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JOCKEY FRANK ROBINSON IS DEAD Americas Leading Rider Succumbs to Injuries Re ¬ ceived in fatal Fall at Bowie Friday1 BALTIMORE Md April 5 Jockey Frank Rob ¬ inson died at the University Hospital in this city last night where lie was brought in a special car from the Howie track after having sustained a fracture of the skull the result of an accident in the sixth race in which several horses fell Every ¬ thing was done to save the life of the popular rider trainer Albert Simons of the H P Whitney stable for whom Robinson was under contract calling in besides Dr Frank Adams who Accompanied Rob ¬ inson from the track Dr Robert P Bay and several assistants but without avail the boy virtually bleeding to death ln fore being placed upon the operating table Robinsons bride of one month and his older brother who has also been riding at Howie will accompany the remains to his parents home in Cleveland where he will be buried buriedJockey Jockey Frank Robinson was born in 1S9S at Cleve ¬ land Ohio and first became identified with the turf in 1912 when he entered the employ of Thomas Abadie a New Orleans turfman Later lie became connected with the stable of Win Gerst the Nash ¬ ville brewer and after Mr Geists death Edward Trotter seeing the possibilities of a great rider in young Robinson secured a cbnhwt upon the young sterl Developing rapidly under his new tutor Rob inSonteoiiir fastened = hirnameon turf history and became a public favorite In 1915 Kohinsmi gained the much coveted honor of heading the American jockey list for the year and repeated that success in 1918 after a sensational campaign at the tail end of the year when he wrested the leadership from Lawrence Lyke Robinson wa n quaint and worthy character with an old mans head set upon young shoulders Altogether he was one of the most likable little fellows one could wish to meet A a rider he was at the top of his profession He was known as a hand rider alert at the start a good judge of pace and only used the whip as a last resort He was a keen student of the horse and his opinion was respected by trainers Robinson had been under contract to the H P Whitney stable for several years His success had been commensurate with the zeal aiid endeavor he had applied to his calling and the turf world in general will mourn the loss of the popular young rider and regret his untimel end endThe The following is a complete record of jockey Frank Robinsons career in the saddle saddleYear Year Mts 1st 2d 3d Unp PC Won 1914 19G 15 17 23 141 OS 10842 rfi 282 11 28322 791 178 131 124 358 23 13i10 731 147 125 108 351 20 148057 854 185 140 108 431 21 180595 n 5S2 495 421 1573 19 513433