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THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. Tatton Plate. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Maiden Jockeys. 17 LSI— 17 1:11% ; 117.1 s: COMMENSIA, b. f. 3 107 By The Commoner — Hortensia W. C. Courtney. « 23944 Dorval 3-4 l:12*«faa1 19-0 1 or, 4 2 I I* : ■ I U McDott .", Water Lily. Pontefraet. Zin Del £ 22720 BlueBon. 3 1 1 :1-" SI lo". 1 3 7 7- 6" i A Collins 9 TheBusylrody. ZinDel, Sempsilla 15 23969 Con ght ■■■ f 1 :0S%good "h 104 2 12 2l in II McDott S W.Lilv. Priv. Petal. Brandywiue 14 14.S -2432 Windsor andi f 1 :064fast 31-20 109 1 2 3 31. 21 R McDott 7 Dignity. Meolkka. Iair Helen 14 22386 Windsor 3-1 l:K%hvy 3-5 100 1 11 2= 2i R Mel ott 5 Droll. Lochiel. Joe Tinn „ 2MS7 FortErie .". . f 1 :Wfchvy 24 r, 100 1 2 I l1. I» It McDott 7 Vorkville. Zin Del, Colors 2 ISM FortF.rie 3-4 l:lS%hvy 29-6 103 3 2 2 3* 3 R McDott 7 Vorkville. Brandywiue, Redland g ZIN DEL. ch. f. 3 103 By Dick Welles— Zinfandel W. H. Freyt. a 23*44 Dorval 3-4 l:12%fast 42lOiot 1 ill?. 37.1. J Morya 5 W. I .ilv. Pontefraet, tLLaagdon «j 227S8 BlueBon. 3 I 1 :1245slow 61-10 10:; 2 1 2 5. S1" R McDott S Sempsilla. Videt. Briar Patli 20 227.o BlueBon. 9 I l:12ifaat II M 2 11 tj 2= A Nerger 9 TncBmrybody, Sempsilla, W.Lily 20 2MB BlueBon. 3-4 l:12%fast 16 99 4 11 3= VI A Nergar 10 MaH. A.. King Box. PrivetPetal 0 2409 Windsor 5J f 1:07 fast 17-5 105 1 1 1 1! lSJ Callahan 11 RubiconlL. Dignity. Connaugbt is MISS GAYLE. b. f. 4 107 By The Commoner — Alpaca C. A. Crew. gl 23*74. BlueBon. 3 1 1:1 43-10 llo 4 6 6 3 S V- J Miller 1. Rosemary. Colors. Katharine G. ■ -.•-: Congbt 51 t l:12%hvy 5 lor, 7 4 1 G 7«J J Callahan 8 Rriekley. K. Differ. SirRaymoud :i 2X347 Windsor o f l:08%8low 3 107 4 1 4 51 6» T Haves S York Lad. Broomsedgo, Colic. 22109 FortF.rie 3 4 1:16 hvy 31-5 102 4 1 1 2-1 2* T Haves S Water Llv. iold Cap. Laura j 22040 Fort Krie f,?fl:ll%hvy 9-20 102 2 1 1 Is l1 T Hayes 5 Finalee. Jim L.. Dimity M 21911 Ham ton 3-4 l:19%aIOW 8 100 5 6 7 7« 7"?.T Hayes U Yorkville. Zi:i Del. Laura 21878 Hamton 6Jf l:08%slop 3 99 2 1111 Ill- MeAtee S Mama Johnson. Egmnnt. T. Spirit " UNCLE JIMMIE, b. g, 4 109 By Uncle — Catherine Carson C. E. Deltne. 226*1 Conght 3-4 l:14%fast K M :: I 1 2 3" J Callahan 8 Marl. A., W.Lily. TheBasybody ; • Hill 1 -i Al,r, Sl:02 slow 4 104 4 I I II 43J K Cullen 6 Frigid. Inqnicta. Duniee S 22469 Dnfferin 61 f l:27%slow 4 114 2 Lost rider. J Hanover 6 Deviltry. Martre. Pierre Dumas H 2U68 Dnfferin Ab5-8 l.- Kr%good 4 114 8 s 8- s13 c Peal; 0 gureget, Bunlce, General l 2is:;:, Hamton 3-1 l:12%fast 8 109 1 3 3 2= 43 W 1ral 8 Keweau. fengbee, MarlinCasea J 21783 Hamton 51 t l:0S%fast 12 112 3 4 3 5 5- r Cooper 12 SlipperDay, Kewessa, CommenaU 21701 Windsor 3-4 l:13%good 7-4 112 2 2 2 3s 21 G Burns 0 Ptefract, C.onDeliTery, Yenghee 21611 Windsor CI f l.f%alop 2J 108 3 1 1 1» Is A Schugr 10 Reflection, KatharineG.. Galaxy L. LADY LONDON, br. m. 6 107 By Hermis— Lida B. W. Smith. S 23MS Wdbine 1 l:11%fast 26 107 1112 2. 7s, T Haves 11 Orpertk. Star of Love. P.eauPere J 22941 Dorval ."■ 1 l :..-,iast S3-5 109 4 I E , ",■, B Haynes S Gold Cap. Bula Welsh. Nlgadoo ic 22893 Dorval 5? f l:06%fast 29-5 115 3 1 2 l"k 2" K Haynes 10 Fast,, so. Jim I... Alston 22*43 Dorval 54 f 1:07 fast 8 111 3 4 5 3 . 3i E Haynes 9 Viley, Bala Welsh. Sir Raymond q 22697 Congbt 1 l:47%mud 8 112 r, 4 5 5 ■ 7ln E Haynes 8 I*. Travera, Buterpe, S. and Cap • ■ 227,2:: Consbt 3 4 1:16 good 4-5 101 6 1 1 14 1= G Lotas* !i Katharine G.. Kyle. Regular g SCRUTINEER, b. c, 3 112 By Voter— Kin Rose G. M. Hendrie. 2: 23994 Wdbine 3-4 1 Ml :i7 S 3 3 6- S| R McDott S The Spirit. S. Maid. Privet Iet.i 1 2: 22464 Windsor 1 1 :434 -,mml 11 93 2 2 2 3 4 4,:i J Callahan 4 Hodge, Baraegat, The W. Moon 2: 22280 Windsor 3 1 l:14%fiaat 9-20 109 3 2 1 l4 1* F Coopet S Wodan, Stonewood, Doctor D. t 21S3I Hamton 3-4 2| 105 2 4 3 3- 24 J Alt 8 Schemer. North. Light, W. Crown y 21600 Windsor 3-4 l:14%slow 31 110 8 5 4 22 2"k L Gentry 12 Sir L. Joe. Schemer. Wodan 18310 Latonia 51 f 1 :07Vfefast 17 112 9 0 y 6* 6J J McCabe 13 Dundreary. Foxy Griff. Resign j REBECCA MOSES, ch. f. 3 101 By Mexican or Johnny Harris — Rose Thorpe M. t Maloneyl. B £9914 Dnfferin AbS-8 l:02*4slow 3 107 l" N Burger 7 Frosty Face. Black Chief. Fawa 2 22997 Dnfferin Ab5-8 l: *2%fasl 1 1*7 . R F.step 7 Golden Ruby. Fawn. Goggety 2 22996 Duferin Aba s 1 :o:: slow 2 107 2 R Bstep 9 D. Stereos, B.OBrieo. Montreal 2 22443 Hillcrest Ab5-8 1 :01%slow 1 105 1 3 3 4 4-1, A Iiulev 7 S.Rvniond. J.MCinnis, B.Ch f E 22422 Hill-rest || f 1:23 fast 10 104 1 2 I 3 4*| A Finlev 7 King Worth, Imprndent. KateK. * 22361 Hillcrest Aba-9 l:00*4fast 3 104 3 2 1 1- 1?. A Finlev K Jack Nunnallv. Fawn. Tvro 2;:i17 Latonia I 1 l:16%hvy 33 102 9 9 3 8 710 E Maloney !i Waterproof, Ilirka. Floa,Crocket ■ 20965 Latonia 2-4 l:16%hvy 21 105 3 7 7 9l !»•» Mott It Fidget. Flossie Crockett, Dude J