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!, 6 i it ■U ? ll _ , „ M ,„ . , si ,, • , „. 7. et et PIRST RACE — 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Selling. 29775—1 :lo":.-. — :; — let. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St *4 Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish DICK WILLIAMS, br. g. 2 10C By Dick Finnell— Annie Williams J. W. Schorr. 23023 Lexgton 51 f l:08%fast 24-5 194 o S t; 71 5*1 J Kederia 10 Cardome, Savlno. H. Gardner 22041 Lexgton 61 f l.-«7%fast 3 199 9 7 I 21 2- .1 Acton 9 R. Shooter, TbeCarmet, .1 Bi ■ 22N74 i -xgton 61 f l:97%fast 5 199 E 4 2 2i :;- .1 Acton 7 J.J.Murdock, Votary. R.SI icr 22411 Windsor 51 f 1 :0715fast 23 199 6 6 6 El 44 J Acton 7 Anita. Milestone. Port Light :2l61 FortErie 5-8 l:02/5slow 26-5 111 7 7 6 r,»k u* F Keogh 0 C.Gutellus. PeepSlght, M. McGee 21743 Windsor 5J f l:06%fast 22 101 6 6 6 6- Pi A Mott 7 King Neptune. lolite. Milestone COSSACK, b. c, 2 106 By Dorante— Half-a-Sovereign J. W. Goldblatt. 29979 Lexgton 1-4 1:18 mud 63-10 199 2 2 1 11 2* J Metcalf 8 Char. McGee, Bernini Asp nana 2.-.oi.i I., xgton ::-4 l:ll%fast 30-10 100 5 3 4 4« 3°i J Metcalf 6 Votary, AsparagusSam, J.Buniiv I Uxgton 5.1 f 1 :06%fast 64 106 S 7 I 7- I" J Metcalf 8 Checks, Franklin. Big Fellow 22810 Lexgton 5-8 l:01%fast 104 197 I 4 4 4- 41 .1 Metcalf ". Dodge. Cane Run. John .Tr 19694 Juarez 1-2 48 fast 5 108 8 8 S1 S"1T Rice 9 And. Austin. Ataka, Illuminator THE CARMET, ch. g, 2 106 By The Commoner— Salaire Haggard and Shannon. 23180 Douglas 51 f lH»%fast 19-10 108 Fell. R Goose 7 Count. Wii t. Bernini, Veldt 22941 Lexgton :.. f 1 :07%fast 31-10 100 4 4 2 2 1*1 R loose ft R. Shooter. D.Williams. J.Bunnv 21461 Belmont 61 fat l:07*4faat 7 109 10 8 8 65 34J C DishmonlO 1. Counsel. KdithOlga. Marehena 21403 Latonia 5J f 1:10 hvy 6i 106i 7 6 6 2 » 22 R Goose 11 Mary H.. LittleBigger. B. Velvet 21901 Latoabl B-9 l:03%slop fid 1071 6 5 7 b» 5"3 W Meehanl I Disturber. Savino, Illuminator ASPARAGUS SAM. ch. g. 2 108 By Stalwart— Torrid tMilam and Levy. 079 Lexgton 3 I 1:18 mud 19-5 199 C 5 4 4". 4- Y W T»lor 8 Charlie McGee. toss et Bernini 23049 Lexgton 3-4 l:14%fast 15 ion 2 2 2 2*k 2* W W T*lor S Votary. Cossack. John Bunny 22941 Lexgton 51 f l:97%faat 19 199 7 E E 5- E»»1W W Tlor 9 R.Sbootr, D. Williams. T.crmet 21200 Latonia 41 f 54%fast 12 109 1 8 9 9™ E Grifflu 12 J.C.Welch, Miss Atkin Traction 20966 Latonia 5-8 l:03%hvy 21-20 in 4 455 9™1C Canz f Old Charter, Elkton Little Cove 20869 Latonia 5 S 1 :00*5fast 13-5 109 3 11 2 J 2° C Ganz 5 Tbornwood, Infidel II., Lit. Cove CZARS BOY, b. c. 2 98 By Czar — Enhance J. Huffman. 21120 Latonia 5-8 l:02»£fast 07 107 5" 7 7 6 6*1 K Lapaille 10 C.F.Hnberger EUcton Circalate 20946 Latonia :,-s uchvy 42 112 5 S s B 8»1R Goose 8 Old Charter, Elktoa I. idle Cove £0949 Douglas 41 f 54Wffast fid 112 10 10 91 916 R G,« «e 12 Buck Shot, Infidel II Vmubl «R093 Lexgton 41 f 6and%faat 40 m 4 7 l«i 10 «1W W Tlorll I.vnii Little Cove. Innovation 19945 N.Orlna 1-2 4S" ifast 12 HOJll | ft n W Warton 14 Sal Vanity, Sou. Star. Irrawaddv 19292 N.Ortna 1-2 48%faat 8 10913 I V B* R Goose 12 Gloaraer. Cuddles. Phil Fngar " 19122 N.Orlna 21 f 43-slow 12 108 6 6 5 55J C Dishmon 8 Marg. I.. S. Diamond. Grayl.ady THATS ME. ch. g. 2 100 By Hangan— Miss Van Winkle Seckington and Jones 23105 Douglas 5-8 l:01fcfas 15 107 8 lo 11 11 ll"l. Gentry 11 L.Wlngtn. Clrlate M It Tuin 19473 Juares 1-2 SOVislow 20 H2 3 1 1*1 6*1 J Howard 7 Quiz. Brooks. LetfettJ 1965.-. Juarez 12 52f,hvy S MC 7 » M 7**1M Garner 7 Little, -. Brooks, Savino 192:14 .In ar./. 31 f 41 fast 20 100 2 3";9- ; Besansn 10 ParAway. Lit.Bigaer. Lit. Bluet 19964 Juares 5-9 3i»;f:ist I 110 | •" »|b Gentry S Babv Cal. Mena. Brooks 18934 Juares 2S ft*4tno1 :J Ho 2 V 2J L Gentry S Jim. Hunt. »*. Pattaoa. F. Kelly AT. PIERCE, br. c. 2 90 B - Rick WotJaa— Skvte A. B. Cordon!. :i , Dougla "-.1 op. fast 26 -, 1,11 t s s 6 6 ; .1 Kederia 11 L.WIngt*n. Clrlate M iVTinn 22941 l.-uioii 51 f 1 :07*4fasl 13 112 2 : 7 7 o"".K l,„.i fl R.jtbootr. D.WIlllams Tirm.i 21139 Latonia 5-8 lH»2**fasl 124 112 0 10 M h v; ■ ! • -ogh 10 P.F.Hnlierger. Elkton. Circulate 20991 Latonia B 8 19%hvy 4S 112 I | I I 9,T1W W Tlor S Old Charter. Elktoa. little Cove LINDLV. ch. g, 2 95 By English Lad— Flammula W. E. Phillips, HM UUumu. H liOJblop 41-5 !7 10 tj 3 7i 78 U Garoer 11 piittubcr, Jjaviuo, lUuniiuutyr 10L. M-NAB. b. r. 2 101 Bv Hastings— Faloin*. it.a Gallaltcr Bros. |. •ti i . gton f i •■.-. I., i i, in, - . ji • i niton nB.Sh.mti D. William 1 I ..•a i-8 im Cast :i u: i. ,, , fJ ,W m H r. How, ,i n i ..v. .1. J.J.Mdock McADAMS. ch. g, 2 101 By What-er-lou— XaUssa L. Marionl. 23105 Douglas 0-8 1 : l r,insi fid 104 S G S T; PIE Pool 11 LWIngtn, Clrlate, M.B. I i.iu 22874 Lexgton 61 f l:07%fast ~o.~- 109 7 .". 5 6" I" B Pool 7 J.J.Mdock. Votary. D. Williams 22813 Lexgton 6-8 1:01 fast 121 IM I :i 9 ft- »•"• ■ Tool 10 B. Fellow. J.ODowd, J.J.Mdock 21338 Latonla HIM Flow fid 10S 11 11 11 10 10SJ E Pool 11 Mary EsteUe, Sun Maid. Veldt VACHEL WORTH, b. g. 2 92 By Dorante— Fairy Dell C. T. Worthington. Douglas B-8 l :.ili-,i;ist 45 93 :: :: I :. • , V Will dm 11 LWIngtn, Clrtate, M.B Inin ::; H» Lexgton 3 1 1 14*£fast 29 109 1 :, :, :. 5"1F Williams.. Votary. Asparagns Ssm, Cossack 22941 Lexgton .". t l:07%fast 74 104 1 1 1; | g» l Williams 9 R.Shootr, D.Williams, T.Crmet 22813 Lexgton 5-8 1A1 Cut 63 M 7 s R 81 «*« V Keogh 10 B. Follow. J.ODowd. J.J.Mdock ... i9 Douglas 41 f .Mrast 67-10 1*9 6 7 4 .*." F K. ogh 12 Bock Shot, Infidel II.. Amulet