Third Race [3rd Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-24

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THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. I.iT.i 1:1-.. 1 -HW. BORAX, ch. g. 3 98 By Golden Maxim — Housewife J. Kilcoync. 303! H.deGce ltn7ovi : ; -,fast I • ■ M 11 fi 4 V -" L Mink :i Republican, Eagle, Jesse Jr. i 22864 Belmont 1 l:41%faat E 9-" i i 1 3 2n" i% M Darner 6 Ben Quinee, Brian Born, Bustta : 22716 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%faat 30 98 15 13 13 13 18" J McKverld Tin.Bell. Gloaming, Humiliation - ••2727 Belmont 61 f l:26%faat 40 169 fi 7 7 41 i | C rblher 7 Y. Notion*, S.W Json, Nephtbyi 2. 177 Saratoga 11:45 mud 8 MS I 1 4 6 V " c J McTagrt T Carlton C, •aaeeJer, Alliens WATERTOWN, br. g, 3 96 By Orsini— Devotion A. J. Stafford. I •2768-Belmoat I 1:41 Cast -• M 13 4 4 4- 4* 4 McTagrt 10 His Nib*. Forecast Daingerneld - OBB2 Belmont 1 i:40%fast IS 109 4 :: E I I «j: J Phillips 6 Lady Teresa, Borgo, All Smiles , 21166 Belmont l l:4i%slow 4j 109 2 l l 3 4» 5*» T MeTagt 6 ARSmUes, BriaaBorn, Coairetu - ZM81 Belmont 11:41 fast 10 114 7 7 8 6 51 510 J McTagrt b Dist Shore. Hedge. WoodenShoes i 21609 Aqueduct 1 1:38 fast 15 101 4 4 4 4 5 63 .1 McTunrt 5 Moutresor. Holy. Harry Shaw . USB Aqueduct 3 4 1:14 fast fi 104 1 6 6 6 5,5J.T McTagrt 0 X. Notions, I.. Botka, Moutresor - 21347 Aqueduct 7-8 1:31 hvy 18-5 108 2 2 2 2 1*1* J McTagrt .3 Lady Botha. Ethan Allen CARLTON G.. sb. h. 8 106 By Carlton Grange— Resignation J. S. OwnDeyl. ••3T72 H.deGce lm7«yl:4S goods ICt 3 7 6 r 4i 3* V I.illey S Ben Quince. Alln-na. K. Krlngle 23083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 30 112 14 13 8 8* VI M MtlvwsH Sarsenet. Striker. ScaUywag 22*13 Belmont 7-si:27%fast 8 104 6 6 6 6 6 I* V I.illev 0 Gloaming, Aliara. Doublet •"770 Belmont 3 4 st l:ll%fast 30 110 12 13 12 12 121" W I.illev 1C Tin.P.ell. G framing. Humiliation : 23880 Belmont 8 f 1:21 fast 15 110 10 11 8 4" fjW I.illev 14 Sir W. Johnson, Santo. Chesterton 22128 Belmont " 1 1:40 fast 12 110 6 5 4 3 4J 716 W I.illev S V. Shoes. Robinetta. Beethoven j DR DUENNER. ch. g, 7 108 By Prince of Melbourne — Rossair C. K. Rockwell. , *23*fi HdeGce lm70yl :44%fast 30 107 4 3 2 4 6»1 6" G Byrne Lady Teresa. Amain. Eagle 21881 toueduct 1 1 :48%faat 4 107 4 3 1 1 I3 I* M Buxton 11 S. of Valley. Gay Fisher, Napier , imi VqUeduct 1 7 Ml 1 I :: 1 "- 3*1 U Troxler R Nepbthya. Alhena. Bay oLigbt . 1710 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 15 112 6 6 5 4 5h 4J R Troxler 17 Dryad. Napier. Tinkle Bell 2162S Belmont 11-16 1:48 fast 12 107 3 2 3 3 3l 5!J M Buxton 11 Baton, Coin. Penalty PAY STREAK, br. g. 7 112 By Kenilworth — Mitten R. O. Esan. _ ev: H defl Ye 3 11:14 fast 40 ]|2 .". .". lo NflV I.illev 14 Sarsenet, Striker. Scallywag ■•3000 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 80 lot 2 11 11 li "M"-i.W LUley 16 Naasbon, Luther, "houghtreader : i:i72 Dufferin 6 f 1:25 fast 6-5 113 2 2 1 2 ? * A Neylon s Wavering, Lye White. Dixie * 1 285 Ham ton 7,1 f 1 :"7--,fast i 106 1 5 4 52 45 J Metcalf D Single. BroOQl sedge, Yenghee ! 21286 Hamton ai f l:06%fast 20 112 2 4 4 5i 3s F Jackson 1 1 Viley. Miss Gayle, New Haven HEDGE, b. m, 6 108 By Planudes — Partridge H. C. Hallenbeck. 1 :o •• HdeGce lm76yl:4S fast " US 7, 3 3 4 4?- 4" I Davits 7 Runes. Amalli. COL Ashmcade- 22778 Belmont 1 1-18 l:4T%fast 0 104 4 3 3 2 21 3*1 J McTtigit 5 W 1. Shoes. Amalli. Spearhead : 22728 Belmont 11-18 1:47 fast 4 188 4 14 4 4 4" M darner ! C.othcWalk. Thoruhill. C. Maid I 22399 Saratoga 11:48 fast 12 95 5 5 3 5 7 718 L McAtee 7 Holiday. Virile. Moutresor 2i:.1: Saratoga 1 1-S l:55%gOod 13-5 111 1 3 3 3 3J 412 C. Byn-.e 0 Lindenthal. T. Grader. L.Nearer EL BIOD b. g, 4 112 By Sandringham — Victoria M. Mr. Earle. 23087 H deGc Im70yl:45 fast 10 111 5 fi S 11 11 11" C Bganse 11 Jawbone, All Smiles. Tow. Field ; 23001 HdeGci lm7 i 1 :l« 6 MB 2 5 4 3 32 4= Buame :t Assbcose. Bobinetta; Allien.i ♦*781 !•• lmont 1 l:41%fast 12 112 5 5 5 4 42 S*| C Buame 7 Kobinetta. Cuy Fisher. IS. Quince 22628 Belmont 1 1:88 fast 7 107 4 4 7 7 T- 6" .7 Butwell 8 W. Shoes. Bobinetta, Beethoven 22114 Saratoga 1 l:46%slow 4 112 2 2 3 4 4J 47J J Butwell 7 GuyFisher. Crosvenor, CarltonG. SAM SLICK, ch. g. 3 105 By Rock Sand — Artful Cleveland Stable. ■ it Belmont 1 l:41%fast 11-10 MS fi fi fi fi fi 6,?i Bgame 1; Ben Quince. Borax, Brian Ban 22781 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 2 ins 7 7 7 fi B»| 8*| t MeTagt 7 Kobinetta. Gay Fisher. FI Biod 22671 Belmont 1 1:81 East 1 111 1 - 2 2 l1 l3 C Turner ; Kusila. 1riine Movir. Stir Ip 22362 Saratoga ll:42%good20 103 10 1110 10 92 9°? J Mi-Tagrtl2 KllaBryson. MsrsOaSsMr. Borgo 22168 Saratoga 11:47 mud 6 107 E E 5 5 415 W J 0*B*a •" Sbyaess, Tinkle Bell. Brian Boru 21883 Aqueduct 1 l:40%fast 6 107 7 6 6 5 l1 l2 W J OBn 8 Valentine. Menlo Bark. Sandow COLONEL ASHMEADE. b. g. 8 107 By Sain — Antipode C. C. Smithson. ■■.172 II fleOce lm7*yl:45 good 7 89 s g 7 •; 5* 6* I. Mink . Ben Quince. Alle na. Carlton •. 23059 HdeGce lm76yl:45 fast 68 102 2 11 1 21 3" L Mink 7 Banes. Anialti. Hedge : -isr, 11 ,|. iiir 1 tii7 s 1 :ll,-,last fiO 100 7 5 4 3 4i 8" L Mink 8 Lady Teresa. Anialti. Eagle ■"760 Timium Ab5-8 7,9 fast 1-2 116 HI Troxler 9 st.Helene. PageWbite, Moncreif 22687 Tim ium Ab6|f 1:22 slow 2J 117 : ■.. Dcnnison ! 0 "lis True. V.Stmme. K. Adams MARYLAND GIRL. ch. f. 3 98 By Peter Quince — Miss Simplicity R. I. Miller. ■ ■•]•• ; 11 d ■ :■■• • Un76yl:49%mud 58 N E 8 5 4 •■ Wt Lowder 10 Dryad. Balfron, His Nibs "918 Belmont 1 l:ll%fast 10 :m; :; 4 4 :; 34 4-J M Garner ."i Neplithys, Jesse Jr.. Shyness ""•"si Belmont 1 1 :41%fast 40 9S :; 2 2 5 V- 7,"1. M earner 7 Kobinetta. Guy Fisher. i:i Biod ""■fitn Belmont C?. f 1:21 fast 50 100 2 10 10 10J 8»J M Garner 14 SirW. Johnson. Santo, Chesterton ; 21819 queduct * ■ f l:19%fast 50 112 2 5 6 Bi D26 It Troxler 9 Volant. Noureddln. Outlook 21728 Belmont 3 -4~st l:12Afast 30 96 Left at the post. J McKver 15 T. as Steel. Grumpy. D.ofDunbar RDSILA ch f. 3 96 By Puryear D.— Sevens Mrs. J. E. Davis. 22954 Belmont ll:41%fast 6 lot 3 4 2 2 Sj 4 • | J McKver 6 Ben Quince. BoraX, Brian Boru 22816 Belmont 1 l:48%fast H 186 3 I ■■ 1 I3 1 M Baarton 6 Santo. 1 1. of Dunbar. Menlo Bark : 22671 Belmont 11:41 fast 0 104 2 11 1 21 2= M Buxton i Sam Slick, Prime Mover. Stirlp : r"."dl Saratoga 1 l:46%slow 8 97J 2 8 3 3 54 fi11.! McKver 7 D.ofDunbar. Menlo Park. Santo "217 Saratoga 1 1:46 mud 5 102 8 8 6 6 51 fi2- J McTagrt S Grumpy. Menlo Park, Coin TOM HANCOCK, b. g. 4 103 By Pink Coat — Lady Godiva W. V. Casey. 22680 Timium 6] f 1:28| fast 2 115 Iell.H RaaaU Barlymora Small. Drawn 20665 Prospect 1 1-M T.54%fast 3 102 611 W Doyle 6 Petelns, Woodcraft. C.Holloway 26482 Electric 1 1-lfi l:57s*,slop 4 101 W Gartner it Petelus. H. Hutchison. Supreme 0419 Ehctric fiJ f l:25%slow 4 112 33 . W Do. le fc Peace, k. Kinder Lou. I.Aiiilon 0005 Bowie lm20yl:46%fast 4 101 1 7 6 C 5»| 2" W LJlley 8 BollingStone. Ben Finns. Noras 19991 Bowie 1 1 Hi l:-"i2 fast 6 98 9 8 5 5 t 2i W I.ilhy 10 Delegate. L.oKcaldy. Myi ,nae EARL OF SAVOY, ch g. 5 112 By Ornament— Lady Savoy J. 0. Talbott. "3136 H deGce Lm70j ! -49--mud 4 M9 4 fi fi fi 71 •" T McTagrt 10 Dryad, Balfron. His Nibs 22986 HdeGce lm7o I ■ ll-tast 60 188 2 7 7 8s s::- v Hopkins 8 lady Teresa, Anialti. Eagle 19396 N Orlns 1 1-lfi 119jilivy 6-G 109 4 2 2 2 2h 3,n W War ton 0 JessieLouiso. Marshon. Consoler 19367 NOrlns 1 1 16 1 :45V5fast 3 109 4 2 2 2 32 8*E Pool 8 Dang. March. M.AnnK.. Petelus 19274 NOrlns 1 1 lfi F4C%fast 9-5 113 7, 3 L I 8* 8*1 W Warton fi Joe Deibold. Holton. Armor ]921« NJlrlns 1 FIG 1 :!7%good 9-5 111 1 1 1 1 l3 l2 W Warton 7 erena. Petelus, Weyanoke tawfutane eh e 3 101 By Cyclades — Fairyland P. M. Walker. WTHdeCrce lm70yl«5 fast 25 184 3 7 7 fi T» 8»| J McTagrt 11 Jawbone, Alt Smiles, Tow. Field in.r»t Plmlico lmtOy l:474femud 25 95 1 7 C 2 21 4J I McAtee 7 Noras, Pectins. L. oKirkcaldy 208 Plmlico 1 l:4%fast 14-5 100 15 5 4 4- 21 W Ol.ert fi . Maid. L. Spiritueile. Valas •■080 Pimlico 1 145%slow 8-5 100 6 8 S 7 7 6-% J McCabeylO Norus. Valas, Schnapps 39035 H.deGce lm70yl:45%good 5 100 6 3 4 6 82 918SW Lilley 10 Hermuda. C F. Graiuger, Paton cruiT h f 3 100 By Dr. Leggo — Norinne C. W. Gasser. 5 -1 a. T..tdiri 51 f 18 fast 20 9S 7 fi Fell. LMink 14 Huntress. San Vega. Ber. James 81H75 sliatoi 3-4 113 fast 50 110.M1 11 11 11 U»1H av.inhll Con. Tower, forsican. Palanquin "■ic.l Aaueduct 3-4 ri3%fast 30 108 R 6 7 62 6° J Hanover 7 H. Barbec, Volant, Presumptn : -i 560 Aqueduct 3-4 l:16%slop 20 93 3 6 9 S1 S2" L, Mink 9 Isirose, Plantagenet. S.of Valley •ptttt PTPFR blk e 3 101 By Locohatchee — Phyllis A. L. C. Williams. -;u,in .I",,-. Irn70vl-46%fast BO 9fi C 7 9 9 9 s21 F Hopkins 0 Ambrose. Kobinetta. Alhena "OMIT Ml.oro 1 1-16 1 :53 fast fi 102 2: P Ford R CoL Holloway. CuBon. CRanddl :.ossr. Uhnro 7-8 129 fast 2J 103 57i A Pickens 7 Hedge Rose. In. Queen. Cu Bon 20TO6 1 1-16 l:33%good 7 92 31 C Braxton 7J M.Sberd. Cockspur. H.Hchisou

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Local Identifier: drf1915092401_4_1
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