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SECOND RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. .2"777 -1:4:: .-. :i BO. FATHER RILEY, ch. g. 4 106 By Stalwart— Usury R. L. Baker. I* Douglas 1 1:9 good H 3 m: .".4 4 4 » 1*1 R Goose :i BdCruinp. D.Larrick. Bring! irst 23027 Lexgton 3 I l:12%fast :;:; 166 :: :: :: •_•- 1. V Murphy I Othello, Huntress, Betterton ..- Lexgton 3 1 l:12%fast 13 M4 E :. :. 5 S»1F Murphy :. Huntress. IM II. .ward. Droll 21432 Latonia 1 1 K l:50%mud 1G-5 J V. 4 3 11 1 B* K Ott 4 Brynlimah. LPsnehits, .1. Louise ii. ;i l.atonia I I l:12%fast H 114 1 6 5 of-- 6* W W Tlor 8 Amazon. Beabra. Brooni Flower lota Latonla lmTOy 1:41 hvy 1:1-5 107 1 2 1 1 1*| l" W W Tlor 7 Bosius, Hard Ball, Miss Thorpe 20MB Latonla Unity 1:49 hvy 11-4 107 2 2 1 2 1« l2 W W Tlor S Mallard. Disillusion. Big Dipper DISILLUSION, b. f, 3 93 Bv Chilton— Night Gown W. Woodard. 2?842 Lexgton lm70yl :iHr,fast 9-6 Ml E I I I l1 l*i C Joaes 10 Stanley R., Uoscowa, Flltaway 214*3 Latonla I 1 8 l:62%fast 17 28 K 2 41 4* M earner 11 Transit, L Panchlta, FeUowmaa 21343 Latonla 1 1 14 l:47%good 10J Band j 2 4 I 21 8* K Lapallle 7 Jessie Loaise, Transit. Bonanza 21212 l.atonia lm70y I 44*jfcfast 13 US 2 :; 4 4 21 11 K Lapallle 8 Comauretta, Ddreary, Mrtinos 20968 Latonla lm70y 1:49 hvy 25 01 3 2 4 3 3A 2* K l.apaille 8 Father Btley, Mallard. B. Dipper 20740 Dooglaa I 1-16 l:47%fast 4 95 4 3 2 2 21 lJ M Garner s KrisKringle. Dundreary. M. Pearl TRANSIT, ch. c, 4 107 By Transvaal — Resignation J. W. Goldblatt. 29971 Lexgton 3 I I:15%mud91 W 166 I 1 1 21 ::-. .1 Metcalf 4 togne. Filigree. The Grader 22911 Lexgton 3 1 1 :12**fast 278 in S E .". 6 o1 •• .1 Metcalf 7 Iron Mask. m. Tower. B.Toney 22433 Windsor 1 1:40 fast 31-5 111" 2 4 7 f. S B"iA Mott 8 Dr. I.aniek. K. Fay, Cannonade 22414 Windsor 1 l:49%fast 27-10 104 4 7 7 5 4 » 4-1 J Smyth 7 Recoil, Bushy Head. Bcdland 22302 Windsor 1 1-16 1:61 hw ; G M I I I I !• 2"1. A Mott -i Barnegat, F, lav. Bxpectatiosj 21932 Aquedct 1 1-M l:46%faat 41 100 3 2 2 -J. t* 9 J MeCahey 5 Bay. Candle. Lahore, Han. via 21823 Aijueduct 1 l:2S%fast 20 102 2 5 6 5 5* CT, W Lilley J Hodge, Holiday. Coquette