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HE WILL 0UTSPEEDS HANSON EASILY. Takes the Feature Race at Havre de Grace — Celto Wins from Hester Prynne. Baltimore. Md.. September 2.!. — The Port Deposit Retting stakes, a 1,000 guaranteed affair. wa- offered as the feature of the facing here this afternoon. A -marl band of sprinters participated in the race and Louis leitstels He Will was the one to be returned the winner, after a sharp contest through the stretch. He Will was ridden by 1". Cooper and wa- restrained liehiud the early leader. Hanson, until the turn for home was reached. Then h oved up with a rush and. passiag the tiring leader, came on to win by a sjood length. Pullux was third. The dash was i! three-ipiarters and a field of six faced the barrier, three of those named overnight declining the contest. A handicap for all aes wa- productive of a rattling good contest, in which the lightly-", eight ed Celto. from the stable of J. S. Tyree. was returned the winner. Celto showed in front from the star! and drew away at the end. Hester Prynne Will second and Malachite third. Housemaid, the only other starter, was always outpaced. A large crowd .-nailed thentadves of the opportunity of witnessing the decision of a well-balanced cud. Good lields went to the post in the different races and stirring sport wa- the order. The first run-up in the steeplechase division occurred after Byeasel scored oyer a lartre band in easy fashion. lie wa- entered for oo and was carried up to 81.888 by William Garth, at which figure he was bought in. Oc-an Prince in the opening dash suffered defeat because he was a trifle tardy in leaving the pest and got into a jam. Anions the arrival- today were lackey Bond, who Came from New York. C. S. Wilson was a belated arrival from the -anie place. Among the horses to be sold at public auction in the paddock on Saturday are Karjymorn. Otranto. Gates, Response, Solon and Edith Bauinaun Iron: the Leonard stable, and Joe Kilcovne- Borax. K. 1. Carman will offer three at the sale. P. W. Gerhardy, bandieapper at Hamilton, was a lining the arrivals today. lie is the manager of a theatrical production at present playing in Baltimore.