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. ; ; ; . . l . . I I HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART. HAVRE DE GRACE. MD.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1915. — Ki-hth day. Harford Agriculture and Breeders A-sochitioii. Fall Meeting Ol 14 days. 33 books on. I Weather clear. Presiding Judge. C. Cornehlseu. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. F. KchlMiger. Baring starts at 2:.l0 p. in. Chicago time l::n p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. fjj Q b / |/ FIHST BACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 5158—1:85% 8—188. Pane 8488 2-year-oMs! ag Q 4UJJ Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner x::M : second, Jr7 : third. $:VI. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 ■; "t Sti Kin Jockeys Owners I H C p S EDDIE HF.NKY w W2 lo J pJ l". P 1 | J Hutwell E McBride !o l", lo 4 J 22708 GIBBALTAB w 10! si z- q i". l". L Mink J Banford 20 GO M LO 10 23088BKL;IAN TKOOPEB wb 112 I I :,".!- :;- V M Buxton L B Donnelly E « I 8-8 7-16 23088-UFAN PB1XCE WB 1V1 CM M| ■"- 4- C Turner J 8 Tyree !! -7, I T-S 11-201-6 23088 SMOOTHBOBE wit 10! l I :. :i- 4. :.. T McTagt J K Madden r, y :• 1 4-" 22883 COL. MATT w f. loy 11 ; 4- .".. t] $ | .1 HcCabe .1 Livingston M 40 40 15 S 23060 cosTCMKR w US 1 r, *;ri 7. 7?. 71. c B*gmme Qnlncy stable 10 C l", i :j 22627-DOVFDALI: w 116 E 11 11 » V V J 1-oftus G L Widener Jr 4 7 7 Li .. 7 22983 LAST CHANCE wi: 112 il J 8*18*11 Mi J Pits. Mr Earle 66 266 288 66 M STEP ASIDE w 112 4 7 I**. s".lo- 181 Q Con v J MacManus 66 68186 66 :» 22983 GLEIPNEB w 112 7 s M 11 :.. 11 D UXeill P Lorillard 40 60 66 B 1- Time, 23%. 48%. 1M%, 1:08%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. c. by Cnnard — Melton Mowbray trained by J. T. Shannon. Went to post at 2:.:o. At post :; minutes. Start goad and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-ins. EDDIE HKNKY took the had tpiicklv and. setting a fast pace, won with speed in reserve. GIBBALTAB raced well up throughout and hung on gamely under punishment. BELGIAN TBOOPKB fini-Iied fast. OCEAN PBINCF. was in ■ jam shortly after the -tart. Hut dosed a big gap and was going fastest at the end. Scratched— 23080*BeBe of the Kitchen, 188; 18883 Plkeland, i«. . Prerwebrhts — Doeednle, 4 ponadn. 6 Q i I SKCiTNlTTtACE- About 2 Miles. 17888— ZiSl — 4—1420 steeplechase. Purse 1915.sh00. £Jtj£j. 4-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 88; second. 8M6; third, 8. " Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 7 10 14 Pill Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 22917. SM1SSET wa 5 151 7 lo v- :; *•§ i»| 1J M Tighe Llssbger-Jacobs 2 ll-r.0-5 1 1-J £298i; LITTLE lllCII wa ■". 1"s M 7 S ■ »;- "; 4- :". M HonsonW Stockton 10 12 I V- 6-8 88868 JlVEBENCE m 7 140 r. 4 1 l11.:;1 3j I .1 KermathG B Tompkins 20 30 36 H .* f229S2* Al.hOX w .". 14ii 4 I t* f* 1 1 2 41 G On Skins Milltown Stable :; 4 Jt -.- «-5 1-2 22755 REPENTANT WS 5 142 I I 7; 7. I".:.- 5« W Allen P Stevenson 7 10 10 4 2 • 88036*BATTEBY w 9 141 I s «.". 4* «•» «" ii10 r Snioot II Bites I lo io 4 S-."i 23135 AVIATOR w 7 131 1 ti 6" I V I 7 .1 Brown B I Miller 26 4 SI M S 22755 *IHXoN PARK w 6 138 - S t* 8*1 7- 7= 8» P Brady .1 H Collins U 81 1" I :: 23036 JIT. IA w 8 VKI ti 3 -Hi :, I I !* MrSLJosalS L Josephthal SO ISO 1.70 SO 26 23056*ASI I Ti: w ." 14ti 1 I M Lost rider. .1 WillianisC li Fkischmann.". ti ti 2 X Time. 4:03%. Track fast. Winner — Br. g. by Migraine — Sister Stella trained by J. McLaughlin. Jr.. Went to post at 2:o.i. At |Mist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SY08SET, off slowly, moved up rapidlv into a contending position and. taking the lead when going to the last U-nv. was going away at the end. LITTLE RITGH closed u gap and finished fast. JCVEBKNCK bowed the most speed for the Hist turn of the field, but was tiring at the end. ABDON was a forwtird contender throughout. ASTUTE lost his rider al the seventh jump. The winner, entered for 00, was bid n! to ,585 and bought in. Scratched— 2::i:t.i A berfeldy. I ML _____ 4 QO/0 THIRD BACK— 3-4 Mile. i7S40 -1 :11:V.--::— 01. . $.-10 Added. All Ages. Fillies ami g Q 4y J jg Mans. Handicap. Net value to whim r . 42.: second. Q: third, ijiao. Index Horses AWiPPSt + i2 Sti Flu Jockeys Owners O H C P S 22303X ELTO w :: »•". :; 1 1 V 1- - L Mink J § Tyree 4 ti B S .7 out 23002 I1KSTKK PBYNNE wn 5 108 - 4 4 2J 2»i 2J .T McCaheyR T Wilson ti-.7 7-5 13-10l-3out 23055-MALACHITF w 2 90 1 :! 2» I* .- S* 1. McAteo A Belmont :i 4 ll-a7-10out 22878 HOtSEMAID w 7 HO 4 2 Ill 4 4 T Davies K C Hallenbeck 4 5 5 S-5 out Time, 23%, 46%. 1:12. Track fast. Winner Blk. f. by Celt— Toots trained l.y B. P.. Larri-ki. Went to post at 3:88. .l lmst 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-ng. CELTO, favored by her light weight, set a fast pace from the start, -aved ground on tie- tuins and. .■hen shaken up on the stretch turn, rushed into a long lead. HESTEB PBYNNE raced on the outside all the way and was driving hard to outstay MALACHITE. The latter saved ground on the turn and came] again gamely. HOISEMAIl showed a Bash of spot d and quit. Scratched— I224S7 i Winning Wil. h. 114. £ QiAQ rOTRTH BACE 3-4 Mile. 1 7sto 1:11 % : -81. Third Running Port Deposit Selling ifjjfj Stakes. Value 81,888. 8-year Olds. Wet value to winmr 8878; second. IW: third. yioo. Ind.x H"fses AWtPPSt i4 .. Str Fin Jockeys Owners o § C p | 1 23038 *I 1 1: WILL wn 113 I I L3 2- 1- V F Cooper L Feustel 1 1-G21 »-."i :!-.". out 23086 HANSON w n lis 4 1 1- 1»| 1«* 2 .1 I oftus B L Parsons 8-2 y-5 S-5 7-101-4 23038 ■■•PIT. LUX wn los :; I :;"_:, c B L Mink J Whalen :: 1S-531. 4-5 1-:: 23138BOK;o am 101 2 ti ti t | 8»1 4* V Lilley R T Wilson I S 7 I ;l-5 21819-NOIRKIIIN wb 1881 1 5 S* ti ti -i U StewardMarrone Stable 30 60 tio 1.7 5 22984 ol. D BROOM w 1881 S J i B* 5- I T McTagt L 8 Thompson IS 26 26 ti 9 lime. 23%, 47, 1:12%. Track fast. Winner — B. s. hy llono — Nanghty Lady trained by L. Penatel. Wint to 1ost it 3:51. At |Mist 2 minutes. Start good and slew Won driving: second and third the same. UK WILL followed the early leader closely, moved up gamely in the homestretch, passed HANSON and won KOtng away at the end. HANSON rushed into an early lead and set a fast pace for five-eighths. then tired. PIT. I. IX raced wide throughout, hut outstayed BOBGO. The winner was entered for ,300; no hid. Scratched — 22888 Lady Teresa. 108; 23083 Sarsenet, 88; 23086*61oaaUng, 10S. Overweights — Notiteddin. 1. pounds: old Broom. 1 ;.. fcJ Q kd/t TI PHI RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 5040— 1 :4.5-.-,— li— 11 1. 1 Purse 86"! 8 year olds and up- O asVr ward. Selling. Net value to winner QO; second, .0: third. ■ :. Index Horses AWtPPSt t j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q H c P S 88888-AMALF1 wit 7 T04 8 :. S1 S» ti.. V V J McCaheyR T Wilson 1 ti 5 1 J 5 1 -li 88601*STONEHENGE wn 4 88 t 2 1- 1" 1- 1- :" L Mink K Rockwell W L 10 :i s-, 23172 Ol Y llsliKU wa 6 llo I 5 I" tj :u V S T Dnriea E F Cooney 10 15 13 ti 1 23C87 IOW1ON 1TKLD W 7 108J « 7 7" 4 4 ".- 41 T McTagt A Q Bhtkeley 5 ti ti 2 1 23138 NAPIER w • 107 7 6 ." 2 1 21 2 E* W Oliert J W He.lrick Jr 50 so so :;o l» « E313C H AINOKRFIKI.B w 8 104 :. 4 5* 6| 5 1 6| 6« L McAtee R Xewman 8 12 12 4 s | 23087 CI1RISTOITIINK wb4 10S| 9 S a 9 » 71 7:! J Butw.dl S Veiller H 10 VI 4 2 23037 OSIT.LIVAN WB 8 188 4 9 Ik 7- 7B 9 6« C B game J MaeManus ti ti 4V 7-5 j -i 22394HR. DOFCIIKRTV w s 107 1 1 1*18* 6* 6" I G Corey F Harrington 60 100 100 » 10 Time. 24%, 48%. 1:14%, 1:40%. 1:47%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. g. hy The Si Tihe —Tarantella trained by T. J. HeaJeg. Went to i ost at 4:10. At post :! minutes. Start enod and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. AMAI.1T was oatpaced in the early running, lint moved up rapidly in the final three-e.ghtlis. wore the leaders down in the homestretch and won going away. STONKHKNOK set a good pace to the efarhth tiost and tired. OIY 1TSHKR was a forward and game contender all the way. TOW"! ON FIELD ran well. The winner was entered for 08; no hid. Scratched- 230301 Republican, 107. Overweights Towton Field. 2: pounds: Christophine, 1: OSnllivan. 1. OQOAPk SIXTH RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 8158—1 :05%— 3— 188T1 Purse 00. .",-year olds and j£ Q UO upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second, .0: third. S"0. ii.dex Horses AWtPPSt % %. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ti il r P si 23039 EAGLE W 3 107 4 8 !i 5" ::• 1i L McAtee A Q Weston ti 10 i 2 1 22981 FORFM wn 4 111 11 1 1- 1: 1»| 2| T McTagt L S Thompson 4-5 1 7-101-3 1-5 23134 FUZZY WUZZY WB 4 111 S E -- 2* 2| SI J Butwell Cleveland Stable 15 26 IS ti :; 23087MKSSK JR. w S 104 7 II 11 16" 4 4:1 F Cooper J W Hedrick Jr M 16 26 7 :. 23168 HARRY JUNIOB WB :: 10810 « gm sr » E | T Davies H C Hallenbeck 8 15 1.7 ti :". £3083 W ATF.R WELLES w 7 111 I I U BJ P ti R Troxler P. I Miller 10 15 1.7 I 2 22720 AZYIADE STB 111 I I ■!" ti1 t.- 7l .1 BfcGnbe R F tarman I U 11 4 2 10520 i:VF.R BF.Y WB 4 111 12 6 ti 4 7] 81 Turner F 1 Turner 20 31 SI S 4 23134VHiNoi.A wa :. 188 I 7 SI 71 1 " » W Lilley II Watersoo 56 66 E6 26 10 20045 JEM w :: los I 12 1S 12 1:1 lo- C Rgame Qnincy Stable 10 BJ Mj ti 9 20311 INEZ w :; 107 I ti ]0- n- 11 IP L HartwHS Veiller E6 50 li s 88083*BEVELRY JAMES wb .". 102 11 2 7 H1 itv L" J Pita Liasbger-Jacobs 15 26 17 ti I 22690 PI.ANTAOKNF.T WB ". 1o7 H 14 14 11 11 1$ J McCahevR T Wilson 10 15 17 :; 21171 BRONX QUEEN WB :. Ill 1 II 12 12* 12 14 L Deromde O C Rasch St Ml loo io is Time. 23. 48V. 1:00%, 1:07. Track fast. Winner — B g. by Yankee— Miss Kearney I trained hy A. O. Weston. Went to post al 4:h . At DOS 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ea-ily: second and third driving. EAGLE worked his way up from a slow beginning and. slipping through next to the rail. was going away at the end. FORIM showed the most early speed, but piit badly. FFZZY WUZZY was a torn aid contender all the way. JESSE JR. closed I Mg gap. The winner, entered for S70n. was bid up and sold to A. Simon- for 00. Scratched — 2316U Lily Otme. Ill; 22770 Mamie K.. 1o7: 231«SIMary Warren. Ill: 23134 Miss Mcfiigjcle. P 7: 23flChl Vnlnspn. 1"7: 23004 Nild. 111. overweights -Jesse Jr.. 2 poiiihIs: Harry Junior. 1: Jem. 1: Brans Queen. 4.