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SIXTH FACE— 3-4 Mile. Hawley Plate. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special Weights, 17481 si 1:11% ■ 117., PRIME MOVER, b. c, 3 110 By Ildrim— Pagoda L. A. Livingston. Wdbine 1 1 16 1:49 g 131 14 91 I I :: I 9 I*J A Collins :: Commonada, Plate ;ia-s •3078 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:06*4fast 26-5 117 ".4 4 4 42 4" 3 Sinvth K Splutter. L.Curson, H.BsssettH. ,, • 12*71 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 3* b 7 4 3 3 4 3- ::•• i. Mink *■ Sim Slick, Basils. Stir tp 22S31 Ba rat oca 7 s 1 Xl« ».,,m1 : 11 6 I I 2 4 1". c clement 7 Kris Kriagle, Badinage. LouBlne DTMITY. b. f. 3 107 Bv The Commoner— Alpaca G. M. Hendrie Dorval l:46 fa 1 1 fell I 7 •". .. . 1 aii " Raturnus. SUngletoe, Baduraace , ■I-:, Wind ••!- I 1 IMa-t 17 92 14". 7 p louder ii I avana. Wild llo]v,.. Cadeaaa IS FortKri, " f I ii-bw s1 M I I I :: • 1: McDott ■"■ Mhw Gayle, Finalee, Jim I. , . Hamton 3-4]:164ihvy 5 Mf 4 2 2 6« 63M Garner rO Africa Bean. Arcent, BJennings „. 18332 Latonia 51 f l:0g 4fast 29 III 4 5 5 4 41 A Mott 13 GIHEdgo W. Witch. GertrndcB 7. 18170 Latonia 64 f 1 :7%good 13 112 7 8 8 82 9" J Metcalf 12 Fidget. Water Witch. F. Crocket et 18075 Latonia 5J t J;08 last 4S-10 MS I 3 7 7" Ti J Hctcalf U JfrwrinlM. W.Witck. F.CrotUet et SI. SIR 291 23149 221 22961 22931 -- -; 21291 -lc J" 30996 20861 Rj 231 23149 21291 gj 21202 9 20S61 20553 SI 22! 22935 22 Bj H -; -■ C -1! 20: 17 [i .., i, ™ =J 17 s: « £ 15 14 14.S 14 „ 2 g a «j 20 20 0 is gl ■ :i j M " ; S H l J L. S J ic q • ■ g 2: 2: 2: t y j t B 2 2 2 E * ■ J 1 ARTHUR, ch. c, 4 1C9 By Rotterdam — Mary Worth J. Hendricks. Wdbine 3 4 l:14%good 28-5 112 8 7 5 9* 2* T Bice 0 Dor.Carlb. Kavenct. SbroTetWe Dorval 3-4 l:13%fast 54 lo:: r, 4 I 4 61 II ilanmer 0 My Joe, Mona G.. L. Spend tliri It Dorval 5J f 1 :07%fast 23 G 114 6 4 3 3 4s W Gurly 10 Kama, Cerf Volant. Sb* James Hamton 1 1-lfi l:48%fast 30 107 7 8 8 8 71 7:s C VanDun !» Lingar, Garish Sun, astatio Conght 3-4 l:18%slow 15 lo7 1 13 14 13 U"|E Haynes 14 Exmer. Otero, Last Spark BlueBon. 3-4 l:15%fast 30 115 4 10 9 9 9l" N Kennedy! 1 Oaltftey, Lingar. Ravemourt RAVENCOURT, b. c, 3 103 By Phaeton— Mythday R. Newell. Wdbine 3-4 1:16%good 9 108 3 2 1 H 31 A ScUugr !• D. Carlin. SirArlhur. Sbrovtkle Hamton 1 1-16 l:4SVfefast 12 103 6 3 3 3 51 8" W Obert .•Lingar. Garish Sun. Nastatto Hamton 1 1-16 l:49%fast 15 102 3 3 3 4 92 9ln J Callahan 1 1 Moss Fox, M.ofFromc. GariahSUB BlueBon. 3-4 l:15%fast 19 107 8 7 3 3- 33 W Obert 11 Gartley. Linear. Red Post Wdbine 3-4 l:14%fast 13 106 1 7 5 42 5-1 J Acton II Red Fire. Gaitl-y. Linear SHREWSBURY, b. c. 3 110 By Ogsary— Latona E. L. Bresler. Dorval lmTOy 1 : I4%fast 19 90 7 6 4 3 21 2« R McDott II St. Lazcrhin. Hester. Iwdijiht 22749 BlueBon. 7-8 1 :27yr,fast 20 103 4 4 5 5 o1 G12 R McDott 10 Northern Light. Wodan. Harden 2"430 Windsor ll:42Vfcfast 22-5 97 5 3 4 5 7J Sl R McDott 11 Lavana, Wild Horse. Cadenr.a 21522 FortErie 1 l:45%slow 17 101 1 4 4 6 6n o«l R McDott 8 King Cotton. Lenavaal. Harold 21396 Hamton 1 1-16 1 :53%mud 7 9566666 62«R McDott 0 Slumberer. Aprisa. Subject 21257 Hamton 1 1-16 l:48%fast 30 98 8 8 8 8 8 813 R McDott S Mov. Picture. Martian, schemer COLLECTOR, blk. g, 4 111 By Stalwart— Torrid J. A. Murphy. 21927 Hamton 1-4 l:l«%hvy 15 111 5 4 4 42 4»| J Acton 10 Africa Beau. Argent. E.Jeonings 80246 Pimlico 2 3:61 fast 64 136 2 6 G 7 8" 73,iM OConr 9 Swish. Abdon. Tom Horn 17921 Pip.Rk Ab 2 3:59%fast 8 142 1 1 Threw rider. J Clarke 10 S. Stick. Chupadero. Cagliostro 17869 Pip. Rk Ab 2 4:04 fast 3 140 2 111 1* 3Clarke 8 Cagliostro. Single Slick. Soudan 17370 Wdbine AblJ 23-5 139 2 11 1 ll l3 G Arcbibd 7 MarchCourt. CaswUte, lialtimorc 17017 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:10%fast 9 5 137 9 1 2 2 2-° 2° D Gaddy 10 Chupadero. Mesbaeh, Garter 16904 BlueBon. Abll 3:ll%hvy 3 2 137 2 1 1 1 l5 l2 ■ Arebibd 7 F.A.Stone, March Court . Caswmn STARCRESS, ch. c, 3 107 By Star Ruby— Majolica fThorncliffe Stable. 22749 BlueBon 7-8 l:27%fast 10 107 3 3 3 4 4»k 6l:l A Claver 10 Northern Light. Wodan. Haydoa 22380 Windsor 3-4 1:14%fast 28 106 4 4 5 6*1 5"1A Claver S Scrutineer. Wodan. Stonewood 174S5 Wdbine 3-4 l:14%fast 37-5 112 3 3 3 8« 7°J P Go1dsfnl2 Amans. Tie Pin. Tartarean STAR BIRD. ch. f, 3 107 By Star Ruby— Water Bird A. Turney. 16827 G. Rapids 5 8 l:02%gOOd 26 5 115 32 Harty 4 Mimlco, I.adyP.uttertl.v. K.Caueus 15429 FortErie 5-S 1:01 fast 40 95 6 6 5 53 5i J Smyth 7 Filigree. Linda Payne. E. Allen 15233 FortErie 5-8 l:00%fast 40 100 10 10 10 0 9"j J Smyth 11 He-nan. Tokay. Eagl- 15131 Hamton 5-8 1 :01%fast 15 105 6 9 8 92 S11.1..! Smyth 12 Eagle. Blackthorn, Kazan 77 Conght 5-S l:02%fast 15 11111 10 8 93 71S J Smyth VZ Carbide. King Hamburg. Kazan 14240 Pimlico 41 f 55%fast 74-10 109 Left at the post. J Smyth 7 Shyness. Hiker. Louise May HOOS HOO, ch. g, 3 107 By Ormondale — Graziclla C. E. Delines. 22430 Windsor ll:12/5fast fid Pd !» a 10 10 ln"l"14U Sniyin H I. avana. Wild Bene, Cadenza 20896 Latonia 3-4 1:16 mud fid 101 12 12 10 10l 102iC Jones 13 Talebearer, Grumpy, Freeaaao "0492 Douglas 3-4 1:16%mud 72 108 I 9 9 I 92» J McCabe 10 Mex. I.anghonie. Pennyrock 0360 Churchill 1 1 :42%tnud 14 107 7 7 6 8 9 92» C DishinonlO Fleetabelle. C. Interest, GrevUle 20340 fnurehill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 82 105 10 9 8 7 7J 9121C Disbmonl.l Manioc. First Venture. Type 20252 Churchill 3-4 l:13%fast 9i 108M2 9 6 6J C" W W TlorJ.5 SkilesKnob. W. Crown. Manners 20229 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47 fast 105 103 4 3 6 8 8 82" C Dishmon S P.rave, BackKeeaon, Th treader 18345 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 49 1051 4 3 2 3s 331 J Metcalf 5 Wblssom. One Step, Royal II. SPARKLER, b. g. 3 107 By Mizzen— Sparkle Esher A. G. Woodman. 2:210 Latonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 13 105 6 5 5 5° 51!4L Gentry , Converse, Fl abelle, Amazon 21211 Latonia 3-4 1:12%fast 113 104 I 11 L.ridcr.D Stirling 8 Amazon. Resign. Broom Flower 21002 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 99 110 10 7 I 91 9""- .J Cainpb1110 JadeBryn. M.Csssldy, Oonrerse 20330 Churchill 5Jfl:06%fast fid 95 11 10 11 11 10"1M Garner 14 B.andStars. R. GOjse. Iluntresa MATT H.. b. c, 4 111 By Havoc — Puritania M. R. Davies. 23173 Wdbine lm70y l:46%fast 36 101 7 3 7 9 9 10" A Claver 1i II. Baasett II.. Rustling. Saiolla PEG b. f 3 107 By Canopus— Phida Mrs. A. F. Dayton. 19640 Havana 3-4 l:l7%faat 15 103 11 11 10 10" C Miller 13 Saturnus, St.Charlcote. Habersh 19438 Havana 3-4 1:23 hvy 20 102 17 7 6-2 C Miller 7 AnnaRos-. Minda. C.ilethumpiaa 19291 Havana 3-4 l:47%hvy 20 102 10 10 9 9»» C Mill, r 10 Marg.Meise. San Jon, Coreopsis 19107 Havana 51 f l:18/5slow 8 112 2 2 5 6"|C IVak 6 Kopje, The Lark. IdMa 19744 Charlen 3-4 1:15 good 30 100 10 7 7 71 »"1C MiOer 11 Pierre, t. Minstrel, Bamboo 19979 Charlen 3 4 l:16"-,fast 12 104 7 7 5 71! ?i Miller 0 Dixie. Riv-r King. Lida Karl 18604 Charlen 5-S l:02%fast 6 117 9 M 9 H 6134C Peak M Andromeda. Kopje. The I.aiU LITHAUER b. c 4 114 By Bannochburn — Miss Maricn H. L. Powers. 21737 Belmont 1 l:43%slow 5 106 4 5 5 6 6 5-?.M Buxton t; Iron Duke, Wh. Metal. CyMerck 18463 H.deOce lm70yl:47 fast 4J 110 5 2 9 9 53 S23 .1 BUtweU : Dakota. Frontier. Dane. Master 1S430 H.deC.ce 3-4 1:15 good 60 109 10 and 7 72 51" G Corey IS Woldship, MartinCasea. Dakota Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched: OFFERTORY, br. f 3 100 By Bassetlaw — Widows Mite Queen City Stable. 23140 Wdbine 3 1 l:16%good 11 196 1 6 7 7» 7:; .1 Morys !. D. Carlin. SirArihur. Raveneourt 22931 Dorval 5J f 1 :07%fast 12-5 111 10 10 10 91 9,,| Vilson 10 Kama. Cerf Volant; Sir Janes 22696 BlueBon 1 l:41%fast 63 S9 7 6 I I 43 4 K Forefandll Frolssart. Corn Broom. Par. Lass 22431 Windsor 7-8 l:27%fast 33-20 95 10 9 S 8 10 lo101.P Lowdor 10 M.Caiety. P.Pstliorpe. Splatter ••344 Windsor 7-8 l:33%hvy 20 92 15 5 5 62 S«l W MeKXte 9 P. Rhupenl. M. Gaiety, P. Sauce 22160 FortErie 1 l:43%slow 35 95 G 6 5 2 4 55r J Morys ft GarishSun, P.Rhupcrd, RedPost WODAN, b. g, 8 107 By Dr. Legiro — Coma P. Sheridan. 22749 BlueBon. 7-8 1 :27/5fast 1 107 5 12 2 2» 2 W Kelsay 10 North. Light. Ilayden. NeLBoots 22570 Conght 3-4 1:15%fast 5 99 4 2 0 22 22 J Callahan ! K. Differ. Meeli-ka. Bean. Belle 22380 Windsor 3-4 l:14%fast 21-5 106 1 3 3 23 I!3 I Acton S Scrutineer. Stonewood, Doelorlt. 21699 Windsor 3-4 l:14%slow 11 107 3 3 3 63 4"J J Metcalf 12 Sir L. Joe. Scrutineer. Schemer lS FortErie 1 l:46%8low 14-5 106J 3 2 2 3 4"k 6SI J Metcalf S King Cotton. Lenavaal. Harold 21316 Hamton 1 1 :40%fast 4 104 8 3 5 5 5 79j J Metcalf 12 Aprisa, Schemer. Subject 21204 Hamton 3-4 1:14 fast 8 112 5 3 3 32 22 J Metcalf 1° Coinmensia. Schemer. Sir L. Joe H.AYDEN b. c, 3 107 By Peep oDay — Gold Lady Palace Stable. 22749 BlueBon. 7-s i:27/sfast I 107 9 5 4 3 32 3; J CallahaalO North. Light. Wodaa, Nel.Beota ANTISEPTIC, ch. f, 3 107 By The Commoner — Ice Water G. P. Sherman. "2624 Conght 6 f l:12%bvy 26 100 7 6 9 9"9,,»K Weathylo Sempsilla. Inquieta, M tost re] 20018 H deGce 5i f l:6/5fast 60 105 8 9 10 10 9"1 A NickUauslO Corstcan, Fair Helen, Videt 18513 H.deGce 51 f 1 Sfast 100 99 11 10 10 102 10" W Hinphy 1 1 Estimable, MtosFrances, Binelda IS490 H.deGce 55 f l:09y5fast 100 107 11 3 14 142 14-JR Estep 17 B. James. BalfRoek. D.ofDunbdr 1S147 H.deGce 5J f 1 :0S%good 100 10S 15 14 14 142 1314 W Ward 15 Thrill. River King. Volant 17485 Wdbine 3-4 l:14%fast Fid 109 11 11 11 111311I31W Ward 12 Amans. Tie Pin. Tartarean