalent I king odils — Hiamhiia. c 4."i to 100 straight. 310 to 1 m place, 17.". to loo show; Paymaster, 7K» to KHt place. l7u p. pMt show; Illuminator. ;!Mi to 100 -how. Wanner P.. f, bj Peep oDaj Countess Iran i trained by ;. DennyL Went to post at 1 :-. . At post 5 aUnutes. start good and slow, won easily: second and third driv iiiir BLANCHITA. awaj !a-l and Heat of biterference, moved Into a long lead quickly and won all the v.ay PAYMASTER raced in closest pursuit throughout. ILLtMINATOR cdme fast in the last eighth. PAULSON closed a gap. IMPRESSIVE and BRIZZ suffered from repeated crowding. The winner wa-entered for 00; no bid. Scratched Deuce of Heart-. H7. Overweights Paulson. •". pounds: MarL.iret P.. L: Theie-a McMakin. I: old halter. ";.. try fj -a-Y silVKNlTl ltACI". 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 11787— 1:42%— 4 11«;.i 1915.sh00 Added. 4-year-T«g y £ X j olds and upward. Selling. Xd value m winner 73: second. 21; third. . "imlcK iTii-M-s AWlfFst i ]- Str Kill Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt jwTIMJENNY .KKUKS w c. km; 7 :: 51 :, ■:, V v I. .entry J B Respess 125-WO 22S44 tJCIDE POST wn 5 M8 ■. a ■■ - Il I* - I Goose B Rosenthal 295 100 ,231061 l.l IAWAY w 4 KC.t 6 4 :- 1 q :: E Pool H L GraJne 505-108 23154 RROOMSEDGE WB 4 108 2 l 4i 4l ■•• 4 4" C VunDunl, Deaforges 1490-100 2315 IK. GENTLEMAN wn 7 112 1 I 1" » P »« ■ I M.tcall .1 II Mead 1205-100 23159 WANDER W 8 108 a ! 8* W 8* 6* • F Murphy P7 Hamilton 5635 100 siltB*VP*REN w : 101 177777 7 R IriiuhrtJ Hogan 2570-100 Time 24 5. 49%. 1:15. 1:40%. 1:44%. Track fas. niutnel- paid. Jenny Geddea, .50 straight, 83.80 place. .80 show; Guide Post, S::.40 place. 82 .80 Rhow: ilitaw.iN. .70 show. Equivalent booking oddi — Jenny Geddes. 125 to KM» straight, 7." to 100 place. 38 • 180 show; Ouide l.-t. 7I» to KHI place. 29 to KK show; l-litiway. :T to Kill show. Winner B. ai, by Cesarion- Hull Dawn trained by J. R. Respeaa. Went to p -I at 4.53. At post 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won handily: -ec.uid and third driving JENNY GFDDES raced under restraint to the last quarter, then moved up when called on mil wTui "oin • awa ilIDK POST raced well up all the way ami passed II. I IAWAY in the last ,i-hth but tired mar the end. I1.1TAWAY ran well throughout. IRISH GENTLEMAN quit as if The wihile wa- entered f r ?5H4; no bid.