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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Nov 30 1915 14373 4 107KILTS 107 KILTS II 1 p 5 111 By Macdonald II Wallflower II W L Oliver 41852 15ovlc 1 143 fast 13 W f f3S654 2 1 3 Inv 13 it Carswcll li SimonPure In Chant DouDuUgc 3S654 Jamaica Im70yl45 fast 4 110 5 6 S 12 12i i0is L Ensor IT Starfincji lie Will Say 38576 Belmont 6i l20fast 6 125 11 6 6 51 7 J Loftus 11 Pullux Magnetite lie Will 28514 Belmont 1 l39M fast G 126 2 23S413 56 4 4J 4 J Loftus 8 Columbine C Tassel L Dorothy 3S413 BelTer 1 4 126 1 1 1 I1 I1 T Loftus fl Exterminator SqDealer G Cock 35292 Belmont 7S 127 fast 7 122 3 44 4 31 2s F Keogh 5 Sunflash II KiNoor Garbage 35001 Saratoga 78 l27fast 6 115 5 22 4 4 431 J McTagt 15 Sgaer QoftheWater Vwpnt 24982 Saratoga 1 l40fast 7 116 6 8 10 4 2 V J Loftus 11 Bkboard BShannon MRosell INDIAN CHANT ch e G 110 By Delhi Anthem W H Post 41852 Bowie 1 145 fast 7 109 1 4 5 Hut 31 D Stirling Kilts II Simon Pure I Dodge 40124 Bowie 1 11C 151 good 45 110 1 1 1 II DodgeII 21 L Stalker PBteWly BofPnix HUther 40398 Bowie 1 116 l53hvy 85 105 1 2 1 2k 23 L Stalker 7 Gold Hoy Kebo King Neptune 403T8 Bowie 34 l13fast 235 113 8 5 5J 45 L Stalker 11 Blazeaway June Bug Ina Kay 40054 Laurel 1 116 l4Gfast 12 105 4 2 2 5 6 S Sndman 5 Smart Money Hauberk Ballast 50028 Laurel 1 116 l4Gttst 41 109 5 2 2 3J 32 L Stalker 10 15 Hpson KHenry JofSpades 39987 Laurel ImOy l44fast 32 111 1 1 1 1PLUREEN III JofSpadesIII I1 L Stalker i Dan Fountain Fay Bierman BiermanBy PLUREEN ch f 3 94 9441S50 By Pluvious Maude Fealy T V OBrien 41S50 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 4f 107 5 71 6s II Ericksnll Wisest FooU Frizeur DucliLace 41619 Jefson 34 116 fast 6 103 4 1 1DOLINA I3 I2 H EricksnlO Speedster Notate JASheridan JASheridanBy DOLINA ch m 6 111 By Sir Huon Bonnie Kate W Walker 41872 Bowie 1 l43 fcfnst 9 IOC 4 a 4 4415S9 31 2s D Stirling 5 HIJrvogel LHrbert FirLine 415S9 Jefson 1 116 l50Vfcslow 4 109 2 3 3 2 J 25 J Bell Ballad Boxer Waterproot 41569 Jefson Im70y l49slow 8 104 5 4 3 3 3s C Brown 5 Prunes Slecth Kebo 41471 FGnds Im70y l51hvy 10 104 6 6 6 61 6 J C Brown 7 Optunity KNeptune Seafarer 41409 FGnda Im70y l52 hvy 85 104 2 2 1 1413S4 2l 2l S Sndman 7 Astraea Medusa Bluebannock 413S4 FGnda 1 116 l52hvy 41 103 2 2 2 2J 21 S Sndman G Prunes Amelita Sem Stalwart 41325 FGnds Im70y l46good 6 102 322 32 33 S Sndman G Lucky R Tom Goose Medusa 41246 FGnds 1116153 hvy 65 102 3 3 3 3FIRING 31 31 H Wakoft 7 TzeLsi Foxy Grift Kebo KeboBy FIRING LINE blk g 5 110 By Star Shoot Royal Gun G W Forman 41911 Bowie 78 130 fast 35 118 1 1 I1 I4 T Rice 5 BPpddrer Antoinette Graphic 41S72 Bowie 1 l43fast 4J 111 2 2 5 = 42 F Robson 5 HBreivbxel Dolimi LIIerbert 41S51 Bowie G f 121 fast 7 110 2 31 3 J Metcalf 8 Ballast BriuPeddler Crmnpsall 40536 Bowie GJ f l23hvy 4 109 3 34Q410 4l 2s L Stalker 13 TDevision DrCmpbell SKace 4Q410 Bowie Im70y 151 hvy 710 103 7 7502CC G3 44 S Sndman 7 Dolina Spa Beach SisEmblem 502CC Bowie 78 l31 slop 22 108 4 4SflC63 I1 H Myers 11 King Neptune Zouave Margery SflC63 HdeGce 34 l13fast 19f 114 1 1923S 12s 13 = A Collins 1C Murphy MasKnrma HelAtkin 923S Sartosa 1 316 205slop 20 104 3 3N G5 735 A Collins 8 NKBeal L Nearer Harwoodll HarwoodllBy N K BEAL ch h 5 110 By Glorifier Puritan Girl J H Shreve ShreveS 441851 Bowie 6i f 121 fast 27 110 1 S 71G G Corey S Ballast Hr Peddler Firing Line Line3i 40538 Bowie 1 14 217Vnvy 3710 110 4 3i 3 D Stirling 4 Ballast Valspar Q of the Sea 404118 Bowie 1 116 l50fast 13 111 5 54045S 7 7 D Stirling 7 Obolus Bravado Aldebaran 4045S Bowie Im20y l44fast SOf 111 11 81 81S D Stirling 11 Ballast Graphic Jusqu au Bout 40381 Bowie 1 116 153 hvy 3710 111 6 C BoutC 4o A Johnson K Prunes King John Graphic 40255 Bowie 1 116 150 fast 10 108 4 7 70 A Johnson 7 Obolus Q of the Sea Prunes 39431 Sartoga 1 516 2llfast 5 115 6 5s Prunes5s 4 1 J Bell G Little Nearer Dan Deckmate 39291 Sartoga 1 516 210 fast 135 105 1 1GLASSTOI 7 7s Q Preece 7 Little Nearer Conduit Dan DanBy GLASSTOI h c 4 108 By Santoi Reveilles H S Koppin 51910 Bowie 5J f lOSV slop 24 103 4 4418CO 4 4 H Ericksn 4 CLeydker JPMiirnhy Hberk 418CO Bowie 78 l27iast 12 105 2 4 4 ° 414 H Ericksn 5 Bolster J P Murphy DBright 41635 Jefson Im70y 145 fast 7 102 7 6 641COS G1 G 3 G PreeceJr 8 Waukcig Jiffy Dan Bright Bright5s 41COS Jef son 34 l144fast 15 107 5 5s 452 R Simpson KilBoy ChLeydecker Assume 41573 Jefson 1 144 fast 20 103 3 1 1414C9 I1 AssumeI1 It G PreeceJr 3 Hanovia Bribed Voter 414C9 FGntls 1 147 hvy 30 109 4 C C4i94 5 G ° D Connlly 5 SofPleasure WarMask Prunes 4i94 FGnds 1 l43V mud 30 104 1 2 4 4 1 C Robson 4 Drastic KiNoor SofPlsure 1 l43hvy 20 103 2 4 4 4l 511 C Robson 5 Itoyceltools Bolster Nepperhan