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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 30770 I :!•%— 3— 100. TORY MAID. ch. f. 3 104 By Yankee— Lady Bedford S. M. Henderson. 22943 Lexgton 3 I l:12%fast 2 MM 1 ::::.■ 1 lonea S Vogue, Uanoria, Fleetabelle 1.11. Lexgton 3-4 l:12%faat 31 5 :.. i 2 2 Z .". T Haves .7 Iron Mask. Hawthorn, Amaaon 22419 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 4 104 f. 4 4 41 B1! A Claver :i Water Lilv. A. N. Akin, Csieit 22189 IorlKrie 3-4 1:13 fast 3 KB 6 3 2 2- 2i F Cooper 11 Water Lilr. Poatefract. Loehiel :!T.:: Windsor 3-4 1:12 fast 128 94 6 6 6 6 6UI. MeAtce 8 BarkBay, CarMde, The W. Moon 9U99 FortErie 3-4 l:M%stoW TH 91 7 6 6 S 610 M Garner S Water Lady, Vogue. Bendel DR. CARMEN, ch. c, 3 107 By Boanerges — Lady Knighthood L. Phelps. 22181 Douglas 3-4 l:13%fast 11 lit; E S •". •"• •".- A Motl :i I.aily.l.Cr.y. BUlyJoe. AunUosie 23648 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 3-6 H7 3 - - 2 2: It ioose s Lady Jane Grey, Blrka, Typa 22942 Lexgton 2 4 1:13 fast 23 M 1 1 2 2»1 V Y Mnrphy 10 Mnaaoa. Maznik. Dlaektliorn 21427 Latonla 3-4 l:16%mud 24-6 M*l t 5 4 V- 4SJ E Pool 7 Amazon, Transit Sosias 21303 Latonla lm70y l:46%alop fi 101 1 2 2 5 C10 6" A Mott 7 Transit. Manasseh, Bonanza 21233 l.atonia 3-4 l:lLv5fast 1 HI 7 5 5 S" 5:2 W W Tlor 8 Tory Maid, fseeit. Miss Declare OAKLAND, blk. g, 6 110 By Bearcatcher — Lmvena C. W. G. Yanke. 23156 Douglas 3-4 1:13 s otl 35 111 4 2 l 21 !• r Mun.hv 10 Liberator, W.Crown. Blackthorn 21317 Latonla 3-4 l:l«%hvy 17-5 110 1 1 2 71 9 ■ AV .1 0*B*n 0 Waterproof, Blrka, Flos.Crocket 21181 Latonla 3-4 1 C-4 110 3 1 1 l1 1= W J OBnlO Chilla, Blrka, Flossie Crocket 2IOS3 Latonla 3 4 l:14%hvy 29-3 10S 1 2 4 6* I»«1W J 0*Kn 8 Grosrenor, Amazon. Carrie Drnie 26! 98 l«itonia 3-4 l:13%faat 1D-5 111 1 11 2* 21 W J OBnll Boyal Tea, Longfellow, Soreget 20971 Latonla 3-4 l:lfi%hvy 9 10S 1 1 1 22 3 J W J OBn J Talel.earer. Blackthorn, W. Bear CARRIE ORME. ch. f. 3 99 Bv Monsieur de LOrme— Mum E. J. OConnell Douglas 3 1 l:13%good 36-5 160 6 1 4 2» 4-. H Stearns 1 M. Gooaby, Charmetise, Furlong Lexgton 1-4 1:13 fast 22-6 192 I E - 4 "", 11 Stearns 10 Amazon. Dr. Carmen, Xaanlk 22975 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast 19 98 6 4 4 41 B II Stearns 1 1 Korfbage, Aunt Josie. M.Kruter 22482 Hillcrest Ab5-8 l:oiv5slow 3*. 107 1 2. :; 3- :.- E Cullen 8 Tactless, General. Jessup Burn 22423 HUlcrest 01 f 1:24 fast 21 10916 4 4 6- 4;1 N Burger 7 Soreget, Curious. Sal] 22S92 Hill.-rest 65 f l:24fast 3-2 10. 1 2 11 l"t N Burger s Imprndent, S.ORyan. M.Swood AMAZON, blk. f, 3 107 By Yankee— Bold Girl W. H. Baker. .".:: lexgton 3-4 l:13%fas1 99-M M7 5 :: :: 1] ::■•. K loose U Black Toaey, Syrian, Goweil 22942 Lexgton 1-4 1:13 fast 37-20 1.17 2 111 1" B Ooose 1.1 Dr. Carmen, Maznik. Blackthorn 22811 Lexgton 1-4 l:12%faat 29-5 107 5 E 4 4 4"K ; 7 Iron Mask. ToiyMaid. Hawthorn 21427 l.atonia 3 4 1 : lr.-.-.inud 7-5 93 4 11 Vi ** M Garner 7 Transit. Sosius. Dr. Carmen 21319 I atonia 3-4 1:15 hvy 41-10 107 4 4 4 31 3 K Goose ti Converse. Kleetahelle. BookerBill 21211 Latonla 1-4 l:12%fast 10 106 2 I t * 1 1 Goose 8 Resign, Broom Flower, Zali 21943 Latonla 1-4 l:14%arry 33-:0 100 4 3 3 2» 2" M earner 8 Gnarenar, Carrie Orme, W.Bear FURLONG, b. h. 7 113 By Ben Howard— Georgie M. W. J. Weber. Douglas 3 1 l:l3%good 155 114 12 12 12 8 1*1 F Keogn 12 Mar.Goosby, Charmense. C.Orme :■ v::: J-4 1UI fast 22-5 112 12 12 12 I- 12-" F Keogh 12 Bell Boy. Bio Braaoa. ilalbcur : Churchill 3 ! l:l3%faat u 110 7 s s • r.* B Martin 8 LadyMoonet, ConDelircrr. Ada 13699 Junta* 7-8 l:24%fast 16 1 0 r. G 7 C 10 IV* BJ Martin 13 Kootenay, Pan Zarela. Bash 19113 Juarez 3 ! l:13%good 2 11L 6 t « 6 2* V. Martin 1. K. Worth. AlWwood. Bmudian 19064 Juarea 1-4 l:12%faat 4 112 2 4 3 33 1- E Martin B NewHaven, Mimorioso. La Uro-e COLLE. ch. f. 4 113 Bv Marta Santa— Veracious W. Gerst. : Douglas J-4 l:lS%good 38 IM 1 7 6 4. 5*1 F BobinaalZ M. Gooaby, Charmense, Furlong 23089 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 mud 23 20 MB 4 E E 4- 44 ; F Bobtnan 8 Harwood, Bnreget, Wild Bear 23022 Lexgton 3-4 1:13%fast 37-10 lo-t l 11 VI 1- F Bobins*ni2 Oldsblle, Dengra, M.B.Eubanks 22306 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%fast 7 . ln9 3 6 6 4* 2*1 F Roblnsnll M. Fielder. L. J. Grey, Imperator 22838 Lexgton 3-4 1 :13Vfast 46 105 2 5 4 4 44 F Bobinsnll White Crown. Useelt, Bank Bill 22499 Windsor 6 f 1*1 fast 6 HI 8 5 5 B** 8*| F Keogh 11 Zia Del. Bahtooa II., Dignity USEEIT, b. m, 8 105 Br Bcnnie Joe— Effie M. J. W. May. •■: Lexgton 3 1 1 :12%fast 8 5 MGj Left at the post. W Meehan i Edith W.. Korfhage. Bank Bill 22838 Lexgton 3-4 5-4 105 1 1 1 U 2*1 F Mnrpby 11 White Crown. Bank Bill. Colic 22966 Windsor :". f 1 :ffl%mud 44-5 111 2 1 2 31 4C1 .1 Callahan 7 York Lad, Vorkville. Vitlet 22410 Windsor 3-4 1:13 fast 29-5 99 5 1 2 11 3J P "Lewder B Wat.LIIy, A.N. Akin. Poatefract 22248 Windsor T, t 1 :06%fast 9-4 101 3 1 2 3- VI V I.owder lb Marj. A.. Imperator, Poatefract 21783 Haniton 61 f l:05%fast 4 107 4 6 5 7- S,T L Gentry 12 SllpperDay, Kewessa, Commensia 21621 Windsor 61 f l*6%fast 9-20 111 2 1 1 l1 lJ J Kederis 12 Mama Jolmson. Colic, MissGayle THABTIER. blk. h. 8 113 By Hurst Park— Belle Diablo C. A. Spiet. 27182 Douglas 3-4 l:12%fast 12 114 1 :: 1 l 1*1 W w floe I Ton. Tower. EdHoward. ForFalr 22307 Saratoga 3 l l:16%slow 7 99 4 4 4 4 l»l M Garner I Fenmonse, Bac, Mars Casaidj 2M75 Saratoga 2-4 1:13 fast 20 12110 10 in ja* B»«1W .1 OBnll Con. Twer. Coralcan, PaUnmitn 21268 Latonla 3-4 1 :l%fast 33-10 113 5 7 8 41 4 W J Ol.n ! Charmense. H.OTlay. Kos.Coose 20949 Latonla 1-4 1:14 mud 81 114 4 6 4 3= !i W J OBn 6 Dr.Larrick. Car.Orme, R Heart 29776 Douglas .".-4 1:12 fast 4 114 10 10 9 91 I* C Ganz 11 B.ecSaddle. M a-sidv. D.Crmen 197M Douglas 3 11:12 fast 8-5 112 3 2 3 lh 1= C Ganz i Fseeit. Sosius, Miss Thorpe DIGNITY, blk. f , 3 99 By Dick Welles— Lass of Langdcn J. B. Respess. 22943 Lexgton 3 ! !:124andfaat 1 l*stfj 2 2 2 1 v 1. Gentry s Vogue, Hanorla. Fleetabelle l.i:: Windsor 61 f 1 Mtfivjiast 24-5 109 I 1 I 1* 1 I. Gentry 7 Commensia, Ifeellcka. F. Helen 2saa Windsor " I 1 : 7 fast 9-5 103 2 3 4 5- 33 I, Gentry 11 /.in Del. Rubicon II.. Connaught 22143 FortErie 1-4 1 :!4%good47-l0 :i4 1 11 in l1! B Vohnsonll Langhorne, M.Johnson. LuLondon 21878 Ham ton 5. f 1 :0S%slop 12 94 7 3 3 6*1 7" M earner S MissGayle. M. Johnson. Rgmonl 21263 Latonla 2-4 1:13fast 29-10 1041 4 1 1 l1 l2 L Gentry 11 K. Kringle. W.Meta!. Stonewood 2BIVB l.atonia 3-4 1:17%hvy 8 105 2 2 4 81 10=I L Gentry 10 Kneelet. Waterproof. Alkanet BLACKTHORN, b. g. 3 104 By Broomstick — Margerique M. A. Colton. i:.i." ; Douglas 1-4 1:13 good 31 MB 2 " :: 4* I* M Gamer K. Liberator, Oakland. W. Crown 23028 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:47lxaat 17-5 .ij I c 4 4 6* 6*1 T Henrjr 11 MahUtar, Tsportatloa, J. Geebel 22942 Lexgton 1 11:13 fast 40 1114 9 9 :. 5 4JE Pool 10 Amazon. Dr. Carmen. Maznik 22876 Lexgton 3-4 l:13%faat 28 101 7 5 I 6- 6*1 A Motl 11 Korfhage. Aunt Josie, Car.Orme • Lexgton 3-4 l:ll%fast 20 100 8 5 4 U 5*J A Mott 12 R.Delling, M.B.Bubks. Brsedge 22129 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 slow 12 102 2 3 6 6J 6:I W Lilley 7 Dinah Do, Forecast, Brian Boru YORK LAD. br. h. 6 113 By Yorkshire Lad— Addie P. M. Civill. it- Lexgton 3 1 1:13 fast 34 11. 7 7 i; s 7" A Motl 8 I.. Jane Grey, Dr.Carmen, Blrka s|..glon 3-4 l:13Vnfast 21 112 9 In 11 11 11** A Mott 11 White Crown. Iseeit. Bank Bill 22455 Windsor 51 f l:09%mud H 112 1 5 3 2*1 1*1 F Keogh 7 VorkrlUe. VMet, Uaeeil ■s:::a: Windsor 6] f i:os*ts!ow El les 2 .". l 1- 1*1 F Keogh and Brooaaseage, Colic. Conaangbt 22248 Windsor 61 f l:06*«fast fid 114 8 . 9* :"- F Keogh 10 Marjorie A.. Imperator. Fseeit 23189 FortErie 1-4 1:11 fast fid 108 7 4 4 6 6: F Keogh 11 WaterLilv. T. Maid, Pontefract