Sixth Race [6th Douglas Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-24

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SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1 1— 1 : * — 2--1 17. 1 P0PPEE, b. f, 2 105 By Toddington— Pompadours T. C. McDowell. 1 xgton :: I 1 :!7-,!mi.l 17 10 1»l 1 1111 2*1 B Martin •. Prince Harry. J. J. Mnrasrh 22877 Lexgton "■ . t 1 :-7 fast 9-10 102 1 1 1 U 1 1". Martin 10 Cardome, H. Gardner. In 22446 Saratoga 61 t l:07w-fast 12 112 I 3 4 81 UP* B Martin 18 Rochester, Pesky, Whimsy * -1 *■ 22227 Saratoga .". f l:U%hvy 7-10 112 1 1 1 1* 1» ■ Martin B Dolina. Little Alta, Edna Kenn7Bs 22194 Saratoga Ej f 1:11 hvy 6 120 2 111= 3- K Martin 8 Sky Pilot, Catrator, Dista 1 1 20950 l.atonia 5 S l:": jmud 19-5 100 1 1 1 2* 2" M Garner 7 BFckieDaw, Inornwd, DtaturVl CARDOME, ch. f, 2 105 By Jack Atkin— Toots Mook T. P. Hayes. 2 23 Lexgton 61 l:0B* 4las1 31 M BB S 4 4 1" 1*1 W W T*lorl© SoTiao, Harry Gardner, B-Velret . 979 1. xgton 51 f I:68%faet 4 :. M6 4 3 1 2h 2 L Gentry •"• Thistle Green, Lucky B., Enlogjr 228TT Lexgton 61 1 i:«; raat 21 i iis 4 3 i 2- 21 1. Gentry 10 Poppee, H. Gardner, Lucky R. 22810 Lexgton 5 s 1 :ol4f.last 16 1"7 I 5 5 ." B* L Gentry G Dodge, Cane Bun, John Jr. 22384 Windsor 3 1 l:15%fast 29-20 107 2 1 t 2 ?.-i P LowdW 11 Investment. Glomer, Tar Brush 21620 Windsor 5-8 l:60%fast 47-5 105 5 3 9 71 78i W W TTorl2 Regina, Port Light, Milestone 21320 Latonia 5J f l:M%hvy 73-10 106 2 4 6 51 3* F Keogh ! Checks, Tliornwoocl, Old Charter MARY H.. br. f. 2 105 Bv Elkhorn— Black Mantilla J. N. Huffman. 21403 Latonla 6 f 1:10 hw ::_-, KB 2 1 1 1= 1= V Murphy II TheCarmet, Lit. Bigger. B.Velvet 0 l.atonia .".. 1 i:ioi.iV r, 109 8 2 3 V- 713 A Mott 9 Checks, Thornwood, Cardome 20888 l.atonia 41 f 5r-mucl 1 109 1 1 l-- In K Goose 10 Intention. JaneStrait.h. MissAtkin 20715 Douglas G-S l:01%fast 4 107 3 111= 1 R Goose 8 Bessie N.. Intention. K.Skliml 20G59 Douglas 5-8 l:03%mud 21-10 102 1 3 3 43 41! I Robinson 6 Poppee. Important. B. Beauty 20497 Douglas 5-8 1:04 mud 2 108 2 2 1 1* 2h J Mc-Cabe 8 Intention, Lou. Stone. Investment HARRY GARDNER, b. g, 2 100 By Dick Welles— Fluid tM. C. Moore. 2315S Douglas 5] 8%good 37-3 RJBj 5 5 2 2- 2* A Motl 13 Paymsster, Sarin . Beauty Shop ! ea Lexgton 51 f i:"sl,tast :. M6 1 1 2 s» 1*1 u Goose 10 Crdoaae, Savin... Brows Velvet 22877 Lexgton 5 f 1:07 fast 10J ioc... 1 2 :: B" f B c oso i Poppee. Cardome Lucky It. 22530 Saratoga 5J f 1 :092f,good 7 lot 6 5 7 8 S T,.M Gamer 8 High Horse, Tralee. Servia 22492 Saratoga 5§ f l:10%slow 16-5 105 5 2 1 21 B*| D Connelly 7 Tralee. Edna Kenna. Nolli 22125 Saratoga 61 f l:U%aIow | 109 5 4 8 7- t*1 C DlahsnonlO Disturber, Uarfa, Black Beaaty RIFLE SHOOTER, b. c. 2 107 By Star Shoot— Babbie J. W. Schorr. 22:41 Lexgton 51 f l.-67%fast 7-4 111 3 1 1 1- i .1 Kederis B D.Williams, T.Carmet. J.Bnnny 22874 Lexgton 61 t i:»7"--fast 1*1 112 I 1 7 4; I .1 Kederis 7 J.J.Mdock. Votary. D. Williams 22472 Saratoga 61 f 1 :08 fast 11-10 112 5 9 7 6s « •? .1 Kederis 13 Fsirweather, Keziah. Bobolink 22232 Saratoga 5ifl:12%hvy 12 114 6 7 8 5l 7 ■" J Kederis Hi I.. K. Vale, WafcrsII., P.Conl* BLACK BEAUTY, blk. f. 2 97 Bv The Commoner— Hawkslight G. J. Long. 22488 Saratoga :... f i: i9»ssiow 9-3 100 2 1 I V 1* W Lilley 11 Imi.-mt. B.oftbeKeu, H. Horse ..l.i Saratoga 61 f l:"7«£fast 3J 100 4 s s 6 6*1 F Jndy B llaria. Good Counsel, EdnsKenna 22125 Saratoga El f 1:11V5s1ow 13-5 107 8 8 6 4- :: ■• II Garner 10 Disturber, llaria. Servia 22015 Saratoga 51 f l:0S/5slow 10 ln7 1 I 3 3. 441 B Ott 7 Feminist, llaria, Tralee 21124 Latonia B-8 l:02*£fast 17-5 106 1 Fell. B Ott 11 Savino. Ingot. Investment 20969 Latonia 5-8 l:04%hvy 3 102 2 1 1 H Is B Ott 7 Infidel II., L. Bigger, Intention 20702 Douglas 5-8 l:01%fast 2J 104 1 2 2 23 21 B Ott P A.Mancini. Investment. N. Wells WATER K.. br. f, 2 103 By Waterboy— Beartice K. D. W. Scott. 23025 Lexgton »1 f 1:08 fast 38-5 BM 7 6 8 4*1 1* W Bfeetaaall LVdergrift, Marg.B., W.ODny LADY WORTHINGTON. b. f. 2 101 By Magazine— Marcie W. J. Weber. 23103 Douglas .-. s 1 •in-fast 2345 1*110 7 E I» 1 J F. Martin II Circulate, M. B. Crinan IdttStrr 23025 Lexgton El f 1*8 fast 16-5 110 2 1 7 r.1 71. F Martin 11 WaterK., LVdergrift Mara I 22907 Lexgton 5-Sl:0l%fast 4 110 12 12 io B 6»f B Martin 12 Eulogy. H.Thompson. T.Green 22453 Windsor 5-8 l:0S%mud 73-10 HIS 7 5 3 41 4*1 F Keogh 1 » S. Stalwart. R.CTOM Geswinthe 22384 Windsor 8-4 l:i5%fast fid BB 11 7 2 is* BH J Aetna 11 investment. Glomer, Cajdoasa M. BERT THURMAN, b. c, 2 100 By Bearcatcher— Aimee C. Cisco and Bianchi. 23105 Douglas 5-8 1:01 ttfast Pld 98 2 1 1 :.. :;• T Henry li LWhmgton. Hrenlate Idnstrr - - Iexgton ":• 1 1 ..s"5iast 214 im; 1 I 7 I 9*1 F Bobinsn 10 Cardome, Savino, II Gardner 22813 Lexgton B-8 1:01 fast 121 109 9 H M 10 lai7 B loose 10 B. Fellow. J.O*Dowd, J.J.Mdock INFIDEL II., b. s. 2 102 Bv Radford— Miss Matthews fGatewood and Buckner _..l § Douglas 5J f 1 :0s%good 32 104 10 s s ■■ : f RoMnsnl.2 Paymaster, II. Gardner Savin.. 21341 l.atonia 5-8 l:01%good 20 100 5 3 4 41 4» F Murphy 8 BlaekieDaw. F.tickShot I • Harry 21037 l.atonia 6-8 l.-0t%mnd 41-1* 1*3 6 8 4 4*1 1*1 ¥ Mnrphy R Disturber, Illuminator Baby Cal 20969 Latonla 5-8 l:04*hvy 15 107 5 5 6 21 2- W J OBn 7 B. Beauty. Lit. Bigger Intention 20869 latonia 5-8 l:00%fast 13-5 110 2 4 4 32 VHXV J OBn 5 Thornwood ksparSam Lit Cove 21*14 Latonia 5-S l:02Vifast 15 109 9 7 4 4» 3* W J OBn !» M. Hamilton. B.Coffee, Mediation INGOT, br. c, 2 103 By Hilarious— Adipcse C. J. Brockmiller. 22939 Lexgton 5| 1 . 0 E%faa1 228 11 16 5 :. 6 ♦i;, ; HnesUs S Checks, Franklin, Big Fellow 22445 Saratoga 61 f 1 :07Afast loo 10010 s 12 121 12** J Pits 1.1 Rochester. Pesky Whimsy 21446 Aqueduct 5-S l:02%slow 30 10S 1 4 5 6* i14 F, Griffin K Success, Broomrale Moonstone 21124 Latonia 5-8 1 :02Vfe fast 43-5 98 8 3 3 .r.i 2l M Garner 11 navrino. Investment DIstarber 2989* Lntonfal 5-S l:02%mud 81 BM 6 4 6 C- 6s M Garner 7 Bal.v Cal. Vermak. Lynn THERESA McMAKIN. br. f. 2 107 Bv Out of Reach— Isabinda C. T. Worthington. . 218 Douglas 5-S IrtlKfasi 111 198 5 ■". S 71 8* F . K-ttgh 11 - - ■■! b"1 - ■•* • ■ - _ "h» t. i-t.iii. BUncbita. ni 1 ;i. Paymaster. t .i.t in.-isiri . m minatr

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Local Identifier: drf1915092401_6_5
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