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MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. Thursday, September 23. 1915. - i«.::nt Royal Park. Fifth dny. Back River Jockej Clubs First Meet Ins of 7 days. 13 books on , Weather clear. Presiding Jndge l. Nathanson. starter. W. M. Mnrrav Raeing Secretary. M. X athattoon. Racing starts at i:** p. at. Chicago time. i::lo.l 23220 First Race 5-8 Mile 23885— 18— 2— 102. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maiden-. Special YYicjit-. Xel valve to winner 23; second, 0; third, 5. . _, Ind Ilors. . YYt.lin. Jockey. Op. r„ I. I I. 2314s Marigold Hi 1- W Young 3-2 1 - ■ 23097 Medea 111 21 TMciullTi K s 4 23148 Edith Hgs Ml .1 Howard :• I j - 23148 Memory ill I1 A Pickens 8 » 4 23097 i la i a Morgan m W Doyle 8 KJ 4 23097 l.adv Dal 111 • E Haynea 3 22745 Jess Ml 7 W Hinphy I v I 23007 P..11. Reach 113 JDoavprl I I [loran Bird ill » W Kos. n 28 M 10 lin. 23J,. 471-,. l;01%. Track fast. sIk.w odd- Marigold, l :;: Medea. 2: Edith Olga, •• : Me iv 2: lara Morgan. -J : l.adv Hal. 1 -1 Jena 2; Hello Reach, evens: Koran Bird, 5. Winner O. A. Huniom hels eh. f. hf Meeliok — . a— weed trained bj W. E. Obttrelll. Went to poet at J: :."•. At post t minutes, start go d and -low. Wen ea-ih : -i i mil and third driving. MARIGOLD took the lead oa the irsl lara and wen u..in_- away. MEDEA was hard ridden to withstand the challenge of EDITH OLGA. The after finished fast. Scratched 23001 Pride nt fireenway. Ill: 22931 Wishing Well, 111: 23187 Clara Boots. 111. Overweights Belle Reach, % panada; Doraa T.ird. :; 23221 Second Race r, s Mile. 123008 1:00 2-102 Iur-e 00. :; year-old- and upward. Selling x,.i vain.- !■• winner 8225; second, 880; lad" Horse. YVt.lin. Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. 23152 Hill Stn am 113 TMcCuHh I 2?0°» Iirmni HO - N Pickens 3 t . 23IC1 Krontier 113 3 W Young ■ I 23150-* It R. Mlllei "■ E I nil- n I 23098 Joe United* ir: - IMcDowll S S 23062isii,ilni- Mas 112 • R Estep « 10 23187 Sordelio 113 I* -I Howard . 23099 Jim ll« S W Rosen ■ a - rime. 23 ... 47V-.. 1:01. Track fast. RhOW Odd* Mill Sire. nn. even- Ilr.m.i. even-: Frontier 1-2: Ray 1: Miller 2-5: Joe Ratten*. • veiis: Mag, 2; SordeUo, 3-2: Jim Mai- lady. even-. . Winner P. Feltners b. f. t. by Choctanunda Burnt Hills trained by l. .1. Daly. Went t -t at ::: H. At iwal 0 minutes star ,1 ,||, i i m Wen easily second and thud driving. 1 1 1 I.I. SUHi.WI t...,k the lead mi the Brat turn and won in a canter. HltoMl was ai-Wava in I i oiiteiidin- ii--iliou and wa- hard rid den to Outstay FRONTIER. IhO latter liuisbcd gamely. The winner was entered fcr 08; n 0 bid. 23222 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. i L.! 111. ",— 1 : X 2 102. Purae 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Sell- inu. Net value to winner 2.".; second. #." l; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Iin. Jockey. Op. PI. Il. 20085 KYii of Key* 113 l- E Haynea 1 t " 1-1 23153T!eaiimt It, 11, 108 _ .1 ciancv M I 2 23067 l.adv Pender 113 A Pickens 2 2| 1 23098 -Mi— li — v 103 l C Mergler 28 20 8 23150Ahdiil ins .,- ,| Dodd 4 S 2 22439 Smirk 113 8 JDeavpVt W in 4 23098*.loln,i,v Wise 108 7 E Cullen 4 7 J 23153 in. Barklei 118 8 W Rosen IS 2G 10 Time. 24%. 49. 1:02,. TTack fast. Show odd- Ranch of Keys, out: I.oannionf I.elle. even-: i.ady Iemler. 2-5; Mi-- li—y. 4: Abdul. even-: Smirk. J: Johnny Wise, evens: |ir. Hark ley. :.. Winner J. o. LovelPs h. z. ~ . by Cunanl Iriu ii— Iiiania trained h.v B. Moore. YYeiit to post at :;:.:::. AI post B minutes. Start rood and -low. Wen easily; second and third driving. BUNCH or KEYS came around the others ai the stretch turn and won going awav. im:.w Mont BELLE, outrun early, Iniahed real I iY PENDER forced the early pace and tired. The vvinn. r was entered for 00: no hid. Scratihod S7 iKrokeudalc. IPS. 23223 Fourth Race— "•-8 Mile. 23IM55— 1 : m - I02 i Iur-e 00. I year eld- and upward. Sell-in-. Xet value to winner 25; second. 880: third. •..-, Ind. Horse Wt.Iin. Jockey. Op. CI. PL 23020- Uelta-i 113 1 W Hinphv S-2 «-5 3-6 23153 Me- i;,.-,. 113 2" J Howard 8 HI 1 22965 mack 113 A Pickens 21 " 1 23068 I. and.- Tail 118 P W Oargan 3 2 23150 i:ill, ri Rose 113 ■"■- TMciuirii M IS 23149 Van Bu ll« «" W Doyle I ■ 2 23015 Y in a 111 7 W Rosen 1 1 :: 2 Ti 23V 48. 1:0115. Track fast. show odd- Belfast. I :;: Moss Rose. 2; row mack l 2: Lambs tail, even-: Gilbert Rose, •:: V.-n, I.u. even-: Tnca, 2-2. Winner o Haks br. ur. 7. by Irish Lad G -Jet i trained by I. J. Hake Went to post at 4:00. At post i minute, start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv in;:. BELFAST was ••utrun to the stretch turn. hut gradual l.t wore the leader- down ami won goiat, away. Moss ROSE ontgamed CUMMACK In the Baal strides. The latter Salshed well. The win-i ei was ,i,i, i ed for 8380: ao hid. Scratched _l:i7:: Brynavia. 113; 23150 Belle Ch!l ton. II.:. Overweights Yina. 1 pound. 23224 linn Kan I Mile and 7o lard-. Curse •*Pio. : tear old- and ii.iv.anl. Selling Handicap. Net valui- to winner 8280: second. : third, *4l . Ind. Horse Wt.FIa. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23064Mnd Sill H«t I- E Haynea I .", t S 2 .", 23151/.nli IDS 2s Hinphy I k] «-J 23151 -lii. h. I. a DgdoalOS .1 Howard : H 1 i2:«ltii uiadaj Ji . lot I A Pii k na 6 8 3064 i. spiiiiucllc ion .1 Clam y 23102 Master Joe Mil i. JalcDowll 13 Ki I lime. 24. 482-,. 1:12%, 140. 1:45. Track fast. Show odd- Mud Sill. 1 .".: Zali. 3-5; Richard Langdon, 1 J: Voladay Ir., even-: l.adv Spirit-ueiie. 1-2: Master Joe. ::. Winner W. A. McKlnneys b. z. 7. by Captain Sigsbee Wyola trained by W. A. McKinney. Went to post at 4:24. At imi-i i minute. Start SihhI ami slow. Won handily: sec | and third driving. MiT KILL wore the pacemakers down in the tinal quarter and won easing up. ZALI finished gamely alter setting a fast pace, mcii- Ai;i I.AM.HOX quit. The winner was entered for .oou: no hid. Scratched j::i*.n» Luke Van Zandt, 105 Overweights- Richard Langdon, I pound; Voladay Jr.. 1 : Master Joe. 1. 23225 Sixth Race — 1 1-ld Mttes. 23103 1:48% -8 — 113. Purse 8300. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner -Sr. second. 0; third. 5. ind. ii rae. YYt.lin. Jockey. i . CI. PI. 23102 Kinmiindv 1 H» I" .1 Clancy 1 ■■•■-2 1-J 23103 i.. Innocence ill: 2 A Pickens 4 ."i -1 23193 Xlnn MchacbolU :: W Gargan C i 2 k2933 Easter Boy ids 4 R Estep 8 8 3 23192 1.. oKkcaldv 112 5« E Haynea 2 S-2 2-3 23147 Au-t.-i 112 I1 W Toung 10 I 2 23098 Lillian Kripp 11L 7 TMcCuHh la IS S Time. 242i. 49%. l:153/5. 1:42%. 1:49. Track fast. show mid- Kinmiindy, li: I.ady Innocence, even-: Nino Muchacbo, evens: Easter 1 . v. 3-2; " Laird oKirkcaldy, 1 ::: Auster, even-: Lillian Kripp. -. Winner O. ]!. Cochians h. h. 5, by Heiiiii-C..imte— Pepper trained by J. 1!. ochraill. YYcnt to ]iost :il 4:4 i. At post 1 minute. Start II I ami -low. Won driving; second and third tin same. K IXMIXTlY made up ground tioin the stretch turn and won in a hard drive. LADY INNOCENCE ran i goad race. NINO MCCHACHO finished fast. The winner waa entered for S-H; no bid. Scratched— 23043 Nellie B ots, B8. Qverweiyhis — Easter Boy. 5 pounds. 23226 Seventh K :ice-:;4 Mile 2:!10ll — 1 :14--."i— 112. Iur-e 00. :; year old- and upward. Selling. Xet value to winner *22." ; second. $.V : third. 5. Ind. Il.n-c. YYLTin. Jockey. On. CI. PL 22799 Itrieklev 1PJ 1 E Havn.s J v-.", 4 -". 23100 p.. II,- Terre II- 2 W Do] bj I 1 23101 Petit Bleu I I _ JJ ! oiuii |ll - .1 ,2Jioi ie . up Burn 113 i i: c ullen t S -23101 steiitor ii- f, r Estep S « 2 23101 Lord Wells 107 .! J Clancy 6 8 4 23102 TTcda Johnson 112 7. A Pickens 3 3 1 2V!493*Proctor 100 8 J Howard I 4 _. Time. 233i, 48, 1:14 equals track record. TVaok fast Show odds Brickley. 1-J: BeRe Terre. 1-2: Petit Bleu. ::i: Jeawap Barn, even-: Stentor, even-: Lord Wells. 2; Ireda Johnson, :: 5; Proctor, evens. Winner S. Louis b. g, 4. by on Well — The Scold i trained by W. A. Burttscbell. Went to post at 5:10. At pant 1 minute. Start l I and -low. Yoii driving; second and third the sa BRICKLEY closed a gap and got up In the Inst stride. TERRE ran a game race. PETIT Kt.n finished fast. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 23180* la-t.-o. 112. 23227 Eighth Race :: 4 Mile. 23100—1:14 5— 11:.. i Iur-e 8300. :: year-., Ids and upward. Sell-in:.. Xet value to winner 8225; second. 880; third, 825. Ind. Horse. YYt.lin. Jockey. On. 0L PL 231C0 Spohn 112 I1 J Howard ! ! 1 23189 ;Sliarp. Kui-li! 112 - .1 1 ■ a vprt 2 2] 1 23102 * XI in. la 113 .: W Young « 4 J 2301G Xila 112 V A Picki n- I 5 2 231C0 Bulgarian 112 .V W W hfenfi M I 23152 Cordova 112 »" E Haynea 4 4 . 23100"i:ve White 112 7 TMcCnlPh 10 W I 23188 Sir Iretiiil 112 s v Oargan 8 l I 23017*11.. h.m I.— vioi; 9* .1 Dodd 15 :» I 22959 Salvado QneeulOli 10 .IMcDowll 28 St S Time. 2345. 48. 1:14 equala track record. Track fast. Sln.w odd Spohn. 1 2; Sharper Knight 12: Minda, 2-3; Xila. evens: Bulgarian, 2: Cordova, even-: Eye White. 2: sir Pretful, 2; Blooming Posey, 4: Salvado Queen, 4. Winner J. J. MeCaflertvs h g, 10. by Peep oDay— Smirr trained bj J. J. McCaffertyi. YYeiit to post al .7:42. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Wmi driving; second and third the same. SPOHN set a fast pace, but had to be hard ridden at the finish. SHARPER KNIGHT closed a big gap. MINDA finished fast. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched— 231S8 Muy Buena, 115; 2::ir :; lapsburg II. 104. Overweight! — Blooming Posey, 5 pounds.